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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1.   · 
    This is DJT's new running mate JD Vance.
    Vance posted this photo of himself to showcase his macho working class chops, but it warrants a closer look 🧐....
    First of all, wtf is this guy looking at? Why is he holding the weapon in this manner, which goes against everything they teach you on Day 1 of rifle safety training. Why are his work boots made of suede and not have a single smudge on them? Why is he sitting in front of firewood implying he just chopped it when it's clearly been milled by a machine, kiln dried, and delivered via pallet. Why do his blue jeans not have a Cophenhagen chewing tobacco ring on the front pocket. Why is he pretending he works with his hands when he actually worked for RW billionaire Peter Thiel. Why is he DJT's running mate when he said the man is 'noxious' 'dangerous' an 'idiot', and compared him to Richard Nixon and Adolf Hitler...

    May be an image of 1 person, clarinet, guitar and violin

  2. 1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    By then it would be way too late. It would look desperate. 

    So you're actually holding up hope that Biden would kick ass in  second debate, and that's your strategy Sandy?

    Come up with something more realistic. 90% of the people who are staunchly Biden probably aren't like you counting on Joe to completely turn around the second debate. You know Trump may not even debate? My guess is if Joe's not having  bad day, even if he won, he'd look like some old guy yelling at kids to get off his lawn.

    Part of the problem Sandy, is his lack of urgency since. Ok, next day he had a good teleprompter. Still it took him a week to engage with Stephanopoulus. I would say the polls show him down 2%. But he's going to have to gain at least 5 to have a chance in the Electoral College. Where does he get that? In order to get that he's going to have  to be so much more vigorous, it might kill him, hopefully not, but how is he going to make it through 2028?

    We all want to defeat Trump, but Bill's right. I haven't once heard you take in account Biden's health despite the fact that some of us have been telling you about this for over a year.

    I would disagree with you about the MSM coverage of this at least in one aspect in that I think they've backed off on the fact that Biden just keeps creating gaffes! He can't help it!

    This was in the Stephanopoulos interview. This was an important question I also would have Biden to gauge what was his awareness of how badly he was doing during the debate.

    Did you really see the MSM picking on this?


    "And Biden’s answer to whether he grasped how badly it was going in real time — well, that could have been typical Biden rambling, something that those of us who have covered him have witnessed for years, or it could have been more."

    Biden’s response, in its entirety: “The whole way I prepared, nobody’s fault, mine. Nobody’s fault but mine. I, uh — I prepared what I usually would do, sitting down as I did come back with foreign leaders or National Security Council for explicit detail. And I realized — about partway through that, you know, all — I get quoted, the New York Times had me down at 10 points before the debate, nine now, or whatever the hell it is. The fact of the matter is, what I looked at is that he also lied 28 times. I couldn’t — I mean, the way the debate ran, not — my fault, no one else’s fault, no one else’s fault.”

    So do I get labelled as being a  "twitter Biden hater" for just bringing this up?

    That's another big part of the problem.


    I had decided well before the debate that I would not vote for Biden because I give him an A on domestic policy but a F+ on foreign policy. He proudly claims to be a Zionist, which means he splits his loyalty between the U.S. and Israel. No president has ever done something like that. The New York Times today reports he has approved sending more 500-pound bombs to Israel, which is now a pariah in in the international community. The global reputation of the U.S. is not far behind.

    I live in Texas, where Trump will win, so my vote for Biden would not make a difference. I shall vote for all the Democratic candidates on the ballot except for Biden. If the Democrats nominate someone else for president, I shall vote for whoever that is.

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