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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2020/feb/11/muckrock-tenth-anniversary/
  2. MuckRock: Solving the mystery of the Hunt/Dallas CIA memo hoax https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2018/may/29/huntdallas-cia-memo-hoax/?fbclid=IwAR3QAZZabZeGAwinmlP8mGU33RTh6g-AxFor_cBLWpP6QBSDPZsqBB9kwiE
  3. There is an old saying that ignorance of the law is no excuse. Here is an explanation of jury selection that was applicable to Stone's criminal trial.. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/jury-selection-criminal-cases.html
  4. Then why didn't Stone's lawyers object when he was proposed for serving on the jury? If this were true, they had every right to do so.
  5. Richard Branson: Donald Trump told me he wanted 'to spend the rest of his life' getting revenge https://www.businessinsider.com/richard-branson-on-meeting-donald-trump-2016-10?fbclid=IwAR1hNfDIpjCIe35w2Dpj-lriQQGEAGZ-mHgIVuMvil66bcO3Momb2Xg3Z1g
  6. American Bar Association Goes After Trump For Blasting Roger Stone Sentencing On Twitter The organization put out a pointed statement about “public officials who personally attack judges or prosecutors” after the president did just that. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/american-bar-association-trump-interfering-roger-stone-case_n_5e448f2cc5b61ef3adcef17c?fbclid=IwAR2iIpEgfQZ0FtDcut_ccSz8Gc7FbXyO3-UekkM1-jEmtfErhtcEA6-zDJE [There are 1,116,000 lawyers in America and we are not going quietly into the night as Trump and Barr destroy the rule of law and the constitution.]
  7. A Conservative Judge Draws a Line in the Sand With Trump Administration Outraged the attorney general had ignored a court order, he authors a blistering opinion rebuking William Barr for overstepping his constitutional authority. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/02/12/a-conservative-judge-draws-a-line-in-the-sand-with-trump-administration-114185
  8. Trump has now attacked the judge who will sentence Stone on Feb. 20. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/trump-lashes-out-with-dangerous-lie-at-the-federal-judge-overseeing-roger-stones-case/ https://www.theweek.com/speedreads/895357/twitter-rampage-trump-attacks-federal-judge-set-sentence-roger-stone The thinking is that before Feb. 20 the judge will call a special hearing at which Trump's newly appointed U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia will be asked why he cast aside the 7 to 9 year recommendation of the DOJ prosecutors who tried Stone and whether President Trump's twitt the day before caused this to happen. She will also ask the four prosecutors to appear to explain why they felt they had to resign from the case after the action by the U.S. Attorney. The 7 to 9 year sentence they recommended was based on standard sentencing guidelines. My hope is that the judge will also ask Attorney General William Barr (now known as Attorney General Roy Cohn) to appear at the hearing and answer questions.
  9. Trump’s War Against ‘the Deep State’ Enters a New Stage The suggestion that Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman should now face punishment by the Pentagon was one sign of how determined the president is to even the scales after his impeachment. [Headline from today's New York Times]
  10. Movement under way to impeach Barr. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/impeachbarrnow-trends-nationwide-after-3-prosecutors-resign-from-bill-barrs-doj/
  11. New York Times headline today: Justice Dept. to Seek Shorter Sentence for Roger Stone, Overruling Its Prosecutors President Trump had complained that the recommendation of seven to nine years in prison for his former adviser and longtime friend was a “miscarriage of justice.”
  12. Headline in today's Washington Post: For decades, CIA read encrypted communications of allies and adversaries The CIA in partnership with West German intelligence was the secret owner of a Swiss company that supplied more than 120 countries from Iran to the Vatican with encryption machines. By Greg Miller
  13. Rattled by Trump’s Erratic Violence, Senate to vote on Forbidding War on Iran without its Approval https://www.juancole.com/2020/02/violence-forbidding-approval.html
  14. Films bashing US army & CIA can’t go public – Oliver Stone to RT https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/02/no_author/hollywood-more-censored-than-when-i-did-platoon/
  15. Is Trump getting ready to pardon Stone, Manafort and Flynn? https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/trumps-dead-of-night-tweet-bashing-his-own-doj-leads-many-to-say-hes-going-to-pardon-roger-stone-and-flynn-and-manafort/
  16. CIA secretly owned world's top encryption supplier, read enemy and ally messages for decades https://boingboing.net/2020/02/11/cia-secretly-owned-worlds-to.html [Did any of these messages contain information about the assassination of JFK before, during or after the Big Event?]
  17. [Prof. Cole makes a strong case that Bernie could defeat Trump in November] Top 3 Myths about Bernie Sanders and Electability https://www.juancole.com/2020/02/bernie-sanders-electability.html
  18. Recently I had a conversation with someone who hopes that public disclosure of the Alien Presence will take place this year. She said that she had a bottle of champagne waiting in the refrigerator to celebrate the event because Colonel Philip Corso in his acclaimed book, The Day After Roswell, had written that such disclosure means “a new world if you can take it” I pointed out to her that Nixon had told Robert Merritt in 1972 that the year 2020 would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet and that cataclysmic means violent change or upheaval. She responded that then maybe she would not have time to open her champagne if the event occurred and I consoled her with the good news that she and everyone else would probably not have to worry about paying off their credit cards. Today I recalled this conversation when I read the weekend edition (Feb. 8-9, 2020) of The Wall Street Journal that has a lengthy article, “The Mormon Church Amassed $100 Billion. It Was the Best-Kept Secret in the Investment World.” The church fund’s name is Ensign Peak. The Journal noted that Bridgewater Associates LP, the world’s largest hedge fund firm, manages $160 billion. The Journal states that a former employee of the Ensign Peak fund and also the whistle-blower who recently alerted the IRS to the fund’s existence said that they had heard the fund’s manager “refer to the second coming of Jesus Christ as part of the reason for Ensign Peak’s existence. Mormons believe that before Jesus returns, there will be a period of war and hardship.” The fund’s manager responded that the “employees must have misunderstood his meaning. ‘We believe that at some point the savior will return. Nobody knows when,’ he said.” “When the second coming happens, ‘we don’t have any idea whether the financial asset will have any value at all,’ he added. ‘The issue is what happens before that, not the second coming.’” So it appears that there is a good chance we won’t have to worry about paying off our credit cards if Jesus Christ returns or the Alien Presence is publicly disclosed this year.
  19. Bernie Sanders says he was “nauseated” by JFK Niall O'Dowd @niallodowd Feb 06, 2020 https://www.irishcentral.com/news/politics/bernie-sanders-jfk?fbclid=IwAR2kgR150k1KLVRxA2CSKA9i20FTw2ivuw1Zjm7IHONCpblrjn5yIfaSzwU#.Xj8FXdgBVJw.facebook
  20. James Carville is right on about this: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/2/7/21123518/trump-2020-election-democratic-party-james-carville
  21. Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S., Report Says https://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/14/us/14nazis.html?fbclid=IwAR1y84kIMlMNxXivjH_id9c2HvdrzRC0NdqxxWd5IJzHx4nL3v8QF0Mcbjw
  22. Wray: FBI Agents Involved In FISA Debacle Have Been Referred To Bureau’s Disciplinary Office https://www.conservativedailynews.com/2020/02/wray-fbi-agents-involved-in-fisa-debacle-have-been-referred-to-bureaus-disciplinary-office/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
  23. I sent it on to Marina when it first appeared for auction if she wants to assert a claim.
  24. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-06/trump-fans-flooded-iowa-caucus-hotline-top-democrat-says
  25. I saw 1917 today and wish that it wins best picture award at the Oscars. Truly a movie you will never forget. I know this posting is not entirely appropriate for this topic but wanted to call the movie to your attention while it can still be seen on the big screen as it is a big film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2eudCCVe0M
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