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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Final revised Dallas Conference: http://jfkconference.com/?page_id=14
  2. What do James Bond, Downton Abbey, and CIA have in Common? https://www.cia.gov/news-information/featured-story-archive/2015-featured-story-archive/james-bond-downton-abbey-and-cia.html
  3. In retrospect Gary's central role is rather interesting as detailed in this New York Times article upon his death: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/17/us/gary-mack-kennedy-assassination-expert-dies-at-68.html?_r=0
  4. CHARLES A. BRIGGS Sr. Read the obituary carefully. It caught the attention of JFKFacts.org http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/washingtonpost/obituary.aspx?n=charles-a-briggs&pid=176359949&fhid=17018
  5. Making a running issue over the pronunciation of Billie Sol Estes' name by Dark Journalist is pure nit-picking. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines nit-picking as "minute and usually unjustified criticism."
  6. Castro: 'Oswald Could Not Have Been the One Who Killed Kennedy' By Jeffrey Goldberg The Atlantic Nov. 20, 2013 http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/11/castro-oswald-could-not-have-been-the-one-who-killed-kennedy/281674/
  7. Posted on Facebook by “Nixon’s Gamble”, the book by Ray Locker, with this comment: Interesting column about Hillary and Nixon here, but it goes astray with mentions of John Dean's "punishing total recall." Even a cursory analysis now of Dean's Senate testimony shows he perjured himself. What seemed like total recall was flawed. That doesn't excuse Nixon's multiple abuses, but Nixon was done in by the self-serving lies of his former henchmen who were desperately trying to save themselves. http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/features/2015-11-05/how-richard-nixon-created-hillary-clinton
  8. Carl Shoffler, the Washington, D.C police detective who arrested the Watergate burglars on June 17, 1972 mangled Billie Sol Estes' name in a deposition taken of him by Len Colodny in 1995. Shoffler was a military intelligence agent assigned to the Washington, D.C. police and knew in advance of the break-in plan, which was why he was parked in a police car a block away from the Watergate complex when the security guard called police headquarters. In his deposition he disclosed that Heidi Rikan, the madam who ran the prostitution ring out of the Democratic National Committee, had been the mistress of Billie Sol Estes (what a small world it is.) One of the purposes of the burglars was to copy the list of clients in the prostitution books that were thought to be in the Democratic National Committee. Colodny's voluminous depositions and materials on Watergate at now preserved at Texas A&M University. Many Non-Texan and non-Hispanic persons have trouble pronouncing Billie Sol Estes' name. It is not a common American name. http://www.amazon.com/White-House-Call-Girl-Watergate/dp/1936239906/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446739473&sr=1-1&keywords=Watergate+Call+Girl
  9. I am surprised but pleased that the interview of me on Dark Journalist has passed the 52,000 view mark in just over four months. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jKBlJQNtek
  10. LEE HARVEY OSWALD, JFK, AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE by Jacob G. Hornberger November 3, 2015 http://fff.org/2015/11/03/lee-harvey-oswald-jfk-and-the-national-security-state/
  11. A New Biography Traces the Pathology of Allen Dulles and His Appalling Cabal By Jon Schwarz Nov. 2 2015, 12:24 p.m. Theintercept.com https://theintercept.com/2015/11/02/the-deepest-state-the-safari-club-allen-dulles-and-the-devils-chessboard/
  12. http://www.amazon.com/Kennedys-Last-Stand-Eisenhower-Assassination/dp/0982290268/ctoc
  13. Liam Neeson will play Deep Throat in Parkland director Peter Landesman’s Felt http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/629087-felt-casts-liam-neeson-as-deep-throat
  14. Here is the biographical background on Dr. Brandenburg whose talk at the recent space conference dealt with evidence of nuclear explosions on Mars that took place 250 million years ago. He estimated that the size of each of the two nuclear bombs to be that of the Empire State Building, that is they were mammoth. He also said that photos of the surface of Mars reveal population centers that had walls around them, indicating that the somewhat primitive civilization there at the time of the nuclear wipeout was of the Bronze Age. The link gives additional information about Dr. Brandenburg's thesis. Of course his talk can be viewed on line now. https://secretspaceprogram.org/media/dr-john-brandenburg/
  15. William, your blog entry is superb, right on target. I am forwarding it to Daniel Liszt at Dark Journalist who interviewed me recently on the subject. I wish to add to my original above posting the observation made by physicist John Brandenberg at this weekend's space conference. He said that the Government gave him permission to go public with what he had uncovered and discovered and that he had concluded the Government did this because the time may soon be upon us (Earth) when certain momentous events will take place. He said that he detected a quality of urgency in the action by the Government.
  16. Thank you, William, for providing such an outstanding and lucid summary of speakers' remarks at the Secret Space Conference this year and also on past occasions. I now notice on the Conference's website I provided in my prior posting that the speakers' talks can now be viewed online for a nominal sum. If this is of interest to forum members, I heartily recommend viewing all or selected presentations.
  17. Robert Caro on Robert Moses and LBJ The Guardian By Simon Jenkins Oct. 29, 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/oct/29/new-york-chicanery-george-osborne-robert-moses
  18. I attended the 2015 Secret Space Conference this weekend that was held in the Convention Center in Bastrop, a town in the greater Austin area. It was a successful event that was well attended. Among the outstanding speakers was Dr. Joseph Farrell who presented a paradigm that is totally different from any ever posted in this forum, one which if accurate makes the assassination of JFK a significant event but only part of a much larger picture. He focused on four key persons: Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, George F. Kennan and John McCone. Dr. Farrell’s paradigm shows these men being forced to draw upon their backgrounds and experiences to make decisions and implement policies under the most trying of circumstances. I hope to provide a fuller account of Dr. Farrell’s presentation in the forum after I have had the opportunity to review the full conference proceedings that will be posted online in the near future. https://secretspaceprogram.org/
  19. August 19, 1962 - President John F. Kennedy takes a swim at the beach in Santa Monica, CA.
  20. 10 Intriguing Mysteries Involving The CIA’s Dark Deeds by Alex Hanton October 29, 2015 Listverse.com http://listverse.com/2015/10/29/10-intriguing-mysteries-involving-the-cias-dark-deeds/
  21. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2015/10/phillip-f-nelson/murder-jfk/
  22. Bob Woodward and the Watergate Myth By Conrad Black nationalreview.com October 29, 2015 http://www.nationalreview.com/article/426226/bob-woodward-watergate-myth
  23. David Talbot writes on Facebook today: I want to initiate a campaign to strip the name "Dulles" off the airport of our nation's capital. The airport was named for John Foster Dulles, not Allen Dulles (the subject of my new book). But like Allen, Foster is also a symbol of U.S. imperial arrogance and covert violence against sovereign nations -- as well as a reign of nuclear bullying that brought the world to the brink of a terrible conflagration on several occasions. This airport is the gateway for many visitors from around the world to our country. In the interest of world peace and harmony, let's rename it the Martin Luther King, Jr. International Airport. (Below is the bust of Foster Dulles created when the airport was inaugurated by JFK and Eisenhower in 1962.)
  24. Since this topic deals with the CIA, here is a recent development: http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-obtains-previously-classified-cia-inspector-general-report-strongly-condemning-agency-handling-of-briefings-and-interviews-with-the-entertainment-industry/
  25. Lew Rockwell today interviews David Talbot: https://www.lewrockwell.com/podcast/power-elite-evil/
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