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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Dark Journalist interviewed me in June 2014. This covers much of my life. Despite the title I was never a CIA insider although as explained in the interview Howard and Dorothy Hunt were my closest friends in the 1970's prior to Watergate and both were CIA insiders. William F. Buckley, Jr. was also a close friend and in the 1950's he worked for the CIA under Hunt who was the station chief in Mexico City. I organized the founding of Young Americans for Freedom in 1960 that took place at Buckley's family compound in Sharon, Conn. JFK KILLED OVER THE ALIEN PRESENCE! DOUGLAS CADDY & DARK JOURNALIST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jKBlJQNtek
  2. This is clearly coming from outside our solar system https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/09/interstellar-comet-oumuamua/598204/?fbclid=IwAR2d-QEh8xGFJq8tFUj6hA0Hd4VkjcI0nzlgwrbeKgKR85s-oFdSHnmauyY UPDATE: Despite Its Alien Origins, 2I/Borisov Presents a Familiar Face On: October 21, 2019 https://www.unknowncountry.com/headline-news/despite-its-alien-origins-2i-borisov-presents-a-familiar-face
  3. To this day, Ruth Paine lives with the murder of JFK. https://www.pressdemocrat.com/news/10063046-181/smith-to-this-day-ruth?sba=AAS&fbclid=IwAR2J9O-Y365SHYt81n7gUSI9YhFvZKEGAMGlSDMsHn0NrmdSjZIii1W0mZM
  4. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trumps-communications-with-foreign-leader-are-part-of-whistleblower-complaint-that-spurred-standoff-between-spy-chief-and-congress-former-officials-say/ar-AAHuOBK
  5. CIA Assassination Manual by U.S Goverment https://archive.org/details/cia-assassination-manual
  6. Yes, the Climate Crisis May Wipe out Six Billion People Creator of the ‘ecological footprint’ on life and death in a world 4 C hotter. William E. Rees Today | TheTyee.ca William E. Rees is professor emeritus of human ecology and ecological economics at the University of British Columbia. https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2019/09/18/Climate-Crisis-Wipe-Out/?utm_source=daily&fbclid=IwAR1d3I4J9lZYlByxdm6RAZrzyvvbGirCqkXCv6mtRx-pUTwID6p_279oVeE
  7. The Navy Says Those UFO Videos Are Real And they were never meant to be released to the public. https://www.aol.com/article/news/2019/09/18/navy-confirms-those-ufo-videos-are-real-and-never-shouldve-been-released/23815118/
  8. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/8-years-of-trump-tax-returns-are-subpoenaed-by-manhattan-da/ar-AAHo5K0
  9. JFK’s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact, Not Speculation https://www.thenation.com/article/jfks-vietnam-withdrawal-plan-fact-not-speculation/
  10. Long hidden 9/11 Commission interview with Saudi Prince Bandar released https://www.floridabulldog.org/2019/09/long-hidden-9-11-commission-interview-with-saudi-prince-bandar-released/?fbclid=IwAR2d4Ftu5FN8h5rdW7hnHYQx0zef5cxCkMBCopro3rF-2o27n71cTzCWoTM
  11. Dr. Cyril Wecht Analyzes Anomalies Related to the Epstein Autopsy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Muq1KtAY6qA&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3ANJhMJmfC2IekBsZ7I7iOoX88MGI0b4f4a07JRigqWtcKqDDy0pmmUMg
  12. If the Mafia were involved in JFK's assassination and realized it had left some footprints behind, it could count on blackmailed Hoover to make certain these were erased from the evidence.
  13. The Forgotten Story Of Rosemary Kennedy https://allthatsinteresting.com/rosemary-kennedy-lobotomy?fbclid=IwAR3OXCmqtzRRWb7XPy7mmFwIfJj7Zc1OPDZ3tizsM7oIn3MEwThj5J-VaYU
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2012/jan/01/j-edgar-hoover-secret-fbi?fbclid=IwAR26AdULSggtfQrwKO_buKerly8B4BJW93UKYWKnE5TgFJPqO18izHVsV70 [Did the Mafia's blackmail of Hoover affect his participation in the cover-up of JFK's assassination? Inquiring minds even today want to know.]
  15. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/10/us/republican-gerrymander-thomas-hofeller.html
  16. I first met Jeffrey Steinberg in the early 1980s. Steinberg is brilliant and knowledgeable. His work product over the decades would have been universally recognized for its value and veracity had he not been associated with Lyndon LaRouche with whom I talked only on one occasion and quickly realized he was close minded and could not be reasoned with.
  17. Oliver Stone has accepted the invitation to be CAPA's banquet speaker at the conference.
  18. A spymaster’s son, Bangor man seeks traces of his CIA dad https://bangordailynews.com/2013/08/25/news/bangor/a-spymasters-son-bangor-man-seeks-traces-of-his-cia-dad/?amp=1&fbclid=IwAR3avZPmOhzh9y7pzTnLsGiGzinIVNJdv8hEfJchNnp2wpZcir_mSuuyYpU [An interesting read]
  19. As I have recounted in this Forum and in my autobiography I asked Howard Hunt at our dinner in 1975 just prior to his entering prison to serve his Watergate sentence, why was Kennedy assassinated? He replied that Kennedy was about to give our most vital national secret to the Soviet Union. Stunned I asked him what that was and he replied the "Alien Presence." Hoagland in 2014 elaborates on this and affirms this was why JFK was killed.
  20. Listen for six minutes from 1:12 to 1:18 for the key segment dealing with JFK.
  21. I am indebted to my astute Facebook friend, Peter Battani, for calling to my attention this interview with Richard C. Hoagland in 2014. At the time of his interview Hoagland of course was unaware of the July 1972 meeting between President Nixon and Robert Merritt concerning the Alien Presence that is recounted in my lead article above. However, Hoagland 42 years after that meeting held deep beneath the White House adds new and vital information that reinforces what Nixon told Merritt including his prediction that next year, 2020, would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet. Nixon was not specific as to what that cataclysmic event would be but based on the context of his conversation with Merritt it is my educated guess that it will be about "life as we do not know it."
  22. Retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein knew Marita and her daughter, Monica, for decades. He told me yesterday that not once did Marita ever lie to him. She told it like it was. She was an original who led an extraordinary life, one that most persons cannot begin to understand, including the investigator for Congress who interviewed her. She was also a killer who probably murdered a dozen bad guys during her lifetime, including a man who had just escaped from prison and had the bad luck of randomly choosing her where she was staying under a form of witness protection to be his next rape victim. She realized what was a stake and let the criminal proceed with his act and in the midst of it pulled a knife out from under the bed and cut his throat, cut off a certain part of his body and then tossed the his body out the front door.
  23. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/06/opinion/sunday/trump-reality-tv.html
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