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Stephen Miller

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About Stephen Miller

  • Birthday 01/08/1966

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  1. Another one to add from the HSCA period is Kevin Walsh. I think he works with Jim Lesar these days in DC.
  2. Great! I think that sounds like a very good proposal. Would be interested to hear from the ex-HSCA people and hear their stories too like Gaeton Fonzi has done in The Last Investigation.
  3. We can also add Gary Cornwell to the list too. I also wonder what they say about David Atlee Phillips aka Maurice Bishop "Phillips lied between his teeth and pulled a terrific con job on the Committee". Let's get cracking and contact them ASAP.
  4. I think it would be good and important for us to contact the surviving HSCA congressmen and get their support for a Grand Jury and also on the release of the Joannides files. We can tell them that Blakey now says he was duped by the Agency regarding Joannides and also ask them to share their memories of the HSCA and what they think of the case now. One question to ask them would be "If you had to do the HSCA all over again in this day and age, what would that be?" Obviously, they could tell us that it would be getting more time and money. We can also get other HSCA people like Bob Tannenbaum, Cliff Fenton, Eddie Lopez, Gaeton Fonzi, and Danny Hardway on our side too. Wonder what Rev. Edgar has to say about the case now and if he has any regrets? Comments?
  5. Of course, I have not seen any actual files but Griffin said some years ago that back in 1964, criticizing the Bureau and Hoover was something one did not do. Bear in mind that the WC staff lawyers were all young guys fresh out of law school and they figured tat this WC "glamour job" would look good on their resumes. Furthermore, they had no investigative experience at all and as junior members of the American Establishment, did not wish to rock the boat with Uncle Sam.
  6. In my opinion, the worst WC lawyer had to be David Belin and we all know about his tactics and shenanigans while conducting the WC's "investigation". Even some of his fellow WC staff lawyers such as Burt Griffin called them "shameful". As for Hoover, it did not matter who was good or bad, liberal or conservative. He had files on EVERYONE, period. Just my two cents.
  7. Hoover had the dirt on everyone, including the lowliest WC staff lawyer. He's everywhere!!
  8. I take it many people have heard of the fact that Hoover kept files on the Warren Commission staff members and lawyers so he knew a lot more on them than they would have cared to know! The files for David Belin and even Gerald Ford and others would be interesting to see if they have been involved in any political activity or even arrests for drunken driving or soliciting a prostitute, among others. Comments?
  9. How could Schiller be involved in the writing of the WR given his reputation as a scavenger-parasite- chronic FBI informer?
  10. Did Schiller turn in any of his files to the ARRB in the 1990s? I think it also would be tough trying to obtain them from him.
  11. Well said, Jack. Just a good old-fashioned scavenger and opportunist. What did Schiller know about the assasination and why would he want to engage in such questionable practices such as informing the FBI and lying to people and ripping them off?
  12. Anything else to add about Schiller? He sounds like a scavenger and a good old-fashioned opportunist.
  13. One person who is rarely mentioned in the history of the case is Lawrence Schiller. We know he works with Norman Mailer and has been mentioned in files as a chronic FBI informer. What is the full story about this man in the history of this case? Why would Schiller tell on the FBI a lot?
  14. We can also question any surviving witnesses in DP and ask what they heard and saw and also subpoena media people such as Dan Rather. Also, we can question LN writers such as Posner, Bugliosi, and a few others and ask them on what they knew on the events in DP and why they think so. Any other suggestions to add?
  15. We hope that O'Reilly will join us and even get media establishment types to call for the release of the Joannides CIA files, that is if they are interested. Even the normally recalcitrant Posner and Blakey are calling for their release.
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