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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. 23 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


        I told my wife, during the debate, that Biden looked Parkinsonian, and I posted my independent observations about that here on June 29th, before I ever read anything about the subject in the media.

       The issue of whether Biden has been formally "diagnosed with Parkinson's" is somewhat different from the issue of whether he has exhibited Parkinsonian signs.  So, his staff may be relying on semantics to downplay concerns.

    Dr. Tom Pitts Says Biden Has 'Classic Features' of Disease (mediaite.com)

  2. I knew Howard Hunt and Dorothy Hunt and St. John Hunt. I also knew Gordon Liddy and John Dean and Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein and Bernard Barker and the other four arrested burglars and the three prosecutors and Judge Sirica and Robert Mullen and Bob Bennett other Watergate figures. I testified under oath at the first Watergate trial.

    Howard Hunt testified under oath before the Senate Watergate Committee. 

    The member who is protesting here about the existence of this topic is a chronic disrupter. We have had these types of persons here in the Forum before. He should be ignored as he brings nothing to the debate.

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