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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/309938-electors-press-for-intelligence-briefing-on-russian
  2. TRUMP AND THE JFK ASSASSINATION By Douglas Caddy In 1975 just months before Howard Hunt entered prison to serve 3 ½ years for his Watergate criminal conviction, he invited me to join him for dinner in Washington. We settled upon the Yenching Palace, a favorite restaurant of Henry Kissinger and other key leaders. Due to complex legal reasons it was only the third time that I had seen Howard since Watergate broke: the first was in the early morning hours of June 17, 1972, when he came to my residence in Washington to tell me about the arrests at Watergate and to retain me as the attorney to represent him and the five arrested burglars; the second time was at the funeral of his wife, Dorothy, in December 1972, after she had been killed in Chicago; and the third time was the 1975 dinner. During the course of our meal the subject of JFK’s assassination came up in connection as to why the burglars went into the Democratic National Committee. Afterwards, when we were on the sidewalk outside the restaurant, I decided to ask Howard, “Why was JFK assassinated?” After a short pause he responded,”Because he was about to give the Soviets our most vital secret.” This surprised and astounded me and I asked, “What was that?” He replied, “The Alien Presence” and then looked me in the eye, shook my hand, turned and walked away. It was the last time I saw Howard although we kept in contact until his death in 2007. JFK was assassinated because he was building bridges for peace directly with Premier Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union and bypassing the State Department, CIA and the Defense Department. The Deep State was committed to continuing the Cold War at that time, reaping its immense financial rewards and preventing disclosure of “The Alien Presence.” JFK’s actions threatened this arrangement. Further, Howard Hunt, like others in the intelligence community who were involved in JFK’s assassination, believed JFK was committing treason in his secret dealings with the Soviets, which included a joint mission to the moon. That JFK was using LSD supplied to him by Mary Meyer was also a factor as it was feared its use influenced his sudden push for peace with the Soviets. President-elect Trump today is following a similar path as JFK did with Russia but he is doing so in open and public contempt for the State Department, the intelligence agencies, and the Defense Department. He has even publicly attacked the CIA for disclosing that its investigation found that the Russians directly influenced the 2016 election and likely played a determining role in his election victory. His attack upon the CIA caused shocked reverberations throughout the intelligence and military communities. An additional concern was that Trump last week dispatched one of his aides to Moscow to confer secretly with the Russians on subjects known only to Trump and the Russians. There exists the National Defense State whose purpose is to protect the national security and assure the survival of the United States. Surely Trump is not so narcisstic and arrogant that he fails to recognize that the National Defense State will not tolerate him as President-elect and then as President dealing unilaterally with the Russians with only him and Premier Putin knowing what is being discussed and agreed upon. Again treason is being heard about an American president. Surely Trump has not forgotten why JFK was assassinated? Or has he in his early stage of Alzheimer’s dementia?
  3. http://billmoyers.com/story/farewell-america/
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4020646/China-sends-message-Trump-flying-nuclear-capable-bomber-South-China-Sea-time-Donald-s-controversial-phone-call-Taiwan-s-leader.html
  5. By Linda Minor http://quixoticjoust.blogspot.com/2016/12/the-presidents-bush-walker-genealogy.html
  6. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/russian-interference-could-give-courts-legal-authority_us_584be136e4b0151082221b9c
  7. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/russian-interference-could-give-courts-legal-authority_us_584be136e4b0151082221b9c
  8. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/12/trump-biographer-says-stop-overestimating-him-hes-a-cross-between-a-junkie-and-a-hungry-chicken/
  9. FBI file offers insight into the CIA’s “gentlemanly planner of assassinations,” Richard Helms https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2016/dec/08/fbi-file-offers-insight-cias-gentlemanly-planner-a/
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/dec/06/fbi-leaks-us-election-credibility-adam-schiff?CMP=share_btn_tw
  11. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4602520/fbi-attacks-warren-commission-critics
  12. From the article: The campaign to destroy Anderson culminated that spring in the decision to call in the White House “plumbers” — Howard Hunt and Gordon t5home. That March, Feldstein wrote, they arranged a lunch at the Hays Adams Hotel with a recently retired CIA poison doctor in which they discussed ways they could eliminate Anderson once and for all, including planting a special poison in his medicine cabinet or by putting massive doses of LSD on his steering wheel “so that he would absorb it through his skin while driving and die in a hallucination-crazed auto crash,” wrote Feldstein. Feldstein got new corroboration of the plot in the form of a confession from Hunt, the former CIA agent, before his death three years ago. In an interview, Hunt told Feldstein that Colson had ordered them to “locate Anderson’s home and examine it from the outside for vulnerabilities,” according to a tape Feldstein provided to NBC. “This was high on Chuck Colson’s list of things to do,” Hunt said. “… That was when the idea of putting a drug-laden pill in a bottle that Anderson was taking medicine from. Liddy had an idea that that by wiping poison on a man’s wrist that could kill him that way.” Hunt added “the more that Colson knew about Anderson, the more resolved he was to put an end to it by whatever means. He regarded it as a protective function in terms of the president, get rid of this thorn in his side, one way or another, with hallucinogens or not.” http://www.nbcnews.com/id/39157420/ns/politics/t/nixon-plot-against-newspaper-columnist-detailed/#.WErbFLIrKM8
  13. http://www.politicususa.com/2016/12/08/americans-reject-trump-giving-lowest-approval-rating-president-elect.html
  14. From the column: So, Time magazine, ever in search of buzz, this week named Donald Trump Person of the Year. But they did so with a headline that read, “President of the Divided States of America.” The demi-fascist of Fifth Avenue wasn’t flattered by that wording. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/08/opinion/trump-madman-of-the-year.html
  15. Thank you, David, for your interesting analysis and commentary. Could I ask who in your opinion profited above the pawns?
  16. Pat: Don't forget Hunt arranged for a CIA physician to meet with him and Liddy about different means that could be utilized to murder Jack Anderson.
  17. Pat: All of Jack Anderson's papers are in an archive at George Washington University. If I read the Glomardisclosure article accurately, they are under seal un 2032.
  18. Len Colodny posted the following on Facebook yesterday: HALDEMAN: CONFIRMS "SECRET GOVERNMENT" THEORY HALDEMAN/COLODNY INTERVIEW EXCERPT RE"SECRET GOVERNMENT" 3/23/1988 HALDEMAN: There is a whole bunch of people that had a, had a, had a vested interest in Nixon's unsuccess and they all coalesced. COLODNY: Well, what we say is -- we say that A Silent Coup is the story of a President at war with his own government upon assuming the Presidency in January. This is the frame we built. "In '69, Nixon was a President with a radically new view of the war of order but totally distrustful of the established bureaucracy in Congress." I assume you don't disagree with that. HALDEMAN: I don't disagree with that. COLODNY: "He (Nixon) saw the State Department, the Pentagon, and the CIA as obstacles to his plans, road blocks that had to be circumvented if he would succeed in implementing his own foreign policy. He appointed a weak Secretary of State as well as a man he did not trust as Secretary of Defense, and finally retained as his head of the CIA, Richard Helms, a Kennedy appointee and another individual in which he had little or no confidence." How about--, is that paragraph close? HALDEMAN: It's okay. COLODNY: "Based on his years as Vice President, he knew the real value of the National Security Council and it would be the perfect vehicle to go around the Congress and the Bureaucracy. Immediately with Kissinger and a very few trusted aides and advisers, he took his government "Secret". Over the next three and a half years, one by one he changed American foreign policy. Detente with the Soviet Union, with the Soviet's, a secret opening to China and, finally, Salt I and the ABM Treaty and more. He wound" --, I'm I going to quick? HALDEMAN: No. COLODNY: "He wound down the War in Vietnam instead of winning it, and conducted secret peace talks with the North Vietnamese. All this time the established bureaucracy was quietly reacting to Nixon. Nixon had the power and the one thing he did control was the White House. The Chairman of the Joint Chief's set up an espionage operation inside the White House to learn Nixon's secrets and undermine his policies and weaken the President. The CIA infiltrated the White House, using the Plumbers to run domestic CIA operations that would later be blamed on the President and his men. In addition, they also moved individuals into the Nixon re-election committee for similar domestic cover. So, while, for the first three years, Nixon appears to be totally in control of the White House, but in reality that control already began to crumble. Slowly piece by piece culminating after his landslide re-election into a full fledged war against the President and his policies. Is he aware that he is in a war? Does he understand it's dimensions? A war he is surely in, and in the end, his enemies at State, the Pentagon, the CIA using the press, the Congress and the courts, will bring Richard Nixon down." That's the frame that we've put around the book. HALDEMAN: Well, you come pretty well in the line with Haldeman's theory of the whole thing. COLODNY: I thought I told you a long time ago, I thought you were on the right tract. HALDEMAN: [Laughs] You and 8 others 8 shares 3 Comments Comments Remove Michael Austin I love this Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs Remove Gregg Lantos But when another anniversary or other reason for Watergate to be in the news comes around, there is John Dean on the television giving the "official" version of things. The perp gets to issue his own pardon, repeatedly. Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs Remove Chris Poole Gregg Lantos You called it perfectly. John Dean never passes up an opportunity to whitewash the historical record on Watergate by spinning,lying and minimizing his role as much as he possibly can. Dean is shameless. Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
  19. Evidence implicates Jack Anderson in Watergate https://glomardisclosure.com/2016/12/07/evidence-implicates-jack-anderson-watergate/
  20. Len Colodny posted the following on Facebook yesterday: HALDEMAN: CONFIRMS "SECRET GOVERNMENT" THEORY HALDEMAN/COLODNY INTERVIEW EXCERPT RE"SECRET GOVERNMENT" 3/23/1988 HALDEMAN: There is a whole bunch of people that had a, had a, had a vested interest in Nixon's unsuccess and they all coalesced. COLODNY: Well, what we say is -- we say that A Silent Coup is the story of a President at war with his own government upon assuming the Presidency in January. This is the frame we built. "In '69, Nixon was a President with a radically new view of the war of order but totally distrustful of the established bureaucracy in Congress." I assume you don't disagree with that. HALDEMAN: I don't disagree with that. COLODNY: "He (Nixon) saw the State Department, the Pentagon, and the CIA as obstacles to his plans, road blocks that had to be circumvented if he would succeed in implementing his own foreign policy. He appointed a weak Secretary of State as well as a man he did not trust as Secretary of Defense, and finally retained as his head of the CIA, Richard Helms, a Kennedy appointee and another individual in which he had little or no confidence." How about--, is that paragraph close? HALDEMAN: It's okay. COLODNY: "Based on his years as Vice President, he knew the real value of the National Security Council and it would be the perfect vehicle to go around the Congress and the Bureaucracy. Immediately with Kissinger and a very few trusted aides and advisers, he took his government "Secret". Over the next three and a half years, one by one he changed American foreign policy. Detente with the Soviet Union, with the Soviet's, a secret opening to China and, finally, Salt I and the ABM Treaty and more. He wound" --, I'm I going to quick? HALDEMAN: No. COLODNY: "He wound down the War in Vietnam instead of winning it, and conducted secret peace talks with the North Vietnamese. All this time the established bureaucracy was quietly reacting to Nixon. Nixon had the power and the one thing he did control was the White House. The Chairman of the Joint Chief's set up an espionage operation inside the White House to learn Nixon's secrets and undermine his policies and weaken the President. The CIA infiltrated the White House, using the Plumbers to run domestic CIA operations that would later be blamed on the President and his men. In addition, they also moved individuals into the Nixon re-election committee for similar domestic cover. So, while, for the first three years, Nixon appears to be totally in control of the White House, but in reality that control already began to crumble. Slowly piece by piece culminating after his landslide re-election into a full fledged war against the President and his policies. Is he aware that he is in a war? Does he understand it's dimensions? A war he is surely in, and in the end, his enemies at State, the Pentagon, the CIA using the press, the Congress and the courts, will bring Richard Nixon down." That's the frame that we've put around the book. HALDEMAN: Well, you come pretty well in the line with Haldeman's theory of the whole thing. COLODNY: I thought I told you a long time ago, I thought you were on the right tract. HALDEMAN: [Laughs] You and 8 others 8 shares 3 Comments Comments Remove Michael Austin I love this Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs Remove Gregg Lantos But when another anniversary or other reason for Watergate to be in the news comes around, there is John Dean on the television giving the "official" version of things. The perp gets to issue his own pardon, repeatedly. Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs Remove Chris Poole Gregg Lantos You called it perfectly. John Dean never passes up an opportunity to whitewash the historical record on Watergate by spinning,lying and minimizing his role as much as he possibly can. Dean is shameless. Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
  21. This is being posted in the forum because the JFK assassination and Watergate are interrelated due to the involvement of Howard Hunt and some of his Cuban-American allies in both events. Evidence implicates Jack Anderson in Watergate https://glomardisclosure.com/2016/12/07/evidence-implicates-jack-anderson-watergate/
  22. http://motherboard.vice.com/en_uk/read/us-power-will-decline-under-trump-says-futurist-who-predicted-soviet-collapse
  23. http://motherboard.vice.com/en_uk/read/us-power-will-decline-under-trump-says-futurist-who-predicted-soviet-collapse
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