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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. 4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    What we're witnessing, IMO, is the catastrophic end stage of Likud Party/Neocon militarism in the Levant.

    Not sure what "solution" could have resulted in a less bloody outcome for the European Zionist experiment in Palestine.

    A constructive two-state solution should have been imposed years ago-- backed by the U.S. and the UN.

    Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and the Neocons wrote papers in the 1990s about strategies to use the U.S. military to weaken and destroy Israel's Muslim neighbors-- Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and Iran-- after a catalyzing "New Pearl Harbor" event.

    But the post-9/11 Wolfowitz plan, ultimately, backfired by creating a Shiite axis from Tehran to Baghdad and Damascus-- after Saddam Hussein's Baathist regime was deposed in Iraq.

    Hezbollah is aligned with the Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus Axis.  So is Russia.

    If full blown war breaks out between Israel and the Moscow-Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus Axis, Lord help us.

    Netanyahu will use nukes if he has to.



    Hezbollah has 110,00 missiles it could fire at Israel, many of which would pierce the iron dome. There is the possibility of Israel ending up looking much like Gaza. 

    But you are right. N will use nukes if he has to, which could lead to a global conflict.

    Putin is about to play his plan to shock the West. 

    Who knows how this will end? I think the average American voter will conclude Trump is not mentally fit to deal with such a geological crisis. But neither is Biden to a lesser degree because of his "I am a Zionist" allegiance


    During the interim period after JFK defeated Nixon in the 1960 election and his being sworn in as President in January 1961 JFK was referred to by many as the President Erect and not as the President Elect. 

    Robert Morrow is correct in calling attention to his addiction to sex.

    Still as John Simkin has observed he rightly ranks among our better presidents.

  3. Russian nuclear submarine spotted off UK coast sparks emergency defence meeting | World | News | Express.co.uk

    Putin plans to visit North Korea soon. Once he has done that then he has all the pieces of his master plan in place to shock the West. A Russian nuclear submarine is off the U.K., and its warships and nuclear submarine are in Cuba and the Chinese are preparing to invade Taiwan and North Korea has its long-range missiles ready for action against South Korea and Taiwan and maybe mainland U.S.


  4. 2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    From the article:

    It’s not the first time Russia has sent its warships to the Caribbean, but this week’s visit follows Putin’s warning that Moscow could respond to Ukraine’s Western allies allowing Kyiv to use their weapons to strike targets in Russia by giving similar weapons to adversaries of the West worldwide.


    If I were Biden, I would consider threatening to bomb any weapons being unloaded from Russian ships on Caribbean countries.


    Russia's supersonic missiles would be fired directly from its warship adjacent to Cuba and would not have to be unloaded. 

    My guess is that we shall soon learn a Russia sub is also in the vicinity of Cuba.

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