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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Linda Minor is a close friend and I think her support of Judyth comes from her admiration for the work of Kris Millegan of TrineDay publishers, who is Judyth's chief sponsor. There a few persons more talented and credible that Linda Minor in her ongoing research into major topics, including the JFK assassination. Although I shall not be speaking at Judyth's JFK Assassination convention in November because she withdrew my invitation after having extended it to me, she has assembled a number of outstanding speakers. It would be unrealistic to maintain that these speakers will lose their credibility and prestige because they are participating in the convention. They will be presenting their views and opinions independent of those expressed by Judyth. http://quixoticjoust.blogspot.com/ http://wherethegoldis.blogspot.com/
  2. Donald Trump and Roger Stone learned corrupt politics at the same time from the sinister Roy Cohn, which is why Stone today spreads lies like this one: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/08/01/roger_stone_says_khizr_khan_is_a_muslim_brotherhood_saboteur.html?wpsrc=sh_all_dt_tw_top
  3. Is Trump going to drop out of the presidential race? http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/senior-gop-officials-exploring-options-trump-drops/story?id=41089609
  4. How Chinese billionaires saved Trump from utter financial disaster 22 years ago: http://peterlance.com/wordpress/?p=7600
  5. http://pulsegulfcoast.com/2015/11/pensacolas-jfk-connection-the-man-who-knew-too-much I fault the conclusion of the writer of this article. Years ago I worked for the National Association of Realtors which at one time had a meeting of members in New Orleans. One of the members was killed when a robber who had just robbed him pushed him against the glass window of a store in the French Quarter. The shattered glass caused the member to die.
  6. Murray Rothbard wrote this in 1978: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2016/08/murray-n-rothbard/assassination-revisionism-2/
  7. My advice to Trump would be to stop thinking about Cruz and instead start retaining a criminal attorney: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/30/donald-trump-paul-manafort-ukraine-russia-putin-ties
  8. Danny Vasquez wrote on Facebook today: On August 5, 1963, representatives of the United States, Soviet Union and Great Britain signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which prohibited the testing of nuclear weapons in outer space, underwater or in the atmosphere. The treaty, which President John F. Kennedy signed less than three months before his assassination, was hailed as an important first step toward the control of nuclear weapons. On November 20, 1983 the most terrifying movie I have ever seen was shown on ABC titled The Day After. Director Nicholas Meyer stated "The making of the film was to date the most worthwhile thing I ever got to do in my life," Meyer asserts. "Any movie that the President of the United States winds up saying changed his mind about the idea of a winnable nuclear war is not an insignificant achievement. The Reagan administration came in thinking about 'acceptable numbers' of nuclear casualties. (Reagan's memoirs reveal) what he had to say about the effects of what 'The Day After' had on his thinking. "When he signed the Intermediate Range Weapons Agreement at Reykjavik (in 1986) with Gorbachev, I got a telegram from his administration that said, 'Don't think your movie didn't have any part of this, because it did.'" "The Day After" went on to be nominated for 12 Emmy Awards and win two. It was released theatrically to 40 countries where it did quite well financially. (This reporter actually saw a subtitled theatrical version in Athens, Greece, during the summer of 1984.) "Whether this is a credit to Meyer or the production team, the film got shown all over the world," says actor Whitman. "It got shown in Russia at a time when you wouldn't expect such a film to be shown." In this upcoming election vote for a President who has the experience and steady temperament, so this will never happen in our lifetime, we not only owe this to JFK's memory, but to our children. Thank you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1la-RwfFzQ
  9. Americans need to know in the presidential campaign what Trump's views are on disclosure of U.S. documents being withheld that deal with the JFK assassination. In the same vein, Americans also need to know what Trump's financial ties are with Putin and the Russian oligarchs: From the article: "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets," Trump's son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication. "We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia." http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/06/donald_trump_vladimir_putin.html
  10. More on Ted Cruz's father: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2016/07/tyler-durden/trump-right/
  11. Charles Brandt's new edition of his book states that the Mob had three rifles flown from the Midwest to a Mob controlled restaurant in Brooklyn where Frank Sheeran's assignment was to pick them up and transport them to Baltimore. Sheeran did not know about their intended use. A few days later JFK was assassinated and only then did Sheeran realize what his role had been in the conspiracy. Brandt says that David Kaiser in his book, The Road to Dallas, on page 411 has a paragraph that touches the above. However, Brandt says that Kaiser in his historical account of the assassination failed to realize the true significance of what he has written about in the paragraph. https://www.amazon.com/Road-Dallas-Assassination-John-Kennedy/dp/0674034724/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1469455570&sr=1-1&keywords=The+road+to+dallas
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/28/us/michigan-jimmy-hoffa-search/ The house described in this article is where Frank Sheeran killed Hoffa. Charles Brandt says that within minutes Hoffa's body was taken to a nearby funeral home and from there to a cemetery where the body was cremated. All this took place within one hour.
  13. Summary from coasttocoastam website of July 25, 2016 of last night's interview of Charles Brandt: Date: Sunday - July 24, 2016 Host: George Knapp Guests: Charles Brandt In the first half, George Knapp welcomed investigative author and lawyer Charles Brandt. In the course of nearly five years of recorded interviews, mob strongman Frank Sheeran confessed to Brandt that he handled more than 25 hits for the Mob, and was eventually ordered to kill his friend Jimmy Hoffa. Brandt shared an update to his original investigation with more evidence about Sheeran's involvement with Hoffa, new information on other famous murders, and how the Mob does not take "no" for an answer. Brandt described Sheeran’s extensive WWII battle service and how it changed him from a "Huckleberry Finn type" beforehand, but "came out of the war a changed man." His strict Catholic upbringing and the morals instilled in him were suppressed by his war experiences. This made him ripe for recruitment by organized crime when he met mobster Russell Bufalino in the 1950s and the two became friends. Bufalino started Sheeran on small jobs, such as collecting unpaid loans, and slowly eased him into actual murders. Brandt said that after he got Sheeran out of jail on a medical leave, the two became friends and began a series of interviews in which the former hit man confessed his role as the triggerman in the murder of Hoffa, well as some other famous assassinations, such as the death of crime boss Joey Gallo in 1972. Brandt recalled the account that Sheeran gave him of the murder of Hoffa and how it matched evidence that was later found showing a trail of blood at the house where the alleged hit took place. Brandt also said that Sheeran darkly hinted that he was involved with the assassination of JFK but "would not go anywhere near Dallas" when questioned. A film directed by Martin Scorcese and starring Robert De Niro and Al Pacino based on Brandt’s research is slated to begin production soon. Related article on the search for Hoffa. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2016/07/24
  14. Adlai Stevenson once wisely observed: "In America anyone can be President. That is the chance we take."
  15. Here are three posts made so far today by Danny Vasquez on Facebook. By the time you will have read this he will have posted more. Apparently no good deed goes with being criticized by someone in the JFK assassination community. As I wrote earlier, Danny’s has an inexhaustible treasure trove on material on the assassination that he posts daily on Facebook. He deserves praise, not unjust criticism. Danny in his post that I quoted at the beginning of this thread contrasted excerpts from the Zapruder film with the Nix film. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce these excerpts here but the difference between the two on their sprocket holes is shown clearly. http://www.kenrahn.com/Marsh/Zapruder/821.html Here is information on the Zapruder film sprocket holes:
  16. Thanks, Pat, for your interest in this matter but I have no idea why I was disinvited. Maybe Judyth Baker will say something later on about it.
  17. Joan Mellen has asked me to post the following announcement in this topic, which I am pleased to do: My book about the dark side of LBJ, which explores his relationships with Mac Wallace and Billie Sol Estes in as much detail as I could uncover, is called "Faustian Bargains: Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace In The Robber Baron Culture of Texas." The official publication date is September 13th, but it's already listed on amazon.com Copies should be available before that date, however.
  18. Joe: Thank you for your kind and generous comments. Judyth Baker's inviting me to speak and then disinviting me is strange. I have posted my experience with Judyth, whom I have never met, in hopes of alerting others of the pitfalls of responding to any contact from her. On another note, I am working with several others on disclosure of vital historical matters that will totally reshape public perception of epochal events that took place in the last 60 years. If all goes well in this endeavor, disclosure will take place next January, or perhaps sooner.
  19. Danny Vasquez, who almost daily posts original matter on Facebook about the Kennedy Assassination, wrote on Facebook today: I am in the Video Transfer business, for many years I have transferred thousands of regular 8mm home movies to DVD for my customers. In the many years I have NEVER come across footage similar to the Zapruder film, ****meaning film information between the sprocket holes. Examples show the Nix film with no information between the sprocket holes, and the Zapruder film with film information within the sprocket holes, I have looked for many years, but all footage from different sources over the years are ONLY similar to the Nix film with a dark image between sprocket holes, with NO film information.
  20. How Did LBJ Make His Money? The Disturbing Story of His Political Rise and Corruption (1990)
  21. A month ago I was contacted by Judyth Baker and invited to be a speaker on her JFK Assassination Conference in Dallas in November on the topic of LBJ, Billie Sol Estes and Mac Wallace. This came as a surprise as I have never met Judyth Baker. I accepted her invitation to participate. Yesterday I received the email below from Judyth Baker. After reading it I realized I should have heeded the advice tendered by Pamela Brown and others in this thread. I offer my sole experience with Judyth Baker as a forewarning learning lesson to others may be contacted by her. ----------------- Dear Doug: Regretfully, we must withdraw our invitation to have you speak at the JFK Assassination Conference 2016. A combination of factors and our need to focus on a predetermined theme has made it unfeasible to have you as a speaker. Please accept our regrets and our hope that you will understand that this decision was unavoidable. We trust that we have given you all the time you might need to adjust your plans for November. Sincerely, Judyth Baker, president JFK Conferences, LLC cc: Belinda Dye, Sec'y-Treasurer Cherish Truth.
  22. I am posting this video because it raises the question of whether the CIA uses programs it has developed to transform children into being later in their lives something akin to "Manchurian Candidates" or perhaps being members of assassin squads that operate in foreign countries and within our nation. The Children and the CIA - partial report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbaKn6qIOOM&feature=share
  23. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/07/20/jfk-turned-to-peace-and-was-assassinated/
  24. US Senate creates commission to honor 100th anniversary of JFK’s birth Boston Globe July 15, 2016 https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/07/15/senate-creates-commission-honor-centenniel-jfk-birth/6oPYE9FkP6Rqh2U8yf3L9H/story.html
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