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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. 1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

    My response is: people believe nutty and unfounded things all over the world.

    For example, Donald Trump (pretends to believe) that he won the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

    I believe "The Aliens are Living With us" is complete garbage. (My opinion.)

    And I believe E. Howard Hunt was feeding you a pillow of horse feathers when you had lunch with him in the 1970s.


    Dmitry Medvedev - Wikipedia

    Former President and Premier of Russia. His statement in the video is the official statement of the Russian Government on the existence of the Alien Presence. I choose to believe his and Howard Hunt's declarations on the subject.



  2. 2 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Doug Caddy is merely relaying the conversation that he had with E. Howard Hunt. It is not like E. Howard Hunt actually provided any proof of what he said about JFK and the aliens

    It does not mean that E. Howard Hunt was accurate. E. Howard Hunt could have been 1) inaccurate 2) lying or 3) nutty as a fruitcake.

    If my neighbor told me the Moon was made of green cheese it does not mean that he never told me that, even if you think the Moon is not made of green cheese.

    I think E. Howard Hunt was feeding Doug Caddy a load of bull__t. I do think Hunt actually said those things about the aliens and yes, it is nutty.

    Robert: Would you believe what this Russian government official said about the Alien Presence?


  3. 12 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

    Trump's former doctor ( Ronny Jackson was to Trump during his presidency what Admiral Burkley was to Kennedy ) observed the injury and concurred with the medical staff at Butler Hospital that the wound was caused by a bullet.

    Jackson, now a Congressman from Texas, put out the following statement:


    I don't consider FBI Director Wray a medical expert on bullet wounds. In addition, he was not present at the time of the shooting nor was he present at the hospital when the President was treated. And he never saw the wound. Therefore, anything he says about the wound must be taken as an opinion and not expert testimony.

    BTW, The FBI NOW says Trump was struck by a bullet.


    I hope this ends the controversy once and for all.


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