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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Biden is Risking his Election, and the Country's Fate, by alienating the Youth with his Embrace of Netanyahu's War (juancole.com)

    From the article: I do not forgive Biden for putting the country in this bind. He just had to do the decent thing, which was to rein in the Revisionist Zionists and Kahanists when it became clear that the were waging a total war on the civilian population. He could at least have done the expedient thing for his party and for the country. He had done it before. I frankly cannot understand what drives the man to destroy himself and the USA in this way. He is swatting down the clear conclusions of his own appointees at US AID and the State Department that the Israelis are committing serious war crimes and setting up a man-made famine of ugly proportions. You never want, as a politician, to be associated with AP photos of emaciated toddlers, even if you have no internal conscience about it. It turns out that the man famed for empathy has a fatal blind spot when it comes to brown people. And don’t think the black and brown people don’t notice.

    From the article: I have a sinking feeling about this loss of the youth vote. A wise cabinet would invoke the 25th amendment, declare Biden non compos mentis, cut Netanyahu off at the knees, and save the country from the looming catastrophe.

    Wall Street Journal 
    April 29, 2024
    Excerpt: "The land has subsided by as much as 11 inches since 2015 in a prime portion of the Permian Basin as drillers extract huge amounts of oil and water, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of satellite data. In other areas where drillers dispose of wastewater in underground wells, the land has lifted as much as 5 inches over the same period."
  3. Houston Chronicle April 26, 2024
    All of the demonstrators arrested Wednesday at a pro-Palestinian protest on the University of Texas at Austin campus have had their [misdemeanor criminal trespass] charges dropped, officials and lawyers said.
    That included a cameraman with FOX 7 Austin who was arrested after appearing to have tripped and fallen onto a group of state troopers.
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