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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Phone-hacking trial told of 'very ugly' cover-up after NoW royal editor's arrest Clive Goodman's barrister says Andy Coulson and others used 'carrot and stick' approach to ensure silence on wider criminality By Lisa O'Carroll theguardian.com, Tuesday 27 May 2014 12.01 EDT Clive Goodman was 'groomed' as the 'fall guy' for wider hacking at the News of the World, his barrister has told the phone-hacking trial. A "very ugly" and "cynical" cover-up operation swung into action when the News of the World's royal editor was arrested for phone-hacking offences, the Old Bailey has heard. Clive Goodman was being "groomed" as the "fall guy" for the wider hacking at the defunct tabloid back in 2006 and even told he could keep a job if he went to prison, his barrister, David Spens QC, has claimed. Quoting US president Lyndon B Johnson's description of FBI chief Edgar J Hoover, Spens said it was as if the News of the World had decided it was "better to have him inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in". In his closing speech Spens said that the editor at the time, Andy Coulson, and others adopted a "carrot and stick" approach to ensure his silence on the wider criminality at the paper. "We say that the cover-up is a very ugly story. "Mr Goodman was vulnerable. Promises and inducements were made to him. He was gong to have his legal expenses paid, he was suspended on full pay, and he was being offered the prospect he might return to work and he was, we suggest, being groomed to be the fall guy," said Spens. He said it was a "somewhat shocking and cynical strategy of carrot and stick at the News of the World to ensure Mr Goodman's silence as to the extent of phone hacking." Goodman was arrested in August 2006 on suspicion of phone hacking and a few months later decided to plead guilty to the offences, meaning there was no trial. Spens told jurors that once Goodman was jailed, at the end of January 2007, his previous supporters abandoned him. He was sacked and "discarded" after imprisonment and "the News of the World ship steamed on without him", said Spens. Spens questioned claims by Stuart Kuttner, the former managing editor of the paper and co-defendant in the hacking trial, that he put the supportive arm of the company around Goodman in the months after his arrest. He said Kuttner's visit to Goodman following his release from the police station that August was a "charade" and was a fact-finding mission designed to "pump" him for information about the police's case. Spens said Coulson had a "golden opportunity" to dismiss Goodman after he not only admitted he had broken the Press Complaints Commission code of practice but "admitted to the world that he had committed a criminal offence". He added: "Why didn't Coulson dismiss him? Answer: He couldn't take the risk of upsetting Mr Goodman.". The jury was shown an email from a member of the editorial staff to Coulson about some questions which might be asked that will be difficult to "brush off" in the "long gap" between a potential statement about Goodman pleading guilty and his sentencing. "So this is [the unnamed executive] about what Goodman could say between 28 November and sentencing. He had to be kept in line. " The jury was also reminded of an email from Coulson to a News International executive about a potential press statement to be issued after Goodman's guilty plea. In the first draft Coulson told the executive he would says he would "put in place additional measures" to ensure Goodman's offences were not repeated. Spens said this suggested measures were already in place warning staff hacking was not tolerated. He said Coulson must have realised this as he said in an email sent a minute later that his proposed statement should actually say he had "put in place measures". Spens told the jury that News International increased its severance settlement with Goodman from £50,000 to £140,000 plus legal costs after he launched an appeal against his dismissal. There was a confidentiality clause and the "truth" about the true extent of hacking may "never have seen the light of day" were it not for the judge's decision to allow his charges be heard with Coulson's. "Bad luck to Mr Coulson," Spens said, because it meant Goodman could be asked about hacking. Coulson, Goodman and Kuttner deny all charges against them. The trial continues.
  2. Watergate conspirator Jeb Stuart Magruder's final lie By Roger Stone Published May 27, 2014 FoxNews.com http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/05/27/watergate-conspirator-jeb-stuart-magruder-final-lie/ Jeb Stuart Magruder, the former White House aide who served seven months in prison for his role in the Watergate scandal that forced Richard Nixon to resign from the presidency in 1974, died earlier this month, on May 11. He was 79. Before John Mitchell was scheduled to resign as Attorney General and move to the Committee to Reelect the President, H.R. Haldeman recruited 34-year old Magruder to set up the committee as acting chairman until Mitchell arrived. A cosmetic marketing guy from Southern California, Magruder was impossibly handsome and clean cut, resembling a Ken doll. The old Nixon hands like Nick Ruwe, Charlie McWhorter, and Ron Walker called Jeb Stuart Magruder “Steve Stunning” for his model looks. Everything about Magruder was too perfect. perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect wife, perfect kids, perfect golf swing, perfect tennis arm, perfect tan, and perfectly polished shoes. Magruder and his family had all-American good looks and he took brown nosing and social climbing to a whole new level. Magruder could be obsequious if you were on the political and social scale above him and an utter jerk if you were on the political or social scale below him. Late one night during the 1972 campaign, I was leaving the CRP headquarters where I worked as the youngest member of the staff, when the elevator stopped on the floor occupied by the senior staff of the 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue building where the campaign was housed and Magruder got on. We both said hello but then rode to the basement garage in silence. Magruder and I walked towards our cars. I was driving a red Volkswagen Bug that had a ‘Reelect the President’ bumper sticker as well as one for the reelection of Congressman Joel T. Broyhill of Virginia. “Is this your car?” Magruder asked. I nodded. “What is this?” he asked, pointing to the Broyhill sticker with his highly polished wingtip. “Get it the f*ck off of there.” He turned and proceeded to his car without further comment. When Watergate came crashing down Magruder would claim that Attorney General John Mitchell approved the Watergate break-in at a meeting in Key Biscayne, Florida. Mitchell and Mitchell Aide Fred LaRue, was was present denied this but that was Magruder's story for thirty years. Despite LaRue and Mitchell's accounts to the contrary, Watergate prosecutors accepted Magruder's testimony. Then, three decades later Magruder went a step further with his account of the Key Biscayne meeting adding the claim of an overheard phone call between the president and the attorney general. According to Magruder, Mitchell called Nixon Aides Bob Haldeman and John Ehrlichman to discuss the DNC/wiretapping enterprise further. Magruder said that sometime during the call he heard the familiar voice of Nixon on the other end personally giving the order for the break-ins. “John… we need need to get the information on Larry O‘Brien, and the only way we can do that is through Liddy’s plans,” Nixon allegedly told Mitchell. "And I could hear his voice distinctly indicating that he wanted the Liddy plan to go ahead," Magruder added. "And Mitchell got off the phone and said to me: 'Jeb, tell Maurice Stans to give $250,000 to Gordon Liddy and let's see what happens.'" According to John Taylor, executive director of the Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace in Yorba Linda until 2009, Magruder's claim is undoubtedly false. "The White House Daily Diary, which details all the president's meetings and telephone calls, shows that Mr. Ehrlichman did not meet or talk with President Nixon at any time on March 30, 1972," Taylor said. Even John Dean would contradict Magruder's late claim, telling the Associated Press, "I have no reason to doubt that it happened as he describes it, but I have never seen a scintilla of evidence that Nixon knew about the plans for the Watergate break-in or that the likes of Gordon Liddy were operating at the reelection committee." Dean historian Stanley Kutler, an expert on Nixon's White House tapes, called Magruder's allegation "the dubious word of a dubious character." Roger Stone is Fox News contributor. He is a political consultant, strategist, and lobbyist. He has been involved in politics since his teenage and college years, and served as a senior staffer in eight national Republican presidential campaigns including those of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. His forthcoming book "Nixon's Secrets" will be published by Skyhorse Publishing in September.
  3. John Barbour on his friendship with Jim Garrison
  4. RFK Jr. Details the Threat of a Coup From the Dulles Crowd Against His Uncle, President Kennedy http://www.szaboservices.com/show/rfk-jr-details-the-threat-of-a-coup-from-the-dulles-crowd-against-his-uncle-president-kennedy
  5. Fascinating interview with Buell Frazier, Oswald’s co-worker, who drove Oswald to work the day of JFK's assassination. This could have been one of the most revealing interviews dealing with the assassination but the inept interviewer blew it, fortunately not entirely thanks to Frazier’s candid remarks. https://news.yahoo.com/video/oswalds-coworker-remembers-day-jfk-215211562.html?soc_src=default
  6. http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20140521/ CIA SUCCESSFULLY CONCEALS BAY OF PIGS HISTORY
  7. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/death11.htm Some additional information about this.
  8. The CIA Still Doesn't Want to Talk About the Bay of Pigs By Matt Taylor May 21 2014 http://www.vice.com/read/the-cia-still-doesnt-want-to-talk-about-the-bay-of-pigs
  9. Dark Legacy: George H. W. Bush and the JFK Assassination
  10. Visiting Jack Ruby’s apartment after the assassination By Bill McKenzie / Editorial Columnist Dallas Morning News wmckenzie@dallasnews.com 11:42 am on October 9, 2013 | http://dallasmorningviewsblog.dallasnews.com/2013/10/visiting-jack-rubys-apartment-after-the-assassination.html/
  11. Best Evidence The Research Video 37 min Published March17, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAWFvcrp-ao With commentary by David S. Lifton
  12. Jeb Magruder, 79, Nixon Aide Jailed for Watergate, Dies By DOUGLAS MARTIN MAY 16, 2014 The New York Times Jeb Magruder, a former high-level aide to President Richard M. Nixon who went to jail in the Watergate affair and who years later made the startling assertion that Nixon himself had ordered the break-in that set the scandal in motion, died on Sunday in Danbury, Conn. He was 79. His death, announced on Friday, was caused by complications after a stroke, his family said. Released from prison in 1975 after seven months, Mr. Magruder, a former successful businessman, went on to earn a master’s degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and serve as a Presbyterian pastor. For years he preferred not to speak about the scandal that led to Nixon’s downfall. But he eventually yielded to continued questions, acknowledging in interviews that Nixon had not just covered up the burglary — at the Democratic Party’s national headquarters in the Watergate complex in Washington — but had been involved from the start. To most Americans, Mr. Magruder was a little-known White House communications adviser and the deputy director of Nixon’s re-election campaign when, in January 1973, his name came up during the trial of five men accused of burglarizing the Democratic offices. Their intent, prosecutors said, was to bug the phone of Lawrence F. O’Brien Jr., the party chairman. Two other White House aides, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt, were also being tried, as conspirators, accused of organizing the break-in. Hugh W. Sloan Jr., who had been the campaign treasurer, testified in federal court that Mr. Magruder had told him to disburse $199,000 to Mr. Liddy for “intelligence gathering.” In later testimony, Mr. Magruder denied giving the burglars any assignment concerning the Democratic headquarters. When that was shown to be a lie, he was convicted of perjury and given a 10-month to four-year prison term. The suggestion that a top campaign official had directly ordered the break-in gave momentum to the investigations in Congress that would finally prompt Nixon to resign on Aug. 9, 1974. In return for a lighter sentence, Mr. Magruder helped the investigations into others who had been involved. But not until 2003, in interviews with PBS and The Associated Press, did Mr. Magruder drop his bombshell: that he had heard Nixon personally authorize the break-in. Mr. Magruder recalled that on March 30, 1972, in Key Biscayne, Fla., he raised the possibility of bugging Mr. O’Brien’s phone — an idea that had already been discussed — in a conversation with John N. Mitchell, a former attorney general under Nixon who was Nixon’s 1972 campaign chief. He and Mr. Mitchell were uncomfortable with the idea, Mr. Magruder told PBS, so Mr. Mitchell suggested that he immediately call H. R. Haldeman, the White House chief of staff, to ask him whether to go ahead with the plan. He made the telephone call in Mr. Mitchell’s presence, he said. “Yes, the president wants it done,” Mr. Haldeman said over the phone, according to Mr. Magruder. Mr. Haldeman than asked to speak to Mr. Mitchell. While they were speaking, Mr. Magruder said he could hear the president come on the line. “I could hear the president talking to him,” he said, “and it was simply, you know, ‘John, we need to get that information on Larry O’Brien, the only way we can do that is through Liddy’s plan, and you need to do that.’ Nixon was saying we want Liddy to break into the Watergate.” Mr. Magruder said he recognized Nixon’s unmistakable voice. The Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace Foundation in California said that Mr. Magruder’s allegation contradicted Mr. Magruder’s own assertion in his memoir, “An American Life: One Man’s Road to Watergate” (1974). In that book he wrote, “I know nothing to indicate that Nixon was aware in advance of the plan to break into the Democratic headquarters.” The Nixon library said that the White House Daily Diary had recorded no calls to Key Biscayne on March 30. Nor did White House tapes corroborate such a call, the library said. Fred LaRue, a Nixon aide who was convicted for his part in covering up Watergate, also questioned Mr. Magruder’s assertion. He said he had been at the meeting in Key Biscayne, charged with screening all telephone calls. He denied there was a call and said Mr. Magruder was “a congenital xxxx.” But Carl Bernstein, who led the way in Watergate coverage at The Washington Post with his colleague Bob Woodward, said in an interview with CNN in 2003 that Mr. Magruder’s assertion had credibility. “I find it compelling,” Mr. Bernstein said. “I find it more than plausible.” Jeb Stuart Magruder was born on Nov. 5, 1934, on Staten Island. His father, who owned a print shop and was a Civil War buff, named him after J. E. B. Stuart, the Confederate general. Mr. Magruder majored in political science at Williams College in Massachusetts, interrupting his studies after two years to serve in the Army in Korea. After returning to Williams, he studied ethics with the Rev. William Sloan Coffin, who was later chaplain at Yale. He excelled at swimming and tennis. Interested in a career in sales, he spent one college summer promoting cough medicine. He also sold cosmetics to help pay for his studies. After graduating from Williams he worked for Crown-Zellerbach Corporation in San Francisco. He then moved to Kansas City, Mo., where he drove a Jewel Tea truck delivering groceries. From there he went to Chicago, where he worked for Booz Allen & Hamilton and earned an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago. In Los Angeles, he started two cosmetics companies. Mr. Magruder had become a Republican in college and worked in Republican campaigns, including Donald Rumsfeld’s successful bid for the House of Representatives in Illinois in 1962 and Senator Barry Goldwater’s losing presidential race in 1964. Mr. Magruder was a Southern California coordinator for Nixon’s 1968 presidential campaign. He joined the Nixon White House in 1969 as a deputy to Herbert G. Klein, director of communications. He was later assigned to the president’s re-election campaign, where he assumed management duties. Nixon defeated Senator George S. McGovern, the Democratic standard-bearer, in 49 of 50 states. After serving as director of Nixon’s second inauguration, Mr. Magruder was assigned to the Commerce Department as director of policy planning. Mr. Magruder’s marriages to Gail Barnes Nicholas and Patti Newton Filipski ended in divorce. He is survived by his sons Whitney, Justin and Stuart; his daughter, Tracy Sennett; and nine grandchildren. After earning his theological degree, Mr. Magruder was ordained a Presbyterian minister in 1984. He was a church pastor in San Mateo, Calif.; Columbus, Ohio; and Lexington, Ky. In Columbus, the mayor appointed him chairman of a commission on values and ethics. In an interview, Mr. Magruder said his reflecting on Watergate had changed his values for the better. “If they haven’t changed,” he said, “then it has been a real waste of time, hasn’t it?”
  13. I stand corrected.There is a charge for joining scribd.com to access this and other books and documents. I relied on the statement by a forum member who apparently was under the erroneous impression that there was a free download for this book.
  14. I stand corrected.There is a charge for joining scribd.com to access this and other books and documents. I relied on the statement by a forum member who apparently was under the erroneous impression that there was a free download for this book.
  15. The Yankee and Cowboy War Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate By Carl Oglesby Free download of the book http://www.scribd.com/doc/151061541/The-Yankee-and-Cowboy-War
  16. The Yankee and Cowboy War Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate By Carl Oglesby Free download of the book http://www.scribd.com/doc/151061541/The-Yankee-and-Cowboy-War
  17. Nixon library left leaderless as foundation, federal officials seek common ground http://www.ocregister.com/articles/nixon-613792-library-director.html
  18. Russia holds military drills to repel nuclear strike http://rt.com/news/157644-putin-drills-rocket-launch/
  19. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2622066/Revealed-The-secret-Texas-base-CIA-trained-Cuban-exiles-Bay-Pigs-store-AK-47s-meant-Afghan-rebels.html
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Gvv4--BDLVA
  21. While I am able to view this valuable video without any difficulty as posted by someone on my Facebook page, it appears that I am unable to properly post it here in the forum. The fault does not lie with the forum. It is an extremely interesting video and if another forum member can locate and place it in the forum, the effort would be rewarding. It was uploaded to YouTube on July 4, 2009 by Al Boesch.
  22. Wanta Revelations http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2014/05/03 http://www.amazon.com/WANTA-Black-Swan-White-Hat-ebook/dp/B00FPDOFT4/ctoc
  23. http://www.amazon.com/Nixons-Secrets-Truth-Watergate-Pardon/dp/162914603X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399129523&sr=8-1&keywords=Roger+Stone+Nixon
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