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Juan Carlos

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About Juan Carlos

  • Birthday 06/24/1959

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  • Location
    Alcorcón, near Madrid, SPAIN
  • Interests
    Ph.D. in Philosophy (History and Geography), Universidad Autónoma, Madrid, 1994 <br />I am Head of Department of Geography and History in IES Parque de Lisboa, a secondary school in Alcorcón, Madrid.<br />Last years my interests have been focused on:<br />Using the internet and ICT in teaching late modern history<br />Participating and coordinating international collaborative projects in the EU (Comenius), in the US (Fulbright) and Japan (Japanese Foundation Study Tour).<br />Developing strategies for teaching history and geography through a foreign language (English) in a Spanish speaking context.

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  1. I cannot see on what grounds can John be sued. All the same, I think that EHELP team must support him. The current development is getting us far away from our aims: to help Richard, our coordinator, to be reinstated in his post and to keep EHELP alive until the legal end of the project.
  2. Anders, I suppose that Mike was simply describing what is the situation of an International School like. I agree with you that the only thing we can do is to insist in supporting Richard in any way we can do. From a personal and moral point of view, I cannot give up trying to help Richard and his family. He deserves it.
  3. I can only agree with John Simkin's and Andy Walker's opinion about Richard Jones-Nerzic. I have been several years collaborating with him in several projects (Virtual School, E-Help) and I have visited several times IST in Toulouse. Richard Jones-Nerzic always seemed to me a very capable and enthusiastic history teacher, who is in the cutting-edge in Europe of using ICT in teaching history. He has played the role of EHELP coordinator in a very professional way. And I can assure that it is not an easy task to coordinate such a complicated project. On top of that, he has always been a person who you can put your trust in.
  4. Correct! is not difficult.. ¡Correcto! Try it again! ¡Inténtalo otra vez!
  5. I have just sent to Russel the Spanish version of the simulation which Charo and I have translated.
  6. Thanks for your linguistic pieces of advice. I will translate into Spanish by using the Spanish idiom and adding up the English expression: "Vosotros ingleses, estáis locos como cabras (mad as March hares)" Fortunately, we have no more emperors in Europe!
  7. Charo and I are working on the translation. Too much work here in our schools now! What does exactly mean "Mad as March Hares"? Does it mean "completely mad"? In Spanish, when we say that somebody is completely crazy, insane, we say that he is "loco como una cabra" ("mad as goat") If I translate "Mad as March Hares" directly into Spanish, the result is meaningless.
  8. Sorry for the delay in replying, I've been off-line. You can count on a Spanish translation. Do you send me a zip file?
  9. I agree with all of you. Seminars were inspiring and the social events were great. Terry, you should start preparing the ale tasting Thanks Dalibor for an excellent meeting.
  10. Thanks Richard and Les. It was a quite fruitful meeting and, apart from a boring football match , the visit to Albi, the wine tasting and the dinner in Cordes sur Ciel restaurant were unforgettable.
  11. Althoug the media try to bring the public's attention on our national team, I think that, so far, people is not very interested in the next World Cup. Why? History. Spaniards tend to consider with a great fatalism our team performance. We always lose. We always feel dissapointed after every World Cup. However, our Prime Minister, who so far is quite daring and fortunate, has just claimed that this year will be "our year". I tend to not believe politicians. Even if I have voted for them. So... just relax and enjoy "o jogo bonito" from Brazil.
  12. I've got a few ideas, but very clear.... No more Chinese wine!
  13. After reading the excellent Max Hastings' post, I have no doubt in replying to his question: yes.. and the Spaniards, Americans and so on. When studying the Resistance topic, one realizes what a great cheat "nationalist" history is. I remember my father talking about the Spanish Civil War (he did it almost every day) and putting the blame of the Republican side defeat on "the British". He was a working man who started working in his early childhood and it was a simple and false answer, but he had a clear idea: the policy implemented by the British Conservative government was crucial to understand why Hitler and Mussolini were able to send weapons en masse and troops to Franco, meanwhile the Spanish Republic had to fight with no help from Western democracies. Then the British people fought bravely against Hitler and every civilized human being should be grateful for that fight. France is a clear case of "reconstructing" its own history. We cannot understand why the German army defeated so easily France in May 1940, if we forget that a lot of French people claimed that "better Hitler than Blum". A visit to Le Vernet concentration camp, near the Pyrenees, is very illustrative. Republican Spaniards and members of the International Brigades were imprisoned by the French government and kept in the camp until... the Gestapo took over. As John claims, most of the leaders of the "maquis" were Republican Spaniards or Jews who had fled from Hitler. If caught by the Nazis, the first ones had two alternatives: the Mauthaussen camp or Franco's Spain. It was not clear which was worse. Anyway, after the war the official France was able of making up a "patriotic" history, forgiving the collaborators and partly forgetting the people who had joined the Resistance. I am sure that most of the nationalists would have done the same: making up its own history. Here in Spain we have lately some fine examples. I will mention only one: the Spanish Civil War was a war between Spain and the Basque Country... The fact of that thousands of volunteers from Basque country and Navarre fought for Franco (the "requetés" were fearsome soldiers, specially after attending mass) or that Madrid was the last big city occupied by Franco are details with no importance.
  14. I take part this year in LINK AND LEARN EUROPE, a MyEurope initiative. I was told to write an article on some educational issue and I did it on our project... by being inspired in some John's texts. I hope it can be a good way to disseminate it.
  15. Well Done For the benefit of the slower learners in the group could you now describe the process of setting it up step by step? Yes, please...
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