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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Good news. Michigan court rules 1931 abortion ban is unconstitutional (msn.com)
  2. WATCH: Trump-Appointed Judge Who Ordered Mar-a-Lago Special Master Was Only Asked Two Questions at Confirmation Hearing (msn.com)
  3. Texas Judge Says HIV Drug Mandate Violates Religious Freedom (msn.com)
  4. I agree. I expect the DoJ to file an appeal with the Eleventh Circuit and to totally demolish Federal Judge Cannon as a fair jurist and her fatally flawed court order. How can she enjoin the DoJ from conducting a criminal investigation centering around a threat to our national security in Trump's theft of the government documents? Legal experts are saying that the DoJ has enough evidence right now to indict Trump on the issue of the misuse of classified documents. In its essence it is a simple criminal case. Trump has been a Russian agent since 1987 when he made his first trip to the Soviet Union. Upon his return to the U.S., he announced he was running for President, but nobody paid any attention to this
  5. Scary stuff here: Nuclear docs at Mar-a-Lago 'hugely important for prosecution of Espionage Act': expert - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  6. From today's Houston Chronicle: Oil and gas companies operating in Texas sent more than $10 billion in production taxes to the state in fiscal year 2022, over twice as much as in 2021, according to the state comptroller. For the fiscal year, which ended Aug. 31, the state collected $10.83 billion in oil and natural gas production tax revenue, more than double the $5.02 billion in fiscal year 2021. Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar said the state’s “All Funds” tax collections, which includes general revenue, were $77.21 billion, up 25.6 percent compared to the last fiscal year.
  7. About General LeMay The General and World War III | The New Yorker The above article is cited in
  8. Experts declare Pro-Trump judge unfit for bench. She is a Federalist Society member. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/unfit-for-the-bench-experts-accuse-trump-judge-of-obstruction-of-justice-over-mar-a-lago-ruling/ar-AA11wSe8?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=4fbbd74070214406a0cabbd2c8d92f3d
  9. Watch: New footage shows fake Trump elector escorting Sidney Powell allies into county election office (msn.com)
  10. I get Trump solicitations constantly by email. They have me confused with someone else. Here is the latest, which you may find interesting: Patriot, Former President Trump is going on the offensive and appears to be launching a full-scale fight against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). We here at the America First Policy Institute are joining the fight. I’m sure you already know the backstory: The FBI recently raided former President Trump’s home in what could be politically-motivated. This ordeal should paint a clear picture for us: The deep state is real, and we can’t afford to sit around playing defense while the FBI raids a former President’s home. We MUST go on the offensive.  And that’s exactly what I plan to do. Will you help me? Our country is at risk of crumbling into a banana republic run by the most radical leftists in America and an invulnerable deep state. WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO FIGHT BACK! When the news broke, our entire team sprung into action to respond. Within 48 hours, we filed more than 50 Freedom of Information Act requests to expose the Biden Administration and find out who knew what and when.  But I assure you, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is not going to hand over information easily, and we may have to battle with the DOJ for months or even YEARS to uncover the truth fully. We CANNOT sustain our efforts without you… Will you chip in before it’s to help ensure our efforts can continue? Let me back up. My name is Matt Whitaker…  I was appointed acting United States Attorney General under former President Trump. In that role, I protected Law and Order both at home and abroad. Today I am Co-Chair of the Center for Law & Justice at the America First Policy Institute, where we strive to protect and preserve the rule of law in this great Nation. Together, we will fight back against the radical Left and end its unjust weaponization of the FBI. The team at America First Policy Institute is the best in the Nation, and we’re ready to make a HUGE difference for our country—ESPECIALLY when it comes to uncovering the truth regarding the FBI raid. I hope you’ll consider sending in a donation of $25, $35, or $50 today. Sincerely, Matt Whitaker Co-Chair, Center for Law & Justice America First Policy Institute P.S. We’ve seen it time and time again. Castro’s Cuba. Stalin's Russia. poopoo Germany. Mao’s China. Great nations fall to tyranny when governments weaponize law enforcement against patriots and political opponents. I’ll fight with every breath to make sure that America doesn’t have the same fate. Will you? DONATE NOW! America First Policy Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Tax ID # 85-4202763.
  11. Judge Cannon 'engaged herself in obstruction of justice': Experts sound the alarm on Trump documents ruling - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  12. Judge 'stormed ahead like a bull in a china shop' and shredded precedent to protect Trump: Former prosecutor - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  13. Supreme Court strikes out its own team ahead of 2022 elections (msn.com)
  14. America is on the side of heroes who are fighting Putin's attempt to revive the Soviet Empire of captive nations. Some Americans push Putin's propaganda, such as the above link that spew forth falsehoods about the U.S. manufacturing bioweapons in the Ukraine. Putin's falsehoods are having an effect. Here is an excerpt from today' front page New York Times: Of the many falsehoods that the Kremlin has spread since the war in Ukraine began more than six months ago, some of the most outlandish and yet enduring have been those accusing the United States of operating clandestine biological research programs to wreak havoc around the globe. The United States and others have dismissed the accusations as preposterous, and Russia has offered no proof. Yet the claims continue to circulate. Backed at times by China’s diplomats and state media, they have ebbed and flowed in international news reports, fueling conspiracy theories that linger online. In Geneva this week, Russia has commanded an international forum to air its unsupported assertions again. The Biological Weapons Convention, the international treaty that since 1975 has barred the development and use of weapons made of biological toxins or pathogens, gives member nations the authority to request a formal hearing of violations, and Russia has invoked the first one in a quarter-century.
  15. New York Times article: Republicans Seek Path for Constitutional Convention (msn.com)
  16. This will blow your mind. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/03/us/fbi-mar-a-lago-documents.html?smid=url-share
  17. Review: “Partisans,” by Nicole Hemmer - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
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