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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Putin Swaggers Into Hungary as Europe Wonders About U.S https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/02/world/europe/vladimir-putin-hungary.html
  2. Newsman Peter Alexander has just tweeted: BREAKING: US Treasury Dept easing Obama admin sanctions to allow companies to do transactions with Russia's FSB, successor org to KGB.
  3. From the article: The money laundering scheme in question involved Deutsche Bank clients illegally moving more than $10 billion out of Russia and into New York among other places. Nothing has yet been publicly disclosed about the identities of these clients, whom they were working with in Russia, or their motives. But the first thing that comes to mind is the possibility that the money which Deutsche Bank loaned to Donald Trump may have illegally come from Moscow. http://www.palmerreport.com/opinion/money-laundering-russia-donald-trump/1329/
  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trumps-overshadowed-scandal-in-yemen_us_5890b2bfe4b080b3dad6fbe9
  5. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/317510-trump-opens-national-prayer-breakfast-with-talk-about-tv-ratings
  6. From the article: Trump’s selection of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State is telling as well as ominous. Tillerson’s ExxonMobil has been a major beneficiary of the “war on terrorism”, and a major player in energy deals connected to 9/11 and all subsequent conflict. Tillerson was executive vice president of ExxonMobil Development Company and oversaw many of the company’s Caspian Sea holdings. ExxonMobil was one of the members of Dick Cheney’s secret task force, the US National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG). As detailed extensively in Mike Ruppert’s Crossing the Rubicon, the NEPDG’s targeting of Middle East and Central Asian energy fields served as a virtual map of the battle for the “war on terrorism” and a central motive behind 9/11. In addition, according to Ruppert, who detailed the case in “The Elephant in the Living Room” (From the Wilderness 3/30 02), ExxonMobil engaged in bribery. Major bribes totaling $1 billion were paid by ExxonMobil and BP Amoco to Kazakhstan’s then-president Nutsulstan Nazarbayev to secure equity rights in Kazakh oil fields during the 1990s. Dick Cheney, then-CEO of Halliburton was a sitting member of the Kazakh state oil advisory board. The activities of Cheney’s NEPDG as well as the numerous bribery scandals have been aggressively covered up. Tillerson must certainly know about all of this. Does Trump? Is this the kind of foreign policy agenda he and his national security team embraces? If so, it is pure globalism of the most rapacious kind. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2017/02/no_author/cias-deep-state/
  7. https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/02/01/trumps-chief-strategist-steve-bannon-no-doubt-the-us-will-be/21704928/?a_dgi=aolshare_facebook
  8. Michael: If you had bothered to read my posting above, I asked the moderators to move the Trump posts out of this forum into another. Why did you not read my posting about sounding off? Developments in the Trump presidency can be now found in the EF link below. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/forum/258-political-discussions/ Almost all of my EF posts will now be in the political discussions forum. The assassination of JFK was a turning point in history but it took place 55 years ago. What is happening to our country today can be traced back to the assassination because the country afterwards was never the same. Something Big Exceptional about America was lost forever. So my interest now is more in present time developments.
  9. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4182852/Trump-s-SCOTUS-pick-founded-club-called-Fascism-Forever.html
  10. https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/02/02/dumb-deal-drags-australia-us-ties-to-new-low-after-tense-trump-call/21705625/
  11. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/us-judge-orders-trump-administration-to-allow-entry-to-immigrant-visa-holders/ar-AAmwzG7?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  12. http://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/what-if-a-president-loses-control?mbid=social_facebook_aud_dev_kw_jansub-what-if-a-president-loses-control&kwp_0=311438&kwp_4=1196076&kwp_1=540541
  13. http://www.palmerreport.com/opinion/russian-exec-dead-sanctions-donald-trump/1317/
  14. https://www.thenation.com/article/leaked-draft-of-trumps-religious-freedom-order-reveals-sweeping-plans-to-legalize-discrimination/
  15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/no-gday-mate-on-call-with-australian-pm-trump-badgers-and-brags/2017/02/01/88a3bfb0-e8bf-11e6-80c2-30e57e57e05d_story.html?utm_term=.3c6063f1f609
  16. It is a legal issue for the courts to decide just as the issue of the release of Nixon's Oval Office tapes was decided by court action. I would like to propose that the Moderators create a new specific topic in Controversial Issues of History devoted solely to "The Trump Presidency." For example, there is one already devoted there to The Death of Marilyn Monroe. So it would also be appropriate to create one of "The Trump's Presidency" because we live in momentous times, not only for our country but the world. The spectre of nuclear World War III is becoming more visible publicly. Doing this would mean no further Trump news would be posted in the JFK Assassination Debate Topic, no matter how directly or indirectly the Trump news item might be related.
  17. I hesitate to post this article but feel compelled for historical purposes to do so. It states that Trump arranged for a military jet to transport Judge Neil Gorsuch whom Trump later nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court. In the past I have reported that Billie Sol Estes told me in 1984 that Mac Wallace was transported by military jet to those places where he has been assigned by LBJ to murder certain individuals. Of course, the pilots of the military jets had no idea of the purpose of the trip of the person they were transporting. They merely did what they were told do pursuant to an order from LBJ and transported Mac Wallace to and from the places. https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-02-01/trump-team-kept-gorsuch-secret-with-back-roads-and-military-jet
  18. John Newman announced today on Facebook that this is now available for purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Countdown-Darkness-Assassination-President-Kennedy-ebook/dp/B01N16W6E4/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1485960001&sr=8-2&keywords=countdown+to+darkness+john+newman
  19. Acting Attorney General Sally Yates was doing her constitutional duty when she declared that Trump's immigration ban was unconstitutional and that she could not lawfully defend it. The Attorney General does not represent the President. The president has his own counsel. Here is Republican Senator Jefferson Sessions grilling Yates on her duty to oppose unlawful orders of the president [Obama] when the issue arose in 2015 during her testimony on her nomination before the Senate Judiciary committee. (It should be noted that the Senate Judiciary Committee today voted to send Sessions' nomination to be the Attorney General to the full Senate where it will be vigorously opposed.) http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/31/politics/sally-yates-jeff-sessions-deputy-attorney-general-hearing/index.html Larry Hancock is correct. The Office of Legal Counsel only examines an Executive Order as to language and wording. The Attorney General makes the final decision. Acting Attorney General Yates had concluded the Executive Order was unlawful on its face for several reasons and that she had a legal obligation to so declare. This is evident in the question asked of her by Senator Sessions before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Yales also recognized that when the inevitable court hearing takes place on the issue of the constitutionality of Trump's immigration order it will also be shown to be unlawful because Trump characterized it as intended for Christians as a specific class. Rudy Giuliani stated in a CNN interview that he worked with others to cover up its real intent, which is to discriminate against those of the Moslem faith. As William A. Galston writes in an op-ed in today's Wall Street Journal titled, "Nothing Redeems Trump's Travel Ban": "The president's executive order may also violate the Establishment Clause. The White House insists that the order does not create a religious test for immigration but there are two indications to the contrary. Over the weekend Rudy Giuliani told Fox News that after Mr. Trump announced a 'muslim ban' during the campaign, the candidate came to him and said 'put a commission together to show me the right way to do it legally.' Unsurprising Mr. Giuliani produced a Muslim ban in drag. Moreover, the language of the executive order makes it clear that after the temporary suspension ends, non-Muslims will receive preferential treatment.....Setting aside constitutional issues, the executive order is of dubious legality." It is my opinion that the courts will strike down Trump immigration executive order as being unlawful and likely strike down most if not all of his other executive orders for the same reason. Sally Yates has been nominated for the JFK Profile in Courage Award and justly deserves it. It is appropriate that this forum recognize when someone has been nominated for this award and the person that ultimately receives the award.
  20. Here is a thread that combines current political events with the legacy of JFK, thus refuting any allegation that what happened to JFK is old news and everyone should get just over it. Or has been remarked elsewhere: Hey parents who voted for trump: what parts of his character do you hope your kids will emulate?
  21. Sally Yates Has Been Nominated For JFK Profile In Courage Award The award celebrates officials who choose the public interest over partisanship, “who do what is right, rather than what is expedient.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/sally-yates-has-been-nominated-for-jfk-profile-in-courage-award_us_5890ed77e4b0c90eff00a249
  22. John Newman wrote on Facebook today (note: I am unable to reproduce here the illustration alluded to in his Facebook posting): In his book attacking JFK and Vietnam (Rethinking Camelot), Noam Chomsky charged that my argument that LBJ made an enormous change to NSAM 273 was ridiculous because the changes were just unimportant word "parsing." It is unwise to pop off about a document you have not seen. As you can see, the change to the critical substantive paragraph (#7) was akin to taking a meat cleaver to the draft--the two HUGE lines drawn right through it are not word "parsing" or happys to glads.... Moreover, this dramatic change replaced supporting more South Vietnamese actions against the North (see first document--Draft NSAM 273) with opening the door to direct U.S war against North Vietnam (see second document--Final NSAM 273). Draft NSAM 273 was created while JFK was still alive. Final NSAM 273 was created while JFK's body was still in the casket in the Capitol Rotunda. This reversal led directly to the Tonkin Gulf Resolution and full American intervention in Vietnam. In an interview with me, National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy told me that LBJ was the person who ordered him to put those two big slash marks in paragraph 7 of the draft. [From Chapter Twenty-Two: The Honolulu Agenda] Peter Dale Scott Scott was the first person to correctly identify this major change.
  23. An updated examination of the FBI that had a key role in the JFK assassination conspiracy https://theintercept.com/2017/01/31/secret-docs-reveal-president-trump-has-inherited-an-fbi-with-vast-hidden-powers/
  24. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-rosneft-privatisation-insight-idUSKBN1582OH
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