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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. 8 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Is there any documentation that is Guy Banister, in trenchcoat? 

    (Banister, one "n"). 

    No, but this has been reported before.

    I first met Banister in 1955 when I was in high school in New Orleans. In 1959 he and I spoke at an American Legion rally. I wish that I was aware of his full background then. I would have asked him many questions.

    The UFO topic is covered here:

    Guy Banister - Wikipedia

  2. This was posted on Facebook:

    There are a surprising number of links between key figures in the JFK assasination and the UFO phenomenon of 1947.
    The figure in the trench coat is FBI agent Guy Bannister shown investigating a UFO crash in 1947. That seems to have been his focus at that time.
    In the summer of 1963 Bannister ran a private detective agency located on 544 Camp st. Lee Harvey used this address on his Fair Play for Cuba pamphlets.
    Bannister came to New Orleans District attorney Jim Garrisons attention on 11-22-63 after Bannister got into a fight with his employee Jack Martin. Martin in retaliation accused Bannister’s involvement in the assasination of the president and made the claim to the local press and to Garrison.
    When Garrison charged Clay Shaw with involvement in the conspiracy to kill JFK, the first person he called was Fred Chrisman. Chrisman was the primary source of the Maury Island UFO case of 1947.
    Garrison, Shaw, Chrisman, and Bannister were all in the Pacific Northwest in 1947.
    No photo description available.
  3. Saudi Arabia is talking to Iran, its enemy.
    Head of Hamas says Russia is backing it and has given it arms.
    In retaliation for allegations that Israel is committing genocide on two million Palestinians in Gaza and for the U.S. backing Israel, I fear $ retaliation by these three-oil producing countries is in the works.
    I may be totally wrong on this, but I am filling my car's gas tank today.
  4. 37 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

    You are 100% correct, Doug.

    In fact, yesterday Liz Cheney spelled it out for all of us:

    “Jim Jordan was involved, was part of the conspiracy in which Donald Trump was engaged as he attempted to overturn the election.”


    I'm sure I sound like a broken record at this point, but we must all remind ourselves every day that we are living through history; a conspiracy bigger than Watergate, and, while not a murder mystery, equal in importance to the JFKA.

    Bound to become a big issue is as he attempts to become Speaker or afterwards if he is elected to that post. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

    Rumors about members of Congress being charged for 1/6 crimes have been abundant in recent weeks, but still we wait.

    There's been some speculation that the ouster of McCarthy and the very quick decision by Trump to install the obviously unqualified Jim Jordan (a man described by former Republican Speaker John Boehner as a "terrorist") as a sign that something is close to happening, and they hope Jordan will somehow be able to stop it as Speaker.

    Stay tuned.

    The 1/6 Committee served a subpoena on Jordan to testify to which he refused to respond. Their thinking was that he knew in advance of what of about to happen at the Capitol. 

  6. On 10/4/2023 at 2:01 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Doug, I retrieved  this summation  segment as what I remember as  Adam Schiff's finest hour at the first Trump impeachment trial  involving Ukraine and Zelensky.

    The segment starts at 21:00. But he comes off very prophetic at 23:16.


    Taking a quote from The Big Leibowski, Schiff says of Trump.

    You're not wrong, you're just an asshole!

    I listened to his entire closing impeachment speech. He is a true statesman, and we need him in the Senate. He is a fighter.

    My first job after being graduated from Georgetown U. in 1960 was to work with Charles Edison, who lived in the Towers of the Waldorf-Astoria. He was Sec. of the Navy under President Roosevelt, and later governor of New Jersey. When I worked with him, he was chairman of the McGraw-Edison Company. He was an ardent supporter of Senator Barry Goldwater and told me that he admired Goldwater because "he is Jewish, which means he is a fighter." Gov. Edison's political philosophy was that the American Eagle needs two strong wings, a liberal one and a conservative one, if it is to fly straight. In those days Conservatism did not exist in American politics. This ideal is not a viable one today.

    Charles Edison, son of Thomas Edison, and I never dreamed that awakening the dormant conservatives by energizing a Conservative Movement in 1960 would turn out to be a modern-day nightmare in which today's evolved "conservatives" harbor an admiration of Putin and have no use for our Constitution and our Democracy.

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