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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. 2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    It sounds like something that may have been leaked, but you don't know.

    Of course, keep in mind Doug. Ben says Business insider is CIA "Operation mockingbird".

    So the CIA is with us on this one?    

    Maybe they're not so bad after all!

      heh heh

    But keep in mind, Obama knowing well that Congress would not be behind him if he as Prez was to go completely down on Netanyahu, would probably bite his tongue. That's been his history. To go with the white establishment.

    1)People don't know. He was given his choice to either forgive the loans of the people or the banks in the sub prime crisis and he chose the banks. But that's not a completely cut and dry issue.

    2)People also don't know. He didn't have the courage and adopted Bush's "surge" in the Iraq War and inserted troops to their all time high number during his administration, but left fewer troops than when he started, but that was after 8 years!



    The dude is black.

    The Prez is white.

    Together they learn- to read and write

    And that's outta sight!


    or if you prefer:

    Ba-rack is black.

    Old Joe is white


     heh heh a joke!

    Business Insider is quoting Politico. It is unlikely both are CIA affiliated even though Ben dubiously may claim.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:



    You do realize, don't you, that that is the New York Post you're citing? Not the Washington Post?

    The New York Post is a right-wing rag that I see has printed yet another unsubstantiated anti-Biden claim. Unsourced hearsay from an anonymous alleged person, supposedly a Democrat.

    I challenge you to find that supposed Biden quote on a reputable newspaper.


    Obama Privately Voiced Concerns That Joe Biden Could 'F--- Things up' (businessinsider.com)

  3. 6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    My formal education was at the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. I graduated with a B.S degree in International Relations. The education was for someone who wanted to become a foreign service officer in the U.S. Department of State. I was gradated in 1960. Bill Clinton was graduated seven years later. 

    What Biden has done in foreign affairs Is basically contrary to everything that is known to successfully engage in the conduct of foreign policy. The biggest critic of his ability to screw things up is Obama.

    On domestic policy, Biden is equal to FDR. We have been blessed with what he has accomplished as president in this area.

  4. Biden has committed one of the biggest geopolitical mistakes in all of history. He has no geopolitical savvy. He rushed headlong into supporting Israel, not giving one thought to the ramifications of doing so. He even boasts he is a Zionist.

    I fear that the Middle East leaders will agree to a strategy that will rock the entire world and directly threaten the U.S.  and its real allies, which does not include Israel. How is Israel an ally of the U.S.? How does it serve our national interest?  

    One thing the leaders may agree on is to halt the sale of oil to the U.S. and its real allies unless Israel withdraws immediately from Gaza. Anything is on the table. Who knows that could happen in the coming days?

    All the goodwill of America built up over centuries is being extinguished maybe forever, and all because we are the patron of Israel, who uses us for its own purposes.

    Those backing the Palestinians have supersonic missiles that could hit the two American battleships stationed off Lebanon.  They could be destroyed in minutes even though they have anti-missile capability because of the short notice action.

  5. WHO chief says a child is killed every 10 minutes in Gaza

    The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has described the situation on the ground in Gaza, from hospitals conducting operations without anaesthetics to the fact that a child is killed every 10 minutes.

    “Nowhere and no one is safe,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the UN security council on Friday.

    Gaza’s health system “is on its knees”, he said. He said there have been more than 250 attacks on health centres in Gaza and 25 in Israel since the start of the conflict last month. More than 100 UN colleagues have been killed.

    Half of the 36 hospitals in Gaza and two-thirds of its primary healthcare centers were not functioning, he said. Those that were operating were way beyond their capacities, he said.

  6. Wall Street Journal article today:

    "EV Makers Resort to Discounts to Combat Waning Demand"

    "Buyers wanting to get a bargain on a new car might consider an electric vehicle.
    As sales have slowed for battery-powered models, automakers and dealers are slashing prices and piling on discounts to clear out unsold inventory.
    Some automakers, such as Hyundai Motor and Ford Motor, are offering this month cash rebates as high as $7,500 on some models. Others are resorting to aggressive lease deals that offer cheaper monthly payments or shorter contracts lengths to attract buyers. Many car companies are offering low-interest rate promotions to make EVs more affordable."
  7. ‘Handed a death sentence’: UK doctor forced to return to Gaza from Egypt | Israel-Hamas war | The


    From the article: 

    “I feel like a second class citizen. They dealt with Ukrainians and Afghans better than us.

    Speaking through tears, he said he was concerned not just for himself but the thousands of Palestinians who had been killed. He asked: “How can anyone be so heartless as to say the number dead is not accurate. I think the number is understated. There are so many in the rubble. I have been to the hospitals. I know how they work and most medical services have been stopped. People with heart attacks are not being treated. I think the death toll is much higher.”

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