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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. https://www.amazon.com/House-Kennedy-James-Patterson-ebook/dp/B07X3GYRJT/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1TASEUVBCLFPY&dchild=1&keywords=the+house+of+kennedy+james+patterson&qid=1586877144&s=books&sprefix=The+House+of+Kennedy%2Cstripbooks%2C209&sr=1-2
  2. The film is full of revelations. It is quite thought provoking. Unfortunately its impact will be lessened considerably because the nation and the world must deal with the threat of the pandemic coronavirus..
  3. Message from Phil Nelson: To all, This is a "Must Watch" mind-blowing film that everyone will be talking about soon. For many, it will alter the way their understanding of just how corrupt many of the "elites" of Hollywood, the MSM, the Washington Politicos are. And it comes at a very propitious time, so don't be caught unaware. BTW, watch for the "LBJ Connection" -- one could say he was a founding member. The video is 1:18 in length, so make time to watch it in one shot (alone is best, IMHO). https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/out-of-the-shadows-full-film/
  4. Joe: Click on the above photo of me with Woodward and Bernstein. It will take you to page 5 and scroll down to the last entry. Also go to page 6 for more recent update.
  5. The Weather Underground Was a CIA Operation http://stevenhager.net/2020/04/09/the-weather-underground-was-a-cia-operation/
  6. Joe: Here is my forecast for the remainder of 2020 based on Nixon's prediction to Robert Merritt in 1972 that a cataclysmic event would occur in 2020. It appears at the bottom of page 5 of the topic.
  7. Here is a photograph of me with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein when they visited Houston to give a lecture in November 2014. We had not seen each other in over 40 years when Watergate was raging fast and furious.
  8. This topic first warned the world on July 28, 2019, about Nixon's prediction of a cataclysmic event in 2020. This was three months before U.S. Intelligence issued its warning: Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources "Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," a source says. By Josh Margolin and and James Gordon Meek ‎April‎ ‎08‎, ‎2020‎ ‎3‎:‎01‎ ‎AM "Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," one of the sources said of the NCMI’s report. "It was then briefed multiple times to" the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and the White House. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/intelligence-report-warned-coronavirus-crisis-early-november-sources/story?id=70031273
  9. GREETINGS FROM CAPA We hope all of you are doing well during these strange and difficult times. We are sorry for the delay in obtaining the complete video of the conference. Unfortunately, we are having problems with the company that recorded the conference – they have only provided nine presentations so far. We are hoping to have the remainder of the presentations before too much longer. The videos we have now are available to our members and conference attendees free of charge – there will be a fee for all others and we will not be renting/selling the videos until we have more information about how many we will have. For all members and conference attendees who wish to access the nine videos we have now, please email me so I can verify CAPA membership or attendance at the conference. I will then email you with the link and password to the videos. We are also pleased to announce that CAPA will be organizing a conference this year on November 20/21 at the same location as last year, the Courtyard Marriott. We understand that the virus situation is evolving and could possibly affect the conference. Hopefully, it will be resolved soon. This year we are planning a special day for college and law school students. This will be held on Sunday November 23rd, at the same hotel. We want to get more young people interested in this tragic event that changed our country and hopefully enlist them in our cause. We are planning a program that will give them the opportunity to see what President Kennedy was like as a person and a president and educate them about the truth of the assassination. We hope we are able to get many students to attend. (If anyone would like to assist in this endeavor, please reply to this email.) The event will be free to students attending universities and law schools. If you know any young people who would be interested in this event, please let them know about it. We are also planning to have at least a half-day, and possibly longer, on the subject of “The JFK Assassination and the Media,” a topic that has not been discussed and investigated by the mainstream media. We will have several speakers knowledgeable about this topic and a documentary by John Barbour entitled “The American Media & the 2nd Assassination of John F. Kennedy.” We will also have a panel discussion on the issue. Dr. Cyril Wecht will be on the panel along with John Barbour, James Wagenvoord who worked at Life Magazine in 1963, and others to be determined. We are working on other possibilities for the conference and will keep you updated as we confirm them. We encourage everyone to join or renew their membership. CAPA members will receive a significant discount on the November conference/banquet and free access to the recording of the conference. Thank you all for your support of CAPA and its worthy cause. Pursue the release of withheld records - Find the Truth - Seek Justice. Best regards, Glenda de Vaney CAPA Program Chair Copyright © 2020 CAPA, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing address is: CAPA PO Box 714 Capa Jackson, NJ 08527-0714
  10. HAS PRESIDENT NIXON’S PREDICTION IN 1972 OF A CATACLYSMIC EVENT IN 2020 COME TRUE? It was then that Nixon made a cryptic remark, apparently to emphasize the importance of the assignment that he had given Merritt. Nixon said, “I took my order from above and have followed it to the T.” Merritt was taken aback by the remark and asked Nixon what he meant. Nixon did not reply directly but instead declared that “the year 2020 would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the world.” Merritt asked Nixon how he knew this would happen. Nixon replied, “Think of me a prophet.” -- President Nixon’s remarks to Robert Merritt in July 1972 The abrupt halt of commercial activity threatens to impose economic pain so profound and enduring in every region of the world at once that recovery could take years. The losses to companies, already saturated with debt, risk triggering a financial crisis of cataclysmic proportions. -- New York Times of April 2, “Economists Fear Drawn Out Slump as Losses Deepen” We went from the Battle of the Bulge into a world of growing prosperity and enhanced human dignity. Now, we live in an epochal period. The historic challenge for leaders is to manage the crisis while building the future. Failure could set the world on fire, -- Henry A. Kissinger in the Wall Street Journal of April 3, “The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order” Trump has put himself in the position of parceling out the key resources needed during the virus outbreak, and there is evidence that he is rewarding Republican states with more essential supplies and shorting Democratic states…. But perhaps most remarkably, Trump is using the strictures necessary to control the virus as a form of participation in mass passivity. In her classic book, “The Origins of Totalitarianism,” Hannah Arendt pointed to fear of terror as a tool used by totalitarian regimes to control populations. “Only where great masses are superfluous or can be spared without disastrous results of depopulation is totalitarian rule, as distinguished from a totalitarian movement, at all possible,” Arendt wrote. For ‘depopulation’ read ‘deaths,’ and with the victims of the virus in the tens of thousands and potentially headed for a million, Trump has his hands on one of the key levers of totalitarian rule. You can see it nightly on his face. People talk about Trump’s ‘lack of empathy,’ but as the bodies pile up, I think what we see in Trump is the delight of a dictator in the making. For every dead body wheeled in the back of a refrigerated truck, Trump sees a hundred frightened voters who can be manipulated into adorations of their fearless leader. -- Lucian K. Truscott IV in salon.com of April 4, “Trump is preparing the ground for a totalitarian dictatorship – but we can stop him.” It may never be known how many thousands of deaths, or millions of infections, might have been prevented with a response that was more coherent, urgent and effective. But even now, there are many indications that the administration’s handling of the crisis had potentially devastating consequences. -- The Washington Post, April 4, “The U.S. was beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged: From the Oval Office to the CDC, political and institutional failures cascaded through the system and opportunities to mitigate the pandemic were lost.” This is a forecast of what I believe will occur before the end of 2020 or soon thereafter. The forecast is based not only on what Robert Merritt told me over a period of years but also on the geopolitical outlook for the world at the present time as I see it drawing upon my education and life experiences. I was graduated from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in 1960 and from New York University School of Law in 1966. At age 82 I look back at my life and realize that I was never really in control of it as I was moved about like a piece on a chess board. I found myself from an early age involved in historical events through no choice of my own and now find my mission in the twilight of my life, or at its end if the coronavirus gets me, in presenting this forecast. Essentially my role, like that of Robert Merritt, is that of a messenger bearing a 1972 message from Richard Nixon that America and the world would experience a cataclysmic event this year. Before I started this topic on the Education Forum on July 28, 2019, I did two things. First I went into the small chapel at the Tellepsen YMCA in downtown Houston after I had worked out at the gym and in a prayer to God asked if I should tell the world about what Robert Merritt had related to me about his three meetings with President Nixon in 1972, especially about Nixon’s prediction for 2020. I asked for God’s guidance since I realized that most people would not believe what I would reveal and might even think I was delusional. I was alone in the small chapel that was illuminated by a ten foot cross lit from behind. As I prayed suddenly the room was filled with invisible movements in front of me flowing from wall to wall that I could sense but not see which lasted for a full minute. My prayer had been answered affirmatively by the presence of the Holy Ghost whose purpose up to that time had always puzzled me. It was later that I learned that Robert Merritt had died about this time. The second thing that I did was to submit an article on June 26, 2019, to the editor of Harper’s magazine about Merritt, his three meetings with Nixon and Nixon’s prediction for 2020. I chose Harper’s because not only is it a uniquely superior publication but it alone in the media had published articles about Watergate that defied conventional wisdom about the scandal and which maintained something vitally important about Watergate was missing and still unknown. Harper’s gave serious consideration to my article but ultimately passed on it apparently because its former Washington editor, Jim Hougan, for years had attacked the credibility of Robert Merritt and me. Hougan’s 1984 book, Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA, has generally withstood the test of time for information and credibility. However, our 2010 book, Watergate Exposed: How the President of the United States and the Watergate Burglars Were Set Up” by Robert Merritt as told to me as the original attorney for the Watergate Seven, and my 2018 autobiography, Being There: Eyewitness to History, contain crucial revelations about the scandal that were missed by Hougan in his book. In fact, Hougan never even interviewed me while writing his work and Merritt told me that he never really felt comfortable when he was interviewed by him. Apropos, columnist Peggy Noonan in The Wall Street Journal of March 28-29, 2020, wrote “This reminds me of meeting a stooped old Marine with one eye in Washington in the 1980s. Somehow it came up that he’d fought at Guadalcanal. I asked if by chance he’d cross paths with Richard Tregaskis. No, he said, who was he? He wrote an important account of the early days of the battle, “Guadalcanal Diary.” The Marine gave me a steely one-eye look and said, 'No, I was gone by the time the writers came.' This ever after gave me a sense of my place in the order of things.” Not so with Hougan. Merritt and I were figures in Watergate from the first day, each with a different role and not known to one another. Ours was the real world in contrast to Hougan who twelve years later wrote a book about the scandal. In contrast to Noonan’s lack of ego, Hougan’s petulant ego prevents him from acknowledging he may not be the master of what happened in Watergate that he thinks he is. I wonder if the history of America and the World would be different if Harper’s had published my article in July or August of last year and had Hougan not waged a decade long war against Merritt and me. When the coronavirus pandemic surfaced publicly in early January of this year readers of Harper’s might have sounded the alarm because of what I had written about Nixon’s prediction. Months of America doing nothing in response to the threat of the pandemic might not have occurred. With this background explained let’s proceed to my forecast. Two events are involved that are linked cataclysmically because they involve violent change or upheaval. The first is that a nuclear bomb will be detonated in an American city before the end of the year. I am not alone in raising this. Famed investor Howard Buffett once declared that detonation of a nuclear device in an American city – “$1 trillion nuclear event” in Manhattan for example – was inevitable. “We’re going to have something in the way of a major nuclear event in this country. It will happen. Whether it will happen in 10 years or 10 minutes, or 50 years…it’s virtually a certainty.” https://slate.com/business/2002/06/why-is-warren-buffett-predicting-terrorist-attacks.html I am also haunted by this highly credible investigator in January of this year being shown in his mind’s eye a city reduced to total rubble while being told that “this has happened to you.” You are encouraged to view this free video of his interview. https://www.unknowncountry.com/dreamland/2-hardcore-ufo-investigators-admit-it-theyre-also-abductees-most-recent-experience-jan-2020/ It is the perfect geopolitical time for Russia, aligned with China, to arrange such a coup de grace that would end democracy in America and bring our country to its knees. America will be severely weakened and prostrated from the societal and economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Of course, the origins of the bomb will be untraceable but as Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has repeatedly said about Trump, all roads lead to Russia. I'll add to Speaker Pelosi's observation by saying one road leads to the bomb. As Tom Graves who constantly monitors Russia has opined, “KGB, today’s SVR and FSB, have been preparing us for something like this since at least 1959. For background read Tennent H. Bagley’s 2007 book, Spy Wars or at least his 2014 thirty-five page PDF, ‘Ghosts of the Spy Wars,’ both of which are free to read on the Internet.” As I sat down to write this forecast my attention was called to Paul Goble’s blog of April 2, 2020, “Under Cover of the Pandemic, Putin Planning for a New War, Felshtinsky says”. Here are excerpts: Scranton, March 30 – While Russians and the world are focused on dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, Yury Felshtinsky says Vladimir Putin is quite likely preparing for a new war, given that war be it against the Chechens, Georgians and Ukrainians has been how he has built and maintained his popularity and power. The US-based Russian commentator, widely known as the co-author with the late Aleksandr Litvinenko of Blowing Up Russia (2002), says that this history suggests that Putin will once again use military conflict to shore up his power and at the very least what he will do after the virus passes won’t be “anything good” (kasparov.ru/material.php?id=5E81CD421F170). Despite the coronavirus and the economic crisis in its wake, Felshtinsky says, Putin is in a stronger position to launch an attack on the West than he was at least in the short term because all other governments are focused on dealing with their own problems rather than on the threat he presents. Putin for them is simply an inevitable “part of the furniture.”…. The Kremlin leader’s ideal world is “a Fifth International (with Putin at the head) in which all European states will be included and all their presidents and prime ministers will be Putin’s agents,” Felshtinsky says, most of whom can be “recruited” by corrupt measures like making them directors of Kremlin-controlled companies. To the extent Putin is planning another invasion, he will act “either now while everyone is occupied with the coronavirus or put off the war until 2021 or later in the hopes Trump will be re-elected. Time is working against him in the sense that he will not live forever.” And so he will be more inclined to act sooner, particularly if there are obvious risks on the horizon… That makes the current period especially dangerous, particularly since most people in the West assume that Putin is concerned as they are with fighting the coronavirus. That isn’t the case: the pandemic has not changed his goals. Indeed, there is an all too real possibility that it may open yet another path for him to try to achieve them. https://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2020/04/under-cover-of-pandemic-putin-planning.html?fbclid=IwAR3oQYuyI1jFqIvMu5CBC5MhzTZBfzmLdXACiejoxSxfWKG_DpSo9jsy8gQ&m=1 How might President and Commander-in-Chief Trump react if a nuclear bomb destroyed an American City? Most likely he would not initiate retaliation, especially so if it were a blue sanctuary city (that Putin had granted as special favor to Trump to select) whose inhabitants were primarily Democrats and ethnic minorities of a non-white color. Trump has been a Russian asset since 1987 and a traitor since the 1990s. His actions and utterances appear to follow the script given to him daily through a back channel from Putin’s think tank in Moscow. He doesn’t give a damn about America. In the words of famed historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a history professor at New York University, Trump’s secret is that he despises and scorns the people of our country. Dr. Bandy X. Lee is a forensic psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine who also teaches at Yale Law School. In an April 8 interview with salon.com, she said: “We are facing a democide of genocidal proportions, because we have handed power to someone who is anti-human in psychology,” Lee told Salon. “The group he has isolated may not be ethnic, but it is his own cultural grouping of ‘non-voters’ or ‘critics,’ when he has withdrawn lifesaving equipment from states where governors have criticized him, such as New York, California, Washington or Michigan, while giving a surplus to states with sycophantic governors, such as Florida. When criminality combines with mental pathology, this kind of large-scale violence becomes possible. Eventually, it will be destructive to all.”…. “This bottomless need to place his own psychic survival above any protection of the public should rather be a warning. This means he would be equally inclined to destroy the nation or the world — which he has the power to do — if he were to feel humiliated from the loss of an election, for example.” https://www.rawstory.com/2020/04/expert-trumps-deadly-coronavirus-briefings-display-anti-human-psychology/ The nuclear bomb explosion of an American city before the November presidential election or during the two month period after the election before the inauguration of the elected president would give Trump the authority to impose permanent martial law nationwide. The United States would move quickly into an authoritarian dictatorship. Members of Trump’s cult and of racist extremist groups would be deputized by him to enforce local law and to shoot anyone suspected of opposing Trump’s rule. The second cataclysmic event in my forecast that will soon follow Trump’s dictatorship will be disclosure by the Alien Presence of its existence. A reading of Nixon’s third meeting with Merritt in mid-July 1972 clearly demonstrates Nixon interjected his prediction of a cataclysmic event in 2020 into his general discussion of the Alien Presence. Nixon took his order from above and followed it to the T as part of a plan for Earth by the Alien Presence decades in the making, a plan that is unfolding now before our eyes. Colonel Philip Corso in his 1997 book, The Day After Roswell, wrote about his 1961 to 1963 assignment from the Pentagon to distribute Alien materials to major American corporations for back-engineering. It was he who intoned the immortal phrase to explain what disclosure of the Alien Presence will mean to the people of Planet Earth, “A New World if you can take it.” The seven and half billion population of Earth exhausted by four years of a chaotic Trump presidency, by a deadly pandemic virus that killed and maimed many, by a world economic collapse and by dramatic climate change will likely welcome the promise of a New World offered by the Alien Presence. Will you take it if offered?
  11. Why JFK Went to Texas https://lbjthemasterofdeceit.com/2020/03/31/why-jfk-went-to-texas/ From Phil Nelson’s Blog
  12. takeaways from the brutal new report on FBI surveillance Washington Post Carter Page arrives at a New York courthouse on April 16, 2018. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) By Aaron Blake Aaron Blake Senior political reporter, writing for The Fix Email Bio Follow March 31 at 1:37 PM The FBI’s surveillance of Americans including former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page isn’t exactly the issue du jour amid a global pandemic. But on Tuesday, a brutal inspector general’s report suggested that this will be something that the bureau and Congress will have to reckon with in the near future. Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz issued interim findings of an ongoing review of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications beyond the Page application. And the results suggest that Page was hardly alone. [Problems with FBI surveillance extended far beyond probe of Trump campaign, Justice Dept. inspector general says] The report honed in on 29 cases it selected — from more than 700 such applications in the past five years — in which the FBI sought similar warrants. It found that, as with Page’s, there were problems with all of them. More specifically, Horowitz sought to determine whether the FBI in these cases had followed mandatory procedures for documenting accurate information about why the surveillance was necessary, also known as Woods files. Of the 29 cases, 25 featured errors in their Woods files. In the other four cases, a Woods file could not even be found and, Horowitz suggests in some cases, might never have been created in the first place. It also found significant problems in the Justice Department’s separate, internal review process for the accuracy of FISA information, despite it finding a similarly prevalent number of problems. Here are a few key sections of the report. 1. The summary “As a result of our audit work to date and as described below, we do not have confidence that the FBI has executed its Woods Procedures in compliance with FBI policy,” begins a key section. The report reaches that conclusion citing four main reasons: “[W]e could not review original Woods Files for 4 of the 29 selected FISA applications because the FBI has not been able to locate them and, in 3 of these instances, did not know if they ever existed.” “[O]ur testing of FISA applications to the associated Woods Files identified apparent errors or inadequately supported facts in all of the 25 applications we reviewed, and interviews to date with available agents or supervisors in field offices generally have confirmed the issues we identified.” “[E]xisting FBI and [Justice Department National Security Division] oversight mechanisms have also identified deficiencies in documentary support and application accuracy that are similar to those that we have observed to date." “FBI and NSD officials we interviewed indicated to us that there were no efforts by the FBI to use existing FBI and NSD oversight mechanisms to perform comprehensive, strategic assessments of the efficacy of the Woods Procedures or FISA accuracy, to include identifying the need for enhancements to training and improvements in the process, or increased accountability measures.” 2. The number of errors Horowitz previously found 17 serious errors in the Page applications. The errors in these 25 other cases are also numerous. Horowitz stressed that the review was ongoing, but said that “at this time we have identified an average of about 20 issues per application reviewed, with a high of approximately 65 issues in one application and less than 5 issues in another application.” Horowitz said the problems cited involved lack of supporting documentation, lack of corroboration from the documentation, and inconsistencies in the documentation. One way to look at this is that the problems with Page’s application weren’t extraordinary, and perhaps that a Trump campaign adviser wasn’t singled out for ill treatment. Trump supporters have alleged that Page was politically targeted and have played up Horowitz’s previous findings as evidence of what Trump calls a “witch hunt.” But another is that the entire system is rife with problems and ripe for real reforms, which the FBI has said it is pursuing in the aftermath of the Page findings and which Congress has considered. 3. Horowitz isn’t saying whether these errors mattered As with the Page application, Horowitz here doesn’t weigh in on whether the errors actually impacted the approval or appropriateness of the surveillance. “During this initial review, we have not made judgments about whether the errors or concerns we identified were material,” the report states. “Also, we do not speculate as to whether the potential errors would have influenced the decision to file the application or the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s] decision to approve the FISA application.” Defenders of the FISA process after the Page situation came to light were quick to emphasize this. But it’s important to note that Horowitz is saying that determining these things just wasn’t part of his review. Hypothetically replaying the decisions of FISC judges would indeed be difficult to do. And Horowitz adds: “Nevertheless, we believe that a deficiency in the FBI’s efforts to support the factual statements in FISA applications through its Woods Procedures undermines the FBI’s ability to achieve its ‘scrupulously accurate’ standard for FISA applications.” In other words, the FBI is failing according to the very high standard it needs to meet. 4. DOJ’s internal reviews have also discovered errors, but the process is broken Horowitz also reviewed 34 cases in which the Justice Department conducted its own reviews of the accuracy of the information in 42 applications. In those cases, numerous errors were also found. “Although reports related to 3 of the 42 FISA applications did not identify any deficiencies, the reports covering the remaining 39 applications identified a total of about 390 issues, including unverified, inaccurate, or inadequately supported facts, as well as typographical errors.” In these cases, though, the Justice Department itself did seek to determine whether these errors were material. It found that none of them were, but Horowitz indicates that the process was mishandled. “However, we were told by NSD [Office of Intelligence] personnel that the FBI had not asked NSD OI to weigh in on materiality determinations nor had NSD OI formally received FBI CDC accuracy review results, which accounted for about 250 of the total issues in the reports we reviewed,” Horowitz’s report says. As the report notes, a 2009 policy memorandum prescribes that the “OI determines, in consultation with the FBI, whether a misstatement or omission of fact identified during an accuracy review is material.” Horowitz is saying there is a breakdown in the Justice Department’s and the FBI’s own accountability system when it comes to accuracy of this information. And his own findings suggest the scope of the problem — and perhaps the need for addressing it — are even bigger than previously known.
  13. Problems with FBI surveillance extended far beyond probe of Trump campaign, Justice Dept. inspector general says Washington Post FBI Director Christopher A. Wray arrives at the White House in January ahead of remarks by President Trump. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post) By Devlin Barrett and Devlin Barrett Reporter focusing on national security and law enforcement Email Bio Follow Ellen Nakashima Ellen Nakashima National security reporter Email Bio Follow March 31 at 7:29 PM The Justice Department inspector general revealed Tuesday that his investigators found errors in every FBI application to a secret surveillance court examined as part of an ongoing review — suggesting that problems exposed in the bureau’s probe of President Trump’s 2016 campaign extend far beyond that case alone. The memorandum issued by Inspector General Michael Horowitz stems from an audit launched last year after his office found 17 serious problems with the FBI’s surveillance applications targeting former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. These interim results seem to indicate that other sensitive counterintelligence and counterterrorism cases have been similarly plagued by mistakes. [DAVID: This is what I have been referring to in relation to Robert Merritt's testifying before the grand jury in Washington in the fall of 2018. The Inspector General's report covers five years. The grand jury investigation covers the actions by the FBI from 1972 up to the present. The FBI's philosophy was the end justified the means.]
  14. David: This may help answer your questions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huston_Plan
  15. David: Grand jury proceedings are secret and not open to the public. Robert Merritt was a witness, not a target or defendant. The prosecutor believed that Merritt possessed information relevant to the grand jury's investigation and for that reason he was summoned to testify. Merritt did not resist testifying. He did so willingly. When I started working with Merritt in 2008 on his revelations about Watergate, I, too, questioned the veracity of what he was telling me. Then I asked him whether he had contacted the National Archives and he said he had not. He did so promptly and the Archives released to him several dozen documents that supported to a T what he had told me. These are contained in our 2010 book, "Watergate Exposed: How the President of the United States and the Watergate Burglars Were Set-Up by Robert Merritt as told to Douglas Caddy, original attorney for the Watergate Seven." The book can be ordered though Amazon. Michael Powell, Pulitzer Prize winning reporter of the New York Times, wrote an article about Merritt that the Times published in 2014. In the article Powell said that everything Merritt told him checked out for veracity. What happened in 1970-1972 in the secret pre-FISA court is part of the infamous Huston Plan, which has never been released publicly. Chief Judge Sirica, who was a key figure in carrying out the plan, sealed the White House copy of the plan in the Court's files in 1973. Even a subpoena from Congress cannot get it released. There is no doubt that Merritt testified before the federal grand jury in Washington in 2018. He had no reason to lie about it because it did not pertain to his three meetings with President Nixon in 1972, which is the subject of this topic. His testimony was about a different matter entirely. That matter will hit the news later this year as part of Attorney General Barr's plan to help Trump get re-elected.
  16. Spy vs. Spy: The Bay of Pigs and the Battle for the Soul of the CIA https://warontherocks.com/2016/12/spy-vs-spy-the-bay-of-pigs-and-the-battle-for-the-soul-of-the-cia/?fbclid=IwAR3-y3VonirpGmyUg7TLfyA5vdO4cotTbmsK25AeoeQ3WFVOZFhhLVfN9SQ
  17. Yes. It is in the title and later on inside the body of the text occurs the exchange between Nixon and Merritt in July 1972 that I quoted above.
  18. Thank you, Joe, for your welcoming back. Actually I never went away. Instead I have been composing the wrap-up of my July 28, 2019 posting in the forum’s Watergate Topic, “Watergate, Trump’s Space Force and 2020.” As recounted in that posting President Nixon told Robert Merritt at their third and final meeting in mid-July 1972: “It was then at Nixon made a cryptic remark, apparently to emphasize the importance of the assignment that he had given Merritt. Nixon said, “I took my order from above and have followed it to the T.” “Merritt was taken aback by the remark and asked Nixon what he meant. Nixon did not reply directly but instead declared that “the year 2020 would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the world.” “Merritt asked Nixon how he knew this would happen. Nixon replied, ‘Think of me a prophet.’” The coronavirus entered America’s consciousness in January 2020. Its impact has been horrific and the worst of it lies in the coming months. Nevertheless it does not fit the definition of being a cataclysmic event, which is one of violent change or upheaval, because soon a vaccine will be developed to deal with it The real cataclysmic event will take place later this year. Actually it will be two events, the first immediately triggering the second. In a sense they are joined at the hip. .
  19. John F. Kennedy’s back: chronic pain, failed surgeries, and the story of its effects on his life and death T. Glenn Pait MD 1 and Justin T. Dowdy MD 1 View More View Less 1 Department of Neurological Surgery, Jackson T. Stephens Spine and Neurosciences Institute, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas DOI: https://doi.org/10.3171/2017.2.SPINE151524 Journal of Neurosurgery https://thejns.org/spine/view/journals/j-neurosurg-spine/27/3/article-p247.xml?fbclid=IwAR3LtUIq4L4XSDaqSqLVK5opgIBSKktEYqkeuWLwgUBjWA1r6v9Zlw8LGNs
  20. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital Hospitals in the city are facing the kind of harrowing increases in cases that overwhelmed health care systems in China and Italy. Video An emergency room doctor in Elmhurst, Queens, gives a rare look inside a hospital at the center of the coronavirus pandemic. “We don’t have the tools that we need.”CreditCredit...Colleen Smith By Michael Rothfeld, Somini Sengupta, Joseph Goldstein and Brian M. Rosenthal March 25, 2020Updated 9:21 p.m. ET The New York Times In several hours on Tuesday, Dr. Ashley Bray performed chest compressions at Elmhurst Hospital Center on a woman in her 80s, a man in his 60s and a 38-year-old who reminded the doctor of her fiancé. All had tested positive for the coronavirus and had gone into cardiac arrest. All eventually died. Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed. A refrigerated truck has been stationed outside to hold the bodies of the dead. Over the past 24 hours, New York City’s public hospital system said in a statement, 13 people at Elmhurst had died. “It’s apocalyptic,” said Dr. Bray, 27, a general medicine resident at the hospital.
  21. David: Thank you for your relevant question. I believe that I answered it previously in my posting of January 31 in this topic. I invite you to read it. Merritt testified in 2018 pursuant to a subpoena and was bound by an order from the judge not to disclose publicly what he testified to. He was not singled out as all the witnesses before the grand jury were bound by the order. My guess is that the prosecutors were interested in Merritt in 2018 because of the role that he played with the FBI from 1970-1972 in appearing before the secret pre-FISA court in testifying to that court as the veracity of the affidavits that he submitted to the court. In reality the FBI composed the affidavits and gave Merritt only 15 minutes to read them before he appeared before the secret pre-FISA court that was part of the still covered-up Huston Plan. The FBI continued to circumvent the law in the Carter Page case, again submitting false information in its affidavit to the FISA court. It finally got caught. The prosecutors in my opinion in 2018 wanted to show that really nothing had changed with the FBI from the early 1970s in regard to submissions it made to the FISA court. I should add that the prosecutors in 2018 considered Merritt's testimony so important that they told him that on short notice he would have to leave his apartment and go into a limited form of witness protection. As the matter before the grand jury evolved over time, it never came to the point of Merritt having to do so. I expect that Attorney General Barr as the November election approaches will take official action against persons in the FBI who misled the FISA court in the Carter Page case. In other words the issue is still very much alive.
  22. NIXON’S SECRET MESSAGE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THE CORONAVIRUS At the July 1972 meeting that President Nixon had with Robert Merritt in his office deep beneath the White House he told Merritt that 2020 would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet At that same meeting as previously recounted here: “The President spoke about the goals of his presidency that were now in jeopardy. He said it might be years before the historians would realize what he had hoped to accomplish, which was to assure the security and well being of Americans alive and those of future generations. “Then the President swore Merritt to secrecy. Once Merritt had assured him of this the President said that he had prepared a document that would explain why and what he had done to assure national and international security. The document was his “Message to the American People.” He had hidden this historical document inside the White House in a secret location where it might be many decades before it was discovered. He informed Merritt of the secret location and told him that if the time came when Merritt was still alive and believed it was the right time for the document to be revealed he was giving permission to Merritt to reveal its secret location.” We need to focus on what is known about Nixon’s Message to the American People. Merritt told me in January 2018 that Nixon had hidden the Message that he himself had typed in a small box that was embedded in the wall in the White House Library behind Volume II of American History. The document was in a sealed White House envelop on which Nixon had written “Not to Be Opened Until 2018” under which he affixed his signature. I wrote about this in my autobiography, Being There: Eye Witness to History.” Because the publication of the book was scheduled for June 2018 and because Merritt was in extremely poor health, I arranged for him to be interviewed by Daniel Liszt on Dark Journalist. The interview was posted on YouTube on February 14, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpItY5t4EuY The interview with Merritt did not go unnoticed by people in high places. A few months later in April 2018 Merritt told me he had learned the Message had been discovered. He said that an agent with whom he had a close relationship who worked in the Counter Intelligence Section of the Intelligence Division of the New York Police Department had informed him that a team of CIA agents had entered the Library with a thermal imaging machine to locate an envelope bearing Nixon’s signature and had found the small box embedded inside the wall. President Trump had promptly been alerted and rushed to the Library and took possession of the envelope whose whereabouts today are unknown. However there is a second copy of the Message still hidden in the Library of Congress. In the fall of 2018 Merritt received a subpoena to appear before the grand jury in Washington, D.C. Two U.S. Marshals escorted him in his wheelchair on a late night flight from Washington and placed him securely in a hotel. He was scheduled to appear before the grand jury the next day. Early in the morning there was a knock on his door. When he opened it a man said, “Do not mention President Trump’s name when you testify” and promptly departed. Merritt did testify before the grand jury. He told me that on the prosecutor’s lectern were two books, my 2018 autobiography and a 2010 book, “Watergate Exposed: How the President of the United States and the Watergate Burglars Were Set Up” as told to me by Merritt. The two books complement each other on vital information about Watergate that has been ignored by the mass media. After he completed his grand jury testimony Merritt told the prosecutor in the corridor outside about his three meetings with Nixon. The prosecutor showed no interest in the topic. Before he left Washington to return to his home in the Bronx, NBC contacted Merritt and requested that he sit for an hour long interview for the network’s archive. Merritt agreed to do so. Merritt told me afterwards that he revealed a great deal in the recorded interview but also said he held back much. A month after he returned home Merritt said that the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York sent a car to transport him to his office. Upon arrival Merritt found there the grand jury prosecutor from Washington who told him that he had confirmed that Nixon’s Message to the America People had been found in the White House Library. He wanted to know what else Merritt knew about unknown grave matters of national security. Merritt told me that he declined to provide any more information. In May 2018, there months after Merritt’s interview on Dark Journalist appeared on YouTube, Trump dissolved the National Security Council’s global health security office that was responsible for the planning of responding to disease outbreaks. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/nsc-pandemic-office-trump-closed/2020/03/13/a70de09c-6491-11ea-acca-80c22bbee96f_story.html Trump later said, “Some of the people we cut, they haven’t been used for many, many years, and if we ever need them we can get them very quickly and rather than spending the money.” I believe that because Trump possesses knowledge of Nixon’s Message that his decision to dismantle the NSC’s global health security office was motivated by evil intentions. I think it is likely that Trump discussed the contents of Nixon’s Message with Russian Premier Putin at their secret meeting in July 2018 in Helsinki and they agreed on a plan. https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/16/politics/donald-trump-putin-helsinki-summit/index.html On February 23, 2020, in this posting I wrote that “Daniel Estulin, described in the article as a 24-year veteran of Russian Military Counterintelligence, explains in the Power Hour interview in the link below how Putin, Trump and Xi after Trump's re-election will meet in a Yalta-like setting to impose world-wide rule, in other words a world-wide dictatorship. I have always believed ever since Trump was elected that this was the ultimate goal. Now it is confirmed.” You are invited to read what I posted a month ago. President Trump’s decision to dissolve the NSC’s global health office in May 2018, his meeting with Putin in Helsinki in July 2018, and his inactivity for three months once the Coronavirus became known in December 2019, and his actions since then up to the present time are part of a plan to weaken America and bring it to its knees. It is not a coincidence that Attorney General Barr is proposing indefinite detainment upon arrests of certain people. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/doj-suspend-constitutional-rights-coronavirus-970935/?fbclid=IwAR0lknc5FOnJtqniGa_rZqhrHhvjDZxaocI-cafBTj9xxWowNrAL8gpoECE Another reason Trump has covered up his early knowledge of the pandemic is he wanted to use the time to make trades on the stock market that would benefit him financially fantastically while avoiding public disclosure in doing so. Some senators and congressmen later engaged in the same illegal activity to benefit themselves. Nixon’s Message discovered in 2018 obviously included many other crucially important things besides a possible reference to a lethal pandemic virus that would sweep America and the world in 2020. Nixon’s words to Merritt in 1972 that he said in the midst of his lengthy discussion of the Alien Presence were “I took my order from above and have followed it to the T” and “Think of me as a prophet.” As horrific as the Coronavirus pandemic is it does not exactly fit Nixon’s prediction that 2020 would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet. A cataclysmic event is one of violent change or upheaval. His prediction is apocalyptic in its essence. Thus, it appears that event is still to come later this year.
  23. It doesn’t exist a word to define this image. Those military trucks across Bergamo are carrying coffins to other cities of Lombardy region so to proceed with cremation process, as the city and cemetery morgue can’t take the overload. This is how far #coronavirus wentpic.twitter.com/SkvdLZdlic 728 replies 8,409 retweets 11,317 likes Reply 728 Retweet 8.4K Retweeted 8.4K Like 11K Liked 11K
  24. Sorry, America, the Full Lockdown Is Coming Politicians won’t admit it yet, but it’s time to prepare—physically and psychologically—for a sudden stop to all life outside your home. By Laurie Garrett | March 18, 2020, 3:05 PM https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/03/18/america-united-states-lockdown-coming/
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