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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Kris Millegan and TrineDay put on a highly successful JFK Assassination Conference in Dallas last weekend with an impressive lineup of speakers. Its tickets were modestly priced and the event was well attended. I was able to talk to Kris, Phil Nelson, Roger Stone and Barr McClellan, among others.
  2. Joseph McBride wrote on Facebook today: After helping to kill President Kennedy, the military gave him a grand televised funeral intended to stupefy the nation in its grieving and prevent the people from taking to the streets in protest of what had just happened. To turn her dead husband into a Lincolnesque legend, Jacqueline Kennedy brilliantly but perhaps misguidedly directed the spectacle, the final act of a moving but numbing four-day docudrama watched by much of the country. And yet the broken note of the bugler (Army Sergeantt Keith Clark) playing "Taps" for the slain commander in chief was one of the most poignant moments of that weekend, more moving than John-John's salute because it was more spontaneous (the boy's stage-managing mother told him to salute his father's coffin, but the bugler felt mortified by his very human, deeply expressive mistake):
  3. Legendary investigative journalist and author Steve Weinberg had these words about Nixon's Gamble on his Facebook page today: "For book authors, Richard Nixon is a former U.S. president who just keeps on giving. Every time I believe nothing new is left to be written about Nixon's demise, another professional historian or another skilled journalist surprises me. Ray Locker, a Washington correspondent for USA Today, is one of those skilled journalists. His sophisticated theory about how Nixon's instincts for secrecy sabotaged some admirable foreign policy initiatives got me thinking along new pathways. "Personal note: As a young newspaper correspondent in Washington, I covered some of the Nixon impeachment proceedings for outlets in Missouri and Kansas. Books about Nixon fire my memories from my youthful experiences as a D.C.-based reporter. I departed in 1976, then returned in 1978 and worked as a journalist there five more years."
  4. http://noperfectmovie.com/2015/11/19/first-teaser-trailer-for-22-11-63-released/
  5. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/24/jfk-assassination-film-woman-sues-us-government-for-return-of-lost-footage
  6. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2013/11/20/oliver-stone-jfk-conspiracy-assassination-oswald-column/3657321/
  7. David Talbot wrote on Facebook today: OK, six weeks after publication of "The Devil's Chessboard," I think it's finally time to ask direct questions about the corporate media blackout of my book. Specifically, why hasn't the New York Times reviewed a major new revisionist history of the CIA by a bestselling author whose three previous books have been reviewed in the Times? A book that before publication received a rave, starred review in Kirkus Reviews (the book industry publication that signals a book's importance to critics, booksellers, etc) and was named a book of the month by Amazon, New York magazine and other key indicators for the publishing world. A book that has received major attention in such publications as The Daily Beast, The Intercept, Mother Jones and Salon for the new information and insights it provides into the CIA reign of Allen Dulles. A book that has hit the NY Times bestseller list...as well as the LA Times and San Francisco Chronicle lists. Is the blackout by the NY Times related to my book's exposure of the newspaper's long, disgraceful complicity with the CIA? As I relate in my book, New York Times publishers and editors had a cozy relationship with the spy agency under Dulles -- among other things, shamefully supporting the CIA coups in Iran, Guatemala and Congo, as well as promoting the CIA line on the Warren Report. Dulles's personal papers at Princeton include many fawning letters between NY Times overseers (as well as other media bigwigs) and the spymaster --whom one Times executive referred to as "Allie" in his letters. Btw, the media blackout of my book also extends to the Washington Post and Time magazine -- two publications which also have prominently covered my previous books, and also have a long history of collaboration with the CIA. So...if you're wondering why the New York Times is giving "The Devil's Chessboard" the silent treatment, please join me in writing NY Times Book Review editor Pamela Paul (paul@nytimes.com) and the newspaper's public watchdog (public@nytimes.com)and asking for an explanation. Of course, if the Times finally DOES review the book, it will no doubt attack it. But at least that predictably negative response would be gutsier than its cowardly decision to pretend the book doesn't exist.
  8. I attended the JFK Assassination Conference in Dallas Saturday, which was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Downtown within walking distance of Dealey Plaza. A highlight was seeing again friend Roger Stone, one of the speakers, our having working together in politics 40 years ago in Washington, D.C. Other outstanding speakers gave fascinating presentations. But what struck me the most was the dreary atmosphere of Dallas itself. It seemed to me that it has never shaken off the tragedy of the assassination of President Kennedy in which some of its city leaders and prominent citizens played various key roles. The odor of death appears to permeate Dallas even today. I was pleased to be return to Houston, with its many modern gleaming glass buildings and lively atmosphere, after the dreariness of its sister city in North Texas.
  9. Here is a summary of the coasttocoastam program last night. I stopped listening 45 minutes into the interview of Philip Shenon because it became obvious he was using 25% fact to mislead listeners into believing he was an objective reporter when his remaining 75% was misinformation and disinformation. He came across as someone cleverly picked to promote the cover-up of JFK's assassination in a never ending endeavor. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2015/11/22
  10. David Talbot writing in salon.com: http://www.salon.com/2015/11/22/inside_the_plot_to_kill_jfk_the_secret_story_of_the_cia_and_what_really_happened_in_dallas/?source=newsletter
  11. TWO JACKS AND A JADA: 50th ANNIVERSARY OF JFK AND JACK RUBY’S FAVORITE STRIPPER http://www.paraphiliamagazine.com/periodical/two-jacks-and-a-jada-50th-anniversary-of-jfk-and-jack-rubys-favorite-stripper/ [Poster's note: be sure to click on the links in the final paragraph}
  12. 'I drove Lee Harvey Oswald to the book depository - but I still don't believe he shot JFK.' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3326233/I-drove-Lee-Harvey-Oswald-book-depository-don-t-believe-shot-JFK-52-years-assassination-Oswald-s-friend-says-convinced-patsy-real-gunman-grassy-knoll.html#ixzz3s4BOE9sK
  13. Philip Shenon, Kris Millegan and Jim Bothelho on this Sunday’s coasttocoastam http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2015/11/22
  14. Scott Kaiser posted the following on the Facebook page of Thomas Graves on Nov. 19, 2015: Morales was in Dallas on November 22, 1963. I have two living witnesses who say he was there, Commander Nino Diaz and Rudy Junco who drove my father to the CIA's headquarters in Miami where my father stole photographs recording their stay at a motel in Dallas. I have also discovered that the Eugenio found in my father's address book was not Eugenio Martinez. I made that mistake, and made a public announcement of that mistake in my book. I have questioned Mr. Martinez a number of times asking him if that was his name and number found in my father's little black book. He has denied ever working with my father, he went on to say that his sons have worked with my father, but he has not. The Eugenio found in my father's address book is Eugenio Saldivar Xiques. This Eugenio was caught in a firefight off the coast of Cuba along with Tony Cuesta in 1966. In my father's address book under Eugenio's name is the word Dallas, and the only place the word Dallas is found is under Eugenio's name. My father would later work with Eugenio Saldivar's father to plot infiltrations into Cuba, assassinate Fidel Castro, and free the political prisoners. The person who was head of CIA security at Langley and at JM/WAVE was James McCord, McCord is the man who created the counterintelligence against FPCC, and Banister was reporting to McCord. My father had photos of Hunt, Sturgis, Morales, Liddy and Barker. These photos were stamped 11/22/1963 on the reverse side of the photos. Folks who have seen these photos are Richard Poyle, who was sent to Mexico on 11/21/1963 under orders of Oliver Fortson whose handler was Win Scott, station chief of Mexico, Poyle's cover was to visit his wife in Mexico at that time, problem is she wasn't in Mexico, she was in Miami. Others who have seen these photos are Nino Diaz, Rudy Junco, Aldo Vera, Tony Calatayud, Wilfredo Navarro, Jose Pujol, and many others. It is my belief that Tony Cuesta and Eugenio [saldivar Xiques] were in Dallas and they were the shooters. I know that they were there, Regarding Morales, Sturgis and Hunt, these guys would have been nowhere near the scene, and their involvement was delivering weapons and money. Had Morales or Sturgis been caught in Dallas, or even questioned, a guy like [bernard] Barker who was identified by Constable Seymour Weitzman as Secret Service would have had everything under control. Scott Kaiser ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks, Scott --Tommy PS Scott has added the message to me on FB that Richard Poyle and Frank Sturgis picked Scott's father up for work the day he died under mysterious circumstances on a boat.
  15. Burton Hersh on the Power Struggle between the Kennedys and J. Edgar Hoover Published on Aug 29, 2014 Burton Hersh is the author of Bobby and J. Edgar: The Historic Face-Off Between the Kennedys and J. Edgar Hoover That Transformed America. [Poster's note: listening to this interview is time well spent. The first third is somewhat slow but the remainder is riveting.]
  16. In response to the question: Have you ever said, “Give me the JFK-assassination files, I want to read them. Give me all the secret stuff"? President Obama talks about The Alien Presence. Could it be that in his mind they are connected? Shades of E. Howard Hunt.
  17. President Obama and Bill Simmons: The GQ Interview GQ Nov. 17, 2015 From the interview: Have you ever said, “Give me the JFK-assassination files, I want to read them. Give me all the secret stuff”? I gotta tell you, it’s a little disappointing. People always ask me about Roswell and the aliens and UFOs, and it turns out the stuff going on that’s top secret isn’t nearly as exciting as you expect. In this day and age, it’s not as top secret as you’d think. http://www.gq.com/story/president-obama-bill-simmons-interview-gq-men-of-the-year
  18. David Talbot's talk in Los Angeles on Nov. 17, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORapPwla7fs&feature=youtu.be
  19. Robert Tosh Plumlee wrote on Facebook today: LHO was operational and sent to Russia on assignment via ONI . He did attend the Illusionary warfare Program at Nags Head, NC in 1959 and John Hurt was one ONI contact as well as Edward G Siewell of Fourth Army Reserve Dallas Love Field. 5412th Army Intel, I believe, also had dealings with LHO and FBI Jay Hoover as well.
  20. The Raleigh Call AND THE Fingerprints of Intelligence Dr. Grover B. Proctor, Jr. Revised, Updated, and Expanded to include declassified documents from the House Select Committee on Assassinations ________________________________________ 23 NOVEMBER 2014 — 15,265 WORDS http://www.groverproctor.us/jfk/jfk80.html
  21. Travis Smiley interviews David Talbot on PBS on a number of topics. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/tavissmiley/interviews/author-david-talbot/
  22. From the blog: In prompt and devastating response to the Paris attacks, French jets plastered the DAIISH capital of Raqqa in conquered territories once belonging to Syria. The ISIS Jihad welcomes all of this. These death worshippers “want” to draw NATO and the United States onto the ground in their Islamic prophetic vision of the Final Battle of Islamic Armageddon to be waged in the ruins of ravaged Syria. It would seem that history is blind man bluffing its way towards a destiny foreseen by Nostradamus, The War of the Third Antichrist. It begins in earnest next year—2016. It’s an odd turnabout foreseen, that an asymmetric war of terrorism might climax looking more like a conventional war fought by nation states with Islamic State.... Just as we go to press, French President Hollande is in talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russia and France will now share intelligence and information coordinating their naval and air strikes against DAIISH-ISIS. This is a major step towards establishing the Grand Alliance Putin had proposed in October and I predicted back on my Armistice Day article (11 November 2015) was the next step. We are heading for a major land war in the heartland of the Middle East in 2016! http://www.hogueprophecy.com/2015/11/was-the-paris-terrorist-attack-predicted-is-war-on-the-ground-in-syria-next/
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