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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. December 1, 2013 William Stevenson, Who Wrote About Espionage, Dies at 89 By WILLIAM YARDLEY The New York Times William Stevenson, a journalist and author who drew on his close ties with intelligence sources to write two best-selling books in the 1970s, “A Man Called Intrepid” and “90 Minutes at Entebbe,” which he dashed off in a room at the Algonquin Hotel in New York, died on Nov. 26 in Toronto. He was 89. His death was confirmed by his son, Andrew. Mr. Stevenson, who was born in London and whose father worked at Bletchley Park, the British headquarters for code breakers during World War II, spent much of his career straddling the worlds of espionage and journalism. Some saw a conflict. He called both pursuits “spycraft.” “A Man Called Intrepid,” published in 1976, was an admiring portrait of Sir William Stephenson, the masterly Canadian-born intelligence operative who had deep connections to Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II and continued providing information to both Britain and the United States for many years afterward. The author and his subject had similar names and similar interests, and the book grew out of the unusual relationship they developed. Mr. Stevenson, a pilot who flew for the British during World War II, fashioned himself into a foreign correspondent for The Toronto Star after the war. But he never really stopped serving the British government. While in Canada, he met Mr. Stephenson the spy, who at times suggested world hot spots where Mr. Stevenson the writer might cover a story and also forward him intelligence via telegrams. “He would then through his own transmission systems send them on to London with his own observations,” the writer recalled this year in a Canadian radio interview. By the 1960s, Mr. Stevenson was working for the Near and Far East News Group, a propaganda arm of the British government, and becoming increasingly connected in the world of espionage. He also helped produce documentaries for Canadian television and the BBC, sometimes from inside Communist countries or dictatorships, including China. Among the places where he held posts or reported were Hong Kong, New Delhi, Beijing, Kenya and Uganda. In the summer of 1976, many years after he had returned to Canada and a few months after “A Man Called Intrepid” had risen to the top of best-seller lists, he received a telegram from an informant from the old days. “Big Daddy is in for a big surprise” read the message, as he recalled in his 2012 memoir, “Past to Present: A Reporter’s Story of War, Spies, People, and Politics.” “Big Daddy” was a reference to Idi Amin, the president of Uganda, where more than 100 Israelis were being held hostage at the airport at Entebbe after a militant Palestinian group hijacked a plane in late June. Israeli forces were about to conduct a raid to free the hostages. Given advance notice, Mr. Stevenson flew to Israel, where he was given rare access to Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, as well as commandos and some hostages who had been released before the raid.
  2. Joan Mellen’s talk at the Wecht Conference that I posted here in the forum on November 30, 2013, was superb. I only wish she had been given more time to relate what her diligent research has turned up. A high point among many in her talk was the reference to CIA’s relationship with George and Herman Brown of Brown & Root, that evolved in Haliburton and then into KBR today. George and Herman Brown were early and longtime backers of LBJ. Joan wisely made the point that the current controversy over the validity of the dictabelt recording of shots fired during JFK’s assassination should not be allowed to turn into a general attack upon work product of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. It is equally true that the current controversy over the validity of Nathan Darby’s finding of the Mac Wallace fingerprint should not be allowed to turn into a general attack upon the work product of those who believe that LBJ played a role in the assassination of JFK. With the 50th anniversary behind us, it becomes increasingly evident that the assassination of JFK will forever be a cold case, never to be solved. Many theories abound. Continuing credible research into the assassination, however, such as that done by Joan and others, will help Americans and citizens of the world come to understand how on November 23, 1963, the United States ceased to be a republic and became a banana empire. Yesterday, in response to an inquiry from Larry Hancock, I sent him the following reply: Larry: I can't speak for Barr but I have no recollection of ever being contacted by Joan for information of any type. I have shared my materials with whomever has asked, the latest being Roger Stone in the researching for his book. Also about a month ago I responded to an inquiry from Phil Nelson about Estes' testimony before the Robertson County grand jury in 1984. Estes was represented in that inquiry by another attorney, not by me. The best way to contact me is through the Education Forum as you have done here or through my email. I have not seen Peoples' archival materials that Barr has although when I worked with Peoples in regard to the Estes matter in 1984 he showed me a file cabinet in his office that was full of documents and photographs that he had collected over years on anything relating to Estes. I remember him showing me the photograph of the murder scene of Henry Marshall as the body was found. I was not involved in any way with the Wallace fingerprint issue. I heard after the initial press conference on it that I was supposed to have been present but nobody ever contacted me about it so that came as a surprise. Texas in the 1950s and 1960s was a strange place, totally under the control of LBJ and his cronies. Persons outside of Texas would have a hard time understanding what was going on down here. I was Director of Elections for the State under Governor Clements and traveled to most of the 254 counties. In one county I visited 500 citizens (all Hispanic) turned out in the square before the county court house on election night to hear the results of the county's election. Where else would that have happened? Clint Peoples, J. Evetts Haley and Barr McClellan are heroes in fighting evil spawned by LBJ, that ultimately resulted in JFK's death. Doug
  3. December 2, 2013 Fates of Brooks and Coulson in Tabloid Hacking Case Are Diverging By SARAH LYALL The New York Times LONDON — Once they were friends and colleagues who reveled in the heady world of British news, politics and intrigue. Together they rose from the scrappy newsrooms of London’s tabloids to the heights of establishment power, she as head of Rupert Murdoch’s British newspaper empire, he as Prime Minister David Cameron’s chief spokesman. For six years they were lovers, carrying on their affair even as each married someone else. Now Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson are together again, this time in the dock at the Old Bailey, London’s main criminal court, facing charges of illegally intercepting voice messages and other crimes in connection with their work for Mr. Murdoch’s now-defunct News of the World tabloid. Since their arrests, their lives have sharply diverged. Though they sit side by side in court, it is not by choice; their seats are assigned. Nothing about their body language suggests their history of intimacy. They bid each other good morning and good evening, but there is little more than that. When the prosecution read out a steamy letter from Ms. Brooks to Mr. Coulson as evidence of their affair, she looked uneasily down at her lap; he stared straight ahead. Ms. Brooks, 45, a Murdoch darling who worked as chief executive of Mr. Murdoch’s News International before resigning when the phone hacking scandal engulfed her in the summer of 2011, never lost the support of the man who was her boss, friend, mentor and protector. She walked away with a $17.6 million severance package that incorporated “compensation for loss of office” and various “ongoing benefits.” These have not been specified but are believed to include the car and driver that bring her to court each day. She has houses in London and in Oxfordshire. But from appearances at least, she is a changed woman. Her clingy, look-at-me clothes have been replaced by functional skirts and blouses; she wears little makeup. She sees a small circle of close friends, no longer goes to the glamorous parties she used to love, and is devoting her time to the legal case and to the baby she had via a surrogate. “She’s doing as well as can be expected, which is not great,” a friend said. Still, she is rich. And she is in better shape than Mr. Coulson, 45, who resigned twice over different phases of the phone hacking scandal: once as editor of the News of the World in 2007 and again as director of communications for Mr. Cameron in 2011. Cut loose by the Murdochs, shunned by his old government friends, short of cash and out of work for nearly three years, he has had to sell his expensive London house and move out of town with his wife and three children. Mr. Coulson appears unchanged physically, and still wears the same nondescript business suits he always did, He commutes to the trial from his new home in Kent or stays overnight in modest hotels or friends’ houses. The Murdochs washed their hands of him long ago, rightly concluding that his employment at Downing Street made the hacking scandal far more combustible by implicating the government and the Conservative Party. “My feeling is that he has paid a much higher price than anyone else,” said Roy Greenslade, a professor of journalism at City University here. “He didn’t get a massive payoff, he didn’t get Murdoch standing behind him, and he had to fall on his sword twice.” A journalist from a competing news organization said, “He has lost everything, basically.” While Ms. Brooks’s legal expenses have been paid by her old employer, Mr. Coulson — whose bills have passed the $400,000 mark and will inevitably climb much higher — has had a different experience. Despite negotiating an exit package in which the company was obliged to pay his legal bills should he be charged in connection with his work as editor, Mr. Coulson has had to take the company to court to obtain the payments. Even though it lost the case, the company is still paying only grudgingly, Mr. Coulson’s friends say. “To this day, they’re making it supremely difficult for him to get his bills paid,” said an acquaintance of Mr. Coulson’s who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke anonymously to comment on a pending case. “They’re going through his bills with a fine-tooth comb, and the big problem is that they’re delaying payments. He has a big team, and it makes life very difficult.” Both Mr. Coulson and Ms. Brooks are likely to have to pay back at least some of the money to the company if they are found guilty. (Both have pleaded not guilty to the hacking charges.) The trial is expected to run for several more months. It is now in its second month, and the prosecution is still presenting its arguments. This is a complicated undertaking, in part because of the multiple defendants and multiple charges relating to phone hacking, computer hacking, paying off public officials and perverting the course of justice. In addition to Mr. Coulson and Ms. Brooks, there are six other defendants, among them Charlie Brooks, Ms. Brooks’s husband, who has been accused of conspiring with her to destroy evidence. More trials are expected to follow. What began as an investigation into the illegal interception of voice mail messages has grown into a sprawling octopus of a case, with law-enforcement strands stretching in many directions and involving more than 160 police officers and staff members; at least 1,000 likely victims from politics, sports, show business and the media; and millions of emails and other documents. It is far too early to say how the case will end; the defendants’ lawyers have not started presenting their arguments. But on the surface, at least, Mr. Coulson looks to be in a worse position than Ms. Brooks. While prosecutors have already introduced email and voice mail messages that they say directly link Mr. Coulson to phone hacking, they have not yet presented similar evidence in the case of Ms. Brooks. She and her husband seem more vulnerable to the charge of conspiring to pervert the course of justice. The prosecution contends that they illegally removed files from the office and tried to discard a laptop that potentially contained evidence in the case. As for Mr. Coulson, even when this case is finished, his woes will not be over. Whether or not he is convicted, he faces a second trial in Scotland, which has a different legal system from England’s and a reputation for being tough on English journalists. He stands accused there of committing perjury while testifying in the trial of a Scottish politician who, among other things, claimed his phone had been hacked. In that trial, Mr. Coulson repeatedly declared that there was no phone hacking going on at the News of the World.
  4. Nathan Darby affidavit on Mac Wallace fingerprint Some relevant materials regarding the controversy: http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace../09/fp.back_issues/24th_Issue/darby.html http://www.theiai.org/ http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/statesman/obituary.aspx?n=a-nathan-darby&pid=17518385 http://www.whokilledjfk.net/malcolm_wallace.htm http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20466&page=2
  5. From the article: “JFK signed the National Security Action Memorandum 160 in 1962 that required all nuclear missiles to be fitted with a PAL system.” ---------------------------------- Dial 00000000 for Armageddon. US’s top secret launch nuclear launch code was frighteningly simple By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 10:31 EST, 29 November 2013 | UPDATED: 21:59 EST, 29 November 2013 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2515598/Launch-code-US-nuclear-weapons-easy-00000000.html#ixzz2mKSqz9M0
  6. Larry: Joan should contact Barr McClellan about Clint Peoples' archival materials as to my knowledge he is the only person who has examined these in doing research for his book that is scheduled for release later this month. Doug
  7. I worked closely with U.S. Marshal Clint Peoples on the Estes and Wallace matters in 1983-84. Has Joan examined Clint People's papers? He gave me a number of documents on Wallace when I worked with him. Years ago, when I first joined the forum, I mailed many of these documents to John Simkin. Peoples followed Estes and Wallace for 25 years. It would be a difficult task to disregard what Peoples learned and concluded about these two men, first as a Texas Ranger and later as a U.S. Marshal. Of course, there is J. Evetts Haley's 1964 book, "A Texan Looks at Lyndon", which was the original published investigation into the topic. When I asked Estes in 1984 about what he thought of Haley's book, he replied only half-jokingly, "That man must have been reading my mail." http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKhaleyE.htm http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKpeoples.htm
  8. In parts 1 and 2 of "LBJ: A Closer Look", the 1998 video, Walt Brown presides over a press conference in which Mac Wallace's fingerprint evidence is disclosed publicly for the first time. This evidence should be weighed against what Joan Mellen maintains. The video explores the close relationship between LBJ and Mac Wallace. Lyle Sardie, who produced the video, interviewed me at different times in the various parts of the video. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi4rX34lJLpqJvZYoXBZODw
  9. Movie Review Enemies, Abroad and at Home ‘JFK: A President Betrayed’ Recounts Kennedy’s Opposition The New York Times November 21, 2013 http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/22/movies/jfk-a-president-betrayed-recounts-kennedys-opposition.html?smid=fb-share
  10. David: The more I learn about JFK the more it appears he was an extremely complicated person. He compartmentalized his life and there were many, many compartments. How he was able to manage them all staggers the imagination and maybe this management took up so much time that he failed to realize that he was placing himself in harm's way. After being warned that he might face assassination attempts in Chicago and Miami, he nevertheless traveled to Dallas and was almost reckless in failing to take measures to assure his own safety. Billie Sol Estes told me that JFK was totally naïve in not recognizing that LBJ would stop at nothing to achieve the presidency. It appears that from his early youth he suffered from severe back pain and as time went on and his public and personal life became increasingly stressful, he sought relief from the pain through drugs. Yet his productivity was prodigious and by that I mean he led a busy, busy life. He had a sexual relationship with Mary Meyer and this was one factor among others that led to his killing. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKmeyerM.htm Doug
  11. The JFK Assassination Marked the End of the American Republic Interview with Martin Broeckers, author of JFK: Coup d’Etat in America“ Global Research, August 20, 2013 By Lars Schall http://www.globalresearch.ca/jfk-assassination-marked-the-end-of-the-american-republic/5346419
  12. Ruth Paine speaks out: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2501424/EXCLUSIVE-John-Kerry-relative-got-Lee-Harvey-Oswald-book-depository-job-disputes-secretary-states-doubts-assassin-acted-alone.html
  13. More on Angleton: http://stevenhager420.wordpress.com/2013/11/30/the-privatization-of-intelligence/
  14. 1998 video “LBJ: A Closer Look” produced by Lyle and Therese Sardie http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi4rX34lJLpqJvZYoXBZODw
  15. JFK’s Embrace of Third World Nationalists November 25, 2013 By Jim DiEugenio http://consortiumnews.com/2013/11/25/jfks-embrace-of-third-world-nationalists/
  16. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories, Mark Lane and Joan Mellen Oct 18, 2013 http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/Lanea
  17. November 21, 2013 A Word In Favor of J.F.K. Conspiracy Theories Posted by John Cassidy The New Yorker http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/johncassidy/2013/11/a-word-in-favor-of-jfk-conspiracy-theories.html
  18. Interesting article on Angleton: http://www.skilluminati.com/research/entry/7_types_of_ambiguity/
  19. Steven Hager: James Jesus Angleton is a key to the JFK assassination November 29, 2013 http://stevenhager420.wordpress.com/2013/11/29/james-jesus-angleton-is-a-key-to-the-jfk-assassination/
  20. Here are some links that touch upon Roselli's claim of being present in Dallas during the assassination and of being one of the shooters. For additional information, type into google: "Johnny Roselli as a shooter of JFK." http://rense.com/politics2/kingpin.htm http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKroselli.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Roselli http://stevenhager420.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/the-truth-about-the-jfk-assassination/
  21. Steven Hager: James Tague is a key to the JFK assassination November 28, 2013 http://stevenhager420.wordpress.com/2013/11/28/james-tague-is-a-key-to-the-jfk-assassination/
  22. There are numerous articles about JFK's use of drugs, including LSD. One can start research with Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Pinchot_Meyer Also: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/388488/The-drug-dealer-to-the-stars
  23. Douglas, what you say here makes sense to me... the hack part is "“In fact, I’ve always suspected James Angleton wrote a secret report accusing JFK of being a Communist mole high inside the government." it is speculative and used to drive the rest of the article... I've always suspected that Hitler liked olives...but that doesn't explain Poland now does it? the difference between my posting here, and him posting "out there" is that it is assumed here that we know what we are talking about, so if someone references "Angleton" there s no need for citations or references...you know and I know who Angleton is..or was.. and in terms of his cred, anyone who posts on a site with esoteric shaman crap is a nut who has long left the road of reality in my books... and "distinguished"??? no. he writes for a dope rag for potheads. Bertrand Russell is "Distinguished".... lets settle... why not post one thread and add all his links in there? he can have his own special thread... Douglas, thank you for the time and your posts...seriously... I shall stop posting anything by Steven Hager if one additional member supports Blair's suggestion. The reason I have posted Hager's essays is that they elicit additional information on his chosen topic from forum members that add to the body of general knowledge. Hager sorts of starts the conversation and then forum members may or may not join in. I have concluded that to understand the history of the past 150 years you have to study the drug trade, which started with England creating the opium dens in China, leading to the international drug trade that built the fabulous castles and mansions one sees in the English countryside. In more recent times the CIA has used the drug trade to finance its operations. As Kris Millegan's father, who was a master U.S. Intelligence agent, told him the drug trade was what the Vietnam War was all about. So Hager, having gained years of knowledge of the drug trade through his professional and personal experiences, brings to the forum through his essays knowledge that members lack because, to put it bluntly, we are not into drugs. JFK was into drugs, including LSD and Meth. The recent program about JFK on PBS, "The American Experience", discussed how JFK had Dr. Feelgood flown into Vienna from New York City so that JFK could get the drugs he needed when dealing with Khrushchev. From Steven Hager’s blog article titled, “Mary Meyer is a key to the JFK assassination”: What Mary didn’t know, however, was that devious James Angleton had long been bugging her phone, reading her mail and secretly using Mary as a source of intelligence as she weaved through the upper circles of society spreading her message of world peace. So when Mary began talking with Timothy Leary in order to get advice on how to best invoke a spiritual response on LSD, Angleton was listening in the entire time. And after Mary reported to Leary that Jack loved LSD and had secretly joined her mission to end the Cold War and dismantle the nuclear arms race, well Angleton probably chuckled and took that news to his good buddy Allen Dulles, cousin of the Rockefellers, a man who once ran the CIA but had been fired by Kennedy. Mary called Leary after the assassination and was distraught. “He was changing too fast,” she sobbed. “They covered up everything. I’m afraid.” On October 12th, 1964, two weeks after the publication of the fraudulent Warren Commission Report, she was found dead on a jogging path in the park. Two bullets, one to the head and one to the heart.
  24. Paul: The three reasons Sturgis gave Detective Rothstein as to why JFK was assassinated: “When Sturgis was asked why Kennedy was assassinated, he told the Detectives that there were three reasons. Number one was that Kennedy had double-crossed OP40 in the Bay of Pigs Invasion by pulling back the support. Number two was that he (Kennedy) had been told to stay away from the women, especially the Russian woman, Ellen Rometsch, because he would be compromised and jeopardize national security. Number three was that Kennedy was destroying the black community through his liberal social programs.” http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20008&page=2 Doug
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