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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. On 6/2/2024 at 12:44 AM, Matt Allison said:

    First of all, Russia invaded Ukraine. They began this war. Ukraine should be able to bomb Russia to hell and back. There is no argument against that. Period.

    Secondly, it would be suicidal for Putin to use a nuke. Quite literally, suicidal. He would not be among the living for very long after making such a move. The wrath that he would face would be quite a spectacle.

    I think it would be helpful to remember that the U.S. knows everything about Russia's military capabilities; everything about every armament they possess. 

    And most importantly, precisely how to instantly neutralize Russia's nuclear capability if that ever became necessary.

    Matt: You may be right. However, Russia may use a tactical nuclear weapon on the Ukraine, maybe on its nuclear reactor that is so controversial. If it did, what would the U.S.do? Respond and start WWIII?

    I adhere to what Prof. Carroll Quigley who taught Civilization I and II at the Georgetown U. School of Foreign Service, told us: Above all else, remember that "The world is irrational" when it comes to international relations.


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