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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Steven Hager: Dorothy Kilgallen is a key to the JFK assassination

    [updated on 10/04/2013]:


    She was a Roman Catholic, and worked for William Randolph Hearst, and rose to the top of journalism and even got onto a TV show, “What’s My Line,” on which she displayed her insightful and penetrating mind, although her co-stars were furious when private comments made in the dressing room began appearing in her widely circulated newspaper column.

    She mostly covered show business, but loved investigating deep politics and organized crime as well. When a doctor in Illinois was railroaded into prison for the vicious murder of his pregnant wife, Kilgallen began a crusade to get him released.

    It was likely after a cocktail party with a British intelligence agent that she rushed out her first front-page scoop regarding the existence of UFO’s.

    “British scientists and airmen, after examining the wreckage of one mysterious flying ship, are convinced these strange aerial objects are not optical illusions or Soviet inventions, but are flying saucers which originate on another planet,” she wrote, in a separate front-page story from her regular column. “The source of my information is a British official of Cabinet rank who prefers to remain unidentified. ‘We believe, on the basis of our inquiry thus far, that the saucers were staffed by small men—probably under four feet tall. It’s frightening, but there is no denying the flying saucers come from another planet.’”

    Now what are we to make of this? Obviously Kilgallen was used to plant a rabbit hole of immense proportions, one that would soon explode and reverberate across the world: the aliens have landed! The purpose of seeding such disinfo into the press using an unwitting dupe like Kilgallen is obvious and bears all the markings of a Tavistock mind control experiment to see how far the alien rabbit hole could be stretched.

    But Kilgallen quickly abandoned the UFO story as she was a serious journalist and when zero proof ever appeared of the little green men or their space ship, she moved onto other investigations. She was actually considered the nemesis of Frank Sinatra, who called her “the chinless wonder” and sometimes closed his shows by urging someone to please run her over.

    Kilgallen was no saint: she was a snooty person who frequently put down the lower classes and detested country music. But when JFK was assassinated, and his alleged killer assassinated, she wound her way down to Dallas and managed to get a private interview with Jack Ruby out of earshot of anyone else. When she came back she told her friends she was going to blow the case wide open.

    She spent a year poking around the story, but the big break came when she landed a copy of the 100-page secret interview the Warren Commission conducted with Ruby, and she began publishing excerpts. And this material was extremely explosive because Ruby had pleaded with Ford and Warren to take him to Washington as he did not feel safe in Texas and could not reveal everything he knew without fear of losing his life. Don’t you think it odd that only two Commissioners, both of them high-ranking Freemasons, are sent to Texas to interview a key witness, instead of bringing that witness to the entire Commission? And why did they ignore Ruby’s pleas?

    The FBI wanted to know where Kilgallen got the transcript and started a whole bunch of surveillance and harassment, although I am sure Angleton was personally listening to all Kilgallen’s phone calls after her private discussion with Ruby, which meant she’d probably been under intense surveillance for over a year.

    Kilgallen was in constant communication with Mark Lane at the time, who had captured the center of energy on the investigation by posing as an honest researcher. Too bad Kilgallen didn’t know about Lane’s background in military intelligence.

    One day in November, 1965, Kilgallen is found dead and the doctor who does the autopsy says cause of death “indeterminate.” Funny thing is, that doctor refuses to sign the certificate and apparently has another doctor sign it in his name. Mark Lane shows up immediately hoping to score all Kilgallen’s notes, research and secret files on the JFK case. Kilgallen’s grieving husband turned him away, who knows? Perhaps he even sensed an evil intent to take the material straight to Langley?

    I know Lane has been sheep-dipped as a Knight in Shining Armor since the beginning of this saga. And he defended a famous libel case against Howard Hunt, but I am afraid it was all most likely a staged operation because Hunt was a rabbit hole Angleton had placed in the story, and numerous ops were run to point towards Hunt and Sturgis and make them the shooters, but if you check on Lane today, you’ll find him closely related to the Holocaust Denial movement, something obviously created by spooks. And that’s the real value of time. After fifty years or so, the wolf spots begin appearing on those sheep-skin overcoats.

    Now do you see how far these games really go and how deep the rabbit holes really are, and how easily the press can be manipulated by people in power?

  2. Quote from above posting: “...Sidney Goldberg, an editor for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA) who worked closely with Ian Fleming and possibly edited Priscilla Johnson's article on her interview with Oswald in Moscow.”

    When my first book, “The Hundred Million Dollar Payoff,” was published in 1974, I was asked to appear on The Today Show. Immediately after my appearance I was contacted by Sid Goldberg, who asked that I meet with him and his wife, Lucianne Goldberg, the literary agent. Lucianne later became famous in 1997 for her key role is exposing President Clinton’s Oval Office affair with Monica Lewinsky.

    At the meeting Sid asked that I write a 5-part series based on my book to be syndicated by NANA, which I did.

    Lucianne was interested in what I knew about Watergate because she had worked clandestinely for the GOP Nixon campaign in her role as a reporter on the press plane that accompanied the Democratic presidential candidate around the country.

    In 1984 at my request Lucianne traveled to Amarillo, Texas to meet with Billie Sol Estes to explore the possibility that she as a literary agent would represent Estes in his proposed book. It was Estes’ fault and not Lucianne’s that the book did not come to fruition at that time.

    The Goldberg’s have son, Jonah, who is today a syndicated newspaper columnist.

    Lucianne manages http://www.lucianne.com/

  3. Steven Hager: Masonry is a key to the JFK assassination


    I don’t practice spiritual intolerance, so I have deep respect for the Masonic traditions, just as I respect the histories of all the major religions that claim to support peace, non-violence and the brotherhood of all mankind under the eye of the Great Spirit that Runs through All Things.

    But if you have an understanding of the history of Freemasonry, it becomes clear the JFK assassination saga is peppered with high-ranking members of the craft holding down strategic positions at crucial vantage points.

    There’s a lot of angles to this story, but one thing to keep in mind is that at the time of Kennedy’s murder, there was no love lost between Masons and Catholics in the USA. Several Popes had issued edicts to forbid Catholics from participating in the “satanic” ceremonies of Freemasonry, probably because Masons had the audacity to put a Koran and Torah on the altar alongside the Bible.

    People have the mistaken belief our Revolution was organized by Freemasons? No, there was a renegade lodge in Boston that plotted the tea party and included Paul Revere as a member, but the overwhelming majority of lodges during the Revolution were packed with Tories and stayed loyal to the Crown throughout the war, and maybe even afterwards. The most prominent Mason at the time, however, was George Washington, and he led one of those renegade lodges and helped invest Masonry with tremendous sparkle and that’s probably why our Capitol is so incredibly Masonic.

    In 1826, a whistle-blower named Captain William Morgan suddenly emerged to announce Masonry was a plot by the British to manipulate the country from within, a plan that was working and had already infested the upper reaches of finance, government, law enforcement and the military. Well, Morgan was suddenly arrested on trumped-up charges and put in jail, but whoops, he mysteriously disappeared off the face of the earth? And all the police involved are Masons and so is the Judge and the entire Grand Jury that has been called? This was just too obvious a coverup of immense proportions. Well, the ensuing outcry over the coverup unexpectedly reached epidemic proportions creating the first third party in America, the single-issue Anti-Masonic Party, whose goal was to elect anybody to any office but a Mason, and especially police and judges.

    Needless to say, Freemasonry was forced to get more secret and had to lie low for a few generations after that fiasco, and it even seems possible someone immediately created Mormonism (which looks a lot like Masonry) as a possible fall-back position in case the craft had to be abandoned. And I say that because Morgan’s widow married the founder of Mormonism. Regular readers will recall my words recently concerning the vaporous nature of secret societies and how they can disappear effortlessly by sliding inside a new entity, like some alien life form. But that wasn’t necessary because the Masonic scare blew over, and Masons were quickly able to return to the Presidency and elect a string of Masons to the highest office in the land, beginning with President William McKinley and ending with a former hat salesman named Harry Truman. You see, it was very important the 33rd President be a Mason, even if he was just a lowly clerk from a Midwestern haberdashery.

    I believe Masonry has been in decline for years, however, and there are other, newer, more powerful secret societies in play these days (and Skull & Bones certainly comes to mind), but the bedrock most of these societies was built on remains the ritual and ceremony of Freemasonry.

    But in regard to the JFK assassination, the fact that both J. Edgar Hoover and Chief Justice Earl Warren were near the epicenter of Masonry, and that incoming President Lyndon Johnson was also a Mason and so were two members of Warren’s Commission: Richard Russell and Gerald Ford, all speaks to the possibility that a nest of this conspiracy resided at least in part deep inside the upper echelons of Freemasonry.

    One thing I do want to point out, however: there are many sites that will try to confuse you by claiming the assassination was a Masonic ritual, held at a certain time and place for astrological reasons, and will go into endless coincidences to support this claim. I checked this stuff out and found it ridiculous. The assassination was headed by Harvey and Roselli and they were cold blooded killers and could have cared less what latitude the job took place on. They were probably prepared to follow JFK around for weeks until they got the shot they wanted. The time and place are not the key to this puzzle.

    However, just as an outcry emerged over the Masons involved in the Morgan coverup, there should have been an outcry concerning the Masons involved in the JFK coverup. Because as far as I can tell, they were running the show.

  4. Steven Hager: Everything you need to know about JFK’s assassination


    There’s nothing quite like being born into an Old Money family, like Allen Dulles was. His grandfather was Secretary of State under President Harrison, while his uncle served that post for President Wilson. Dulles was cousin to David Rockefeller, educated at Princeton and always a bit sensitive about his club foot.

    Methinks Dulles became a spook right out of college, as he went directly into the Diplomatic Corps., a huge haven for spooks since its inception. He became sheep-dipped as a Knight in Shining Armor by returning from Europe to write an expose on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the New York Times. Since their appearance, the Protocols have been used as a counterintelligence tool to soften up populations by scapegoating Jews prior to instigating a violent pogrom. But Dulles didn’t reveal that truth, just that whoever wrote the Protocols cribbed material from a variety of sources which meant they weren’t really the notes from some satanic world council of Jewish leaders. The Protocols claimed a global conspiracy was underfoot to secretly manifest a new world war designed to milk profits while killing millions of innocents in the process.

    When Old Money has big plans for one of their Knights, they run an op to have that person sheep-dipped into an icon quick as possible, sort of like the way John Kerry was run around the jungle in Vietnam to look like he was a heroic, dashing soldier in combat mode, when really he was just faking it for the cameras the whole time and never in any sort of danger.

    When Dulles returned to New York, he went to work for the British and his job was to foment World War II and get America into the war as quickly as possible. It seems Dulles had friends on Wall Street who were funding the rise of Hitler and Communism in the hope of producing an epic clash of cultures that could be milked for profit for years. The military-industrial complex was but a glean in their eye and speck in their heart, but within a few years they would become the dominant force in America.

    The plan was to have Germany and Japan conquer most of the world while stealing everything possible and wreaking as much terror and havoc on civilians. Then Germany and Japan would be defeated and the conquered profit streams divided amongst the true victors on Wall Street and inside the Bank of England, although the Old Money families of Germany and Japan would be left with their corporations and family fortunes mostly intact. Meanwhile, the stolen loot could be secretly transferred around the Bank of International Settlements in a shell game designed to conceal who got when where why. It was a win-win all around for the Old Money families.

    Just so you know the history, the Nazis invented the Bank of International Settlements and put it in place right before the war started, and located it in Switzerland.

    When the war broke out, Dulles was moved to Switzerland to conduct operations against Germany. The reason the German resistance failed internally was not because many Germans did not want to get rid of the maniac Hitler, a demagogue Old Money had put into power, but because Dulles and SIS refused to take the German resistance to Hitler seriously and let vital intelligence assets like Count Von Stauffenberg and Wilhelm Canaris dangle around helpless until the SS could round them up and assassinate them. Every single attempt to warn British and American intelligence about Hitler’s plans was ignored as being disinfo. The fact Stauffenberg and Canaris were both assassinated leaves no doubt they were high ranking Old Money aristocrats working hard to neutralize Hitler, but died without even receiving a shred of support from his supposed enemies? Support that could have brought an early end to the war?

    When the war was over, Dulles imported the cream of Nazi scientists, spooks and assassins and employed them to help build the Central Intelligence Agency, which was constructed with the assistance of his old boss from British intelligence and modeled after MI5-6, with the key component of a counterintelligence unit for dirty tricks. Dulles put his close friend James Angleton in this crucial post because Angleton had been posted in Italy while Dulles was in Switzerland and had been trained by British intelligence and maintained close relations with the Vatican, which was providing crucial support to help shelter Nazis until they could be moved to new positions in North and South America. Before getting this job, Angleton promised never to put Dulles or any of his cronies on Wall Street on a lie detector and ask questions about their relations with German corporations during the war.

    Just to give you an idea of what was really going on, the Luftwaffe depended on Standard Oil for the war’s entire duration and could not have flown without it. Since Standard was owned by Dulles’ cousin, one can see how easily these two people could have conspired to manifest and conceal illegal profits by playing both sides against the middle, which is standard black ops for British intelligence.

    Maybe you haven’t figured this out, but WWII was largely a war against civilian populations. To give an idea 20 million Russians, 20 million Chinese, 9 million Germans, 6 million Jews, 3 million Japanese. American and British losses, meanwhile, were less than one million combined. So you can see which countries took the brunt impact of that manufactured event.

    Later in life, Dulles would admit Japan tried to surrender before the A-bombs were dropped, a largely symbolic event that unfortunately added immensely to the suffering and loss of completely innocent civilians.

    If they needed a show of force, why the hell couldn’t it have at least been a military target? Was it because shock and awe of such terrible human suffering was part of the strategy? I am reminded of a line in one of my favorite movies, The Man Who Would Be King, which tells the story of two Freemasons, veterans of the British Army, who find themselves stranded in India and after building a volunteer army they are marching into the first battle and Sean Connery says something like: “Make sure it is bloody. The bloodier the better.” Well, that’s the same attitude Old Money had regarding WWII, especially since most of that blood was spilled somewhere else.

    Here’s another key: Spooks can never really be fired. That’s because when they start operations, they might be employed by an agency or corporation or anything, but once they become successful, they’re running a secret network of operatives, all of whom carry out secret missions on a need-to-know basis. So as long as these agents get some operating costs and some mission bonuses, they’ll keep functioning forever, even if their spook handler changes sides, because it’s really all about the money and not the dogmas or even the patriotic causes.

    And that’s what happened in Germany because as soon as Hitler fell, his biggest spook went to straight to Dulles and changed sides and that Nazi spy network fell under operational control of Dulles.

    Now JFK fired Dulles from heading the CIA and really humiliated him in the process. And I am sure Dulles plotted revenge, and obviously, he got it. But Dulles could not have acted unless he put together a core group of conspirators to assist in this mission. This group likely would have been kept to an absolute minimum, but had to include certain key individuals or success would not be guaranteed.

    The key people who had to be on board with the assassination were four: J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson, James Angleton, and at least one highly placed person at the Pentagon, because normal military support for protecting the president had to disappear, while the autopsy had to be performed at a military hospital to control the findings.

    But I believe the conspiracy went further, into Sullivan & Cromwell, the most powerful law firm on Wall Street, and into the board room of the Federal Reserve, and perhaps even across the pond, where those masters of the black arts reside (and the price of gold and diamonds are fixed every day).

    A few years after the assassination, when Garrison’s investigation rattled the windows at Langley, some major disinfo ops were undertaken and these likely would have been Angleton projects. The film experts in LA had worked on the Zapruder film and come up with a bootleg where it looked like the driver turned around to look at Kennedy (in response to the throat shot), and then shot Kennedy himself before speeding off. Actually, the glare off the driver’s bald head was magnified to look like a revolver in his hand.

    This rabbit hole is so Angleton to me because there already was tremendous confusion on whether the Secret Service was involved and whether the driver stopped in the kill zone to allow the three shooters to triangulate and fire together. Angleton’s team was all on radio with each other and the kill order may not have even gone down until Roselli, Harrelson and Rogers all called in they had a bead. The most likely person giving the “go” would have been William Harvey, although Dealey Plaza was flooded with at least two dozen spooks that day, most of them from the anti-Cuban office in Miami.

    When Jackie Kennedy requested the driver also drive the hearse through the streets of Washington for the funeral, that led to speculation whether her mission was intended to remind one of the conspirators how beloved the man he’d just helped kill was. In fact, the agent was likely part of the family because agents had to spend so much social time with the Presidential family they couldn’t help but get close as humans.

    I do realize the Lincoln slows almost to a stop, but that happened when Roselli’s opening salvo went through the windshield inches from the driver’s face, striking JFK in the throat. He turned around to look to see if the President was hit, while taking his foot off the gas, perhaps because he was reluctant to keep moving into incoming fire, but the second he turned his head, Harrelson provided the coup de grace from the grassy knoll. Rogers’ only hit on JFK, taken from inside the Dal-Tex building, hit Kennedy in the back and became the magic bullet and its trajectory re-routed considerably to make its exit look like Roselli’s throat wound. You notice the doctor at Parkland pronounced the throat wound as an entrance wound, something that got reversed after the body was seized at gun point and taken to a military hospital, where the autopsy was overseen by unnamed Admirals and Generals, and all the notes burned immediately afterwards. Rogers also winged Governor John Connally, by the way, a hit that could only be explained by inventing a magic bullet with a trajectory that required several considerable leaps of faith to swallow.

    The point of this is the man who introduced that rabbit hole was a former Naval intelligence officer who traveled around the country showing that doctored Zapruder clip and he would later write the Bible for a new generation of disinfo artists, and that book would soon transform into the modern version of the Protocols. Like most disinfo, it was a confusing data dump jumble of documents and wild assertions, although Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper would bring back the Protocols to modern fame and mind ops, only this time, the world wide council was revealed not as council of high-ranking Jews, but one of 33rd Degree Freemasons.

    Is it worth noting Allen Dulles was a Freemason of the 33rd Degree?

    Now do you understand how complex these ops really are and how Dulles played such a scripted role? Yes, you can easily imagine this web extending straight to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, but in reality, those links have never been uncovered, leading to my suspicion they may be overblown. Plus Cooper and all the rest of the disinfo artists including the John Birch Society keep pushing a Rothschilds meme so my instincts are screaming: don’t look there for the head of the Octopus, because that’s obviously a mirror he is hiding behind, while he sips his cognac, puffs his cigar and pisses on all us slobs down here in the lower classes.

  5. My introduction into the topic of the Intelligence Community and Black Magic came from a conversation that I once had with E. Howard Hunt, who wrote a book about Washington politics and witchcraft and also named his home compound in Potomac, Maryland, “Witches Island.”



  6. Steven Hager: Mary Meyer is a key to the JFK Assassination


    Mary, Mary, where you goin’ to….with that eyedropper of LSD in your hand, baby?

    Let me explain how the world really works: There’s an extremely wealthy oligarchy of American aristocrats, many of whom have strong alliances with relatives in Europe, and they regularly gather in multitudes of private ceremonies to harmonize while surfing various vibrations and plotting a future that involves handing their fortunes down while preserving the cartels and secret monopolies. Today, most people call this crowd “the elites” but I just call them “Old Money.”

    Mary Pinchot was Old Money and wore charm and grace like a second skin according to her friends and lovers. She may have been the only woman sexy enough to steal JFK from Marilyn Monroe and she never attended any liaisons with Jack without bringing a sacrament to the ceremony, usually marijuana, but LSD as well because it was legal at the time and pot was not.

    Mary’s best friend from college married James Angleton, who rose to head of CIA counterintelligence, the dirty tricks side of the agency, while Mary married Cord Meyer, who rose to become chief of the CIA’s Project Mockingbird, the mission to recruit agents in the news and entertainment media in order to plant propaganda. Mary became a famous journalist herself. Old Money has a left and right too, you see, just like the rest of us slobs are supposed to be dividing up into, only us slobs read the news, while Old Money owns the newspaper plant. Mary was at the top of the left side of Old Money, the ones who’d been funding the Communist, socialist and labor movements.

    LSD was being passed around freely at the CIA at the time and being experimented with for mind control ops involving hypnosis, so Mary had no trouble getting access. Her first trip was undoubtedly a spiritual one because she became a Temple Dragon with a new mission in life: turn on the most powerful people in Washington so they could see the light of God and start working for world peace. This sacred mission started with the Kennedy brothers, by the way, who apparently fell under Mary’s influence around this time, but then most males in Washington swooned a bit when Mary passed by.

    What Mary didn’t know, however, was that devious James Angleton had long been bugging her phone, reading her mail and secretly using Mary as a source of intelligence as she weaved through the upper circles of society spreading that message of world peace. So when Mary began talking with Timothy Leary in order to get advice on how to best invoke a spiritual response on LSD, Angleton was listening in the entire time. And after Mary reported to Leary that Jack loved LSD and had secretly joined her mission to end the Cold War and dismantle the nuclear arms race, well Angleton probably chuckled and took that news to his good buddy Allen Dulles, cousin of the Rockefellers, a man who once ran the CIA but had been fired by Kennedy.

    Mary called Leary the day after the assassination and was distraught. “He was changing too fast,” she sobbed. “They covered up everything. I’m afraid.”

    She was found dead the next day on a jogging path in the park. Two bullets in her head. Gangland execution-style. I would check on both William Harvey and Johnny Roselli to see if one or both were in Washington that day, although a homeless black man found in the park became the designated patsy.

    But if you know anything about Angleton and the fact it was his Executive Action Team that killed JFK, then you understand how it was that he was the first person to arrive at Mary’s home and retrieved her diary and any other potentially dangerous evidence.

    Just shine a light on James Angleton and his movements and mind set immediately after the assassination and you will see the trail of dead bodies leading off into the darkness. In fact, through his paranoid and evil mind, Angleton transformed into a serial mass murderer. Although his Executive Action Team (Harvey & Roselli) were initially recruited to kill Castro, they ended up killing JFK and it was a messy op, and many died in Angleton’s futile attempt to prevent the truth from ever leaking out. But Angleton could not have possibly pulled this off without a strong consensus at the top of Old Money that Kennedy needed to go.

    Even today, Project Mockingbird continues and part of its propaganda is to make you think we still don’t know who killed Kennedy. A few even push the tired old Oswald acted alone. But the truth has been available for decades, you just have to know how to sift through the disinfo for a dot of truth, and once you connect enough real dots, the trail leads to Angleton’s office at CIA. Do not follow the imaginary dot connections of Project Mockingbird. I call those rabbit holes and they exist to hide the real path to truth. But you can learn a lot from that sometimes if you practice how to look where they don’t want you to.

  7. Douglas - what is the link on page 2 of Hager's series?


    The Odio Incident is a key to the JFK Assassination


    Her name is Silvia Odio and she proved Oswald was a part of a larger conspiracy, testimony that blew the Warren Commission fairy tale to pieces, so they took it, published it, and then ignored all its implications. Decades later British journalist Anthony Summers tracked down Odio and re-interviewed her and her sister. A few years ago, notorious disinfo artist Gerald “I see nothing” Posner claimed Odio was mentally unstable. I’ll include a link to Summers’ interview and judge for yourself how stable or unstable she is.

    Like all military-style operations, despite impeccable planning, things immediately go wrong the instant the first wave hits the beach, and the assassination of JFK was certainly no different. Oswald, for example, was never supposed to be taken alive, a huge blunder that made the clean-up really messy. I suspect they wanted Oswald shot dead in the room overlooking Dealey Plaza with the open window, the Carcarno rifle in his hands. But he moved unexpectedly down to the lunch room to get a soda out of the vending machine when the first wave of police arrived searching the building. Oswald knew he was being set-up as the patsy at that moment, and fled the scene on foot, likely desperate to make contact with his controller in Washington, James Angleton, to find out who’s operation was targeting him. Instead of fleeing towards the downtown, where buses were available, he went into a movie theater, likely because he wanted to remain in a public place to avoid his own assassination. While in the Dallas jail, he reportedly tried to make a phone call to a number associated with Naval Intelligence, but someone at the switchboard pulled the plug so that call never went through.

    Originally, the assassination was supposed to be blamed on Castro, and used as a pretense to invade Cuba. A lot of time and effort had gone into sheep-dipping Oswald as a pro-Castro fanatic. But he was also sheep-dipped as an anti-Castro fanatic who blamed the Bay of Pigs fiasco on JFK. The Bay of Pigs is a complex story. Allen Dulles, head of CIA, was fired because he screwed up the air cover and left Castro’s meager jet force untouched. The invaders had no jets so they lost the air war instantly, ending all hope of success. It was a stupid plan anyway and never had much of a chance, and really just depended on using the incident as an excuse to justify a full-scale rescue mission, only JFK was furious at how inept it was, and refused to send in the cavalry, scuttling the mission, although he did buy back the survivors.

    In 1962, Odio’s father was jailed and accused of plotting Castro’s murder, while she and her teenage sister were living in Dallas. In late September, just a month before the assassination, the Odio sisters were visited by three men, two of whom claimed to be members of her father’s organization, the Junta Revolucionanria, a left-wing organization that was anti-capitalist but also anti-Castro. They claimed the white man with them, introduced as Leon Oswald, had just volunteered to go kill Castro. Having been warned by her father about strange men bearing tales of intrigue, Odio refused to get involved with any illegal activities or admit them inside her apartment, so they left. The event was witnessed by her sister.

    The next day, the tall leader of the group (who called himself Leopoldo), phoned to say: “Leon is a former Marine and an expert marksman. He says we Cubans don’t have guts because we should have killed Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs.”

    A few weeks later, Odio saw Oswald on TV and instantly recognized him. She called the police and volunteered her story, and it became part of the public record.

    Over the decades it’s been pretty well established that Leopoldo was the Intelligence Chief for Brigade 2506, the group massacred at the Bay of Pigs, a man really named Bernardo De Torres (note he is fourth from the right and the tallest in the photo at left). De Torres had been captured and jailed and just recently released and returned to the States when he met the Odios.

    De Torres later told his daughter he was in Florida the day of the assassination and had launched his own private investigation into the incident but had to abruptly halt it after discovering the truth. He showed up and volunteered as an investigator for Jim Garrison after Garrison launched the only real government investigation. Yet every promising lead De Torres unveiled to Garrison led into a dead-end. De Torres’ primary aim seemed to be casting suspicion on Castro as Kennedy’s real killer. Eventually Garrison became convinced De Torres was secretly working with the CIA to disrupt the investigation.

    After being dismissed from Garrison’s inner circle, De Torres immediately went to work for super spook Mitch Werbell as an arms dealer in Latin America, and, according to some, became a major player in the narcotics trade. Gaeton Fonzi would establish that De Torres was one of the 25-odd spooks in and around Dealey Plaza that day and was posing as a photographer during the event. Apparently, De Torres kept those photos in a safe deposit box as his own personal life insurance policy.

    But no matter how you slice this story, you can’t continue the fiction that Oswald was a lone nut without a single co-conspirator. And as I repeatedly sift through these facts to reveal their true essence, it stands out that the scripted evolution of Leon Oswald, from Castro killer to JFK killer, is the exact same evolution experienced by the Executive Action Team inside CIA counterintelligence, a unit run by James Angleton, William Harvey, and Johnny Roselli.

  8. This theory is pretty good and well thought out but I think there's a lot more to Win Scott / Anne Goodpasture and the shenanigans that occurred in Mexico.

    What is with the last line though?

    ...trained by British intelligence, masters of the arts of assassination and black magic.

    Dulles and Angleton were trained by the Brits in... black magic?

    Please stop with this horse _ _ _ _. It doesn't help "the cause" which should be a rational examination of the evidence.

    I have asked Steven Hager for his source about the "black magic." I shall post his reply here when I receive it. Meanwhile, here is part 2 of his series on the JFK assassination.


  9. Steven Hager: Sylvia Duran is a key to the JFK assassination


    Two crucial clues in the JFK assassination come dressed as beautiful women named Silvia, one in Mexico, the other in Texas. I’ll talk about Texas later, but right now, I feel like spreading knowledge on Silvia Duran, who served as a receptionist at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City at the height of the cold war, certainly a strategic position, and one she held when she met dashing spook Lee Oswald.

    I know, you’ve probably been given the impression Oswald was a stumbling dweeb with an IQ around 60, but, in reality, he was a spook who reported to both James Angleton of the CIA and J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI. Oswald was one of the few deep, deep agents, however, so deep almost no one else in the FBI or CIA had any idea of his true relationship with his government.

    One of those few was David Phillips, who ran anti-Cuban operations for the CIA. Oswald was placed into those operations when he arrived in New Orleans after departing Russia. It’s possible Phillips was his case officer or controller since a couple Cubans later reported meetings where Phillips and Oswald were together, only Oswald sometimes used another name. When you see people operating under several ID’s, it can sometimes be an indicator of spooks-at-work.

    Oswald was only in Mexico City a short time, but probably long enough to have a brief liason with the attractive Duran, a possible affair that would become the obsession of Winston Scott, CIA chief in Mexico City (who was not privy to any of the real plots involved and had been purposefully kept out-of-the-loop by his old friend James Angleton).

    You see, before Kim Philby was identified as the KGB mole inside American intel, Scott had voiced those very suspicions to Angleton, who had stupidly brushed them aside. Meanwhile, months later, after Philby procured all he needed from his CIA dupe (info gleaned during all-night drinking sessions in which the drunken Angleton was easily manipulated), Philby suddenly bolted to Moscow, officially joining the other side and leaving Angleton looking and feeling much the fool.

    Scott was convinced the key to breaking the JFK assassination case was to get to the bottom of Sylvia and Oswald. Exactly whose agent was she and what did Oswald reveal to her? Scott was a super spook with a great sixth sense and instinctively knew Sylvia wasn’t telling all she knew. He suspected she was Oswald’s secret lover, despite being a married woman. So he had the Mexican police pick her up and interrogate her, roughing her up and leaving her a bit bloodied in the process.

    When Angleton discovered Scott wanted Sylvia interrogated and was personally investigating the assassination, he freaked out and immediately tried to stop everything in its tracks, but it was too late, as Sylvia had already been seized.

    Around this time, CIA decided to pull Scott from his longstanding post running the CIA in Mexico and bring him back to Washington, a move that could have been instigated to shut down any possible investigation into JFK assassination ties in Mexico. It became obvious that certain bigwigs at CIA didn’t want the assassination investigated, which Scott thought was pretty goddam odd. Just like Angleton had ignored Scott’s Philby suspicions, now he wanted to block Scott from acting on his Duran suspicions. This was certainly intolerable for a spook like Scott.

    Around this time, Scott decided to resign from the CIA, preferring to stay in Mexico City and run his contacts as a sort of private intelligence agency, while offering helpful advice to global corporations wanting to invest in Mexico. And he also planned to finish his autobiography.

    Suddenly, there was a big fight between Angleton and Scott, mostly concerning that proposed book and also whether any evidence involving Oswald in Mexico remained in Scott’s personal safe. See, when you’re in the CIA or even the military, and suddenly you announce plans to resign and release a book, well, that’s when you lose all sympathy inside those agencies and become the enemy instead of continuing as a trusted friend.

    Of course, Scott was soon dead from a “heart attack,” and immediately afterwards, agents showed up to clear out his house of sensitive material, especially the manuscript, which was taken to Washington and instantly classified, although selective bits and pieces have been released over the years.

    When Angleton’s crew showed up to clean out the library, they were openly hostile, and told Scott’s adopted son Michael, “your father did not die from a heart attack.” That message may have been delivered to insure the son didn’t launch an investigation of his own.

    What possibly could have tweaked Angleton so much?

    Well, maybe the fact it was Angleton’s Executive Action Team that killed JFK, while employing Angleton’s deep agent Oswald as the patsy pointing towards Cuba?

    What a web Dulles and Angleton were weaving, eh? But then these guys were trained by British intelligence, masters of the arts of assassination and black magic.

  10. From the article: “With Senators Howard Cannon and Alan Bible in his party, Kennedy spoke not only about the threat of nuclear weapons -- the kind being tested above ground in the Nevada desert -- but also mentioned quote "science being developed in this state which will allow us to go beyond the moon....."

    “When he returned to Las Vegas less than a year later, Kennedy was still jazzed about the ultimate potential of the NERVA project because tests proved it worked which meant travel to Mars or beyond was feasible. Two months after his Las Vegas trip, JFK went to Dallas.”


  11. Nazis ‘offered to leave western Europe in exchange for free hand to attack USSR’

    It was one of the most perplexing episodes of the Second World War which, more than 70 years on, remains shrouded in mystery.

    AP Photo: Adolf Hitler and his personal representative Rudolf Hess

    By Jasper Copping


    BST 26 Sep 2013

    But a new book claims to have solved the riddle of the flight to Britain in 1941 of Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler’s deputy.

    Hess’s journey to Britain by fighter aircraft to Scotland has traditionally been dismissed as the deranged solo mission of a madman.

    But Peter Padfield, an historian, has uncovered evidence he says shows that, Hess, the deputy Fuhrer, brought with him from Hitler, a detailed peace treaty, under which the Nazis would withdraw from western Europe, in exchange for British neutrality over the imminent attack on Russia.

    The existence of such a document was revealed to him by an informant who claims that he and other German speakers were called in by MI6 to translate the treaty for Churchill.

    The figure, who is not named by Mr Padfield, was an academic who later worked at a leading university. He has since died. Before his death, he passed on an account of how the group were assembled at the BBC headquarters, in Portland Place, London, to carry out the task.

    The academic said Hess had brought with him the proposed peace treaty, expressed in numbered clauses and typed on paper from the German Chancellery. An English translation was also included, but the British also wanted the original German translated.

    The informant said the first two pages of the treaty detailed Hitler’s precise aims in Russia, followed by sections detailing how Britain could keep its independence, Empire and armed services, and how the Nazis would withdraw from western Europe. The treaty proposed a state of “wohlwollende Neutralitat” – rendered as “well wishing neutrality”, between Britain and Germany, for the latter’s offensive against the USSR. The informant even said the date of the Hitler’s coming attack on the east was disclosed.

    Mr Padfield, who makes the claims in a new book, Hess, Hitler and Churchill, said: “This was not a renegade plot. Hitler had sent Hess and he brought over a fully developed peace treaty for Germany to evacuate all the occupied countries in the West.”

    Mr Padfield, who has previously written a biography of Hess as well as ones of Karl Dönitz and Heinrich Himmler, believes the treaty was suppressed at the time, because it would have scuppered Churchill’s efforts to get the USA into the war, destroyed his coalition of exiled European governments, and weakened his position domestically, as it would have been seized on by what the author believes was a sizeable “negotiated peace” faction in Britain at that time. At the same time, since the mission had failed, it also suited Hitler to dismiss Hess as a rogue agent.

    There is no mention of the treaty in any of the official archives which have since been made public, but Mr Padfield believes this is because there has been an ongoing cover-up to protect the reputations of powerful figures. The author says that his informant broke off contact with him after approaching his former masters in the security services.

    Mr Padfield added: “If the Royal Family was seriously involved in compromise peace plans, that would be very damaging, though I think it more likely that Hess brought news to Churchill of the coming Holocaust. It could damage perceptions of his and Britain’s wartime record if that were released.

    “This was a turning point of the war. Churchill could have accepted the offer, but he made a very moral choice. He was determined that Hitler, who could not be trusted, would not get away with it. He wanted the US in the war, and to defeat Hitler.”

    Mr Padfield has also assembled other evidence to support the existence of the treaty and its contents – as well as the subsequent cover-up.

    He has established that two inventories were taken of items carried by Hess when he was arrested after parachuting out of his aircraft, a Messerschmitt 110, on the evening of May 10 1941, near Eaglesham, outside of Glasgow. Neither has ever been released.

    He has found witness statements from a woman living near where Hess had landed, which indicate that police were “ordered to search for a valuable document which was missing”. The item, according to the witness, was found “over near the wee burn in the park”.

    Mr Padfield also points out that Hess had used a specialist translator from the German Foreign Ministry – even though he had the use of another, fluent English speaker – when drawing up documents for his negotiations with the British, before his flight. This suggests, Mr Padfield claims, that approved wording was required for the documents.

    Hess was kept captive in Britain until the end of the war when he was returned to Germany to stand trial at Nuremberg. He was sent to Spandau Prison where he died in 1987. The authorities said he had committed suicide, although his son and some historians have claimed the British state had him murdered to protect secrets.

  12. To view this online, visit http://www.wnd.com/2013/09/did-jfk-cuba-gambit-set-stage-for-assassination/


    Did JFK Cuba gambit set stage for assassination?

    Kennedy trumped Nixon's 'October surprise' in 1960

    Published: September 19, 2013


    NEW YORK – Although the Bay of Pigs invasion is widely considered a Kennedy administration initiative, the historical record demonstrates the CIA hatched the plan during the last year of the Eisenhower administration.

    The original plan would have provided Vice President Richard Nixon with an “October surprise” that he could use to defeat John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election, writes WND’s Jerome Corsi’s in his new book “Who Really Killed Kennedy,” published by WND Books.

    The idea, Corsi writes, was that the American public would rally around Nixon’s leadership of an Eisenhower administration effort to support a popular uprising of Cuban patriots invading Cuba from the United States to rescue their homeland from Castro and communism.

    Nixon, according to the plan, would score a knockout blow over Kennedy as the American public saw Nixon using his superior foreign policy expertise to depose Castro through a popular uprising in Cuba stirred by the invasion.

    The plan was disrupted, however, Corsi writes, when insider sources tipped off the Kennedy campaign that the Bay of Pigs invasion was planned for the last weeks of the 1960 presidential campaign.

    Ultimately, Corsi contends, the gambit JFK successfully executed to prevent Nixon from invading Cuba before the 1960 presidential election, inadvertently set the state for his own assassination.

    “Who Really Killed Kennedy,” released this week as the 50th anniversary of the assassination approaches, is bolstered by recently declassified documents that shed new light on the greatest “who-done-it” mystery of the 20th century. Corsi sorted through the mountain of evidence, including tens of thousands of documents, all 26 volumes of the Warren Commission’s report, hundreds of books, several films and countless photographs.

    Eisenhower plan

    In March 1960, President Eisenhower approved a plan to train a group of Cuban exiles to invade their homeland, with the anticipation that the Cuban people and various elements of the Cuban military would support the invasion.

    The goal was to overthrow Castro and to establish a non-communist government favorable to the United States. Richard Bissell, the CIA deputy director for plans who had successfully developed the Lockheed U-2 spy plane program, spearheaded within the CIA the plan to invade Cuba that ultimately became the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

    Bissell, a graduate of Yale University and the London School of Economics, had never spent a day in the U.S. military, though he was ensconced in a group of journalists and government officials that became known as the “Georgetown Set.” The group included CIA officials Allen Dulles, James Angleton and Cord Meyer – three figures that played roles in the JFK assassination, Corsi says.

    Once Eisenhower approved Bissell’s plan to invade Cuba, the CIA set up training camps in Guatemala, where a small army was prepared for an amphibious assault landing and guerrilla warfare.

    E. Howard Hunt, the same E. Howard Hunt who later became infamous as a Watergate burglar, was selected to head the training of the Cuban invasion army in Guatemala.

    Hunt leaves no doubt, Corsi writes, that the Cuban invasion plan was being developed as a copycat of his efforts earlier during the Eisenhower administration to overthrow Arbenz in 1954 in Guatemala.

    “As principal assistant to Bissell, Tracy Barnes told me, I was needed for a new project, much like the one on which I had worked for him in overthrowing Jacobo Arbenz,” Hunt wrote in his 1974 book “Under-Cover: Memoirs of an American Secret Agent.”

    “My job, Tracy told me, would be essentially the same as my earlier one – chief of political action for a project recommended by the National Security Council and just approved by President Eisenhower: to assist Cuban exiles in overthrowing Castro.”

    Hunt also affirmed that Nixon was in charge of executing the plan.

    “Nixon, however, had little to say on the subject in public,” Hunt explained.

    “Secretly, however, [Nixon] was White House action officer for our covert project, and some months before, his senior military aide, Marine General Robert Cushman, had urged me to inform him of any project difficulties the Vice President might be able to resolve. For Nixon was, Cushman told me, determined that the effort should not fail.”

    Operating under the codename “Eduardo,” E. Howard Hunt began organizing a government-in-exile that would form a provisional government in Cuba once Castro was deposed.

    Hunt’s principal assistant was Bernard “Macho” Barker, who had worked for years for the CIA station in Havana, a Cuban American who was also destined for infamy in Watergate.

    Barker and Hunt chose then-27-year-old Manuel F. Artime to head the provisional government. Artime, a Jesuit-trained psychiatrist, had joined Castro’s forces in the Sierra Maestra and served as a regional agricultural official after Castro ousted Cuba’s ruling dictator, Fulgencio Batista.

    Artime fled Cuba to Miami after becoming disillusioned with the number of anti-communist friends who were being executed by Castro even though they had supported the revolution.

    Barker later turned up as one of the burglars apprehended in the break-in of Larry O’Donnell’s Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex. Artime later figured in the many plots Robert Kennedy advanced in the Kennedy administration, right up to the time of the JFK assassination, to assassinate Castro in Cuba.

    Robert Kennedy’s goal was to replace Castro with the commander of the Cuban army, Juan Almeida, another Castro supporter who reportedly had turned against the revolution after Castro took power.

    According to Hunt, the plan developed by Bissell and the CIA in the Eisenhower administration called for “a total wipeout of Castro air power by a series of strikes just prior to the invasion landing.”

    Once the invasion of Cuban exiles cleared the perimeter around the airstrip at the Bay of Pigs, Hunt planned to fly to Cuba with the provisional government.

    From Cuba, the provisional government would broadcast to the world a declaration that it was a government-in-arms, making an appeal for aid in overthrowing Castro.

    Following the declaration, a sizable contingent of U.S. Marines would wait offshore in the U.S. aircraft carrier Boxer.

    Because the Eisenhower administration plan was illegal under international law, the entire Cuban project was run under the principle of “plausible deniability.”

    To hide the war planning, the CIA trained the Cuban exiles in Guatemala and utilized agency covers in the United States that included businesses and individuals who shared rentals with organized crime and radical right-wing paramilitary organizations.

    “In time it became impossible to separate the wheat of intelligence from the chaff of the underworld,” commented journalist Warren Hinkle and his co-author William Turner, a former FBI agent, in their 1981 book “The Fish is Red: The Secret War Against Castro.”

    Candidate Kennedy’s gambit

    On July 23, 1960, CIA director Allen Dulles visited JFK at the family compound in Hyannis Port, Mass., on Cape Cod to brief the candidate on the Eisenhower administration’s anti-Castro efforts, Corsi writes.

    This put the Kennedy campaign on notice that an October-surprise invasion of Cuba was a possibility. Increasingly, the Kennedy camp became paranoid as rumors out of Miami talked of the creation of a CIA-sponsored invasion-force consisting of Cuban exiles.

    After confirming an invasion of Cuba was being planned, the Kennedy campaign decided to step up the candidate’s rhetoric. On Oct. 6, 1960, at a Democratic Party dinner in Cincinnati, Ohio, JFK declared “we must firmly resist further communist encroachment in this hemisphere – working through a strengthened organization of the American States – and encouraging those liberty-loving Cubans who are leading the resistance to Castro.”

    This sounded close to an endorsement of a U.S. policy assisting Cuban exiles in an effort to oust Castro, Corsi notes in “Who Really Killed Kennedy?”

    On Oct. 20, 1960, on the eve of the fourth and final presidential debate, JFK put out a statement saying the U.S. “must attempt to strengthen the non-Batista democratic anti-Castro forces in exile, and in Cuba itself, who offer eventual hope of overthrowing Castro. Thus far these fighters for freedom have had virtually no support from our government.”

    While the statement stopped short of endorsing a U.S. government-sponsored invasion of Cuba, JFK was trying to pre-empt the aggressive rhetoric on Cuba, positioning himself to claim credit for the idea, if Nixon and the Eisenhower administration were to go forward with the Cuban exile plan prior to Election Day.

    Then, during the fourth debate, on Oct. 21, 1960, in New York City, in his opening statement, JFK again returned to the theme of Cuba.

    “I look at Cuba, 90 miles off the coast of the United States,” Kennedy began. “In 1957, I was in Havana. I talked with the American ambassador there. He said he was the second most powerful man in Cuba. And yet even though Ambassador Smith and Ambassador Gardner, both Republican ambassadors, both warned of Castro, the Marxist influences around Castro, the communist influences around Castro, both of them have testified in the last six weeks that in spite of their warnings to the American government, nothing was done.”

    The Kennedy campaign, Corsi writes, had correctly calculated that Nixon’s training as a debater would induce him to take the opposite approach, urging a policy of restraint while charging Kennedy was being irresponsible in suggesting the wisdom of a U.S. military invasion of Cuba.

    This is exactly what Nixon did in the fourth debate, calling JFK’s Cuba policy the “most dangerously irresponsible recommendations he’s made during the course of this campaign.” Kennedy’s calculated move effectively checkmated Nixon on Cuba. Nixon was furious.

    Nixon fumes

    In his 1962 book “Six Crises,” Nixon described how as he was preparing on Oct. 20, 1960, for the fourth debate, he saw huge black headlines in the afternoon papers that he characterized as reading: “Kennedy Advocates U.S. Intervention in Cuba, Calls for Aid to Rebel Forces in Cuba.”

    Nixon recalled that as early as Sept. 23, 1960, Kennedy had given an exclusive statement to the Scripps-Howard newspapers in which he said, “The forces fighting for freedom in exile and in the mountains of Cuba should be sustained and assisted.”

    When Nixon read the headlines in the newspapers, he reported he could hardly believe his eyes. Nixon asked his aides to call the White House and find out if Allen Dulles in his regular briefings of Kennedy as the Democratic Party candidate had disclosed to Kennedy the fact that for months the CIA had been training Cuban exiles in Guatemala for an invasion.

    Within a half hour, Nixon discovered Dulles had briefed Kennedy on the subject.

    “For the first and only time in the campaign, I got mad at Kennedy – personally,” Nixon wrote. “I understand and expect hard-hitting attacks in a campaign. But in this instance I thought that Kennedy, with full knowledge of the facts was jeopardizing the security of a United States foreign policy operation. And my rage was greater because I could do nothing about it.”

    Nixon was particularly enraged that although the idea of providing the Cuban exiles cover training was actually his idea, somehow Kennedy managed to pull off the illusion he had thought of it first.

    Nixon cornered

    In “Six Crises,” Nixon acknowledged that the program to have the CIA provide arms, ammunition and training for the Cubans who fled the Castro regime had been in operation for six months before the 1960 campaign had gotten under way.

    It was Nixon’s program, but now he could not say a single word about it.

    “The operation was covert,” Nixon wrote. “Under no circumstances could it be disclosed or even alluded to. Consequently, under Kennedy’s attacks and his new demands for ‘militant’ policies, I was in the position of a fighter with one hand tied behind his back. I knew we had a program under way to deal with Castro, but I could note even hint at its existence, much less spell it out.”

    Nixon wrote that he was faced with one of the most difficult decisions of the campaign, and he felt Kennedy had him at a tremendous disadvantage.

    “Kennedy was now publicly advocating what was already the policy of the American Government – covertly – and Kennedy had been so informed,” Nixon groused. “But by stating such a position publicly, he obviously stood to gain the support of all those who wanted a stronger policy against Castro, but who, of course, did not know of our covert programs already under way.”

    Nixon concluded, much as the Kennedy camp predicted he would, that he had to protect the covert operation at all costs.

    “In fact, I must go to the other extreme: I must attack the Kennedy proposal to provide such aid as wrong and irresponsible because it would violate our treaty obligations,” Nixon explained.

    Fatal price

    The Kennedy ploy had worked, writes Corsi.

    By taking the aggressive position on Cuba, JFK effectively blocked an October-surprise Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

    But that was hardly the end of the story, Corsi notes.

    While the stratagem may well have been critical to preserving JFK’s chance to beat Nixon in 1960, it ultimately backfired.

    Once JFK was elected president, he suddenly became vulnerable to Bissell and the CIA blackmailing him over Cuba.

    If JFK as president did not keep good on his campaign promise to support the Cuban exiles in their effort to regain their country, what would prevent Bissell and the CIA from leaking to the public the reality that JFK’s Cuban statements during the campaign were nothing more than an effort to pre-empt or block a Nixon plan that might have worked?

    Once JFK blocked Nixon from executing the CIA covert plan to invade Cuba, he committed himself to following through with the plan shortly after taking office, with no assurance it would work.

  13. Santa Rosa woman recalls John F. Kennedy's killer

    Photo: Ruth Paine stands by the willow tree by her home at the Friends House in Santa Rosa on Thursday, September 5, 2013. Paine had Lee Harvey Oswald's wife and children living at her home in Dallas at the time of John F. Kennedy's assassination. (Conner Jay/The Press Democrat)


    September 10, 2013, 5:44 PM



    Ruth Hyde Paine will discuss “The JFK Assassination 50 Years Later: My Window on the Oswalds” in a presentation to the Sonoma Valley Historical Society.

    2 p.m. Friday

    Sonoma Valley Woman's Club, 574 1st Street East, Sonoma

    A $5 donation is suggested for society members, $10 for non-members.

    In 1963, Ruth Hyde Paine lived west of Dallas with her two small children and shared their home with a young, Russian-speaking mother whose here-again there-again husband — Lee Harvey Oswald — caused her to question the sort of man he was.

    But Paine, now 81 and a retired teacher and school psychologist in Santa Rosa, says she had no reason to suspect that Oswald was a potential assassin. And she's maintained for 50 years that she will forever regret not knowing that he had a rifle concealed in a blanket in her garage.

    On Nov. 21, 1963, Oswald spent his last night ever with his wife, Marina, and their two children in Paine's simple ranch house in suburban Irving, Texas. At the time, no one was closer to the Oswald family than Paine, then 31.

    Amicably separated from her husband, Paine relished having Marina room with her while Lee Oswald stayed during the work week about 20 miles away at a boarding house in Dallas. There, Oswald worked at the new job Paine helped him secure at the city's multi-story School Book Depository.

    History remembers Paine, a tall and learned lifelong Quaker, as Marina Oswald's sister-like friend and housemate, and as the woman who was helpful to the villain — or patsy, many would say — in America's most debated national tragedy: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    She doesn't enjoy talking about it. “It always raises residual grief for me,” she said. But when asked, Paine will speak of the assassination and her intimacy with the Oswalds. She will tell her story Friday in a public presentation to the Sonoma Valley Historical Society.

    C-SPAN will be there. The national cable news outlet intends to air Paine's address on its “American Perspective” program that features political forums, town hall meetings, lecture series and other important exchanges of ideas and information around the country.

    (page 2 of 7)

    Paine speaks about the most painful experience of her life for several reasons. A major one: she believes the view of the 24-year-old Oswald as a mentally unbalanced lone assassin — a view she shares — is fortified by an often overlooked piece of evidence that she unwittingly brought to public attention, and that she discussed at length as a key witness before the Warren Commission

    It's a handwritten note that Oswald apparently left for Marina before he fired a shot at a vehemently anti-Communist former Army general just seven months before the killing of JFK.

    “I would say that note is essential to understanding Oswald,” Paine said.

    On the day the president was killed while in a motorcade through Dallas, that incriminating note was at Paine's house in Irving, tucked into one of Marina Oswald's books. Marina had lived with Paine through part of 1963 and had shared her home steadily since September.

    The friendship of Marina Oswald and Paine was born that February. Paine was invited to a party in Dallas by an acquaintance who made a point of mentioning that his guests would include a young Russian woman whose husband had been to the Soviet Union and spoke Russian.

    “The host knew I was studying Russian and he knew the Oswalds would be there,” Paine said.

    Reared in Ohio, she'd become a Quaker in 1951 and in the late '50s began studying the Russian language and writing to contemporaries in the Soviet Union through the Young Friends' pen-pal program.

    At the time the two mothers met at the Dallas party, both of Paine's children, Lynn and Christopher, were younger than 3 and she'd been separated for several months from their father, Michael Paine. Marina Oswald, then 21, had an 8-month-old daughter, June, and she was pregnant.

    Marina spoke little English, as she'd moved to the United States just eight months earlier. She'd met her future husband in the Soviet Union when the New Orleans native defected in 1959 after having developed an early fascination with Marxism and served an unhappy stint in the Marine Corps.

    (page 3 of 7)

    Soviet authorities didn't object when Lee Oswald told them in 1962 he wished to return to the U.S. with his wife and newborn daughter. The Oswalds lived briefly in Fort Worth before moving to an apartment in Dallas.

    Ruth Paine registered little response to Lee Oswald upon meeting him at the party, but she was immediately drawn to a friendship with Marina.

    “This was a chance for me to have adult company,” she said. She and Marina visited each other soon after the party.

    Paine would learn later that it was during this period of the fledgling friendship, in March 1963, that Lee Oswald had a mail-order rifle, a bolt-action Mannlicher-Carcano, delivered to the Dallas post office box he'd rented under the name Alek Hidell.

    Early in April, Paine invited her estranged husband and the Oswalds to dinner at her home. Table conversation touched on resigned Army Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, known in Dallas as a vociferous defender of segregation and advocate of dealing harshly with Communists.

    Oswald's wife finds a cryptic note from her husband

    On the night of April 10, Marina found a note Oswald had written and left on his desk at their apartment on Dallas' Neely Street. Accompanied by a post office box key, it told her what she was to do if he didn't return home.

    1. Here is the key to the post office box which is located in the main post office downtown on Ervay Street, the street where there is a drugstore where you always used to stand. The post office is four blocks from the drugstore on the same street. There you will find our mailbox. I paid for the mailbox last month so you needn't worry about it.

    2. Send information about what has happened to me to the Embassy (the Soviet Embassy in Washington) and also send newspaper clippings (if there's anything about me in the papers). I think the Embassy will come quickly to your aid once they know everything.

    3. I paid the rent on the second so don't worry about it.

    (page 4 of 7)

    4. I have also paid for the water and gas.

    5. There may be some cash from work. They will send it to our post office box. Go to the bank and they will cash it.

    6. You can either throw out my clothing or give it. Do not keep it. As for my personal papers (both military papers and papers from the factory,) I prefer that you keep them.

    7. Certain of my papers are in the small blue suitcase.

    8. My address book is on the table in my study if you need it.

    9. We have friends here and the Red Cross will also help you.

    10. I left you as much money as I could, $60 on the second of the month, and you and Junie can live on $10 a week.

    11. If I am alive and taken prisoner, the city jail is at the end of the bridge we always used to cross when we went to town. (the very beginning of town, after the bridge.)

    Earlier that same night, Walker was seated at his desk in his Dallas home when a bullet pierced a window and passed just above his head. Authorities would determine the rifle slug was deflected upon striking the windowpane.

    Many months later, Marina would testify that Lee Oswald looked pale when he arrived home that night. He told her he'd shot at Walker and didn't know if he'd hit him, she said. News accounts the next day reported that police had identified no suspects in the attempted murder.

    Ruth Paine said her friend Marina confided nothing to her about Oswald having been the shooter. By that time in the spring of 1963, Paine said, she'd come to resent that Oswald was physically abusive of Marina and he wanted to control and keep her isolated. But, she said, she had no reason to suspect he was a potential killer.

    On April 24, two weeks after the attempted shooting of Walker, Paine arrived at the Oswalds' apartment for a visit and found that Lee Oswald was preparing to leave Texas and travel by bus to his hometown of New Orleans. He said he needed to find work and he'd have his wife and daughter meet him there once he did.

    (page 5 of 7)

    Paine spoke up. She offered to have Marina and little June stay with her in Irving until the time came for them to join him in Louisiana. The Oswalds accepted.

    Paine said the next few weeks were wonderful for her and Marina and their three children. But the happy period ended with a phone call from New Orleans: Oswald announced he'd found work greasing coffee machines and he wanted Marina and June to come at once.

    “I was kind of appalled,” Paine said. “He wanted his pregnant wife to take a bus to New Orleans.”

    So Paine packed her kids and Marina and June in her 1955 Chevrolet station wagon and drove there. After the good-byes in Louisiana, the women kept in touch through letters for about four months.

    In September, Paine took Christopher and Lynn on a long road trip to visit family and play tourist. For their last major stop, they went to New Orleans to reconnect with Marina and June.

    As the time approached to head back to Texas, Paine floated a proposal. She told Lee Oswald that if Marina returned to Texas with her, Paine could act as a translator and assist Marina when she went into labor. Oswald agreed.

    A good deal of everything the Oswalds owned was stuffed into Paine's station wagon. The green and brown blanket that Lee Oswald placed in the back of the car set off no alarms in Paine, but inside was the rifle now widely believed to have fired the shot at ex-general Walker.

    When the two mothers arrived back in Irving, they stored most of the Oswalds' possessions in Paine's garage.

    On Oct. 4, it surprised everyone in the house when Lee Oswald phoned and said he was at the Irving bus station. Investigators would later learn that he'd traveled to Mexico in the intervening weeks to request a visa to travel to Cuba, but was denied.

    Oswald joined his wife and daughter at Paine's home. On Oct. 14, a neighbor mentioned to Paine that the Texas School Book Depository had a staff position open. Paine phoned the book warehouse manager to say she had someone in mind for the job. Lee Oswald was hired.

    (page 6 of 7)

    By that time, Paine said, she actively disliked Oswald “but I really hadn't been worried about his mental stability.”

    As he began at the book warehouse, Oswald didn't have a driver's license or a car, so he rented a room in a boarding house in Dallas. He started a routine of staying there through the work week and hitching a ride to Paine's place in Irving after work Friday.

    “He came out most weekends,” Paine said.

    The period immediately after Oswald started the job was an exceptionally busy one at the Paine household. When Lee Oswald arrived from Dallas on Oct. 18, Paine had baked him a cake for his 24th birthday. Two days later, Marina gave birth to Audrey Marina Rachel Oswald.

    Just a month after that, Oswald surprised Paine by appearing at her home. It was a Thursday, and he wasn't due back from Dallas until Friday.

    Later that night, after Paine put her children to bed, she went into her garage to paint some blocks. She was mildly surprised to find the garage light on. Given that Marina was occupied with June and the newborn Rachel, she presumed that Lee Oswald had gone in to get something, perhaps an item of winter clothing stored in the garage.

    But today, she said, she has been haunted for nearly 50 years by the certainty that Oswald went into her garage to remove the rifle she didn't know was there. The next morning, Friday, Nov. 22, Paine awoke to find no sign of him but for a used, plastic coffee cup in the kitchen sink.

    At 12:30 p.m., gunshots struck and mortally wounded President Kennedy as his motorcade passed near the Dallas School Book Depository. At 1:22 p.m., police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Quickly, police swarmed Ruth Paine's home. Investigators took Marina and her children to Dallas, essentially severing the friendship with Paine. Two days later, Lee Oswald was dead from a pistol shot fired at close range by Jack Ruby.

    Over the next several days, Paine delivered baby clothes and other items to Marina through the police. On Nov. 30, Paine asked officers to return to Marina one of her books, a Russian-language text for homemakers, “Book of Useful Advice.”

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    Inside the book, officers discovered the note that Marina Oswald found the night a shot was fired at ex-Gen. Walker.

    As painful as the entire ordeal was, Paine said she is grateful that she had a role in disclosing that note, as it establishes that Lee Oswald had attempted an assassination just seven months before the murder of JFK.

    In March 1964 and again that July, Paine appeared as a key witness before the Warren Commission, charged by President Lyndon Johnson with investigating the assassination of Kennedy. Paine's account, supplemented by Marina Oswald's testimony on the attempted shooting of Walker and other evidence, contributed to the commission's conclusion that Oswald tried to kill the ex-general. That act, in turn, supported the commission's finding that Oswald also murdered the President.

    Others intrigued by the assassination, though certainly not all, agreed.

    “The failure to hit Walker, very close failure though it was, is the Rosetta Stone of the Kennedy assassination. It showed that Lee really wanted to kill someone,” declared Priscilla Johnson McMillan, who wrote the authoritative biography of the Oswalds, “Marina and Lee.”

    For Ruth Paine, who left Irving in 1966 and Texas six years later, the past five decades have not changed the conclusion forged by her uniquely personal perspective of the assassination.

    “I feel from all I saw and experienced that Oswald did it and he acted alone,” she said. “A lot of the world doesn't believe that.”

    After leaving Texas, Paine lived in Pennsylvania and then Florida. She worked as a teacher before training as a school psychologist, focusing on “trying to find out if you can tell someone is dangerous, ahead of time.”

    She retired to Santa Rosa in 2006 because she was drawn to the Friends House retirement community in Rincon Valley. Also, her son, Chris Panym, lives near Sebastopol, where he co-founded the Green Valley Village collective.

    Back in Texas, the city of Irving is grateful for her help with its newest historical attraction: the Paine House Museum. The city purchased the house at 2515 West Fifth St. and has restored it to the way it looked in 1963. The city hopes to open the museum in early November.

    Will Ruth Paine return again to Texas and to the house that Lee Harvey Oswald slipped out of one morning almost 50 years to do something that still has Americans torn over what happened, and why, and whether he acted alone?

    “I haven't made any plans,” Paine said.

    But as strange as it would be to tour the home that's becoming a museum, Paine said she likely will do so because Irving intends for it to exhibit factual and authenticated history.

    And especially when the matter at hand is the JFK-Oswald story, that's a good thing.

    You can reach Staff Writer Chris Smith at 521-5211 or chris.smith@pressdemocrat.com.

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