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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. http://utpress.utexas.edu/index.php/books/jencia http://www.amazon.com/CIA-Hollywood-Agency-Shapes-Television/dp/0292754361/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1453659935&sr=1-1&keywords=The+CIA+in+Hollywood
  2. Yes, Tom, it was directly related. I cover my role in Watergate fairly early on in the interview below and then later starting about I hour and 56 minutes I talk about the relationship between these two events. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jKBlJQNtek We hope that in the coming months that you will post in the forum timely information that you have gleaned from your 400 volumes on the assassination. Few people have such an extensive library. Doug
  3. The change in the official cause of death of Henry Marshall came about because Billie Sol asked to go before the Robertson County grand jury to tell what he knew. It was Clint Peoples, the U.S. Marshal for the Northern District of Texas, who persuaded Billie Sol to volunteer to go before the grand jury. Had Billie Sol not done so, it is likely that today Marshall's death would still be classified as a suicide. On one of my visits in 1984 with Peoples in the U.S. Courthouse in Dallas he walked over to a file cabinet and showed me his files on LBJ, Billie Sol, et al. He then reached in and pulled out one file and showed it to me. It contained about half a dozen of large and clear photographs of the Henry Marshall's scene of death with his body on the ground next to his car. Someone had taken these photographs before the body was removed. I failed to ask Peoples for more information about the photographs and today wonder where they and the rest of his files are located. http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmarshallH.htm
  4. Robert Morrow has posted a copy of Billie Sol's autobiography online. I have to find it and provide the link in the forum.
  5. I happen to believe this testimony. You may know that Joan Mellen interviewed Billy sol several times and did not find him credible in the least. (Or so she told me back in the day before she began calling my dear friend Nathan Darby a xxxx. Agg. Perjury at that. ) I doubt we will ever speak again. I knew Nathan very well, he was in fact a neighbor but I did not know him til I met Jay Harrison. He was as honest a man as I have ever known. There is a lot very fishy about Wallace's alleged death in 1971 too. Doug Do you know anything about the tapes BSE said he had to prove his claims? There is a group in the JFK assassination community that claims exclusively to possess "the truth" about the JFK assassination. Members of this group reject anything involving Billie Sol Estes and some even reject LBJ having any role whatsoever in the assassination. Those of us who maintain otherwise are dismissed as being "the Texas mafia." Joan is a highly respected professor and author and possesses great credibility. I eagerly await her book on LBJ, Billie Sol and Mac Wallace due to be published in September. However, I tend to think that she approached the subject with a bias against Billie Sol.The last time that I was in communication with Joan she reached out to thank me for something that I had said or provided her in her research on her book that was a "break-through" of some sort. I had answered all questions that she posed to me to the best of my ability and recollection. I do believe the tapes existed at one time and may still. The reason for this is that when Billie Sol in 1984 came through Houston on his way to Galveston we shared a cup of coffee. He introduced me to a young man about 30 years of age, an employee of Brown & Root, who accompanied him on his trip. The young man volunteered that he had listened to the tapes.
  6. Mac Wallace died when his car ran off the road in 1971. Clint Peoples, the U.S. Marshal for the Northern District of Texas, also died when his car ran off the road in 1992. In the latter's case, there was a witness who saw a truck suddenly pull out from the side of the road to ambush People's car as it passed to force it to crash. Peoples had followed the LBJ and Billie Sol Estes criminal saga for decades, starting first as a Texas Ranger. When I told Peoples that I was working to get immunity for Billie Sol at his request to tell his story to the U.S. Justice Department, he said "It is about time that the truth comes out." Peoples was a great man. http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKpeoples.htm
  7. No, Roger, I would suggest you not spend the money to buy Pam's book. It was a great book when it was published, which was when Billie Sol was just months short of being released from prison. But it only told the Billie Sol story as seen by family members who suffered through his trials and incarcerations. Billie Sol had never told Pam anything of substance as to his criminal activities for obvious reasons. Pam's book caused was a minor news sensation and served to convince Billie Sol he should tell his story in his own book. Pam was a delightful person, bright and always enjoyable to be around. She died from brain cancer just a few months after Billie Sol passed away in 2013. The family members of these people who commit crimes invariably suffer greatly.
  8. Terry's birthday was yesterday and I sent her a birthday wish on Facebook. I noticed that the last posting by her on her Facebook page was Sept. 1 of this past year. Nothing since then. I asked in my birthday wish that she post something so that we know she is alright. Such a long absence is cause for worry.
  9. The Wikipedia entry is inaccurate. Former FBI Associate Director Edward Miller and I had several meetings on this matter in1984 with Stephen Trott, Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. As a result Trott arranged with the Director of the FBI to have three FBI agents go into the Estes file and that of the Kennedy assassination to see if there was evidence that merited further investigation that could lead to a grant of immunity to Billie Sol. The three agents found that there was sufficient evidence to proceed. A meeting was arranged for the three agents to meet Billie Sol in Abilene. They flew from Washington, D.C. to Abilene for the meeting scheduled at a hotel in Abilene that had a atrium. I and my co-counsel, Brian Gettings, met Billie Sol, who was accompanied by his daughter, Pam, in the lobby. Billie Sol immediately made it quite clear that he was backing out of making any further disclosures and would not meet with the three agents (who were watching our meeting from above in the atrium.) I pointed out to Billie Sol that the Moody Foundation, U.S. Marshal Clint Peoples, Stephen Trott, the Justice Dept., the FBI and I had gone at great lengths to set up the Abilene meeting at his request. However, Billie Sol was adamant in his refusal to proceed and he and Pam departed after 15 minutes. So it was Billie Sol who ultimately refused to tell what he knew. The U.S. Department of Justice was more than willing to hear what he had to say. But after he backed out, that ended both my interest and that of the Justice Department in pursuing the matter any further. I later asked U.S Marshal Clint Peoples, who had known Billie Sol for 25 years, why Billie Sol backed out. He told me that it most likely Billie Sol had come to realize that going forward might have exposed one of Billie Sol's relatives to possible prosecution for his role in one of Billie Sol's nefarious criminal money schemes. It would have opened up a dangerous can of worms. All this is recounted in my Dark Journalist interview. You are, of course, welcome to continue believe the entry in Wikipedia that was written by someone who was not a participant in what occurred,
  10. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/01/21/a-revolutionary-speech-patrice-lumumba-and-the-birth-of-the-republic-of-congo/
  11. When he testified under penalty of perjury before the Robertson County (TX) grand jury in 1984, which voted to change the official report of the death of U.S. Government employee Henry Marshall from suicide to homicide. In 1961 his death was listed as a suicide. Billie Sol Estes testified that Malcolm Wallace killed Henry Marshall.
  12. Greg: I recently received a letter from Mr. MCann who wrote to me because he learned from the internet that we shared a common friend, the late newspaper columnist Alice Widener. In the1950s he was a frequent dinner guest as Alice's dinner parties in her NYC coop on Park Avenue where he wrote that he met General Leslie Groves, Senator George Malone, Edith Kermit Roosevelt, Cartha DeLoach and many prominent business people. United Fruit Company was a financial supporter of USA, Alice's magazine. I had an article published in USA on George Kennan when I was an undergraduate at Georgetown University. I plan on responding to Mr. McCann's letter shortly and will inquire further about any contact Robert Kennedy may have had with United Fruit Company as part of the Bay of Pigs invasion.
  13. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2016/01/u-s-government-long-used-propaganda-american-people.html#more-53254
  14. Roger: Thank you for your interest in this subject. I go into greater detail about these documents in my interview with Dark Journalist starting around minute 1:18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jKBlJQNtek In about a month I will be doing another interview with Dark Journalist in which I shall make further disclosures about LBJ and Billie Sol Estes. Time constraints prevented me from doing this in the first interview. Also I shall be disclosing information on the Watergate break-in never before made public. Doug
  15. 1976 Facts on File, November 13, 1976 U.S. firm linked to Bay of Pigs raid United Brands Co. of the U.S., then known as United Fruit Co., had actively participated in the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba at the request of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, according to a book published Oct. 21. The book, titled "An American Company: The Tragedy of United Fruit," was written by Thomas P. McCann, a former vice president of the firm. McCann said United Fruit had dealt directly with the late Robert F. Kennedy, then U.S. attorney general, in planning the Bay of Pigs invasion. The CIA's main contract at the firm was the late J. Arther Marquettee, then vice president in charge of steamships and terminal operations, McCann said. McCann quoted Marquette as saying that Kennedy "wanted us to supply two of our freighters to convey men, munitions and material during that invasion. The arrangements were made, and it was all very cloak and dagger: our own board of directors didn't know about it, and certainly only a handful of us with the company were party to the secret." After the abortive invasion, McCann said, the logs of the two ships were sent to Washington, sealed with was and then returned to the company. "As far as I know, they are still in company valuts -- the official record of our participation in that fiasco permanently safe from public view," McCann said. Burke Wright, United Brands' current public relations director, said he was unable to find anyone in the company who knew about its participation in the invasion, the Miami Herald reported Oct. 23.
  16. New Book Says FBI Was Mastermind Behind MLK Assassination and Its Cover-up January 18, 2016 | Posted by David Love http://atlantablackstar.com/2016/01/18/new-book-says-fbi-was-mastermind-behind-mlk-assassination-and-its-cover-up/
  17. Request that Forum Administrators Verify True Identity of Ashton Gray I have been a member in good standing of the Education Forum for 10 years. I have reason to believe that the person participating in the forum under the name of “Ashton Gray” is doing so fraudulently and is not using his real name or the photograph associated with that name as posted by “Ashton Gray” in the forum. I hereby formally request that the Administrators of the forum require the person participating under the name of “Ashton Gray” to produce proper identification to the Administrators that this is his real name and true photograph. To accomplish this goal I request that the Administrators require “Ashton Gray” to use the U.S. Postal Service to mail to the Administrators a copy of his driver’s license since this is the official form of identification required by the U.S. Homeland Security Administration for many purposes, including travel on airplanes. Upon examination by the Administrators of the driver’s license submitted by “Ashton Gray” to make certain that it is true and proper and not an altered or fabricated document, I request that the Administrators announce their finding on this matter to the members of the forum. I request that the Administrators give “Ashton Gray” a set period of time with which to comply with the request for submission of his driver’s license. Two weeks from the date of your request would be a fair period. If after the two week period has expired and “Ashton Gray” has not submitted his driver’s license, I request that the Administrators immediately cancel the membership of “Ashton Gray” in the forum accompanied by an announcement of doing this to the membership. I am certain that the Administrators recognize that at stake here is the integrity of the Education Forum. A person operating under fraudulent identification in the forum poses a threat not only to the public reputation of the forum but to the credibility of the work product posted on the forum by all members. Douglas Caddy Attorney Member of the Texas and District of Columbia Bars
  18. Request that Forum Administrators Verify True Identity of Ashton Gray I have been a member in good standing of the Education Forum for 10 years. I have reason to believe that the person participating in the forum under the name of “Ashton Gray” is doing so fraudulently and is not using his real name or the photograph associated with that name as posted by “Ashton Gray” in the forum. I hereby formally request that the Administrators of the forum require the person participating under the name of “Ashton Gray” to produce proper identification to the Administrators that this is his real name and true photograph. To accomplish this goal I request that the Administrators require “Ashton Gray” to use the U.S. Postal Service to mail to the Administrators a copy of his driver’s license since this is the official form of identification required by the U.S. Homeland Security Administration for many purposes, including travel on airplanes. Upon examination by the Administrators of the driver’s license submitted by “Ashton Gray” to make certain that it is true and proper and not an altered or fabricated document, I request that the Administrators announce their finding on this matter to the members of the forum. I request that the Administrators give “Ashton Gray” a set period of time with which to comply with the request for submission of his driver’s license. Two weeks from the date of your request would be a fair period. If after the two week period has expired and “Ashton Gray” has not submitted his driver’s license, I request that the Administrators immediately cancel the membership of “Ashton Gray” in the forum accompanied by an announcement of doing this to the membership. I am certain that the Administrators recognize that at stake here is the integrity of the Education Forum. A person operating under fraudulent identification in the forum poses a threat not only to the public reputation of the forum but to the credibility of the work product posted on the forum by all members. Douglas Caddy Attorney Member of the Texas and District of Columbia Bars
  19. JUNE 17, 1992 Watergate 20th Anniversary G. Gordon Liddy, who spent more than four years in prison for his involvement in the Watergate break-in, hosted a radio talk show live from the Watergate Hotel to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the crime. The show featured the three officers who made the arrest of the burglars. http://www.c-span.org/video/?26646-1/watergate-20th-anniversary
  20. JUNE 25, 1991 Book Discussion on Silent Coup: The Removal of a President In a controversial new book on the Nixon resignation, Silent Coup: The Removal of a President, the authors said that White House aide John Dean was responsible for the cover-up of the 1973 Watergate break-in, that General Alexander Haig was attempting to unseat President Nixon, and that General Haig was also “Deep Throat.” The authors say that their book has been rejected by some critics because it “cuts too close to the bone of what’s been accepted for 20 years.” Mr. Colodny is a former Maryland politician and Mr. Gettlin was a reporter for Newhouse Newspaper in Washington. http://www.c-span.org/video/?20346-1/book-discussion-silent-coup-removal-president
  21. JUNE 17, 1997 Watergate 25th Anniversary A portion of the G. Gordon Liddy show on the 25th anniversary of the burglary at the Watergate Hotel was shown. The radio program was broadcast from the Premier Hotel, which is directly across the street from the Watergate Hotel. Exactly 25 years earlier, the site - then a Howard Johnson hotel - was the lookout for the Watergate burglars. Several persons who have investigated the affair talked about the history and outcome of the case. An audio tape of comments by Charles Colson was played to begin the program. Charles Colson, special counsel to President Nixon from 1969-73, was the first Nixon administration member to be imprisoned for Watergate. G. Gordon Liddy, who organized and directed the burglaries at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate complex, was imprisoned from 1973 through 1977 for his involvement in the burglaries. http://www.c-span.org/video/?86931-1/watergate-25th-anniversary
  22. Douglas Horne and Dino Brugioni on the Zapruder Film Published Nov. 4, 2014
  23. St. John Hunt was interviewed this past week on The Power Hour radio show hosted by Joyce Riley. One new aspect of Watergate that he disclosed was that his mother, Dorothy, was carrying evidence with her on the plane that crashed concerning the JFK assassination. This evidence included canceled checks for funds that Howard distributed in Dallas to the Cuban-Americans who were players in the assassination on the night before the assassination. This evidence led back to the CIA and to Nixon starting in1960 the chain of events that later resulted in JFK being killed. I feel certain that Dorothy and Howard made copies of the evidence but St. John told me he has no specific knowledge about this. Howard after Dorothy's death may have feared with justification that releasing copies of the evidence would have been followed by his death and the deaths of his four children. As St. John said on The Power Hour, Dorothy knew she was playing a dangerous game in blackmailing the White House for funds for the Watergate burglars and that she held the losing hand because Nixon was as President the most powerful man on earth. Her view of reality led her to take out a $250,000 Mutual of Omaha life insurance policy at the airport before departure.
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