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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Decades ago when Jay Harrison was compiling evidence on LBJ, Billie Sol Estes and Mac Wallace, I visited him in his trailer in Austin. He described to me the research in which he was engaged. I later received three binders containing documents on the three aforementioned persons that Jay had compiled. A year ago I gave a set of the most relevant of these documents, a pile about a foot and a half high, to Roger Stone and also to Robert Morrow. I also gave these to a highly credible person whom I am not at liberty to name but who is legend in Texas history and who knows plenty about the murdering trio. I am exploring the feasibility to reproducing these documents and making them available to those who want to see them. I plan to cite some of them in my review of Joan Mellen's new book. Anyone who sees these documents compiled by Jay Harrison when quickly realize that there remains a big story not yet told about LBJ, Billie Sol Estes and Mac Wallace. Hopefully Robert Caro will tell this saga in the fifth installment of his LBJ biography that he is working on now. This may the reason why Caro did not even mention Billie Sol or Mac Wallace in his most recent volume that covered the years Billie Sol and Mac Wallace had contact with LBJ. Barr McClellan, Dawn Meredith and I have lived in Texas and we know what it was like when LBJ exercised supreme power both within the state and nationally. This knowledge sets us apart from others in the JFK assassination community who may live in California or Pennsylvania or elsewhere. Texas was a world of its own when LBJ and his cronies held sway in the Lone Star State.
  2. http://herald-review.com/special-section/jfk/embalmer-also-connects-area-to-the-assassination/article_b4c2715c-55c6-11e3-a056-0019bb2963f4.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=user-share
  3. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trumps-castro-connection-how-trumps-company-violated-the-us-embargo-against-cuba/ar-BBwMksk?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=UE07DHP
  4. Joe: I was listening to the program when George Noory suddenly announced that he was ending the interview with John Barbour. It was a startling development. Later in the program Noory indicated that John had several times in the course of the interview used words that are prohibited by the FCC or considered to be in poor taste in the public discourse. Noory had been forced to push the red bottom that deleted these words under a seven second delay before they were broadcast. Today on Facebook John indicated that in telling a story about his legendary career in television he had quoted someone else using the "N" word in describing another person. This apparently pushed Noory over the edge.
  5. Bart: This is a most worthy project. Examining the contents of the FBI file on Frank Sturgis could answer a number of historical questions or provide leads on how to find those answers. I met Frank Sturgis on the first day of the Watergate case after he had been arrested with the other four burglars at the Democratic National Committee. Years later I learned from a trusted member of law enforcement that he had probably killed over 200 persons during his lifetime. HIs own death has a mystery about it. He was truly a man who knew too much. Doug
  6. Interview: G. Robert Blakey Frontline Nov. 19, 2013 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/interview-g-robert-blakey/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share_button
  7. https://stevenhager420.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/the-truth-about-the-jfk-assassination/
  8. Date: Tuesday - September 27, 2016 Host: George Noory Guests: John Barbour, Open Lines Subject: JFK Assassination John Barbour is the only performer in TV to win Emmys for both entertainment and news shows, and is known as the godfather of reality TV as the creator, co-producer and co-host of NBC's 'Real People.' John was the only person in TV to go to New Orleans to interview Jim Garrison. It was this 3-hour interview that became the backbone of his award-winning documentary, The Garrison Tapes, called by many in the field the best documentary on the JFK assassination. Followed by Open Lines in the latter half. Website(s): •johnbarboursworld.com
  9. Len Colodny posted the below on Facebook today: THE MILITARY MOVES AGAINST NIXON! At 12 pm on October 15th I will be speaking at the Oswald Conference in New Orleans. http://oswaldconference.com/speakers/ed-colodny/ The Conference runs from October 14th-October 16th. There will be wide spectrum of best selling authors, and other experts who will cover this subject from a number of different perspectives. link; http://oswaldconference.com/ My talk will be titled:"Mystery Solved: How Investigating the Kennedy Assassination led to the solution of Nixon's "Silent Coup", and the Watergate Break-in." Whether it is by an "Assassination" or a "Coup" two Presidents were gone from office in little over a decade. Were the same forces (CIA et al) in play with both Kennedy and Nixon's forced removal from the Presidency ?? Just like Kennedy the military was wary of Nixon. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Thomas Moorer formed a spy ring to move against President Nixon. That story has been captured in full in "Silent Coup" in fact has been called the seminal book on this subject: The Moorer-Radford Affair Seven Days In December: Espionage and Treason In The White House On December 14, America will celebrate an anniversary that is unfamiliar to most citizens. Seven pivotal days in our history, which plays out like a scenario straight from the pages of a Hollywood screenplay, reveal that the Pentagon had poised itself against the White House. Bordering on treason, Nixon and his aids were ignorant of these events until they read Jack Anderson's syndicated column in the Washington Post titled "US Tilts to Pakistan." In this article, Anderson explained that America was backing Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistani War; while this may not seem significant, the reason for the "tilt" was because Pakistan had relationship with Red China -- a country that Richard Nixon was attempting to court. While newsworthy, only the highest levels of the White House and Pentagon staff had access to such top-secret information. LINK:http://watergate.com/Military-Spy-Ri…/Military-Spy-Ring.aspx I will also be talking about my second book "Forty Years War" "The Rise and Fall of the Neocons from Nixon to Obama" just republished by Trine Day with an update on October 1st. Be sure to try and join me for my talk and the mixer.
  10. Professor Joan Mellen’s new book, “Faustian Bargains: Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace and the Robber Barons of Texas,” was published on September 13. It was immediately hailed by the usual suspects as the final word on LBJ’s historical connections to Mac Wallace, Billie Sol Estes, U.S. Marshal Clint Peoples and fingerprint expert Nathan Darby, among others. The final word? Not so fast. On September 23, The New York Times’ article on literary agent Robert Gottlieb disclosed that his client, Robert Caro, is working on the fifth installment in his biography of LBJ for which he had previously been awarded the Pulitzer Prize. So Joan Mellen’s new book is not the final word. Because Caro is notorious for being laborious in his research and writing, his authoritative final word on this topic may years away. This is my short review of Joan Mellen’s new book. My longer review will be published here in the Education Forum prior to the Lancer and JFK Assassination Conferences in Dallas in November.
  11. Robert Caro in his last volume on LBJ did not mention Billie Sol Estes or Mac Wallace. His is writing his fifth installment on LBJ now. It will be interesting to see what he writes about concerning Billie Sol and Mac Wallace and also any differences his forthcoming volume might have with the contents of Joan Mellen's recently published book.
  12. From the article: Mr. Gottlieb still works as an editor at Knopf and collects what he described as an entry-level salary. He continues to edit books by Mr. Caro, who is writing the fifth installment in his Johnson biography, and Ms. Morrison, who recently sent him the first 40 pages of her next book. He still uses No. 2 pencils to mark up manuscripts. At 85, he sees no reason to retire. “Why not, as long as I’m compos mentis?” he said. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/24/books/robert-gottlieb-avid-reader-reluctant-writer.html
  13. https://app.box.com/s/8b408e6999f8799dfd0a/2/251450825/7711320430/1
  14. http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/digging-grave-an-honor.htm
  15. http://watergate.com/Woodward-Haig-Connection/Woodward-Haig-Connection.aspx http://watergate.com/John-Dean/White-House-Call-Girl.aspx
  16. From Len Colodny's posting above: "My talk will be titled:"Mystery Solved: How Investigating the Kennedy Assassination led to the solution of Nixon's "Silent Coup", and the Watergate Break-in." Whether it is by an "Assassination" or a "Coup" two Presidents were gone from office in little over a decade. Were the same forces (CIA et al) in play with both Kennedy and Nixon's forced removal from the Presidency ??"
  17. Shadows Over the White House: The Mafia and the President https://www.amazon.com/dp/1936274701/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_dp_t1_MXf4xb2HEZ1Q4
  18. Steve Morgan wrote on Facebook (Sept. 18 or 19, 2016): I used to work for Halliburton; it was an open secret and much discussed at the time. Some of the men I worked with were among the original employees of Halliburton and even had known and worked for Roy and Earl Halliburton. This included the man who originally hired me shortly after I separated from the Marines. He told me that Roy and Earl Halliburton wee the "laughingstocks" of the oil patch when they first began to discuss their theories of "cementing" , i.e. bonding the casing to the walls of the drilled well bore by the use of displacement until they proved their theory was functionally sound; which made them instant millionaires. Later when I went into the exploration phase of the petroleum industry, I worked with men who had been on the "Mo-Hole", later designated the "Deep Sea Drilling Project". a plan to drill into the earths crust which was thankfully unsuccessful and the blowout would have been a live and active volcano. The fact that Lady Bird was 51% owner of the stock in Brown and Root had been an open secret. All of the contracts for the Mo Hole Project circa 1966, had been farmed out to Halliburton and it's associate companies. Of Course: this was part of the Democratic Johnson Administration apparatus. A Young Republican attorney from Illinois at the time named Donald Rumsfeld, discovered that LBJ and his wifes company and those connected with it had a monopoly for services to be provided with the lucrative Mo-Hole project. This was at the beginning of the height of the anti war movement and the 1968 election was coming up. LBJ ordered the original contracts for the Mo-Hole project scrapped immediately, the project to be renamed "The Deep Sea Drilling Project" and bids sent to competitors before Rumsfeld, known to be ruthless, could embarrass Lady Bird and the Johnson Administration. That Lady Bird Johnson owned 51 per cent or controlling interest in the stock of Brown and Root is a fact.
  19. The Story of David Atlee Phillips (Part V) http://quixoticjoust.blogspot.com/2016/09/the-story-of-david-atlee-phillips-part-v.html
  20. Len Colodny today posted this announcement on Facebook: At 12 pm on October 15th I will be speaking at the Oswald Conference in New Orleans. http://oswaldconference.com/speakers/ed-colodny/ The Conference runs from October 14th-October 16th. There will be wide spectrum of best selling authors, and other experts who will cover this subject from a number of different perspectives. My talk will be titled:"Mystery Solved: How Investigating the Kennedy Assassination led to the solution of Nixon's "Silent Coup", and the Watergate Break-in." Whether it is by an "Assassination" or a "Coup" two Presidents were gone from office in little over a decade. Were the same forces (CIA et al) in play with both Kennedy and Nixon's forced removal from the Presidency ?? "Journalism's Dirty BIG Secret." I will be talking about and demonstrating how I exposed the two big lies that covered up the Nixon Coup: First and foremost is the so called "Hero" of the "Coup" Washington Post reporter Robert Woodward AKA "Robert Redford". Interviewing Woodward in his DC home in Georgetown,in his kitchen with three tape recorders rolling, Bob Gettlin and I would press Woodward on the subject of his briefing General Alexander Haig in the White House in 1969-70. When asked Woodward answered with a challenge: "I defy you to produce somebody who says I did the briefing. It's just, it's not true." Bob and I set out meet that demand by going to Woodward's boss,Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer. Moorer confirmed that Woodward did brief Haig. That interview was "secretly taped". As was our next interview with Moorer's boss Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird who confirmed that he knew Woodward had briefed Haig. Woodward has lied about who he really was and the sensitive job he had in the Nixon White House, nothing Woodward said or wrote could be believed, no "Deep Throat",no "All The President Men", all made up "fairy tales" to cover his inside role as the"cats paw" in the removal of President Richard Nixon. http://watergate.com/Woodward/Woodward-Haig-Connection.aspx Now for you the the jury gathering at the Oswald Conference,in New Orleans,the evidence below and much more will be discussed and you can render your own verdict there during my presentation. The Woodward "lied" evidence link for you to study beforehand: http://watergate.com/Woodward/Woodward-Haig-Connection.aspx I will also be talking about my second book "Forty Years War" "The Rise and Fall of the Neocons from Nixon to Obama" just republished by Trine Day with an update on October 1st. Be sure to try and join me for my talk and the mixer. oswaldconference.com
  21. http://hamptons.curbed.com/2016/9/16/12944034/jackie-kennedy-reed-krakoff-east-hampton-home
  22. 4th Annual JFK Luncheon / Symposium November 17, 2016 11-5pm Stevens Garden and Grill 223 Depot Street. Mansfield Texas, 76063 Moderator: Chris Gallup Speaker Include: Beverly Oliver Massegee (Witness, Close friend to Jack Ruby, Known as the Babushka Lady) Barr McClellan (Personal Attorney for LBJ, Researcher, Author) Brian Edwards (Ed Hoffman Expert, Author, Researcher) Casey Quinlan (Ed Hoffman Expert, Author, Researcher) J. Gary Shaw (1st Generation Researcher & Author) Special Guests TBA
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