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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. The 60th anniversary of the JFK assassination is November 22 this year. I think the Gallup Poll organization recognized it would be timely to conduct its poll of Presidents about this time. Its ranking of JFK will be cited in many news reports over the coming months.
  2. I copied the link twice and tried to post it here, but it would not take. Maybe you will have better luck. Here is the Gallup Poll master link. When you hit it a number of articles come up. The JFK article is right up front, at the top of the second column. Politics | Gallup Topic Doug
  3. Nasa scientist admits she's 'absolutely certain there is alien life' and reveals best place to find it nearby | The US Sun (the-sun.com)
  4. Row erupts as Chinese nuclear sub apparently 'crashes' near disputed waters | World | News | Express.co.uk
  5. Gallup Poll of July 17, 2023 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- John F. Kennedy remains the most highly rated former president when Gallup asks Americans whether, in retrospect, they approve or disapprove of the job each did as president. Ninety percent of U.S. adults now approve of the job Kennedy did, 21 percentage points higher than second-place Ronald Reagan’s rating. Seven of the nine past presidents included in the poll receive majority retrospective approval ratings. The two exceptions are Donald Trump, with 46% of Americans approving of the job he did in his initial retrospective approval rating, and Richard Nixon, at 32%.
  6. Joe: "I don't think is real. But it has not been 100% proven to be a fake as fas(sic) as I know." I guess we should just ignore what you write.
  7. I shake my head that certain forum members confidently assert that the Memorandum is fake but when asked to produce credible evidence that supports that assertion they cannot to do so.
  8. Dick Russell's book was first published in 1993. It appears no one, including forum members who question the Memorandum's authenticity, ever put the question to Dick as to the basis of his decision to display the Memorandum in his book. Thus, it appears that the source of the Memorandum's provenance is his book until shown otherwise. If experts at NARA challenged the authenticity of the Memorandum as is recounted above, then production here in the forum of credible evidence that they did so would be of tremendous help in resolving the issue of it being a fake.
  9. A rational person would say it is permissible to use the Memorandum until it is proven to be fake. To date it has not been proven fake despite the allegations from some persons that it is fake.
  10. The Mess in Texas Texas Takes Attacks on Austin to New Level With “Death Star” Law (msn.com)
  11. How do you not use the Memorandum "until its provenance can be truly ascertained. And that may never happen" when it appears in Dick Russell's book published years ago?
  12. 12% today and it may drop even further as people realize that a mess he is. Poll: DeSantis’s support collapses ahead of 1st GOP debate (yahoo.com)
  13. Tom Graves told me he talked to you about this, and you both agreed it was a possibility. Tom is obsessed with Russia and the KGB being behind everything. On some occasions he is spot on. I don't think this is one of them. Is hard to believe Dick fell for KGB disinformation on Oswald.
  14. This is thought provoking. Collapse 2.0: What a 2005 Bestseller Tells us about Climate Change and Human Survival (juancole.com)
  15. Joe: Thank you for posting this. It qualifies as the final word on the topic as Larry Hancock earlier singled you out for your unique knowledge of and experience with the Memorandum. -- Doug
  16. Joe: On the Forum's Watergate topic. Click on the link in my posting above. -- Doug
  17. I have thought that he would escape to Russia if ever found guilty in one of his criminal cases. 'Fly far away': Trump jokes about fleeing to Russia in bizarre rant against Fulton County DA - Alternet.org
  18. Gerry: Thank you for your interest in my forthcoming book. As explained in the early part of the attached, I have had to post the first half of the book's chapters online after the CIA stole my manuscript and disabled my computer from functioning. The Agency does not want my story told. Thru a modern miracle I got my manuscript back and my computer functionally restored. I am posting another chapter this week on the 1974 flawed U.S. Court of Appeals decision in U.S. vs Liddy. Historians and others are following my postings of the book. -- Doug
  19. I found the Memorandum persuasive in filling out who Oswald really was. It strengthened my belief that he was a patsy in the assassination of JFK and had been moved around for years like a piece on a chess board by the CIA. He may have had slight inklings of what the CIA was doing to him but not enough to back out of what the agency had planned for him on 11/22. After Kennedy's murder, he quickly put all the dots together and got the whole picture. Too late. He was marked for assassination, too. As I have written in my forthcoming book, In the First Hour of Watergate, the CIA moved me around in the three months before June 17, 1972, without my knowing it. I had the feeling that I was being moved around like a piece on a chess board, but it was not until later that I realized that the CIA was doing it. The CIA routinely uses persons without their knowing it as part of a master plan the CIA has for a specific operation. Because of what happened to me in Watergate, I can identify with Oswald in what happened to him in the JFK assassination.
  20. I am sending this thread to Mark Mueller, the Austin attorney who posted it on Facebook yesterday, for his analysis and commentary. Mark is a well-known lawyer who has a well-earned reputation of only dealing with facts. He constantly surprises me with information on a variety of important topics that provides a look behind the curtain as to what the particular controversial matter is really about.
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