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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/local/jfk-assassination-cameraman-followed-police-as-they-searched-for-sniper/article_9679af95-d45f-502b-b094-2a09bc29c16f.html
  2. The presidential election of 1968 also had accusations of "treason" reverberating in it, just as that of 2016. https://consortiumnews.com/2016/05/13/lbjs-x-file-on-nixons-treason-3/ http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/31/opinion/sunday/nixons-vietnam-treachery.html
  3. https://consortiumnews.com/2016/05/13/lbjs-x-file-on-nixons-treason-3/
  4. https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296.pdf This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities. The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyber activity by RIS as GRIZZLY STEPPE.
  5. Article is posted here because at times Wikipedia influences discussions in our forum https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-12-22/how-woke-is-wikipedia-s-editorial-pool
  6. https://rtd.rt.com/films/afghan-overdose-inside-afghanistan-opium/
  7. From Veterans Today Website: But looking back to the 2008 election, we found Obama pulling 69 million to Hillary’s 59 million in 2016, so where did the 10 million Obama voters go, when as an eight-year incumbent he had the bully pulpit to call them out? 2016 election results – Wikipedia Clinton: 59,612,076 votes Trump: 59,400,973 2008 election results Obama: 69,498,516 votes McCain: 59,948,323 So why is no one in media even mentioning this but VT, once again, as we have so many time before. This is the black hole of missing votes in all election history, and no one is even curious? Riddle me that.
  8. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/natalie-portman-jackie-reminds-us-why-jfk-assassination-national-tragedy-180961550/
  9. Donald Trump’s Taxes http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/donald-trumps-taxes?mbid=social_facebook_aud_dev_kwjunsub-donald-trumps-taxes&kwp_0=246457&kwp_4=1135188&kwp_1=522287
  10. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/world/article24738718.html
  11. This was posted on Facebook today by John Newman: Coming in mid-January is the sequel to JFK and Vietnam. I have never written a preamble to a book, but this time I decided to do so: PREAMBLE TO THE 2017 EDITION OF JFK AND VIETNAM Brigadier General Joseph A. McChristian was the intelligence chief of the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV), during General William Westmoreland’s command of MACV (1964-1968). McChristian’s insistence on telling the truth about the size and determination of the Viet Cong caused a premature end to his tour at MACV in June 1967. He was perhaps the army’s most distinguished intelligence officer. He had served as General Patton’s intelligence chief in the breakout from Normandy in WWII. After MACV, McChristian became the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI), at Headquarters, U.S. Army. I met McChristian during my assignment at Fort Huachuca in 1988, when he was inducted into the Military Intelligence Hall of fame. We spoke privately for more than an hour. When he learned the topic of my PhD dissertation was about Kennedy and Vietnam, he opened up to me, not only about what had happened to him in Vietnam, but also about what happened afterward. He told me that many of his records at the Army Center for Military History had been surreptitiously removed. He encouraged me to go forward with the project, and to find the officers who had been in Vietnam during the 1961-1963 period and interview them. McChristian was happy to find out that Don Blascak and Sam Adams were going to help me do just that. I decided to write this short preamble about a profound comment that General McChristian once made, and that I had quoted in the original manuscript of this book. Unfortunately, my editor at Warner Books—who held a very senior position at that publishing house—told me I needed to remove it. She said that nobody would be able to understand what the comment meant. Reluctantly, I went along with her wish, and I have regretted it ever since. So, rather than just reinserting it in its original location at the end of Chapter Thirteen, I want to put it up front here. I want to frame it. I want to call it out, so that those among our citizenry who have not served in a military uniform can understand the kind of general officer we need the most. The comment by McChristian to which I refer, took place on camera as CBS was producing its famous documentary on General Westmoreland and MACV: “CBS Reports, the Uncounted Enemy—A Vietnam Deception.” In Westmoreland’s lawsuit afterward, the prosecution deposed McChristian on the question of whether or not Westmoreland had lied. They regretted doing that, as the intelligence chief, under oath, told the truth, and said that lying about the enemy violated the West Point motto—duty, honor, country. For the first time in history, one West Point graduate accused another of doing something “dishonorable.” But the comment I am thinking about took place during the production of the CBS documentary. In that on camera setting, McChristian refused to answer whether or not Westmoreland had lied. He agreed, however, to address the issue if the question was posed to him in this way: producer George Crile asked, “What does it mean to lie about the enemy in a time of war?” This was McChristian’s answer: “It jeopardizes not only the lives of the soldiers on the battlefield, but also the future liberty of your people at home.” It is my heartfelt hope that my editor was wrong, and that I do not have to explain the meaning and eloquence of McChristian’s response.
  12. This important article makes sundry references to U.S. nuclear weapons policy under President Kennedy. Reading it makes one wonder if the world as we know it will exist tomorrow morning. http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/world-war-three-by-mistake?mbid=nl_161226_Daily&CNDID=16022117&spMailingID=10113857&spUserID=MTMzMTc5NjM0OTIwS0&spJobID=1062072553&spReportId=MTA2MjA3MjU1MwS2
  13. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/12/trump-daily-intelligence-briefings-history-jfk-cuban-missile-crisis-214521
  14. Flawed Patriot: The Rise and Fall of CIA Legend Bill Harvey https://www.amazon.com/Flawed-Patriot-Rise-Legend-Harvey/dp/1574889915
  15. Nigel Hamilton: JFK – Reckless Youth https://www.amazon.com/JFK-Reckless-Youth-Nigel-Hamilton/dp/0679748806 Will Ruha wrote on Facebook today: Note that [Nigel] Hamilton ingratiated himself to JFK aide and Library head, Dave Powers via a spate of lies and misrepresentations, and after being given carte blanche acces to all archived information, did precisely what he promised not to do: write a one-sided, negative, character-assassination screed against John F. Kennedy, adding fuel to the fire CIA scribes lit in the agency's campaign of "posthmous assassination" intended to so diminish the late president as to relegate him to the dustbin of history, and hence inhibit any further inquiry into his assassination. Powers told me straight up in no euphemistic terms, what he thoght of Nigel Hamilton and his attack piece. Hamilton had promised to produce a second-volume, which never materialized. Hamilton claims he decided against it after finding so much negative information on JFK. Hah! After his first volume character assassination of JFK, he was persona non grata among Powers, JFK Library staff and all other key Kennedy personnel necessary to author an important and factual work.
  16. Not to be missed: http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/12/23/roaming-charges-the-russian-game/
  17. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/12/russia-analyst-i-was-just-in-moscow-and-people-are-laughing-as-putin-plays-that-fool-donald-trump/
  18. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Who+killed+Kennedy%3f+Roger+Stone+debates+Gerald+Posner&view=detail&mid=47E39034CCE34FF8F8ED47E39034CCE34FF8F8ED&FORM=VIRE
  19. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/12/23/how-i-came-to-understand-the-cia/
  20. https://lozzafun1.wordpress.com/2016/12/23/roger-stone-infiltrates-planning-session-for-inauguration-protesters-planning-violent-disruption/
  21. http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/plea-investigate-death-media-icon-dorothy-kilgallen-article-1.2916682
  22. Jim: Thank you for clarification on this. My posting on the forum came about because Ted Rubenstein reposted a photograph of newspaper headlines about the JFK assassination that John Newman had originally put on Facebook last July. Gerald Campeau then commented on Ted's posting of Newman's photograph. One of the comments is above, "JFK Asked CIA to form an assassination unit." Campeau's second comment was this: http://www.angelfire.com/ny/syzergy/castroreport.htm I now realize that Mr. Campeau was apparently just building an historical record on the subject with his posts. Your straightening out the matter puts it in proper perspective.
  23. I shall be interviewed tonight for an hour on Houston Channel 17 (Comcast) and Channel 99 (AT&T U-Verse) at 6:30 p.m. (CT) on a variety of public affairs topics. Here is the link to view it on the Internet: HMS Live | Houston Media Source hmstv.org
  24. JFK asked CIA to form assassination unit http://journaltimes.com/news/national/jfk-asked-cia-to-form-assassination-unit/article_5322fdce-9f6c-5470-9e52-70fbc2f078fd.html ----------------------------------- Gerald Campeau wrote this comment on Facebook following the article: William Harvey, Chief of FI/D, was briefed in February 1961 (by authority of Richard Bissell) on phase one of the gambling syndicate operation. That briefing was in connection with a sensitive operation that Bissell had assigned to Harvey. Harvey describes it thus: Early in the Kennedy administration, Bissell called him in to discuss what Harvey refers to as an Executive Action Capability; i.e., a general stand-by capability to carry out assassinations when required. Harvey's notes quote Bissell as saying, "The White House has twice urged me to create such a capability." Bissell recalls discussing the question of developing a general capability with Harvey. He mentioned the Edwards/gambling syndicate operation against Castro in that context, but he now thinks that the operation was over by then and that reference to it was in terms of a past operation as a case in point. It was on this basis that Harvey arranged to be briefed by Edwards. Harvey's fixing of the date as February was only after review of events both preceding the briefing and following it. He says now that it might have been as early as late January or as late as March 1961. After some discussion of the problems involved in developing as Executive Action Capability, Bissell placed Harvey in charge of the effort. Harvey says that Bissell had already discussed certain aspects of the problem with [deleted] and with Sidney Gottlieb. Since [deleted] was already cut in, Harvey used him in developing the Executive Action Capability, although never with respect to Castro. We did not question Gottlieb on his knowledge of the program for creating an Executive Action Capability, but Harvey's mention of him in this connection may explain a notation by Dr. Gunn that Harvey instructed Gunn to discuss techniques with Gottlieb without associating the discussion with the Castro operation. Harvey states that after the decision was made to go ahead with the creating of an Executive Action Capability, and while he was still discussing its development with Bissell, he briefed Mr. Helms fully on the general concept but without mention of the then ongoing plan to assassinate Castro. The Executive Action program came to be known as ZRRIFLE. Its principal asset was an agent, QJWIN, who had been recruited earlier by [deleted] for use in a special operation in the Congo [the following line was struck through with a pen, but not redacted--it reads: "the assassination of Patrice Lumumba) to be run by [deleted] [deleted] made a survey of the scene, decided he wanted no part in an assassination attempt, and asked to be released--which Bissell granted.) The project name, ZRRIFLE, first appears in the files in May 1961, although the first recorded approval is dated 19 February 1962. The new DD/P (Helms) on that date authorized Harvey, by [End of comment on Facebook]
  25. This is a breaking story, being posted first exclusively here and on my Facebook page: https://glomardisclosure.com/2016/12/21/trumps-transition-team-cabinet-picks-federal-investigations/
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