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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. As I concluded in my commentary at the beginning of this topic: There exists the National Defense State whose purpose is to protect the national security and assure the survival of the United States. Surely Trump is not so narcisstic and arrogant that he fails to recognize that the National Defense State will not tolerate him as President-elect and then as President dealing unilaterally with the Russians with only him and Premier Putin knowing what is being discussed and agreed upon. Again treason is being heard about an American president. Surely Trump has not forgotten why JFK was assassinated? Or has he in his early stage of Alzheimer’s dementia? http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/veteran-spy-gave-fbi-info-alleging-russian-operation-cultivate-donald-trump
  2. Mr. Price: I still haven't got over the assassination of JFK. Have you? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/stock-act-donald-trump_us_5859c045e4b0d9a594566921
  3. http://www.palmerreport.com/opinion/james-comey-prison-warrant-used-smear-hillary-clinton-total-crap/510/
  4. Oliver Stone and Kevin Costner Look Back at the Legacy of ‘JFK,’ 25 Years Later http://variety.com/2016/film/in-contention/jfk-25th-anniversary-oliver-stone-kevin-costner-1201945702/
  5. Startling information. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/lawyer-appalled-by-fbi-warrant-that-shook-clinton/ar-BBxnnQ8?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  6. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/12/tom-arnold-says-hes-got-recordings-of-trump-using-racial-slurs-and-calling-son-a-retard/
  7. http://time.com/4606082/jfk-assassination-secrets/?xid=fbshare
  8. http://959watd.com/blog/2016/12/ma-jfks-100th-birthday-to-be-marked-with-stamp-celebrations/
  9. JFK100: Centennial Celebration https://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK100.aspx
  10. http://people.com/politics/what-jackie-kennedy-knew-about-jfk-cheating/
  11. http://www.ecfr.eu/page/-/ECFR_169_-_PUTINS_HYDRA_INSIDE_THE_RUSSIAN_INTELLIGENCE_SERVICES_1513.pdf
  12. CIA of yesterday and CIA of today: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/18/books/review-debriefing-the-president-tears-into-the-cia.html
  13. Absolute must read. Revelation after revelation. http://michaelstraus.org/truth-trump-putin/ and a must view:
  14. "Our Hidden History" posted the following on Facebook today: I found a bit more of Dr. Wecht's testimony in front of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (about 30 mins). Part one can be found originally at blackopradio.com and here on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPOfwHI0CA8 and the testimony as a pdf can be found here: http://aarclibrary.org/…/vol1/pdf/HSCA_Vol1_0907_8_Wecht.pdf All of the HSCA testimony and reports (including previously classified material made available under the JFK Act) are available for free at the amazing Assassination Archives and Research Center's website here: http://aarclibrary.org/publib/contents/contents_hsca.htm House Select Committee on Assassinations: Dr. Cyril Wecht, Pt. 2 (1978) I found a bit more of Dr. Wecht's testimony (about 30 mins). Part one can be found originally at blackoprad… youtube.com
  15. A must read for sure http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bigger-than-watergate-concerns-grow-that-anti-clinton_us_5850bb12e4b0b662c2fddebc
  16. Contrast this message from JFK with what emanates from Trump:
  17. Mark Lane vs David Atlee Phillips, USC (1977) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpdq5NhoRRY&feature=youtu.be Published on Dec 14, 2016 This is only the last part, I think (?) the first part is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OEpu... - They aren't seamless, so some is clearly missing from the middle. I was hoping it would be the cut of Phillips discussing Oswald and Mexico City, but it doesn't appear to be that - or it could be the bit which is missing. Program Title: Secrecy and conspiracy in the government / moderated by Paul Chaffee. PRA Archive #: SZ0146 Description: Excerpts from a public forum on the covert actions of the U.S. government at home and abroad. r.1. Donald Freed. -- r.2. Ramona Ripston. -- r.3. Mr. Phillips, C.I.A. agent ; Mark Lane, investigator. -- r.4. Phillips and Lane (cont.). For more related content, please visit: https://archive.org/details/@altviews...
  18. https://stevenhager420.wordpress.com/2016/12/14/the-two-oswalds/
  19. Donald Trump Is Gonna Get Us Killed by Michael Moore December 14, 2016 A week has gone by since Donald Trump admitted he's only been to "two or three" of his daily presidential national security briefings. There have been 36 of them since the day he secured enough electoral college votes to be appointed president next Monday when the Electoral College meets. Most would agree the #1 job of the leader of any country is to keep its people safe. There is no more important meeting every day for the President than the one where he learns what the day's potential threats are to the country. That Trump would find it too cumbersome or too annoying to have to sit through 20 minutes of listening to his top intelligence people tell him who's trying to kill us today, simply boggles the mind. Of course, our minds have been so boggled so many times in the past year by this foolish man no one seems that surprised or concerned. He can get up at 5 in the morning and send angry, childish tweets about how he's being portrayed on SNL ("Not funny! Unwatchable!"), or belittling the local elected union leader in Indiana, but he doesn't have time to hear about the threats to our national security. So, my fellow Americans, when the next terrorist attack happens -- and it will happen, we all know that -- and after the tragedy is over, amidst the death and destruction that might have been prevented, you will see Donald Trump acting quickly to blame everyone but himself. He will suspend constitutional rights. He will round up anyone he deems a threat. He will declare war, and his Republican Congress will back him. And no one will remember that he wasn't paying attention to the growing threat. Wasn't attending the daily national security briefings. Was playing golf instead or meeting with celebrities or staying up til 3am tweeting about how unfair CNN is. He said he didn't need to be briefed. "You know, I think I'm smart. I don't need to hear the same thing over and over each day for eight years." That's what he told Fox News on December 11th when asked why he wasn't attending the security briefings. Don't forget that date and his hubris as we bury the dead next year. We had a president like him before. He, too, lost the popular vote, a majority of Americans saying they didn't want him in the Oval Office. But his governor/brother and his ex-CIA chief/dad's appointees to the Supreme Court put an end to that, and he was installed as Commander-in-Chief. On August 6, 2001, he was on a month-long vacation at his ranch in Texas. That morning, the White House Counsel handed him his daily national security briefing. He glanced at it, set it aside and then went fishing for the rest of the day. Below is the photo of that moment which I showed the world in "Fahrenheit 9/11". The headline on the security briefing reads: BIN LADEN DETERMINED TO STRIKE INSIDE U.S. On the top page it tells how bin Laden will do this: with planes. George W. Bush didn't leave the ranch to go back to work for the next four weeks. In the fifth week, bin Laden attacked the US with planes on September 11th. It's one thing to have a president who was asleep at the wheel. But, my friends, it's a whole other thing to now have a president-elect who REFUSES TO EVEN GET BEHIND THE WHEEL! This utter neglect of duty, a daily snub at the people who work to protect us, the first Commander-in-Chief to literally be AWOL and announcing proudly he isn't going to change -- this, I assure you, is going to get a lot of innocent people killed. To you, Mr. Trump, I say this: When this next terrorist attack takes place, it is YOU who will be charged by the American people with a gross dereliction of duty. It was YOUR job to pay attention, to protect the country. But you were too busy tweeting and defending Putin and appointing cabinet members to dismantle the government. You didn't have time for the daily national security briefing. Don't think we're going to let you use a modern-day burning of the Reichstag as your excuse to eliminate our civil liberties and our democracy. We will remember that while the plot to kill Americans was being hatched, your time was consumed by whom you saw as the real threat to America: Alec Baldwin in a wig.
  20. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/10/10/declassified-cia-report-concluded-director-mccone-led-cover-up-kennedy.html
  21. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/us/politics/russia-hack-election-dnc.html
  22. NOT TO BE MISSED. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/us/politics/russia-hack-election-dnc.html
  23. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/13/after-talking-with-trump-bill-gates-likens-president-elect-to-jfk.html
  24. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/07/vladimir_putin_has_a_plan_for_destroying_the_west_and_it_looks_a_lot_like.html?wpsrc=sh_all_mob_tw_ru
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