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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. From the Wikileaks document: In 1988, Riggs Bank, under the direction of Jonathan Bush and J Carter Beese, would purchase controlling interest in a Swiss company named Valmet. In early 1989, the new subsidiary of Riggs called Riggs-Valmet would initiate contact with a group of KGB officers and their front-men to start setting up an international network for moving money out of the former Soviet block countries. In the first phase of the economic attack on the Soviet Union, George Bush authorized Leo Wanta and others to destabilize the ruble and facilitate the theft of the Soviet/Russian treasury. This would result in draining the Russian treasury of between 2,000 to 3,000 tonnes of gold bullion, ($35 billion at the time). This step would prevent a monetary defence of the ruble and thus destabilize the currency. The gold was âstolenâ in March of 1991, facilitated by Leo Wanta and signed off by Boris Yeltsinâs right hand man. The majority of the leaked reports from the CIA and FBI suggest the theft of the Russian treasury was a KGB and Communist party operation, but what those reports omitted was the extensive involvement of Boris Yeltsin, the U.S. CIA and the U.S. banking industry. https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/20/207972_-analytical-and-intelligence-comments-it-suggests-that.html
  2. The JFK connection is in the video that I suggested be watched. It was the nexus for posting this item in this topic. The Wikipedia entry was most likely written by or at the direction of Sandy Berger. Was he going to admit real reason that he went to the National Archives to steal documents and who sent him in to do this? Would the legal papers related to his being caught state the actual reason? Berger being caught in his attempt to steal documents is old news but being caught doing this rarely happens. Think of all the Secret Service documents related to the JFK assassination that were destroyed and what occurred within the CIA. It would be interesting to get a copy of the disputed Prescott Bush agreement to see what it actually states -- unless the National Archives has it as a classified document. According to Wanta's account, he was commissioned to carry out his assignment at a meeting in William French Smith's law office in Los Angeles when Reagan was still president-elect and that Colby and Casey were present along with him. This may have happened but once Reagan took poswer he turned most of the responsibilities of his office over to Bush via James Baker and Edwin Meese. After the attempt to assassinate him he surrendered even more of his power.
  3. Among the disclosures by Ambassador Lee Wanta in his coasttocoastam interview last night concerned former National Security Council member Sandy Berger being caught attempting to take a document out of the National Archives by hiding it in his underwear. The ambassador said that the document in question was the U.S. agreement with Prescott Bush regarding his financial ties to Nazi Germany. The agreement stipulated that no member of the Bush family would ever be eligible to run for U.S. presidency. Wanta maintained that as a result Reagan was the last legally elected president of our country. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Berger
  4. JFK’s relationship to Eagle One to Wanta Be sure to view the video http://eagleonetowanta.com/ http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2016/05/28
  5. Steve: My attending the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University (1956-60) gave me a perspective that most of those who call themselves conservative lack. What really triggered my awakening to the realization that the modern mass Conservative Movement founded in 1960 had veered away from its original principles was a meeting of the board of directors of the Robert Schuchman Foundation in 1974. Schuchman, a Yale Law student, was the first chairman of Young Americans for Freedom, having been elected to that post at the group's founding meeting in 1960 in Sharon, Conn. at the Buckley family home, Great Elm. He passed away suddenly a decade later and a foundation was formed in his memory. The 1974 Schuchman Foundation meeting was disrupted by the arrival of Joseph Coors of Coors Beer Company, accompanied by Edwin Feulner and Paul Weyrich. The trio informed the directors that they would have to do the bidding of Coors et. al. or face being destroyed financially. The foundation's directors told the three to take a hike and each director subsequently became a target. This came about because there was a void in the leadership of the Republican Party with the resignation of Nixon in the Watergate scandal, causing Coors, an extremist in every sense of the word, to step in to fill the vacuum. Soon after the directors' 1974 meeting Feulner formed the Heritage Foundation and Weyrich formed the Committee for a Free Congress, both being bankrolled by Coors. The takeover of the Conservative movement by opportunists and sociopaths that began in 1974 evolved over the ensuing decades to the point that the U.S. is no longer a functioning democracy, in the words of former president Jimmy Carter.
  6. Steve: Here is an excerpt from an article I wrote in 2011 titled, "Crimson Rose and the Secret of the Two Keys": What was “Crimson Rose,” the two words overheard by Rita Reed when she listened in on the telephone conversation on May 31, 1972? Crimson Rose, an acronym, stood for a 400 page CIA document whose title was “Confidential Report on Intelligence of Military Secret Operations on Nixon” and whose subtitle was “Report of Operations of Secret Surveillance and Eavesdropping.” It was marked “Eyes Only.” Both Military Intelligence and the CIA had wire-tapping operations located in the Columbia Plaza Apartments in the weeks prior to the Watergate case breaking open. The CIA had an office that was located at 2430 E Street, N.W., within walking distance of both the Watergate and Columbia Plaza Apartments. Authors Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin in their 1991 book, Silent Coup: The Removal of the President recounted in detail a military intelligence spy ring that reported to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon that penetrated the White House and that was opposed to Nixon’s foreign policy goals. Crimson Rose, the secret CIA report, dealt with this military intelligence spy ring. Its title spoke volumes about its contents. It would be interesting to find out if Crimson Rose contained information about Bob Woodward , who from 1969-70 as a Naval Lieutenant, served as liaison to the White House from Admiral Thomas Moorer, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Woodward’s assignment at the White House was to brief General Alexander Haig inside the office of the National Security Council. It was this period when the military intelligence spy ring operated inside the White House that was secretly chronicled in the CIA’s Crimson Rose document. Upon learning of its existence, Military Intelligence devised a plan to steal Crimson Rose, which it viewed as an explosive and incriminating report, from within the bowels of the CIA. Military Intelligence deemed retrieving the sole “Eyes Only” copy of the Crimson Report as being absolutely essential. This was because, in the wake of Watergate and the disclosure of other unseemly government activities, in 1975 the Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, known as the Church Committee after its chairman, Senator Frank Church, initiated hearings into the activities of the CIA and other intelligence agencies. The great fear of Military Intelligence was that should the Church Committee (or the Pike Committee) get its hands on a copy of Crimson Rose in the course of its investigation of the CIA, disclosure of its contents would lead to exposing the role of Military Intelligence in bringing down the Nixon Administration and would drastically affect how the American public perceived its military. Disclosure could lead to a complete reorganization of the Pentagon and court martial trials, perhaps criminal trials, of those involved. Shoffler played the key role in carrying out the plan to obtain Crimson Rose. In June 1975 Mitchell Rogovin, General Counsel to the CIA, was lured by someone he knew and trusted to dinner at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. In the course of the dinner his drink was spiked, causing him to appear inebriated. Several men who were Military Intelligence agents assisted him to a freight elevator that transported them to a floor above. The elevator operator for the special occasion was Merritt, who in prior years had held that position at the hotel. The regular operator of the freight elevator had been given one hundred dollars and told to get lost for an hour. Rogovin was then carried into a hotel room and quickly stripped naked. He was positioned on a bed and a prostitute climbed into bed beside him. Shoffler had arranged with Buster Riggin for the use of the prostitute from the prostitution ring operated by Riggin. Graphic photographs were taken of Rogovin and the woman in different sexual positions. Subsequently, Rogovin was shown the photographs and told that unless he obtained and delivered the Crimson Rose report from within the CIA, the incriminating photographs of him would be leaked. He was also threatened that his son would be set up and falsely charged with selling illegal drugs if he did not cooperate. Presented with these horrific threats, Rogovin chose to retrieve the Crimson Rose report and give it to the military agents involved, whose leader was Shoffler. When Rogovin gave it to Shoffler, the 400-page Crimson Rose file was encased in a formidable binder bearing the seal of the CIA that had a broken chain dangling. The “Eyes Only” document had been protectively situated, chained to a circular table in a secure room inside CIA. In the center of the table were a large number of other CIA “Eyes Only” documents in their chained binders, allowing the documents to be read but not removed from the table. When given to Shoffler, the chain to the Crimson Rose document had been cut. Rogovin resigned as CIA General Counsel the next year.
  7. THE SOLARI REPORT A UNIPOLAR VS. MULTIPOLAR WORLD APRIL 2016 https://solari.com/blog/the-saker-a-uni-polar-vs-multi-polar-world/ https://solari.com/00archive/web/solarireports/2016/sr20160407_1.pdf From the interview: C. Austin Fitts: Right. So if you look at the build-out on the Silk Road, it’s explosive in terms of wealth creation. It’s amazing what’s going to happen. That’s why I think the China-Iran connection has always been one that’s freaked out the United States. I wanted to mention one thing. I just published a book review on David Talbot’s book about Allen Dulles. It’s called The Devil’s Chessboard. It’s fascinating because one of the things you realize is the Anglo-American Alliance spent World War I and World War II and made enormous sacrifices to amass a huge amount of global power. Then John F. Kennedy comes in and essentially decides he’s going to switch everything to a multipolar world. I realized, “Oh, that was the empire’s last experiment with stopping a multipolar world from happening.” Then you see from the time of the Kennedy assassination this real buildout of a unipolar world, and you take it global with the balancing of the global economy. Now you really have an exhaustion and an unraveling, like as if they tried to do a global empire and they didn’t quite make it, and now its unraveling back. Whereas Kennedy was trying to do it the nice way, now we’re going to do it the rough way. Does that make sense? Saker: I never thought of Kennedy as trying to unravel the empire, to be honest. I would need to think about that. But what is certainly happening is that there is imperial overreach very evidently happening.
  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/26/us/politics/donald-trump-presidential-race.html
  9. Hillary just carried forward the Neocon's plans that General Wesley Clark disclosed were adopted in the first months of the administration of President George W. ("Mission Accomplished") Bush: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw
  10. There are many reasons why I shall never vote for Hillary but this is among the foremost. It shows that she is cackling psychopath and left that country filled with multi factions of terrorism. Among the victims there of her neocon aggression was our late U.S. Ambassador who died in a most horrible way.
  11. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/05/18/dying-gop-senator-apologizes-to-muslims-for-donald-trump.html?via=mobile&source=facebook
  12. http://www.adweek.com/fishbowlny/dan-rather-george-noory-coast-to-coast/376025
  13. http://s.telegraph.co.uk/graphics/projects/kick-kennedy/index.html
  14. http://www.c-span.org/video/?407190-1/remembering-president-kennedy
  15. Lyn Colodny writes: Let's talk a little bit more about what "Silent Coup" is and is not. First it is not a "Watergate" book. It is the story of the "Nixon Coup" that actually took place on August 9th 1974. That the Watergate story was used to pull off the "Coup" is true as is the fact that Nixon worked with Dean to cover it up, The first section of "Silent Coup" is the formation in 1969 of a military Spy Ring in reaction to Nixon setting up a "secret government". The key members were Admiral Moorer,Admiral Robinson and later Admiral Welander. The person inside the White House working with the ring was Al Haig. All three had important ties to Bob Woodward. Larry Berman's book "Zumwalt" has called "Silent Coup" the "Seminal Work on the Spy Ring". So start in the beginning by visiting the Military Spy Ring section of our web site:
  16. Roy: One person whom Howard Hunt criticized on more than one occasion to me was Cord Meyer, although I never asked him why he felt this way. As to Joseph Kennedy's rise to wealth, there is this from an article by Peter Dale Scott: Hoover eventually collected information on all those with political influence, from members of Congress to the very wealthy; and he retained personal control over this information in his files to protect his position. For example he reportedly had 343 closely held case files on the business activities of Joseph P. Kennedy, starting with the bootlegging years and including coverage of several illegal – treasonous, even – transactions brought off while Kennedy was Ambassador to Court of Saint James. [source cited by Scott: Burton Hersh’s book, Bobby and J. Edgar, p 15.] https://libya360.wordpress.com/2013/04/30/natoamericas-unchecked-security-state-parts-i-ii/
  17. The new four-part series will focus on Jackie's life after the November 1963 assassination of her first husband, President John F. Kennedy. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3595568/Katie-Holmes-morphs-Jackie-O-alongside-young-JFK-Jr-set-TV-miniseries-Kennedys-Camelot.html#ixzz499v7jZzR
  18. Joseph McBride posted on Facebook today: Tomorrow night (Thursday) I will be among the guests on Len Osanic's Black Op Radio's tribute to the late Kennedy assassination researcher Mark Lane. Among the other guests will be Dick Gregory, Cyril Wecht, Donald Freed, and Jim DiEugenio. The show will be broadcast live at 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m. PST. http://www.blackopradio.com/schedule.htm
  19. New Book: CIA & JFK: The Secret Assassination Files https://www.amazon.com/CIA-JFK-Secret-Assassination-Files-ebook/dp/B01FIGY89Y?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0
  20. Secret Documents ‘Withheld Without Explanation’? Laura (Diachenko) Sheehan, reply by Robert G. Kaiser May 26, 2016 Issue In response to: The Disaster of Richard Nixon from the April 21, 2016 issue http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2016/05/26/secret-documents-withheld-without-explanation/
  21. Bob Woodward Lied To Me, To His Readers, To Our History By Len Colodny http://www.watergate.com/Disclosure/Disclosure.aspx
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