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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. It was about time travel and John Lennon and I found the interview really interesting because the author of the novel was articulate and forthcoming although he was only in his early twenties age-wise. Didn't Stephen King employ time travel in one of his books being made in a movie? The interviewer never interrupted the author in his answers in contrast to what he did with St. John. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2015/12/05
  2. Wade: Could I inquire whether the first letter in the last name of the "liberal" judge referred to several times in your fascinating postings starts with P? I ask because in 1974 I was intensely interested in a labor union case that was before Judge P and he did something inappropriate with the evidence that had been submitted in that case. Doug
  3. We don't know what is any man's mind, what he is thinking. So it is impossible to say what Hunt was thinking as death neared. My conjecture is that he still feared for the lives of the woman whom he had married a decade earlier and for the lives of his four children from his first marriage to Dorothy if he told everything he knew. He likely had received a specific threat about this. If you viewed my recent interview on darkjournalist.com as to why I have come to believe JFK had to be assassinated, then Hunt likely felt that implications of disclosure were so momentous and world shaking that it was not for him to do. It would be appropriate for someone else or some entity to do. As to misstatements by St. John in his radio interview, it is difficult in a live interview being broadcast to the public to be precise all the time. The mind of the person being interviewed is racing ahead of the words spoken. Also, I thought that the interviewer did a poor job because on at least half a dozen instances he started asking another question or making a comment while St. John was still speaking. This undoubtedly threw St. John off course somewhat, as it would anyone.
  4. Was it conspiracy or directed history or something else when two judges of the U.S. Supreme Court attend a closed door, invitation only, limited attendance meeting in Palm Springs organized and hosted by the Koch brothers to plot political strategy and then return to Washington where months later by a five to four vote the Court hands down its infamous Citizens United decision that drastically alters the American political system in favor of the money elite?
  5. Kirk: No, this was not an opening plea. I had been approached over the July 4, 1972, holiday weekend by Anthony Ulasewicz who was acting upon instructions from White House Counsel John Dean to accept the "hush money" for the seven Watergate defendants and pass it along to them. I refused to do so. The attorney who succeeded me in representing Hunt accepted the money that I turned down and was later named an unindicted co-conspirator in the cover-up indictment. Dorothy Hunt, as recounted in St. John's radio interview, was forced by Howard to become the conduit for the "hush" money, which she picked up clandestinely as various locations such as a locker at the Greyhound bus station. Murdering her was a way for the CIA not only to send a death message to Howard but to eliminate Dorothy as a witness to what had transpired in the months prior. Hunt's plea, which was more of a demand in November 1972, was for "hush" money payments to be guaranteed for as long as the seven defendants were incarcerated and probably for a time afterward since there was no way they were going to be found not guilty at the trial scheduled to take place two months after the conversation with Colson. One of the ironies of the situation is that three months after Dorothy's death, McCord exposed the coverup, which included the "hush" money payments, in his letter to Judge Sirica. So Dorothy's death did not permanently end the issue of the money payments. In a sense her death saved her from the humiliation later of being identified as the conduit picking up and distributing the money, which would have led to her indictment along with Howard's indictment, and to incarceration.
  6. DIRECTED HISTORY IS NOT CONSPIRACY THEORY PART 1 of 4 By Professor Steven Yates March 17, 2012 NewsWithViews.com http://www.newswithviews.com/Yates/steven147.htm
  7. Kirk: This conversation between Hunt and Colson took place in November 1972, not after Hunt was in prison. Hunt had waited until the presidential election was over with Nixon being re-elected to approach directly the White House via his sponsor, Colson, for more "hush" money for the seven defendants who had been indicted in September 1972 and were facing trial in January 1973. After Dorothy was killed, Hunt pleaded guilty at the start of the criminal trial and the four Cuban-Americans loyally followed him by also pleading guilty. Hunt did not enter prison until April 1975 -- almost three years later. The delay was because after the cover-up broke in March 1973 when McCord wrote his letter to Judge Sirica, Hunt was tied up for the intervening years by testifying before the Senate Watergate Committee, being interviewed by the Watergate Special Prosecutor and by having his deposition taken in civil matters. This delayed his entry into prison. He served three and a half years in prison. In my opinion, after listening to the taped conversation, I believe that Hunt in his implicit threats to Colson unwittingly initiated the chain of events that led to the death of his wife, Dorothy. In his conversation with Colson he was sending the message to those in the White House that more "hush" money had better be forthcoming and for the entire period of incarceration or he else would tell all that he knew, which we now know includes the Kennedy assassination as well as the Watergate crimes. Dorothy was murdered by plane crash the next month -- December. St. John stated in his coasttocoastam interview Saturday night that his father immediately realized that Dorothy had been murdered and that he had better keep his mouth shut or else he and his four children would end up dead. So in the subsequent years he did talk but probably only told less than five cent of what he knew, taking the rest to his grave. If he had told everything he knew, the JFK assassination conspiracy, among other mind-boggling crimes, would have been blown wide open. We all know what that would have meant.
  8. http://joanmellen.com/wordpress/2015/10/20/my-investigation-of-the-garrison-investigation-new-orleans-louisiana-october-17-2015/
  9. Valenti's Sexuality Was Topic For FBI By Joe Stephens Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, February 19, 2009 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/18/AR2009021803819.html
  10. FBI agent speaks on JFK 'Assassination Theater' http://www.evanstonnow.com/story/entertainment/eric-shoemaker/2015-12-06/73462/fbi-agent-speaks-on-jfk-assassination-theater
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/he-shot-george-wallace-to-be-famous-now-he-lives-in-silence/2015/12/01/700b1d26-78d7-11e5-bc80-9091021aeb69_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_bremer-810am%3Ahomepage%2Fstory Joseph McBride wrote on Facebook (12/6/2015): This article mentions Gore Vidal's theory (in an essay for the New York Review of Books) that E. Howard Hunt actually wrote Bremer's diary. Paul Schrader is interviewed here for the TAXI DRIVER connections. I remember Schrader noting that Bremer had the makings of a good film critic, because after seeing Otto Preminger's TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME, JUNIE MOON, Bremer wrote in his diary that it was like "a pile of dog xxxx with a plastic flower stuck in it." Of course, the CIA front Washington Post never tells the whole story. Bernstein and Woodward write in ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN that they investigated the Wallace shooting on the possibility that it might have been the ultimate Nixon dirty trick. Nixon and Colson tried to exploit the crime for political purposes, trying to make Bremer seem like a McGovern supporter. According to John Simkin on the Spartacus International website, "Nixon told [his aide Charles] Colson that he was concerned that Bremer “might have ties to the Republican Party or, even worse, the President’s re-election committee.' Nixon also asked Colson to find a way of blaming George McGovern for the shooting. . . . . Colson now phoned E. Howard Hunt and asked him to break-in to Bremer's apartment to discover if he had any documents that linked him to Nixon or George McGovern. According to Hunt's autobiography, UNDERCOVER, he disliked this idea but made preparations for the trip. He claimed that later that night Colson calls off the operation. . . . James Rowley, head of the Secret Service, ordered one of his Milwaukee agents to break into Bremer’s apartment. It has never been revealed why Rowley took this action. . . . In May, 1974, Martha Mitchell visited Wallace in Montgomery. She told him that her husband, John N. Mitchell, had confessed that Charles Colson had a meeting with Arthur Bremer four days before the assassination attempt."
  12. I listened to the three hour interview of St. John Hunt, which did not end until 4 am CST. He made a number of interesting comments. One was that his father believed Dorothy's death in the plane crash was murder and that his father construed the death as a signal to him that he had better keep his mouth shut about all that he knew concerning many unsavory things or else his life and the lives of his four children could end as had Dorothy's. St. John disclosed that Charles Colson was quoted in Time magazine as declaring that the CIA had killed Dorothy. St. John said he briefly spoke to Colson on the telephone about this and Colson said he stood by his quote in Time but that he would elaborate no more because to do so would endanger his own life and St. John's also. St. John observed that the CIA recruits agents who are psychopaths or borderline psychopaths because these agents will feel no remorse over the results of their actions, however horrendous these may be. St. John cited his father brusque comment that the 40,000 innocent civilians killed in the CIA's overthrow of the elected president of Guatemala in 1954 were merely "collateral damage." His father was not bothered by these deaths that came about in the course of his CIA assignment to eliminate the president of Guatemala. The latter had declared he would nationalize the vast properties of the United Fruit Company in the country and turn its land over to the workers who were kept as serfs by United Fruit. The first hour of the four hour show was devoted to interviewing the author of a new novel based on the life of John Lennon. Later on in the program the interviewer disclosed to St. John that the doorman at the Manhattan West Side building where Lennon resided who had taken up his new and temporary post on the day that Lennon was killed was a Cuban-American member of the CIA assassination team, Operation 40. St. John expressed shock upon hearing this and one got the impression that he immediately thought Lennon had been marked for death because of he was a famous outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War. Of course, St. John discussed more and hopefully I shall add to this posting as I recollect other key points that he made.
  13. THANK YOU, PHIL SHENON By Dan Hardway http://aarclibrary.org/thank-you-phil-shenon/
  14. Oliver Stone Testifies Before Congress on Government Records (1992)
  15. Saint John Hunt to be on coasttocoastam Saturday night, Dec. 5 http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/hunt-saint/6933
  16. Saint John Hunt to be on coasttocoastam Saturday night, Dec. 5 http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/hunt-saint/6933
  17. The above phone call was posted on Facebook today by Joseph McBride. Here at the comments that followed his posting: Joseph McBride: As LBJ wrote in his 1971 memoir, THE VANTAGE POINT, “ince I had come to the Presidency not through the collective will of the people but in the wake of tragedy, I had no mandate from the voters,” and when Oswald was killed, “With that single shot the outrage of a nation turned to skepticism and doubt. The atmosphere was poisonous and had to be cleared. I was aware of some of the implications that grew out of that skepticism and doubt. Russia was not immune to them. Neither was Cuba. Neither was the State of Texas. Neither was the new President of the United States.” Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 3:03am · Edited .. F.x. Feeney: Thank you for this link, Joe. There is so much to think about, in the wake of listening to it. The recording is listed as "Time Unknown" but internal clues -- Rostow saying "with the bastard killed" and Moyers that he'd just heard the news about the shooting "a few minutes ago" -- narrow it to not long after Oswald's death at 2:07 pm. Eastern Standard Time. Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs .. Joseph McBride: It was the afternoon of Nov. 24. LBJ was at the Capitol when the death was announced. Here's the transcript of the call, with an interesting note on how it was originally censored: http://www.history-matters.com/.../LBJ_11-24-63_Moyers... Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs · Edited .. Joseph McBride: Donald Gibson writes in his excellent book THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION COVER-UP, "It appears that the idea of a Presidential commission to report on the assassination of President Kennedy was first suggested by Eugene Rostow, Dean of the Yale Law School, in a telephone call to LBJ aide William Moyers during the afternoon of November 24, 1963. Although the time of this call is missing from the White House daily diary, it is possible to identify the period during which the call was made. Rostow refers to the killing of Oswald, so the call had to be after 2:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, the time Oswald was pronounced dead. The call appears in the White House daily diary prior to a conversation at 4:40 P.M, between President Johnson and Governor Pat Brown of California." There is a memorandum which clearly indicates that Rostow called the White House well before 4:00 p.m., EST." ---------------------------------------------- http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/lbjlib/phone_calls/Nov_1963/pdf/LBJ_11-24-63_Moyers-Rostow.pdf
  18. TELEPHONE CONVERSATION, NO. 29, EUGENE ROSTOW, 11/24/1963, TIME UNKNOWN http://transition.lbjlibrary.org/items/show/67328
  19. “Infamous” JFK assassination film fails to sell at auction New York Post Nov. 30, 2015 http://nypost.com/2015/11/30/infamous-jfk-assassination-film-fails-to-sell-at-auction/
  20. Joseph McBride wrote on Facebook today: The late comedian Bill Hicks said: I have this feeling, man, 'cause you know, it's just a handful of people who run everything, you know … that's true, it's provable. It's not … I'm not a xxxxing conspiracy nut, it's provable. A handful, a very small elite, run and own these corporations, which include the mainstream media. I have this feeling that whoever is elected president, like Clinton was, no matter what you promise on the campaign trail – blah, blah, blah – when you win, you go into this smoke-filled room with the twelve industrialist capitalist scum-xxxxs who got you in there. And you're in this smoky room, and this little film screen comes down … and a big guy with a cigar goes, "Roll the film." And it's a shot of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you've never seen before … that looks suspiciously like it's from the grassy knoll. And then the screen goes up and the lights come up, and they go to the new president, "Any questions?" "Er, just what my agenda is." "First we bomb Baghdad." "You got it …"
  21. http://www.milibrary.org/events/devils-chessboard-allen-dulles-cia-and-rise-americas-secret-government-dec-02-2015
  22. Dawn: No, I was referring to near the end of his talk when Douglass takes a note of out his wallet that he keeps for special occasions and quotes from some prominent person whom he interviewed about the autopsy discrepancies of JFK's body.
  23. Speech by James Douglass in Seattle on June 6, 2008 The final three minutes are especially illuminating, as is his whole talk.
  24. http://www.salon.com/2015/11/22/inside_the_plot_to_kill_jfk_the_secret_story_of_the_cia_and_what_really_happened_in_dallas/
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