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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2015/09/15/director-jfk-library-step-down-amid-discord/c9OVdZUs6xaVIXkbURDucI/story.html?s_campaign=email_BG_TodaysHeadline&s_campaign
  2. Lyn Colodny on Facebook today posted this: It was Woodward who twice in May and July of 1973 recommended that the Watergate Committee call Butterfield. I discussed this with Butterfield in this interview in March of 1987. BUTTERFIELD/COLODNY INTERVIEW EXCERPT RE: WOODWARD 3/25/87 COLODNY: So that raised a question. In your case the question is why did Bob Woodward bring you to the Watergate Committee's attention, that's one of the things that we feel a great, do a great deal on in the book. BUTTERFIELD: Huh, huh. COLODNY: Were you aware that he was the driving force before you, about you being called? BUTTERFIELD: Well, but, ah, no except that it made sense, yeah, I guess I was. He was a good friend of, ah, I forget that . . . COLODNY: Scott Armstrong's. BUTTERFIELD: . . .Armstrong. COLODNY: Scott Armstrong. BUTTERFIELD: Scott Armstrong and Scott was the chief briefer or the debriefer and they were pals and I, you know, I had, I had a, you know, I was not a functionary although, uh, Haldeman and Nixon both would like to pretend I was. I was on the senior staff and, and I was, uh, you know, on the senior staff meetings in the morning. My office did adjoin the Oval Office. I was, I was in and out more times every day than anyone. I was the first guy to see the President every morning and the last guy to see him at night. But it's not unusual in, on the face of it, see. COLODNY: So Woodward, Woodward. . . BUTTERFIELD: I was in charge, but I was in charge of all administration. COLODNY: Right. BUTTERFIELD: So, so I was in a position to know relationships of one aide to the other and each aide to the President as well as anyone, save Haldeman. COLODNY: Like. . BUTTERFIELD: Maybe, and maybe Steve Bull. COLODNY: Did you know about the Woodward - Armstrong relationship on the day you went to the, to the Hill? BUTTERFIELD: No, I did not. COLODNY: No, and you did not know and you, when Armstrong was questioning you with Don Sanders,. . . BUTTERFIELD: Oh no, I did not know that, uh, uh. COLODNY: You, you had no idea there was a relationship there? BUTTERFIELD: No, no. COLODNY: The boy, they were boyhood friends and so on. Woodward. . . BUTTERFIELD: Sure, but, but, but I'm saying that may well be but on the other hand it could be that, you know, have we really talked to everybody over there, how about this guy Butterfield, what the hell is that? COLODNY: Yeah, but that isn't, that isn't what happened. And, and that's, that's a, that's the problem. Woodward did something that a good investigative reporter wouldn't have done. You don't go turn your sources over to a committee. You try and get the story yourself. And Woodward. . . BUTTERFIELD: Your witness, your witness. . . COLODNY: . . .and that, that, that waves a big red flag to our readers saying wait a minute what is this guy on May 17th and it wasn't like he showed up late, he was there the first day the Committee met publicly to recommend you be called. And he says why he, he uh, recommended you because he believed that you had something to do with internal security. BUTTERFIELD: Yeah, I did. COLODNY: Well but he interpreted that to mean . . . BUTTERFIELD: Yes. COLODNY: . . .that you were involved in wire tapping as . . . BUTTERFIELD: Huh, huh. COLODNY: . . .that, that's his version. BUTTERFIELD: I see. COLODNY: It had something to do, cause he knew that Mardian, who was in charge of internal security at the Justice Department, was handling the wire taps. BUTTERFIELD: Yeah, I see. COLODNY: In other words it wasn't cause you sat outside the President's door that Woodward was interested in you, he says you're, himself, that he put two and two together. BUTTERFIELD: Yeah. COLODNY: You follow me? BUTTERFIELD: Yeah, sure I follow you.
  3. http://www.c-span.org/video/?20346-1/book-discussion-silent-coup-removal-president
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Kennedys-Last-Stand-Eisenhower-Assassination/dp/0982290268/ctoc
  5. Nixon Legacy Series: Evan Thomas Richard Nixon Foundation Published Sept. 10, 2015
  6. Announcement: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=37b2b9bd-7669-4dea-a450-95a54f8b1727&c=898619d0-a166-11e3-8242-d4ae528eaba9&ch=898a1170-a166-11e3-8242-d4ae528eaba9
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=G41XRl40RL0
  8. September 11, 2015 Counterpunch.org Creating a Crime: How the CIA Commandeered the DEA by Douglas Valentine From the article: ….In 1960, when the CIA asked him to recruit assassins from his stable of underworld contacts, Siragusa again claimed to have refused. But drug traffickers, including, most prominently, Santo Trafficante Jr, were soon participating in CIA attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro. As the dominant partner in the relationship, the CIA exploited its affinity with the FBN. “Like the CIA,” FBN Agent Robert DeFauw explained, “narcotic agents mount covert operations. We pose as members of the narcotics trade. The big difference is that we were in foreign countries legally, and through our police and intelligence sources, we could check out just about anyone or anything. Not only that, we were operational. So the CIA jumped in our stirrups.” Jumping in the FBN’s stirrups afforded the CIA deniability, which is turn affords it impunity. To ensure that the CIA’s criminal activities are not revealed, narcotic agents are organized militarily within an inviolable chain of command. Highly indoctrinated, they blindly obey based on a “need to know.” This institutionalized ignorance sustains the illusion of righteousness, in the name of national security, upon which their motivation depends. ……… Indeed, as John Evans noted above, and as the government was aware, the CIA for years had sanctioned the heroin traffic from the Golden Triangle region of Burma, Thailand and Laos into South Vietnam as a way of rewarding top foreign officials for advancing U.S. policies. This reality presented the Nixon White House with a dilemma, given that addiction among U.S. troops in Vietnam was soaring, and that massive amounts of Southeast Asian heroin were being smuggled into the U.S., for use by middle-class white kids on the verge of revolution. Nixon’s response was to make drug law enforcement part of the CIA’s mission. Although reluctant to betray the CIA’s clients in South Vietnam, Helms told Ludlum: “We’re going to break their rice bowls.” This betrayal occurred incrementally. Fred Dick, the BNDD agent assigned to Saigon, passed the names of the complicit military officers and politicians to the White House. But, as Dick recalled, “Ambassador [Ellsworth] Bunker called a meeting in Saigon at which CIA Station Chief Ted Shackley appeared and explained that there was ‘a delicate balance.’ What he said, in effect, was that no one was willing to do anything.” Meanwhile, to protect its global network of drug trafficking assets, the CIA began infiltrating the BNDD and commandeering its internal security, intelligence, and foreign operations branches. This massive reorganization required the placement of CIA officers in influential positions in every federal agency concerned with drug law enforcement. http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/09/11/creating-a-crime-how-the-cia-commandeered-the-dea/
  9. I do not know why the link is not working. When I posted it, I tested the link and it worked. Now the same link posted by Debra on Facebook this morning has ceased to work. Here is a related message posted by Debra on Facebook this morning: "Please email me right away if you are joining our Dallas Conference Partners. Send your site name and web address and you will be listed on JFK Lancer's site today!! Thanks so much, Debra debraconway@jfklancer.com" I just typed in JFK Lancer on google and it brought up the missing conference home page right away.
  10. http://www.amazon.com/Last-Presidents-Men-Bob-Woodward/dp/1501116444/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1441900537&sr=1-1&keywords=Last+of+the+President%27s+Men
  11. 20th annual JFK Lancer November in Dallas Conference held November 20-22 at the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas, Texas. http://jfklancer.com/Dallas2015/welcome.html
  12. Woodward’s new book: “The Last of the President’s Men” Washington Post September 10, 2015 The Daily 202 By James Hohmann http://link.washingtonpost.com/view/54c198553b35d039718df57231nb4.63dp/79563d83 THE BIG IDEA: Alexander Butterfield, the Richard Nixon aide who publicly revealed the existence of the secret taping system that eventually helped force the president’s resignation, never turned over thousands of documents from his time in the administration to the National Archives. Bob Woodward got access to all of them, and he interviewed Butterfield for 46 hours. “The Last of the President’s Men,” Woodward’s 18th book, will be published Oct. 13. It includes 75 pages of original documents from the trove. “These are the last pieces of the Nixon puzzle,” the Washington Post associate editor tells Carlos Lozada, the paper’s nonfiction book critic. “Butterfield was the consummate gray man, in the background but potent.” As questions about Hillary Rodham Clinton’s use of a homebrew email server at the State Department continue to swirl, the new book – coming more than four decades after Nixon’s resignation – is a potent reminder that fresh information can come to light long after
  13. The New York Times Editorial September 9, 2015 From the editorial: As a direct result, the World Food Program has had to cut rations for 1.6 million Syrians, with refugees in Lebanon allocated just $13 a month. In Jordan, more than 200,000 refugees stopped receiving any food aid at all last week. There are fears that children who depend on this food aid will suffer permanent damage from malnutrition. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/09/opinion/caring-for-the-other-refugees.html
  14. People Magazine of November 14, 2015 has a cover story on these two books: http://www.amazon.com/Rosemary-Daughter-Kate-Clifford-Larson/dp/0547250258/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1441733879&sr=1-1&keywords=rosemary+the+hidden+kennedy+daughter http://www.amazon.com/Missing-Kennedy-Rosemary-Secret-Bonds/dp/1610881745/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1441733879&sr=1-3&keywords=rosemary+the+hidden+kennedy+daughter
  15. David Talbot will be one of six guest speakers on November 19, 2015, at the Third Annual JFK Luncheon and Symposium in Mansfield, Texas. This event is on the eve of JFK Lancer Conference. The event is from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $50 in advance and $60 at the door. Seating is limited. The announcement on Facebook today states: "JFK The Continuing Inquiry is proud to be partner with JFK Lancer. For information about NID 2015, please visit www.jfklancer.com." I visited this website today but could find no additional information about the Third Annual JFK Luncheon and Symposium. It likely will be posted there soon. Other announced speakers include Clay Fannin,Sherry Fiester, Beverly Oliver Massegee, Dr. Michael Marcades, Barr McClellan. Special guests will be announced later.
  16. https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-307-meet-allen-dulles-fascist-spymaster/
  17. Kennedy assassination aborted U.S. reconciliation with Cuba Sierra Leone Times Wednesday 13th May, 2015 From the article: In October 1963 Kennedy met with the editor of the Socialist newsweekly L'Observateur, Jean Daniel, knowing he was visiting Cuba in early November 1963 and was hoping to interview Castro. "I believe there is no country in the world, including all the African regions, including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation are worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my own country's policies during the Batista regime," Kennedy told an amazed Daniel. "I believe that we created, built and manufactured the Castro movement out of whole cloth and without realizing it I believe that the accumulation of these mistakes has jeopardized all of Latin America." "I can assure you that I have understood the Cubans. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra when he justifiably called for justice and specially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption," Kennedy said. "I will go even further to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear," Kennedy told the reporter. http://www.sierraleonetimes.com/index.php/sid/232820795
  18. http://articles.latimes.com/1988-07-24/magazine/tm-10039_1_merv-griffin This is an insightful article into the man known as Donald Trump. It was published in 1988. Of course, the twists and turns of the Atlantic City properties in the years subsequent make the article even more interesting.
  19. Natalie Portman to Play Jackie Kennedy in Film About JFK's Death Variety‎ May‎ ‎14‎, ‎2015 https://www.yahoo.com/movies/natalie-portman-to-play-jackie-kennedy-in-film-118946102857.html
  20. From the article: The two highest scorers on grandiose narcissism were Lyndon B. Johnson and Theodore Roosevelt, the two lowest James Monroe and Millard Fillmore. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/06/opinion/the-narcissist-in-chief.html
  21. Address of Senator John F. Kennedy to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association, September 12, 1960 http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/ALL6YEBJMEKYGMCntnSCvg.aspx
  22. CIA Documents from Oswald's 201 file http://home.comcast.net/~the_puzzle_palace/docs-cia.htm [Note: some of the document links work and some do not.]
  23. http://articles.latimes.com/2013/nov/22/local/la-me-ln-jerry-brown-remembers-jfk-20131122 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1209783/Madness-Marilyn-Monroe-The-affair-JFK-drug-crazed-paranoia.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIavEmdRIZg
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