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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. It would seem to me that commonsense would dictate that is impossible to make a comprehensive diagnosis of a private individual without a personal interview but that rule would not apply to a public figure such as Donald Trump, President of the United States, who everyday makes declarations and decisions that clearly reveal to John Q. Public that he is a man who is of deteriorating mental health and obviously narcissistic.
  2. The Cuban expat who may have helped Lee Harvey Oswald assassinate JFK https://nypost.com/2019/08/24/the-cuban-expat-who-may-have-helped-lee-harvey-oswald-assassinate-jfk/?utm_source=facebook_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site+buttons&utm_campaign=site+buttons&fbclid=IwAR2wRw48el57Iv9jVVhLHE-xp4WeZPM3gYkCURfJ1qE6JjNiMJSvzV21LfE
  3. I have received several messages from someone on Facebook who inquired whether President Nixon was specific as to the cataclysmic event that he predicted will occur next year, 2020. The only clue that we have is the context of his discussion with Robert Merritt in their final meeting in mid-July 1972 in a room deep beneath the White House. The President was not specific as to the form of the cataclysmic event but made his brief statement on 2020 in a lengthy discussion between the two men on a specific topic that is recounted in my article. Nixon himself likely knew of the form of the specific event. It could be that he told Henry Kissinger of this form in the materials that he assigned Merritt to deliver to Kissinger. According to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary a cataclysmic event is a violent change or upheaval. Here from my article is the context of the lengthy discussion that Nixon had with Merritt in mid-July 1972 in which he made his brief statement on the cataclysmic event that he predicted would occur in 2020.: "Nixon then produced a letter-size briefcase and withdrew a handwritten letter of three pages. He told Merritt that this was the most important document he had ever prepared. He stated that he alone had written with assistance from no one. "He said it was addressed to Henry Kissinger. He told Merritt that he was going to give the letter to Merritt to deliver to Kissinger in person or by mail. He told Merritt to remain quiet and not say a word as he read the letter out loud. Merritt wondered if Nixon was secretly taping what he was reading out loud. "In essence, Nixon talked about “life as we do not know it.” He said that during the previous twenty years Knowledge had been obtained that could make the human race on Earth “the supreme beings in the universe.” This Knowledge came in part from helpful information provided from an extra-terrestrial being from Planet X, Nibiro, who was in a secure location in a building in the U.S. Nixon said the Knowledge came as the result of discovery made by scientists working at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico who studied the extraterrestrial being’s information. Nixon said, “This all important Knowledge that we possess came from our discovery.” "Nixon declared whoever possessed this Knowledge could be the most important person in the world. All would bow down to whoever possessed this Knowledge. The Knowledge was “astronomical, nefarious and devastating.” "Nixon said that possession of the Knowledge had to be structured so that it was used only for the good of mankind. His fear was that a small group seeking power would get hold of it and utilize it to the group’s evil benefit only. "Nixon said this ultimate Knowledge was contained in two lines in the letter." As previously stated Nixon was not specific as to the form of the cataclysmic event. However from the context of his remarks to Merritt at the time he made his prediction it is my educated guess that the 2020 event will be about "life as we do not know it."
  4. Trump is under tremendous stress and this is one indication. Such stress could lead to a stroke or heart attack. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/08/21/just-hours-after-anti-semitic-remarks-trump-self-promotes-himself-king-israel-second?fbclid=IwAR2_E76qLmzNsvML4wYkxNitWZRtg0LB9RXxz4fwBluTkO9vNPq-k9dbRsc
  5. [With France pursuing the Epstein scandal, it will be now be more difficult for "Mr. Fix-It" Attorney General Barr to successfully orchestrate a cover-up] From the article: Written memos of phone calls that were kept by Mr. Epstein’s staff at his Palm Beach mansion between 2004 and 2005 — some of which were included in a trove of court documents that was unsealed this month — also showed that a friend named “Jean-Luc” had left messages for Mr. Epstein with veiled references to girls One memo from 2005 said that “Jean-Luc” had called about a “teacher for you to teach you how to speak Russian” who was “2x8 years old” and “not blonde.” “Lessons are free and you can have your 1st today if you call,” the memo said. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/23/world/europe/paris-epstein-investigation.html
  6. Doctor says Trump dictated his glowing health letter https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/05/02/trump-dictated-glowing-health-report-his-doctor-gave-mediathat-trump-dictated-glowing-rump-doctor-sa/572038002/?fbclid=IwAR3OGCh-mUlbA8jOymtZrbOONNfF0iydltmmRHpCh3B8RsO64l2aLU-m2Ts
  7. From the article about one type of cataclysmic event: It would cost about $370 million a year to bring the rest of the world up to the same level of volcanic monitoring that the United States has, which would lessen the chance of being surprised by a supereruption and thus reduce the potential death toll. A Giant Volcano Could End Human Life on Earth as We Know It Why isn’t anyone taking this problem more seriously? Unlikely isn’t the same thing as impossible, even though it’s human nature to conflate the two. By Bryan Walsh Mr. Walsh is the author of a forthcoming book on existential risks. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/21/opinion/supervolcano-yellowstone.html
  8. Robert Merritt claimed that the FBI and Carl Shoffler ordered him to assassinate an American lawyer who was the conduit of communist funds to the Anti-War movement. He also claimed that at his June 1972 meeting with President Nixon in a room deep underneath the White House that Nixon ordered him to assassinate a professor of history at American University who was a major Anti-War spokesman but that Nixon cancelled this order after Watergate broke. Both of these assassination orders were pursuant to the Huston Plan. Then there is this: It may sound crazy, but a president once plotted to kill a reporter Press relations were tense, to say the least By Meagan Day Nov 23, 2016 · 7 min read https://timeline.com/president-plot-kill-reporter-2739dc7351b8
  9. This is turning out to be a fast day in the JFK research community.
  10. Did not the FBI visit the funeral home before his burial and take the fingerprints of Oswald or whoever? The FBI has the fingerprints of Epstein because he was arrested twice. Has there been a comparison of these with those of the suicide victim?
  11. Roger Ailes created Fox News which was not known to be friendly to those who believe there was a conspiracy behind the assassination of JFK.
  12. https://deadline.com/2019/08/margot-robbie-charlize-theron-nicole-kidman-roger-ailes-jay-roach-movie-bombshell-trailer-1202700698/
  13. Scorsese’s New Mob Epic, ‘The Irishman,’ Has Netflix and Theaters at Odds From the article: In his ninth collaboration with Mr. Scorsese, Mr. De Niro plays the title character, Frank Sheeran, a hit man known as the Irishman who claimed he killed the Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa, whose body has never been found, in 1975. He is joined in the cast by the “Goodfellas” and “Casino” alumnus Joe Pesci, who came out of retirement to play the mob boss Russell Bufalino. Al Pacino — appearing for the first time in a film directed by Mr. Scorsese — portrays Hoffa. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/21/business/media/netflix-scorsese-the-irishman.html
  14. From the article: Several attorneys vowed to go after his assets even if the will had named beneficiaries, as Epstein’s death means there will be no trial on the criminal charges against him. One woman filed suit against the estate last week, claiming Epstein repeatedly raped her when she was a teenager. “Give his entire estate to his victims. It is the only justice they can get,” one of those lawyers, Lisa Bloom, wrote in an email. “And they deserve it. And on behalf of the Epstein victims I represent, I intend to fight for it.” Former federal prosecutor David S. Weinstein, who is now in private practice in Miami but not involved in the Epstein case, said states and U.S. territories have certain timeframes within which to make a claim against someone’s estate. “There are certainly going to be a lot of lawyers involved,” Weinstein said. “It’s not going to be over any time soon.” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jeffrey-epstein-will-days-suicide_n_5d5be849e4b0f667ed6895f9
  15. Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-18/la-danse-mossad-robert-maxwell-and-jeffrey-epstein?fbclid=IwAR1rxbF2nyBOAkr---uHshW1mDAs76kEnfobRcKeBdNoj5bjBx5Kw4ZAOzA
  16. Dark Journalist maintains that “There's Definitely an Effort in the Trump Administration to Consolidate Knowledge of Advanced Technology Research. The Jason Military Scientists Group was apparently deemed not Loyal Enough...!” A Reuters Special Report Inside a Trump-era purge of military scientists at a legendary think tank https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-science/?fbclid=IwAR1KlwTmBaEEyzRSSb24D5QjUQx4sg8lKnhA7jGjpoI69e_lO5ByqllN24o
  17. Readers of your comment, such as the general public, would think of you and looney tunes as your comment has nothing to do with my posting. We forum members know from past experience to ignore them as a waste of time.
  18. President Trump jokingly acknowledged this past week at one of his rallies that he is way overweight. He is about the same age as Joseph P. Kennedy, the founding father of the Kennedy political dynasty, when Kennedy had a stroke that basically ended his active life. Here from Wikipedia is what happened to Kennedy and could happen to Trump unless Trump's takes steps to lose his excessive weight: "On December 19, 1961, at the age of 73, Kennedy suffered a stroke. He survived but was left paralyzed on his right side. Thereafter, he suffered from aphasia, which severely affected his ability to speak. He remained mentally alert, regained certain functions with therapy, and began walking with a cane. His speech also showed some improvement.[75] Kennedy began to experience excessive muscular weakness, which eventually required him to use a wheelchair. In 1964, Kennedy was taken to The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia, a medical and rehabilitative center for those who have experienced brain injury.[75] "Kennedy's son Robert was assassinated on June 5, 1968.[76] In the aftermath of his son's death, Kennedy made his last public appearance when he, his wife, and son Ted made a filmed message to the country.[citation needed] He died at home in Hyannis Port the following year on November 18, 1969.[77] He had outlived four of his children.[78] He was buried at Holyhood Cemetery in Brookline, Massachusetts. Kennedy's widow Rose was buried next to him following her death in 1995, as was their daughter Rosemary in 2005.[79]" After Joseph Kennedy suffered his stroke he was unable to communicate effectively with his two sons, John and Robert. His mind was intact but he had lost his ability to speak. Otherwise he would have warned them that by taking on investigating the Mafia they were breaking the Rule of Eighth Avenue. Joseph Kennedy had assured the Mafia that if it got JFK elected President, there would be no such investigation. The Mafia arranged for JFK to win Illinois, which put him over the top and elected him president. The Kennedy brothers subsequent crusade against the Mafia once they were in power inflamed the leaders of organized crime who felt the had been double-crossed. The Rule of Eighth Avenue was invoked and the Mafia joined with the CIA to assassinate both brothers. Trump believes he is the Master of the Universe. He never invokes recognition of that there is a Higher Authority, a Prime Intelligence, a/k/a God. Trump's physical weakness is his excessive weight. As a result he could suffer a stroke just as did Joseph Kennedy. It could even occur when he is in mid-sentence in one of his hate-filled speeches before a rally of his base of racists and White Supremacists. Suddenly then both Trump and his base would realize at the same time that he is a mere human being, one suffering a massive stroke that cruelly keeps his mind intact but causes him to lose his ability to speak. Hopefully this will not happen. But if did it would be the end of the Era of Trump. Joseph Kennedy's stroke had the ultimate effect of ending the Era of the Kennedys.,
  19. Epstein had a woman visitor while in prison. https://www.forbes.com/sites/richardbehar/2019/08/15/jeffrey-epstein-spent-time-alone-with-young-female-prison-visitor/#2e8c93fb185b
  20. The “Missing” Notebook and Key In recounting what took place during the arrests on June 17, 1972, Carl Shoffler claimed that after the five burglars had been forced to lean against a wall with their hands, he saw one of the burglars, Eugenio Martinez, slide his hand to something in his pocket. Shoffler asserted that he struggled with Martinez and seized a small notebook that had a key taped on its back. In a deposition, this is how Shoffler described the event under oath on March 13 and 15, 1995. Lawyers for Maureen and John Dean had filed suit against St. Martin’s Press, Inc., publishers of Silent Coup: The Removal of the President, whose co-authors are Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin. Shoffler testified: “We had placed them on the wall with their hands against the wall and their feet out. And we started on the extreme right of the five to search and seize the evidence. “Martinez was on the extreme left. “As I was writing what [Officer] Barrett was seizing, I observed that Martinez was sliding his hand down the wall. We had padded them down initially for weapons. And I didn’t feel that he had a pistol or anything on him. But I wasn’t certain at this point while he was sliding his hand down. “So I moved quickly over to him, pushed his hand forcefully back up. He struggled a little. I had my revolver out. [Burglars] McCord or Frank Sturgis, I believe, instructed him to calm down and just follow our instructions. I think that there was a realization on their part that we were younger officers and we were aggressive. And he started calming Martinez down, and asking him to follow our directions. “Martinez did not comply. At some point, within seconds, his hand was back again going into the area of his coat pocket. We had a struggle again. I was very forceful with him. The others were yelling. We thought things were getting out of hand. “I decided to follow Martinez’s hand. He was grasping something. I’ve always said that I had the impression that whatever he was grasping he was going to get rid of or eat. I don’t know how to put that into words any better than that. “I struggled with him. And I recovered from his hand what he was so concerned about, even to the point of possibly risking being shot. And it turned out to be a simple notebook with a key on it. And that was certainly a bit of a puzzle.”[pp. 23-25] With the arrests wrapped up, Shoffler telephoned the Washington Post and alerted the newspaper to what had transpired at Watergate. At around 7 A.M., nearly five hours after the arrests, Shoffler returned to the P Street apartment that he shared with Merritt and woke him up. Shoffler was happy and excited and he embraced Merritt and kissed him, proudly exclaiming “I arrested five burglars.” He showed Merritt the notebook the he had taken off one of the burglars. He also showed Merritt the envelope that Merritt had previously sealed, now open, along with the paper inside. He produced two keys, one of which was the blank safe deposit key that Merritt had purchased at Shoffler’s request. He took a roll of duct tape from a drawer in the kitchen and taped the second key to the back of the notebook. He then again swore Merritt to secrecy, making him promise never to tell that they knew two weeks in advance of the burglars’ break-in plan of the DNC. He then departed, saying he was going to get breakfast at nearby Hartnett Hall and afterwards go to court to assist the prosecutor in the arraignment of the arrested burglars. What happened to the notebook and key, which, pursuant to police standard operating procedure should have been bagged and tagged, and included in the list of items seized at the crime scene inside the DNC? In his sworn deposition of March 15, 1995, Shoffler provided the answer when asked additional questions posed by the Dean’s lawyer: “Q. Now, what did you do with the notebook and key? “A. Well, it was only recently that I became aware of the fact that, in the logs for all the evidence that we seized, it doesn’t appear that there was an entry for the notebook. And the only explanation I could offer of that is that I was shown a photograph of the national archives. My initials are clearly on the book and the date. “My recollection is that when I got back to the precinct, because we had deviated in our game plan from the actual persons to list and search and seize, because of that shuffle and the fact that I had to actually seize the notebook, I believed I retained possession of it, noted it, and it was my responsibility to process it. “And I believe that’s why it isn’t in the entry that you’ve shown me or someone has shown me recently.” “Q. All right. Let me show what I’ll ask the court reporter to mark as Exhibit 6, which is, and I will represent to counsel, a copy – excuse me, it’s a photocopy of the key and the notebook that is now at the National Archives and was recently copied there, and ask you if you can identify whether that is the notebook and the key that you took from the burglars that night? “A. Yes, sir. I believe this is the notebook and the key. My initials appear in the upper right-hand corner. “Q. Can you show that to the videographer, please? “A. (Witness complied.) “Q. Okay, thank you. Now, at the time of the arrests, did you conduct any investigation to determine whether this key that you seized from the burglars fit any particular lock? “A. No, sir, I didn’t. “Q. Do you know if any such search, excuse me, any such investigation was ever made? “A. I pointed it out to who would be responsible for the furtherance of the investigation. That was the FBI. I don’t recall the particular agent, but I believe I may have even supplied him the notebook. And I read, years later, read a 302, a bureau report, in which two weeks after the burglary, apparently they had taken the key back down and determined it fit the desk of the secretary of whom some of that [burglars’] material was laying on.” [pp. 30-32] Thus, Shoffler admitted that in contravention of universal and standard police procedure he retained personal possession of two primary pieces of evidence from the crime scene, the notebook and the key, which should have been listed and bagged at the crime scene. There is further discussion of the matter in the same sworn deposition: “Q. Mr. Shoffler, you personally obtained some of the evidence, or not obtain, but collected some of the evidence from the Watergate burglars on the morning of June 17, ’72; is that correct? “A. The notebook and the key, yes, sir. “Q. That’s it? “A. From the burglars? “Q. Yes. “A.Yes, sir. “Q. Those are the only items of evidence that you personally collected from the burglars? “A. I was a listing officer. Officer Barrett was a seizing officer. “Q. So, Officer Barrett did not collect the notebook and key, you did? “A. Correct. “Q. Everything else was collected by Officer Barrett? “A. That’s correct. “Q. How did you handle the notebook and the key when you took it from the person of Mr. Martinez so as not to contaminate it? “A. I maintained possession of it and I properly disposed -- deposited it at the precinct. And my last recollection was it was collected by the FBI. “Q. What was inside the notebook that was attached to the key? “A. I provided – the only recollection that I can provide, there was some sort of chart or like a little diagram or line X, whatever you want to describe it as. There were -- something else was written on it, I don’t recall what it was, and there was a key taped to it with gray tape. [pp. 459-460] “Q. Did you ever testify about the key when you testified before the Senate Watergate Committee? “A. I was not asked. “Q. Is there any reason why you didn’t bring it up? “[lawyer for St. Martin’s Press] He just said he wasn’t asked. “Q. Is there any other reason? “A. The room was full of cameras, a bunch of senators, and they wanted to get on with the show and the police were asked – and I was asked one or two questions, did you – were you there? Did you arrest them? Have a nice day. [p. 538] “Q. Have you ever discussed it with Don Campbell [one of the original three Watergate prosecutors]? “A. Numerous times. “Q. And when did you first discuss the key with Mr. Campbell? “A. Around the time that I started getting real interested. “Q. Which was 1973? “A. ’73, ’74, somewhere in there. “Q. And when was the last time you discussed the key with Mr. Campbell? “A. Oh, I don’t recall. Maybe a year ago. “Q. Do you recall what you said to him a year ago about it? “A. Just that I was still attempting to find out – I was curious that there was no major interest generated. It seems to me that anyone who is still puzzled over a burglary that occurred 20 something years before, as to the motive of the burglary, yet a key that is found on one of the burglars under the circumstances I described, fitting a desk in there, didn’t seem to generate interest. I was puzzled about that.” [pp. 542-543] Like a pyromaniac who cannot resist going back to watch the fire he has set, Shoffler kept returning to the subject of the key, which was the linchpin of his triangulation plan that set up the burglars. Like a serial killer who always left his signature piece of evidence as a way to taunt law enforcement, Shoffler was puzzled why his brilliant scheme involving the key did not attract the attention and interest it obviously deserved.
  21. Times' story about the last days of Epstein https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/17/nyregion/epstein-suicide-death.html
  22. Joe: I was not suggesting in any way that you cease posting in the Education Forum. Such a thought would never occur to me about you or any other forum member. You have knowledge of a great many interesting things outside the topic of the JFK assassination, knowledge that you have accumulated over a lifetime. Combine this with your talented writing skills and you have the makings of a potentially fascinating blog that would publish your commentary as the occasion demanded. You would not be tied down to a schedule, only posting in the blog when you felt motivated to do so when struck by something that was newsworthy. Doug
  23. CRIMSON ROSE By Robert Merritt What was “Crimson Rose,” the two words overheard by Rita Reed when she listened in on the telephone conversation on May 31, 1972? Crimson Rose, an acronym, stood for a 400 page CIA document whose title was “Confidential Report on Intelligence of Military Secret Operations on Nixon” and whose subtitle was “Report of Operations of Secret Surveillance and Eavesdropping.” It was marked “Eyes Only.” Both Military Intelligence and the CIA had wire-tapping operations located in the Columbia Plaza Apartments in the week prior to the Watergate case breaking open. The CIA also had an office that was located at 2430 E Street, N.W., within walking distance of both the Watergate and Columbia Plaza Apartments. Authors Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin in their 1991 book, Silent Coup: The Removal of the President recounted in detail a military intelligence spy ring that reported to the Joint Chief of Staff in the Pentagon that penetrated the White House and that was opposed to Nixon’s foreign policy goals. The secret CIA report dealt with the military intelligence spy ring. Its official title spoke volumes about its contents. Military Intelligence devised a plan to steal the sole copy of the report from the bowels of the CIA. It was desperate to do so because it feared that the report would fall into the hands of the Church Committee or the Pike Committee, the two committees of Congress that were investigating the intelligence community in the wake of Watergate. Carl Shoffler played a key role in carrying out the plan. In 1975 Mitchell Rogovin, General Counsel to the CIA and formerly with Arnold & Porter, was lured by someone he knew and trusted to dinner at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. In the course of the dinner his drink was spiked, causing him to passing out almost completely. Several men assisted him to a freight elevator that I operated which transported them to a floor above. He was then carried into a room and quickly stripped naked. He was positioned on a bed with a beautiful woman. Graphic Photographs were taken of him and the woman in different sexual positions. Subsequently, he was shown the photographs and told that unless he retrieved and delivered the Crimson Rose report from within the CIA the incriminating photographs would be leaked. He was also threatened that his son would be set up and falsely charged with selling illegal drugs if he did not cooperate. Presented with these demands, Rogovin managed to retrieve the Crimson Rose report and give it to the military agents involved, who included Shoffler. Rogovin resigned from his post as CIA General Counsel the next year.
  24. Tampa crime boss Santo Trafficante Jr. plays a central role in thriller ‘Mafia Spies’ Thomas Maier’s detail-packed but entertaining book recounts the CIA’s plot to kill Castro with the help of Mafia bosses. https://www.tampabay.com/books/tampa-crime-boss-santo-trafficante-jr-plays-a-central-role-in-thriller-mafia-spies-20190816/?fbclid=IwAR1QdBLrcfuICq_svT85lTGHczGOa-5LScK1x8y1GhLZI3eJ8lMwLIF7DCk
  25. I am attempting to verify the quote below from The New York Times. I remember reading in1962 a speech by General MacArthur that was reprinted in U.S. News & World Report in which he declared that the next great war would be fought in outer space. "We deal now not with things of this world alone. We deal now with the ultimate conflict between a united race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy." General Douglas MacArthur New York Times June 1962 UPDATE: The source of General MacArthur's quote is Peter Levenda's book Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft. Book One: The Nine. p. 180. However, the exact date in June 1962 is not provided.
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