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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/20/jfk-assassination-gary-hart_n_4302598.html
  2. Sorry about the poor link. I don't know why the whole link was not shown. It is a great story. I am attempting to locate it and reproduce it here again.
  3. Putin's candidate won the election with the help of the FBI in fixing the election. http://www.aol.com/article/news/2016/11/16/nsa-chief-nation-state-made-conscious-effort-to-sway-us-presi/21607615/
  4. PBS FRONTLINE Seven Issue Trump Will Inherit http://now.eloqua.com/es.asp?s=2531&e=451310&elq=16882277862e48f2b9ba9da3a322cfc2&elqaid=3715&elqat=1&elqTrackId=b8dd3405ab344b288acef47af0765615
  5. Judyth Baker presents JFK Conference Live The event starts Friday. Viewing is free. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3zHbtOHfX28G4_IifT_3A/live
  6. Senator Who Investigated JFK Assassination: ‘American Journalism Never Followed Up On That Story’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/20/jfk-assassination-gary-hart_n_4302598.html
  7. New Trailer for Natalie Portman's Jackie Recreates JFK Assassination http://people.com/movies/new-trailer-for-natalie-portmans-jackie-recreates-jfk-assassination/
  8. Joe: I want to associate myself with your perceptive observations above, and not just because I was born in Long Beach. Doug
  9. Well worth viewing: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/11/16/us/politics/the-two-americas-of-2016.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=b-lede-package-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/20/books/review/jean-kennedy-smith-nine-of-us.html
  11. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2016/11/14/obama-last-minute-pardons-clinton-snowden-pardon-attorney/93784856/
  12. Trump and his IRS tax return. Trump gets inaugurated on Jan 20. He must file his 2016 tax return by April 15, 2017, or ask for an extension. Eventually, sooner or later, he must file his return. Presidents always make their tax returns public. Will Trump do the same or will he refuse to make the return public or will he say he can't make it public because he (as President) is being audited by the IRS? The latter option does not sound like a wise PR move. This should get interesting.
  13. http://www.aol.com/article/news/2016/11/15/trump-transition-shake-up-part-of-stalinesque-purge-of-christi/21606533/
  14. Pat: The FBI and NYPD knew in April that Huma's emails were stored on Weiner's laptop. I believe FBI agents working with NYPD withheld this information from Comey until the last moment, forcing him to act. This was the trap that had been set which Giuliani alluded to in his TV interview in a secretive, boastful manner. If Giuliani in nominated for a cabinet post, you can take it to the bank the Democrats on the Senate committee that will vote on his nomination before it goes to the Senate Floor will grill him thoroughly. This is a time-bomb for the Republicans because it could open up the whole issue whether the FBI rigged the outcome of the presidential election. My guess is that investigative journalists are already in pursuit of this hot story. There will be books later, too. The people marching in mass protests around the country sense what has happened. Here in Houston and around the country plans are being made now to stage immense mass protests on the day that Trump is inaugurated as president.
  15. Dallas probably was selected in 1961 as the site to kill Kennedy. Joan Mellen in her new book, Faustian Bargains: Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace in the Robber Baron Culture of Texas, writes (p. 162): "Early in 1964, the Senate voted not to extend the [Bobby] Baker inquiry by a vote of forty-two to thirty-three. All forty-two votes came from the Democrats. Among tidbits coming to the attention of the Warren Commission as it investigated the Kennedy assassination was that Don Reynolds had been heard to say 'the FBI knew that Johnson was behind the assassination.' Reynolds denied that he ever said such a thing. He did reveal that during the swearing in of John F. Kennedy, Bobby Baker had said, "The S.O.B. will never live out his term and will die a violent death.'"
  16. Scenes from anti-Trump protests http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/11/12/us/elections/photographs-from-anti-trump-protests.html
  17. Major Research Resource http://www.governmentattic.org/ governmentattic.org provides electronic copies of thousands of interesting Federal Government documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. Fascinating historical documents, reports on items in the news, oddities and fun stuff and government bloopers, they're all here. Think of browsing this site as rummaging through the Government's Attic. For example, here is the Naval Criminal Intelligence Service Manual http://www.governmentattic.org/21docs/NCISmanual3_2008.pdf Also this is available: http://www.governmentattic.org/22docs/DoDfilmOfferNARA_1990-1996.pdf
  18. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/swing-state-margins/?tid=sm_fb 107,000 votes gave victory to Trump.
  19. http://nypost.com/2016/11/11/new-jfk-assassination-theory-cuban-double-agent-led-plot/?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter&utm_medium=SocialFlow&sr_share=twitter
  20. Planning for protests against Trump is underway nationwide. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/us/trump-protest-rallies.html
  21. From the Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition (Nov. 12-13, 2016): Peggy Noonan writes: “But so much depends upon the immediate moment. Trump must move surely now. When you add up the votes of Mrs. Clinton, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson and others, you get 52%. Between 47% and 48% voted for Mr. Trump. I was an enormous achievement but a close-run thing and precarious.” Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. writes: “Grab that low-hanging fruit, Mr. Trump. You and your team deserve credit for eking out an electoral-college victory. But you lost the popular vote. You won fewer votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012. You barely surpassed John McCain’s total in his blowout 2008 loss. For a mandate that doesn’t fall apart with the first scandal or shapely ghost from your past, earn it with success on the growth front.”
  22. Thanks, Cliff, for the great and appropriate observation by Mencken. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/opinion/sunday/the-danger-of-going-soft-on-russia.html
  23. Putin has decades of being a skilled Soviet and then Russian intelligence officer. He views Trump as a useful idiot, one who can be disarmed by mere flattery. Our national security would be at risk if Trump and Putin were to meet alone, without their advisers.
  24. FBI Director Hoover played a crucial role in the JFK assassination cover-up. Acting FBI Director Gray played a crucial role in the Nixon criminal cover-up while FBI Assistant Director Felt at the same time played a key role in bringing Nixon down by leaking information to the Washington Post. FBI Director Comey played a crucial role in rigging the presidential election.
  25. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/us/politics/hillary-clinton-james-comey.html She is right about this. It was a stealth plan to rig the election conceived weeks in advance by Guiliani, NYPD, and the FBI.
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