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JP Raud Dugal

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Everything posted by JP Raud Dugal

  1. What a caricature you are. You must be in a museum... I was looking to the GW Bush website and you are right into that (and perhaps a bit more...). Anyway, (and I don't want to say nothing of your quotation because I, as a human being, I repect the people who died and never play with) It is very interesting for everyone to have a look to the different ads of Kerry and Bush. You can found them on internet. For students (and that's what we are (nearly...) supposed to do..teaching hum..), Kerry is not what we can call a 'keynesianist'. But, the tone with Bush ads is slighly different. In France, the issue of their struggle as seen in the newspapers is not on taxation but on the hability of the candidates to fight against the unemployement (Alma or whtaever is you name, no need to speak about French one I'm not the PM...), and the possibility to become again strong allies, as we were in the past) Is it the same in the UK?
  2. Could you explain to me, european as I am (and french...), how more than 50 million of your fellow citizens are doing when they are ill? How can they live when they lose their jobs? You're right, Enron is just a detail in the history of capitalism... Keynesianism is perhaps dead but a certain idea of fraternité (sorry for this word ) still remains. Jean Philippe
  3. David Goodhart's essay in The Prospect (february 2004) and the Guardian on 'Disconfort of the strangers' stroke me the most as I was in the UK last week. http://www.guardian.co.uk/race/story/0,11374,1154684,00.html I was astonished to read about the impossibility to conciliate diversity and solidarity in UK for him and some politicians....The entrance of 10 new members in the EU seems to be a great issue for the UK (migration problem, the ability for migrants to have a coverage with the NHS.... A lot of comments have been made since but I would like some of you to explain to me if it is a widespread feeling in he British society. Jean Philippe
  4. I would like to know if the Dardallelles' failure in 1915 was simpy considered as a mistake or a complete disaster? I tried to find some websites on whether Churchill was greatly responsible or not. I'm not sure he can be compared to D. Haig...but I would like to know his responsibility in this battle. Thanks by advance
  5. Thanks John for these precious information. I will have a look to some of the authors you mentioned. In France, I can't see some workshop groups like this one...But perhaps Daniel Letouzey could say something about that? In France, we usually appreciate Zinn's work because we are not used with other views of the american history. He is popular in some left wing newspaper such as Le Monde Diplomatique: Monde Diplomatique http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2002/09/ZINN/16811 There is an english ediion but I can't find these articles...sorry! In seconde (15-16 yo students) we have to teach the importance of the English 'Habeas Corpus and Bill of Rights' and the American Constitution (2 hours...). Zinn's work on the American Constitution is a good start to discuss with the students about representation, I think. Perhaps other colleagues don't agree with that...?
  6. I'm a history and geography (!!) teacher in Tulle, France. I uselly teach in french but I do teach in english too in European section. I participate to the Chronique de Daniel Letouzey (an other french member of this forum).
  7. I would like to work on Howar Zinn's book 'A people's history of the US'. I have some adresses such as this one: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Zinn/HZinn_page.html I know how controversial this book is but as a teacher in European Section (teaching History in English), I was wondering if some of you have already worked on some parts of the book? Jean Philippe http://apella.ac-limoges.fr/lyc-perrier-tu...europ/index.htm
  8. Photos taken from RAF's planes during WWII has been put online: Photos RAF Photos of Dresden and its aftermath are enormous. The one on D-DAY is also unforgettable. and many more... Be patient..the website is overcrowded by connexionx... Jean Philippe
  9. The difference 'Nationalism' Patriotism' in the history of the twentieth century could be easy. If we have a look at the beginnig of the first world war. The vast majority of the population was patriotic. Soldiers and the others had a duty and they did it even if they didn't agree with the war. They just wanted to defend their country. Nationalists were just a minority. They wanted the war and they were enthousiastics about it. In France it is obvious that Nationalist such as Peguy or Barres were happy with that. The first died in 1914 in one of the first battle of the Great War. For today or in the nineteenth century it is more difficult in my opinion to have a perfect definition of both words because they are closely linked together. What happened in ex-yougoslavia in the 90's and today is a perfect example of that problem.
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