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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Supreme Court strikes out its own team ahead of 2022 elections (msn.com)
  2. America is on the side of heroes who are fighting Putin's attempt to revive the Soviet Empire of captive nations. Some Americans push Putin's propaganda, such as the above link that spew forth falsehoods about the U.S. manufacturing bioweapons in the Ukraine. Putin's falsehoods are having an effect. Here is an excerpt from today' front page New York Times: Of the many falsehoods that the Kremlin has spread since the war in Ukraine began more than six months ago, some of the most outlandish and yet enduring have been those accusing the United States of operating clandestine biological research programs to wreak havoc around the globe. The United States and others have dismissed the accusations as preposterous, and Russia has offered no proof. Yet the claims continue to circulate. Backed at times by China’s diplomats and state media, they have ebbed and flowed in international news reports, fueling conspiracy theories that linger online. In Geneva this week, Russia has commanded an international forum to air its unsupported assertions again. The Biological Weapons Convention, the international treaty that since 1975 has barred the development and use of weapons made of biological toxins or pathogens, gives member nations the authority to request a formal hearing of violations, and Russia has invoked the first one in a quarter-century.
  3. New York Times article: Republicans Seek Path for Constitutional Convention (msn.com)
  4. This will blow your mind. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/03/us/fbi-mar-a-lago-documents.html?smid=url-share
  5. Review: “Partisans,” by Nicole Hemmer - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  6. From the article: Other observers Tweeted that it was awfully suspicious that in January, 2020, Trump took thousands of government documents, some of them top secret and some of which revealed the identities of foreign agents working for the Central Intelligence Agency, and then in October, 2020, the CIA admitted to losing dozens of spies and informants abroad, who suddenly went dark. It was as though the foreign adversaries of the U.s had suddenly discovered the identities of US intelligence assets. Empty Classified Document Folders at Trump's Office at Mar-a-Lago: Where did the Docs Go? (juancole.com)
  7. A short and rewarding interview. 'Cornered' Trump is turning 'to violence' as his biggest supporters desert him: Mary Trump - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
  8. Federal Judge Cannon yesterday while hearing oral arguments on whether to appoint a Special Master cut off the wi-fi in the courtroom halfway through the session so that anyone outside the court room could not hear the arguments. She was appointed by Trump after he was defeated for the presidency. We taxpayers who pay her salary should be offended by her autocratic behavior and rulings, but we should not be surprised considering her background.
  9. Positive views of US Supreme Court sharply decline after Roe v. Wade overturn - PEW (msn.com)
  10. Congress implies UFOs have non-human origins | The Hill
  11. Congress implies UFOs have non-human origins | The Hill
  12. BREAKING: FBI Reveals Contents Seized from Trump (mediaite.com)
  13. Inventory posted in this article: Judge unseals more detailed inventory of what FBI seized at Mar-a-Lago - ABC News
  14. From the article the key point of the hearing: "[Judge] Cannon, who was confirmed about a week after Trump's defeat in the 2020 presidential election, indicated last week that she was inclined to grant Trump's request although she stopped short of approving it at that time." Judge considers temporary limit on DOJ access to Trump documents (msn.com)
  15. CAPA 2022 JFK Dallas Conference – Citizens Against Political Assassinations (capa-us.org)
  16. She is a Texas attorney, indicted and likely to lose her license to practice law. Oath Keepers attorney charged with conspiracy, witness tampering in Jan. 6 riot (msn.com)
  17. Most alarming article I have ever read: This Is VERY Bad: M. Cohen Says He Knows Why TFG Took Those Boxes (dailykos.com)
  18. Washington Post article on the latest government filing in the Trump case: https://wapo.st/3wIRNGR
  19. Trump freaks out over brutal new editorial from Rupert Murdoch’s NY post (msn.com)
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