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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. 5 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

    Douglas Caddy writes:

    This sounds very much like a scam. Now that most people have got out of the habit of answering phone calls from unfamiliar numbers, scammers are using Windows Defender pop-ups instead:


    There's a similar story here:


    Another similar case is mentioned on this Microsoft forum:


    Here's some official advice about how to identify computer scams and what to do if you think you've been scammed:


    That page on the FTC website points out that "Security pop-up warnings from real tech companies will never ask you to call a phone number or click on a link."

    More evidence that if you're being asked to phone Microsoft, you're about to be scammed:


    That forum suggests that you download and use the free version of Malwarebytes security scanner and Microsoft's safety scanner, to identify and remove any nasty software the scammers might have installed on your computer:

    Advice from Microsoft on what to do to protect yourself:


    More advice on what to do:


    If you handed over details of your bank account and credit cards, please get in touch with your bank and your credit card supplier as soon as possible and let them know what happened.

    There almost certainly was no purchase; it's just a story made up by scammers. When you get in touch with your credit card company, ask them to look into any unusual purchases.

    The Watergate book sounds interesting. I'm sure the CIA had nothing to do with this episode.

    I checked my bank account record and my credit card record this morning and both were accurate.

    The CIA is a master at using an outside party to do its dirty work. Sometime the outside party is totally unaware that he/she/it is being clandestinely manipulated by the CIA. That is what I show happened in The First Hour of Watergate. 


  2. 5 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    I'm sorry what happened to you Doug.

    Did you give the Microsoft Security representative any of your bank account or credit card numbers?

    If you did, then I'm afraid to say that you have been scammed. You should immediately call the banks for each of the account and credit card numbers you gave out and tell them what happened. They will know what to do.

    I really, really hope you didn't give out any account number. And especially not you social security number. If you gave out your social security number they will steal your identity.


    Thanks for our inquiry, Sandy. No, I did not give any card numbers to the Rep nor did he ask for these. 

  3. Thank you, Pat, for your detailed clarification of this subject. Paul and Cliff think my posting is irrelevant because it is old history, and the world has moved on. They apparently fail to recognize that the topic may be a new one to members of the Forum who have joined in recent times and to non-members who frequently come to the Forum for information. Your two discourses above are truly an education on the subject. Ever since I joined the Forum 18 years ago, I have been in awe of the extent of your credible knowledge of the assassination of JFK. You are a treasured asset to all.
  4. Yesterday around 11 a.m., shortly after I had signed on to my computer, it was frozen with an Official Notice from Microsoft Security accompanied by a loud piercing unrelenting voice warning, "Do not turn off your computer." 
    My immediate thought was whether it was really from Microsoft Security or some sort of hacker scam to get money from me.
    I decided to click on the Notice and was connected to Microsoft Security. For about two hours I talked on the phone with a brilliant Microsoft Security representative who directed me how to unfreeze my computer and quiet the voice and then launch an investigation.
    It turned out that a party unknown to me had co-opted my computer's IP address and using it at 1:15 a.m. had purchased a porn video of a criminal nature from a notorious site using a credit card. 
    The Microsoft Security representative asked me a number of questions that I answered about my credit card, bank debit card, bank account and cell phone. I waited on the phone while the staff at Microsoft Security checked the veracity of my answers. Everything was proven accurate. 
    I then told the MS Rep that I believed this was all about the book that I am writing about Watergate and implied that the purchase of the porn video was an attempt to compromise me using a staged false activity. This one was just the latest effort to force me from completing the writing and publishing of The First Hour of Watergate. 
    I was impressed by professionalism of Microsoft Security and of the resources it had to conduct an investigation.
    My computer, landline phone and cell phone are now under the direct protection of Microsoft Security, and I am assured that an incident of this type will not happen again.
    What is not known is what other effort may be taken by the CIA to kill my book.
  5. Michael Ward posted this on Facebook today:

    Harold Weisberg, perhaps the most dogged of the early researchers, sued under the Freedom of Information Act for the records of the various neutron activation analyses. The case dragged on for 17 years, with the Department of Justice claiming that public knowledge of the data was not in the interests of ‘national security’.

    Eventually, nearly twenty years after the assassination, some of the results of the NAA tests were made available to Weisberg. He concluded that there had in fact been seven controlled tests:
    The tests given me show that in seven ‘control’ cases where others had fired a rifle this evidence was left on the cheeks.
    (Harold Weisberg, Post Mortem: JFK Assassination Cover–Up Smashed, Weisberg, 1975, p.437)
    As might be expected, given the authorities’ unwillingness to release the documents, the control tests appear to prove that neutron activation analysis can be expected to show substantial quantities of barium and antimony on the cheek of anyone who had fired a rifle of the same type as that found on the sixth floor of the TSBD. The absence of such quantities on Oswald’s cheek implies that he almost certainly did not fire a rifle on the day of the assassination.
    The court case is Weisberg v. ERDA and the Department of Justice, Civil Action 75–226. The documents, which still await expert appraisal, are available in the Harold Weisberg Archive, Hood College, Frederick, Maryland.
    Framing an innocent man is what they did.
  6. 8 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    Congratulations Doug, you are a confirmed target of NIAC, a propaganda organization aligned with the Iranian government. Recall that Iran is the primary supporter of the terrorist organization Hamas.

    The author of your post, Assal Rad, is a research fellow of National Iranian American Council (NIAC) which, according to Wikipedia, "is widely viewed as the de-facto 'Iran Lobby' due to its history of lobbying for stances on behalf of, and aligned with, the Islamic Republic of Iran."

    According to Iranian dissident Navid Mohebbi, as reported in the article The Mullahs' Minions: Exposing the Iran Lobby in America:

    Tehran has been effective at harnessing political divisions in the U.S. to its advantage by exploiting "far-left groups or isolationist right-wing groups" aligned with some of the regime's positions.

    The article names NIAC as one of Iran's "lobbies" that has organized a massive network of journalists, academics, public figures, cultural and religious centers, and civil society organizations in America that the Iranian regime effectively influences.



    This display was posted on Facebook and read by millions. Your quarrel should be with Facebook for its being posted there. 

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