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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. The Pumpkin Papers: How Nixon Rose to Fame http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/hiss/pumpkinp.html
  2. Mae Brussell on the Senate Watergate Committee’s investigation http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Is%20The%20Senate%20Watergate%20Committee%20Functioning%20As%20Part%20of%20the%20Coverup%201.html
  3. Nixon Tapes: Overview http://whitehousetapes.net/tapes/nixon/overview
  4. Since posting the above I have received clarification from a reliable and knowledgeable source that "The footage was shot (by) Jim Watt of KNBC-TV, the NBC affiliate in Los Angeles."
  5. I am unable to answer your questions, Paul, because this was posted on my Facebook page by someone I do not know. After I viewed it, I thought it appropriate to post here in the forum. It has the same quality of horror and chaos that occurred with JFK's assassination.
  6. Rare quality unreleased raw color footage of the Robert Kennedy assassination with sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=5BpNoHkc5YY
  7. House of Cards: Is Frank Underwood LBJ? Article by Roger Stone April 30, 2014 www.lewrockwell.com http://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/04/roger-stone/house-of-cards-3/
  8. Pat: At the invitation of a professional video maker I spent yesterday in Austin giving an oral history of my life. I had prepared an extensive outline beforehand and only after the taping was over did I realize I had inadvertently left out some events that I desired to be included. While the taping was done at a TV station, the air conditioning in the small adjacent studio being used for the taping was not working for some reason, so this may have affected my recall ability. The video maker also took still photographs of a number of my documents that he plans to intersperse in the video. After the editing is done over the coming weeks it will be posted YouTube. Doug
  9. From the posting: “In 1959, a New Orleans man, Richard C. Bell, in conjunction with a Chicago group, organized a group of students to attend the 1959 World Youth Conference in Vienna. His plans attracted opposition from the local American Legion, especially Kent Courtney, Festus Brown and James Pfister. The Legion organized a Free Enterprise Seminar "to alert local college students to the dangers involved in attending the communist-sponsored World Youth Festival in Vienna." Speakers at the seminar include Guy Banister, Medford Evans and Douglas Caddy. Bell and his group did make it to Vienna.” https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/7fKgzfeYtpI http://www.jfk-online.com/jpskentchsca.html
  10. In my essay I failed to note that in August 1956 Kent Countney asked me to accompany him to the Democratic Convention in Chicago where we with the assistance of a few other persons mounted a publicity effort in behalf of states rights. It received some notice but was generally lost in the jubilation of the convention crowd that nominated Adlai Stevenson for President and Estes Kefauver for Vice President.
  11. Stephen: Thanks for the correction as to the spelling of Guy Banister's last name. The Spartacus link included in my essay at its end spells his last name as "bannister", although the article that is pulled up spells as "Banister." I should have caught the discrepancy. I am going to correct the spelling of his last name in the article although I have no control over now as to how it is spelled in the title. Doug
  12. Lee Harvey Oswald, Guy Banister and I in New Orleans 1955-1956 I attended Alcee Fortier High School in New Orleans from September 1954 until June 1956, when I was graduated. In late 1954 Kent and Phoebe Courtney announced that they were holding a public meeting in a pavilion in Audubon Park to enlist citizens who opposed the censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy pending before the U.S. Senate. My parents’ residence was only a few blocks from Audubon Park and Tulane University so I decided to attend as our family admired McCarthy’s fighting spirit against communism. An enthusiastic crowd of about 40 persons attended the Courtneys’ meeting and assignments were handed out. My assignment was to set up a card table in the plaza in front of St. Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter to collect signatures on petitions that opposed the censure as part of a national petition drive headed by General Bonner Fellers. I had little difficulty in collecting signatures as Catholics regularly attended services at the Cathedral and McCarthy was a prominent Catholic. A few months later Kent and Phoebe announced they were starting a monthly conservative publication, Free Men Speak, which subsequently became The Independent America. I volunteered to work on the publication after high school. As a result Kent started taking me to meetings, such as Toastmasters International and to a radio station where he had a weekly radio show. Several times during the period of 1955-1956, while still in a high school student, I would accompany Kent to meetings in the office of Guy Banister, a former FBI agent who was a prominent public figure in New Orleans. The topic at these meetings was the extent of organized crime in the city and more particularly the efforts of the Metropolitan Crime Commission of New Orleans headed by Aaron Kohn to combat it. So where does Lee Harvey Oswald fit into the picture during this period? Why he was living with his mother in the Vieux Carre section of the French Quarter, less than a 10 minute walk from Banister’s office. Oswald was then about 16 years old. Eight years later John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Oswald would be branded the alleged assassination, Banister would gain fame as someone who had interacted in a mysterious way with Oswald in New Orleans in the period before the assassination, and I many years later would end up representing Howard Hunt, a self-confessed bench warmer in the assassination who claimed LBJ was at the top of the pyramid conspiracy, and also Billie Sol Estes, LBJ’s bagman who maintained to his death that LBJ killed JFK. Oswald, Banister and I in 1955-1956 had no inkling what fate had in store for us and for the world. I departed New Orleans permanently in September 1956 to enroll in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Only after I arrived did I learn that Father Walsh had been one of Senator McCarthy’s closest advisers. So while the Big Easy was no longer a part of my life, the public presence of Senator McCarthy was. http://scholarworks.uno.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2737&context=td http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_Courtney http://www.auduboninstitute.org/visit/audubon-park/favorites/history V. OSWALD'S EARLY LIFE: NEW ORLEANS AND ORGANIZED CRIME Contents Residence in the French Quarter: 126 Exchange Alley RESIDENCE IN THE FRENCH QUARTER: 126 EXCHANGE ALLEY During his early childhood and adolescence in New Orleans, Lee Oswald lived with his divorced mother at a number of different locations, usually in small rented houses or apartments in a moderate to-lower-income section of the city. (1) While the record of residences is not complete, one address was 126 Exchange Alley. (2) During her testimony before the Warren Commission, Mrs. Marguerite Oswald indicated that she and her son lived there when Oswald was about to 16 years old, roughly the years 1955-56. (3) They were "living at 126 Exchange Place, which is the Vieux Carre section of the French Quarter of New Orleans." (4) During her testimony, Mrs. Oswald noted that "the papers said we lived over a saloon at that particular address * * * that is just the French part of town. It looks like the devil. Of course I didn't have a fabulous apartment. But very wealthy people and very fine citizens live in that part of town. * * .. (5) While Mrs. Oswald correctly noted that "wealthy" citizens resided in some sections of the French Quarter, Exchange Alley was well known as the location of other elements; it was an area notorious for illicit activities. As the managing director of the Metropolitan Crime Commission of New Orleans, Aaron Kohn recalled, "Exchange Alley, specifically that little block that Oswald lived on, was literally the hub of some of the most notorious underworld joints in the city." (6). He noted further that Exchange Alley was the location of various gambling operations affiliated with the Marcello organization. (7) Noting the openness with which such activities were conducted there, (8) Kohn said, "you couldn't walk down the block without literally being exposed to two or three separate forms of illicit activities and underworld operations." (9) http://jfkassassination.net/russ/jfkinfo/jfk9/hscv9b.htm http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKbannister.htm http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKcaddyD.htm
  13. New book by one of Billie Sol Estes’ attorneys http://www.scribd.com/doc/213136345/TREASON-TREACHERY-DECEIT
  14. Fletcher Prouty on LBJ and the JFK assassination http://vimeo.com/92414935
  15. "SHRUGGING" SECRET SERVICE AGENT AT LOVE FIELD IS IDENTIFIED http://www.c-span.org/video/?c3997800/shrugging-secret-service-agent-love-field-identified
  16. Ron Ecker asked yesterday in another topic in this forum: “On the general subject of proving that a known CIA person was in Dallas, can someone refresh my memory about Helms or Angleton saying (either in an alleged conversation or memo) that they may have to explain someday what E. Howard Hunt was doing in Dallas at the time of the assassination?” http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21151
  17. British Pathe put entire back catalogue of 85,000 films online for free http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2608356/Memory-Lane-goes-digital-Film-makers-British-Pathe-entire-catalogue-85-000-films-covering-70-years-20th-century-news-Hiroshima-Battle-Somme-online.html
  18. Let me see if I get this straight. You and Hemming believe Hunt was washed up as an agent at the time of the JFK assassination. But Hunt was the confidante ghost-writer of Allen Dulles’ widely acclaimed book, The Craft of Intelligence, which was published in 1963, the year of the assassination. Many researchers have linked Dulles to having prior knowledge of the assassination. He was also appointed a member of the Warren Commission by LBJ even though he had been cashiered by JFK after the Bay of Pigs debacle in 1961. Hunt had known Dulles for many years. Did not Marita Morenz testify that she saw Hunt in Dallas at a safe-house the evening before the assassination? Richard Helms as director of the CIA displayed copies of Hunt’s book in his office. Helms placed Hunt in the Mullen Company, a CIA front entity, in 1969. In April 1972 Hunt invited me to join him and CIA legal counsel (and an original CIA founder) Lawrence Houston for drinks at a restaurant for the alleged reason of seeing if I would be interested in joining the CIA. I have concluded since that there was another, primary reason for the meeting. Hunt in 1971-72 regularly used CIA resources in carrying out his sensitive White House assignments. In light of these historical facts it is hard to accept the allegation of Hunt being a washed up agent at the time of the assassination or thereafter. http://books.google.com/books/about/The_Craft_of_Intelligence.html?id=mH3qdHK6_EsC
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQjbiHTeQp8
  20. The Astounding Conspiracy Theories of Wall Street Genius Mark Gorton http://gawker.com/the-astounding-conspiracy-theories-of-wall-street-geniu-1561427624
  21. Watergate: 784 Days That Changed America http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gJjPDxHiRY
  22. Guest Post: Russia Is Dominated By Global Banks, Too Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/03/2014 18:26 -0400 www.zarohedge.com http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-04-03/guest-post-russia-dominated-global-banks-too Submitted by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market blog, Numerous cultures have had holidays dedicated to the celebration of pulling the wool over the eyes of others, from the ancient Romans, to early Muslims, to medieval Christians, to Americans and Europeans today. As April begins, we once again turn a mischievous eye to the concept of the fool and, as always, each person seeks to be the prankster and never the victim. Unfortunately, even the most vigilant of Americans can sometimes be led astray by a clever ruse, and I believe this is taking place today in the Liberty Movement’s perception of the rising “tensions” between Russia and the West. In my article Ukraine Crisis: Just Another Globalist-Engineered Powder Keg, I outlined the history of false paradigms and engineered conflicts between numerous nations, including how these conflicts are exploited by global money interests to consolidate and centralize social and political power. The birth of communist Russia, in particular, was directly funded by Western banks and supported with arms and military aid from the U.S. government itself. These sorts of startling facts are not taught in schools and universities exactly because the continued dominance of the money elite relies on continued misrepresentations of legitimate history. Many in the Liberty Movement have studied and are well aware of the central banking cabal and its stranglehold on the U.S. and Europe. But strangely, some people refuse to acknowledge the substantial possibility that global bankers are also in control of Russia and are playing both sides of the burgeoning economic war. As the Ukrainian crisis festers and other dangers in the Pacific and the Mideast grow, an odd consensus among alternative analysts is taking hold — namely the belief that President Vladimir Putin and Russia represent some kind of opposition to globalization and the rule of corporate financiers. Perhaps moments in Putin’s rhetoric and the existence of media outlets like RT have seduced elements of the Liberty Movement into assuming that Russia is a “victim” in the grand schemes of Western oligarchy and that Russia is truly the "white knight", the underdog willing to stand up against the New World Order. I’m sorry to say that nothing could be further from the truth. Russia is just as much a tool of the global elite today as it was after the Bolshevik Revolution, and Vladimir Putin is just as much a socialist puppet as Barack Obama. Let’s start from the beginning of the rebirth of Russia as a regional federation in the 1990s after the fall of the Warsaw Pact. Mikhail Gorbachev, the leader largely credited with the ultimate dismantling of the Soviet Union and the rise of the “new” Russia, has long been a proponent of the “New World Order” (his words) and centralized global government. In an address entitled “Perspectives On Global Change” to the students of Lafayette College in Easton, Penn., Gorbachev argued that such a solution was necessary to safeguard “freedom.” “The opportunities that existed after the end of the Cold War… were not used properly. At that same time, we saw that the entire world situation did not develop positively. We saw deterioration where there should have been positive movement toward a new world order.” He continued: “But we still are facing the problem of building such a world order. We have crises: we are facing problems of the environment, of backwardness and poverty, of food shortages. All of these problems are because we do not have a system of global governance.” When asked in 1995 by San Francisco Weekly what Gorbachev meant by the phrase “New World Order,” Jim Garrison, the executive director of the Gorbachev Foundation stated, bluntly that Gorbachev wanted nothing less than global government. "Over the next 20 to 30 years, we are going to end up with world government. … It’s inevitable. It will happen and become just as normal to have a relationship with the rest of the world as we now have, say, if you are a Californian and you go to Vermont." Take note that it has now been almost 20 years since the Garrison's assertion and the motions towards a global currency are picking up great speed. Gorbachev saw global government being achieved through international organizations like the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. But, is this vision of the New World Order limited only to Gorbachev and his inner circle? At the Gorbachev-led State of the World Forum in 1995, Council On Foreign Relations member Zbigniew Brzezinski had this to say: “We do not have a New World Order. … We cannot leap into world government in one quick step. … In brief, the precondition for eventual globalization — genuine globalization — is progressive regionalization, because thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units.” In Zbigniew K. Brzezinski’s book Between Two Ages: America’s Role In The Technetronic Era, he elaborates on the ideology behind what brand of government the New World Order would be: "The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty… More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken." "National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept… Marxism represents a further vital and creative state in the maturing of man’s universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief…" Brzezinski seems to be in total agreement with Gorbachev, but why should anyone care what Brzezinski thinks about the future of American sovereignty? Perhaps it’s because he is a close and influential foreign policy adviser to Obama. So we have now established that political interests on both sides since the 1990s have called for a New World Order and global government taking a decidedly socialist or Marxist form. Some people might applaud this kind of future, or they might despise it; but the fact remains that this plan is indeed being openly promoted and implemented by government officials and elitists in the East and the West. It is undeniable. From its very inception, the new Russia was designed to become a catalyst for global governance, but global governance by whom? As they say, always follow the money. Russia is more beholden to international bankers than perhaps any nation on the planet. After the collapse of the Russian economy and the dissolution of the old Soviet Union, the country was in dire straits. From 1992 to 1996, the IMF intervened in the Russian economy, offering more than $22 billion in aid (officially). This first loan package was presented as a failure when Russia defaulted on its debts, and loans from the IMF restarted through the late ’90s until this very day. Many people are aware of the IMF involvement in Russia, but few know about the scandal surrounding where those IMF funds specifically went. In 1999, information was made public on the diversion of IMF cash into the coffers of Russian corporate elites, politicians, and even mobsters. This money was supposed to go toward the rebuilding of Russian infrastructure and economy. Instead, the aristocracy and criminal underworld were receiving a large cut of the funds. The money was diverted and laundered through the Bank of New York, an institution founded in 1784 by none other than internationalist agent and central bank promoter Alexander Hamilton. The bank changed ownership through merger in 2007 and is now called The Bank Of New York Mellon. The IMF’s first response to the scandal was to divert blame, stating that it had no control over the cash once it was in the hands of the Central Bank of Russia (CBR). After continued revelations on funds being misused or disappearing altogether, the IMF commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers to audit the CBR. The results of that audit have never been made public. However, in 1999 the Russian government admitted that it had hidden more than $50 billion offshore in a subsidiary bank in the Channel Islands. Part of this money came from IMF bailouts. The former chairman of the CBR, Sergey Dubinin, insisted that the IMF was fully aware of who the funds were going to. Numerous officials from the chief state auditor to the minister of internal security to the prosecutor general of Russia had come forward with information that corroborated evidence that IMF money was being distributed to the wrong people. The chairman of the Duma Committee on Security stated that some of the IMF loans never made it to Russia. Rather, the money was pumped into the secret foreign accounts of Russia’s highest officials. Despite all of the admissions and evidence, IMF auditors refused to cite any corruption or malfeasance during their investigations. One would think that they would do everything in their power to find out where their funds went and why. The reason for the cover-up is obvious: The IMF knew exactly who the money was going to. The first bailouts of Russia were designed to buy the cooperation of the Russian political and corporate elite and ensure that the future direction of the nation would follow the globalist plan. Fast-forward to the present. Putin continues the subversive relationship between Russia and the IMF. In 2009, Putin called for the creation of a “super reserve currency” under the control of the IMF and using the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights basket as a foundation. Why would Putin, a supposedly anti-globalist nationalist leader, want the IMF, a supposedly U.S.-controlled institution, to be the global purveyor and overlord of the world economy? It’s because the IMF is not a U.S.-controlled institution; it is a banker-controlled institution. And Putin is a globalist, not a nationalist. The recent break of Crimea from Ukraine and secession to Russia was partly instigated by the vast concessions required by the IMF if loans to Ukraine were to move forward. One of these concessions included the handing over of Ukrainian gas pipelines to America’s Chevron. Crimean leaders accused Kiev politicians of selling out Ukraine to the global bankers. However, it was actually Russia’s finance minister and Putin who first pushed for the IMF bailout of Ukraine. It was, in fact, Putin who wanted Ukraine to “sell out” to Western financiers. Russia’s central bank is also a member of the Bank of International Settlements, the good-old-boys club of the international banking world. The BIS was founded in 1930 and served as the focal point of globalization until after World War II, when evidence arose that the organization had helped the Nazis by funding the German war machine, laundering money for Gestapo officials and hiding funds looted from Europe by the Third Reich. Due to the scandal, the BIS took a back seat to the IMF and World Bank; but it still exists today. Carroll Quigley, Council on Foreign Relations member, elitist insider and mentor to Bill Clinton, had this to say about the BIS in his book Tragedy And Hope: "The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world." Putin has been elevated to heroic status in much of the mainstream media over the years. TIME magazine, a long-running globalist publication, recently published a front-page article with this tagline: “America’s weak and waffling. Russia’s rich and resurgent — and its leader doesn’t care what anybody thinks of him.” This cover was used by TIME in every country in which it is distributed, except the United States. The Times of Britain named Putin “Man Of The Year” in 2013. In Liberty Movement circles, Putin worship has been growing to disturbing levels. I would say at least half of our movement truly believes Putin and Russia to be a guiding light in the fight against globalization and the New World Order. Unfortunately, many people look for heroes to save them when they should be looking to themselves. Putin’s nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize for his “intervention” in the Syrian crisis is celebrated by many freedom fighters here in America, when, in reality, the Obama Administration’s failure to achieve a war footing in the region had nothing to do with the actions of Russia. Remember, Russia and the U.S. are nothing but false champions dueling in a fake gladiator match paid for by the IMF. The war against Syria was thwarted because the elites were unable to garner enough public support from the American people to make the action viable. Every engineered war needs a gullible percentage of the population to give it momentum. Why didn’t they get their following from the public? It was because of the tireless efforts of the alternative media. It was the Liberty Movement that exposed the lies behind the Syrian insurgency; the consulate attack in Benghazi, Libya; the CIA’s involvement with al-Qaida in Damascus, etc. It is the Liberty Movement that deserves the credit for disrupting the globalist plan to use Syria as a trigger event for a false confrontation between the U.S. and Russia. Yet many are cheering the elitist puppet Putin while he takes credit for our accomplishments. The most frightening aspect of the false paradigm between East and West is the potential it creates for the co-option of liberty proponents here in America. If we allow ourselves to be suckered into cheerleading for Russia, or any controlled government for that matter, then we have lost. We will be swallowed up in the tides of war, while supporting false prophets and artificial protagonists. Our mission, the mission for a truly free and sovereign America, will be lost in the confusion and chaos of the global chess game. It is time to accept that the fate of this country and perhaps the future of human freedom rest solely on the shoulders of the resistance here at home. There is no nation out there in the ether of central banking that is going to help us. The sooner we come to terms with the reality that we are on our own, the stronger we will be when the fight begins.
  23. President Obama appears to be taking an increasingly cavalier attitude towards killing people: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2486809/New-book-claims-President-Obama-bragged-aides-using-drone-strikes.html
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xd1wuXrVPjo LBJ talks about "others who could have been involved" besides Oswald and why we shall probably never know the full story.
  25. Daniel Sheehan and Alternative Theories of the JFK Assassination
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