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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. The Exorcist filmed 50 years ago at Georgetown University, my alma mater. Do you remember seeing it? The Exorcist at Georgetown: Still Horrifying 50 Years Later - Georgetown University
  2. Congressman Al Green's letter supporting a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict: 10.11.2023-request-for-amendments-to-the-standing-with-israel-resolution-letter-003.pdf (house.gov)
  3. U.S. State Department has put out a warning to Americans travelling abroad to be on guard for personal safety. Biden's embrace of Israel by participating its war cabinet meeting on his recent trip to that country is proving to be a game changing disaster for America. Putin is dancing with joy. I concur with Prof. Cole's assessment below. Biden's Historically Illiterate and Hypocritical Speech on Ukraine and Gaza (juancole.com)
  4. The rush is on for defendants to cut a deal by pleading guilty. Kenneth Chesebro pleads guilty in Georgia election case deal - Raw Story
  5. Easy to confuse spelling of Banister with Bannister, the latter being who set a running track record in an early part of the lives of us who are seniors.
  6. State Dept. longtime official resigns in protest of Biden giving more arms to Israel. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/19/us/state-department-official-resigns-israel-arms.html?unlocked_article_code=1.30w.hT57.a9LnVqpi3LIn&smid=url-share
  7. From a New York Times article of today 10/18/2020: On Wednesday, the Anglican archbishop who oversees the hospital said that the Israeli military had called and texted the hospital managers at least three times since Saturday, asking its patients and staff to leave the hospital compound, along with the displaced Gazans who had crowded onto the grounds because they considered it relatively safe from aerial bombardment. Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the head of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, which runs the hospital, said in a news briefing on Wednesday that in recent days, large numbers of Gazans — 5,000 at their peak — had taken shelter at the hospital site to escape Israeli airstrikes. Archbishop Naoum said the warnings were particular to the hospital, and not part of Israel’s wider push to encourage civilians to leave northern Gaza for the territory’s south. “There were specific warnings to get out of the building,” the archbishop said.
  8. ‘The Pentagon should be nervous’: Burchett on UFO briefings (msn.com)
  9. US vetoes UN’s call for ‘humanitarian pause’ and corridors into Gaza | Israel-Hamas war | The Guardian From the article: The dispute over responsibility may have little resonance among the Arab public. A former French ambassador to the US, Gérard Araud, said: “The truth about who was responsible for the Gaza hospital strike is now irrelevant. Public opinion has decided: Israel is the culprit. All the explanations won’t do anything. This is a major defeat for Israel. It will have political consequences.”
  10. About that four-hour interview with Jared Kushner: https://gregolear.substack.com/p/jared-unplugged?utm_source=substack&publication_id=20695&post_id=138006770&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=5pqyc
  11. Donald Trump gag order imposed by judge: Trump 'does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases,' Judge Chutkan says | CNN Politics
  12. Thanks for this that provides the (forgotten or overlooked) historical perspective.
  13. THIS IS CONRAD HEYER ... he is the earliest born person in the U.S. to ever be photographed. He was born in 1749, but sat for this pic in 1852 at the age of 103. While you’ve probably never seen this pic, it’s a good bet you’ve seen the famous painting that includes him. At age 27 in 1776, Conrad was a Revolutionary soldier who was in the boat with General George Washington when he crossed the Delaware River.
  14. Israel's Colonial Revenge Genocide in Gaza is only the latest in a Long History of such Massacres (juancole.com) President George W. Bush was key in laying the groundwork for what is happening today. He said at the time that his reading the Bible motivated him to throw full support to Israel. This was the turning point.
  15. China's Economy Is Going Bust. That Should Terrify US Businesses. (businessinsider.com)
  16. China's Economy Is Going Bust. That Should Terrify US Businesses. (businessinsider.com)
  17. Descendants of Holocaust survivors protesting Israel's 'genocide' of Palestinians among those arrested in front of Sen. Chuck Schumer's house in New York (msn.com)
  18. Israel in Palestinian Gaza: Revenge is more satisfying than Peace (juancole.com)
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