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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Yesterday I traveled to Dallas to be filmed for an appearance on the Ancient Aliens show to be broadcast on the History Channel. Producer Peter Steen flew in from Hollywood to conduct the interview and as host could not have been nicer. The program’s title is “The Secret Alliance” and its focus is on the influence of President John Kennedy in the Cold War with special emphasis on how his role in that lingers even today. Among the topics discussed were JFK’s National Security Action Memoranda 55 and 271, his address on free speech and secret societies before the American Newspapers Publishers Association in April 1961, his famous peace speech at American University in June 1963, and his address before the United Nations in September 1963 two months before being assassinated in which he advocated a ground-breaking U.S.-Soviet Union joint mission in outer space. I shall post the date of the History Channel showing when that becomes available.
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/16/world/americas/deep-state-leaks-trump.html
  3. Dr. Cyril Wecht on JFK’s Murder: A “Coup d’état in America” http://whowhatwhy.org/2017/02/16/dr-cyril-wecht-jfks-murder-coup-detat-america/
  4. http://www.rawstory.com/2017/02/he-will-die-in-jail-intelligence-community-ready-to-go-nuclear-on-trump-senior-source-says/
  5. Posted by a friend on Facebook today: Attorney General Jeff Sessions should recuse himself from the DOJ Trumputingate investigation and appoint a Special Prosecutor. Sessions was one of the first Republican leaders to endorse the Trump campaign. His political relationship with Trump dates to at least 2014 and he is widely considered the godfather of Trumpist nationalism. Sessions was an essential part of the Trump campaign from its inception. On March 4, 2016, Trump named Sessions an official campaign adviser, ...as chairman of the national security advisory committee. In that role, Sessions surely had significant interactions with General Michael Flynn, whose known relationship with the Russian government dates to 2013. Sessions presided over meetings that developed the foreign policy unveiled by candidate Trump on April 17, 2016 at the Mayflower Hotel, as Russian ambassador Sergey Kisylak nodded approvingly from the front row. In the weeks before Trump's address, Sessions-- heretofore a Russia hawk-- met at least twice with Richard Burt, lobbyist for Russia's state natural gas company Gazprom and adviser to Alfa Bank of Moscow. Sessions also served as a member of the Trump Transition Executive Committee. Was he still working with Flynn on National Security matters during the transition, while Flynn was talking with Ambassador Kisylak? In any event, Sessions was too closely tied to the Trump campaign and to its foreign policy shop to impartially investigate the Mike Flynn affair. General Sessions needs to appoint a Special Prosecutor now.
  6. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/14/us/politics/russia-intelligence-communications-trump.html
  7. Published almost a month but foresaw what would likely happen to Trump http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/trump’s-presidency-is-doomed/ar-AAlVxb0
  8. The White House Is Already In Flames http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-michael-flynn-flames_us_58a29e1ee4b0ab2d2b187775?section=us_politics
  9. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2017/02/david-martin/rfk-saved-life/
  10. From the article: Trump knows he can’t fire Flynn, because Trump was complicit in Flynn’s efforts to work with Russia to rig the election. http://www.palmerreport.com/opinion/russia-gate-banned-michael-flynn-donald-trump/1513/
  11. Is Trump Advisor Steve Schwarzman The Missing Link In The Rosneft Scandal http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/is-trump-advisor-steve-schwarzman-ceo-of-blackstone_us_58a0340de4b080bf74f03d62
  12. This is a ticking time bomb and there is no way of knowing when, where and how it will explode into the public sphere.
  13. My assesssment of Comey is based upon a TV interview with a member of the House Intelligence Committee who is a Democrat. He said the only hope for the truth to come out lies with Comey. Comey played an ultra sophisticated role in the 2016 presidential election that might have been founded on his inside knowledge of Russian involvement then but not all of its ramifications until recently. Comey would realize that by suppressing the truth America in a few years would collapse from treason within.
  14. I estimate that the FBI and U.S. Intelligence Agencies are 85% complete in their investigations that the Russians not only influenced the 2016 presidential election but determined its outcome in favor of Trump. I also estimate that it is 100% certain that Trump, Flynn, Manafort and others will be implicated directly in coordinating with Putin rigging the election and as a result may face criminal prosecution. There will be an effort by FBI Director Comey and other honest officials in the Executive and Congressional branches of goverment to expose this criminality and an effort by U.S. Attorney General Sessions to use all means at his disposal to coverup these crimes of treason. I make this assessment based upon what I saw from the inside beginning on day one of the Watergate scandal. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/magnitude-of-trump-adviser-flynn-s-russia-scandal-gains-clarity-874908739801?cid=sm_fb_maddow
  15. http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-russia-ties-michael-flynn-dossier-2017-2
  16. Has Donald Trump’s new CIA Director already gone rogue against him over Russia scandal? http://www.palmerreport.com/opinion/has-donald-trumps-new-cia-director-already-gone-rogue-against-him-over-russia-scandal/1480/
  17. http://www.palmerreport.com/opinion/confirmed-donald-trump-advisor-michael-t-flynn-was-colluding-with-russia-before-election/1473/
  18. FBI and IRS investigators questioned IRS’s role in helping Oliver North in the Iran-Contra execution and cover-up By Michael BestFebruary 11, 2017 https://glomardisclosure.com/2017/02/11/investigators-questioned-irs-role-iran-contra-execution-cover/
  19. http://dailycaller.com/2015/08/26/donald-trump-repudiates-david-duke-says-lee-harvey-oswald-acted-alone/
  20. How the Trump regime was manufactured by a war inside the Deep State A systemic crisis in the global Deep System has driven the violent radicalization of a Deep State faction By Nafeez Ahmed https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/how-the-trump-regime-was-manufactured-by-a-war-inside-the-deep-state-f9e757071c70#.hip94v6qr
  21. When the Fire Comes https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/10/opinion/when-the-fire-comes.html
  22. Ray Locker, author of “Nixon’s Gamble”, posted the following on Facebook toay: Every day day there is another parallel between President Trump and Richard Nixon. First, Trump rearranged the National Security Council in Nixonian fashion. As with Nixon, the leaks from within the government started almost immediately. Now the Trump White House is on what will be a futile attempt to find the leakers. Nixon tried to do that by wiretapping his own staff and journalists, a move that became one of the biggest secrets he tried to hide. That helped accelerate his downfall. Will the same thing happen to Trump? It's hard to believe he has only been president for three weeks. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/donald-trump-challenges-governing-presidency-234879
  23. Robert Tosh Plumlee wrote on Facebook today: All's Well. Been real busy these past few days writing and finishing up the final chapters and rearranging minor details in reference to the book "THAT DAY with JFK", before I send it, the manuscript, off. I'm just checking in. I'll keep you posted as things develop. Be safe out there.... RTP http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKplumlee.htm
  24. Chris: This is all the information posted to date on Facebook about the conference. I am a member of the sponsoring group and shall keep you and other interested forum members abreast in this thread as new information is posted on Facebook about the event. Doug
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