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Paul Rigby

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Everything posted by Paul Rigby

  1. A quite outrageously true suggestion! My solicitor will shortly be contacting your solicitor with a view to both solicitors making a large sum of money. There can be only one outcome: a full review of all the available evidence, followed by drinks all round. Make mine a Sky* double. * An ancient Scottish libation.
  2. Fascinating. Some more detail, please, from McKean's Peddling Influence!
  3. Good news. Let's hope the irascible bugger will consent to the mediation and put us out of our misery. It really was a very distinguished piece of crime analysis. Paul
  4. A great pity, David. His contributions to this thread were very interesting and welcome. If by chance you bump into him - in person, or on the web - do ask him to reconsider. I was genuinely looking forward to his promised update(s). Paul
  5. Strewth, fair reminds me of the definition of an Aussie front row: Three fat men with their heads up their traps, heading backwards at the speed of light. Al "the Contortionist" Baxter
  6. While Mr. Chapman continues his prolonged, er - what exactly? rest? enforced imprisonment? - a little something to sustain us: Cathy Scott-Clark & Adrian Levy, “Why a spy was killed,” The Guardian Weekend, (Saturday magazine), 26 January 2008, pp.39-41, 43, & 45: Summary: Litvinenko involved in far-right Italian smear campaign designed to keep Berlusconi in power. Sheds interesting light on that steaming pile of manure otherwise known as the Mitrokhin archive. One smells something different in the air at the moment. A deal, perhaps?
  7. http://www.dictatorshipwatch.com/modules.p...r=0&thold=0 Musharraf had handlers in Mossad-US Agency since the 80s Articles / Serving Colonial Masters Jan 18, 2008 - 06:51 PM It is possible that Musharraf could be under the control of these handlers even now?..... It shows that as an Army officer, Pervez Musharraf covered the connection of a lady to a foreign intelligence agency. Normally one is supposed to tell the authorities. That gives credence to the well founded allegations that he also had, and still has, foreign handlers. Abid Ullah Jan is the author of "The Musharraf Factor" and edit www.dictatorshipwatch.com [24]. Notes: [1] Crossing the Rubicon: Simplifying the case against Dick Cheney [25] URL: http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/...lify_case.shtml [26] Norman Mineta Confirms That Dick Cheney Ordered Stand Down on 9/11 [27] URL: http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/260607_mineta.html [28] A testimony left out of the 9/11 report. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article comes from Dictatorship Watch http://www.dictatorshipwatch.com/ The URL for this story is: http://www.dictatorshipwatch.com/modules.p...le&sid=3574 Links in this article [1] [2] [3] [4] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqqhX8gkhE0 [5] http://rediff.co.in/news/2007/nov/12pakemergency10.htm [6] http://www.dictatorshipwatch.com/modules.p...r=0&thold=0 [7] http://www.newtrendmag.org/ntma1182.htm [8] http://www.forward.com/articles/12080/ [9] http://www.dukandar.com/baaghihoon.html [10] http://www.icssa.org/article_detail_parse....id=806&rel= [11] http://www.icssa.org/article_detail_parse....k=8&m_id=57 [12] http://www.btinternet.com/~nlpwessex/Docum...tageISIatta.htm [13] http://www.rediff.com/news/2002/mar/07pak.htm [14] [15] http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/world-...rs_1002416.html [16] http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/260607_mineta.html [17] http://www.dictatorshipwatch.com/modules.p...r=0&thold=0 [18] http://www.antiwar.com/orig/jtaylor.php?articleid=12208 [19] http://www.middleeast.org/interview/ahmad1.htm [20] http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/item.js...102zubaidatrick [21] http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19098.htm [22] http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?p...14-1-2008_pg1_1 [23] http://www.icssa.org/article_detail_parse....55&rel=1015 [24] http://www.dictatorshipwatch.com/ [25] http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/...lify_case.shtml [26] http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/...lify_case.shtml [27] http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/260607_mineta.html [28] http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/260607_mineta.html
  8. Yeah, but What'cha gonna do about it? The Tin Soldier
  9. Yup: the film's a fake. As, of course, is any explanation, Len, which can't account for the footage shot from the opposite side of Elm. Angle of filmer's elevation explains Chaney's absence from Nix? Oh dear. But, please, do crunch the numbers for Z. This should be a hoot! Paul
  10. In the forum thread Why Transcript 1327C is a Fraud (1), I drew attention to a number of the techniques used to further the cover-up deployed by William Manchester in his book Death of a President. In brief: Inconvenient individuals were first divorced from the problematic action, observation, or location, associated with them; and then rendered anonymous. The intention, and the result, at least for the casual student of the case, is to sever cause from effect. Revealingly, we find Manchester utilising exactly the same methods of deceit in the case of motorcycle outrider James Chaney, and his movements on Elm Street. To understand the necessity for their application to Chaney, a little context is order. By the time of Death of a President's publication in early 1967 the fabricators of the refashioned Zapruder film were eager to float their cinematic ironclad beyond the dry dock confines of the National Archives and Life magazine’s offices. The problem confronting the refashioned film's manufacturers was how to prepare the water for the release of a film that was entirely incompatible with an ocean of witness testimony. Enter the picture a select group of authors whose task was to chop out or plain smooth the rough timber of the witness testimony so that if offered no resistance to the filmic behemoth's progress down the slipway. A significant figure within this group of writers was William Manchester. Here’s how he did it in the case of James Chaney. He begins by introducing Chaney to the text, thus ensuring he cannot be charged with abolishing the police outrider entirely. He even echoes Chaney’s own reported estimate of his distance from the car, thus revealing a familiarity with the motorcop’s testimony that should be borne in mind throughout (2): Six pages later, Manchester divorces Chaney from his action (riding up to the motorcade’s lead car): And finally, having rendered Chaney nameless, Manchester sunders cause (Chaney’s journey) from its effect (his appearance at the side of the car containing Curry et al): By the time of Murder From Within seven years later, the truth of Chaney’s progress west on Elm will be subjected to an all together more sophisticated assault. But that, no doubt, is subject for a later posting. (1) http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...39&hl=1327C (2) 2WCH43: Mark Lane, citing Chaney’s interview with the Houston Chronicle, 24 November 1963: “six feet.” (3) William Manchester. The Death of a President: November 20-November 25, 1963 (London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1967), p.191. (4) Ibid., p.197. (5) Ibid., p.201.
  11. There are at least two versions - significantly different in key respects - of this interview, but it nevertheless offers early print confirmation of the highlighted point:
  12. http://www.guardian.co.uk/italy/story/0,,2240362,00.html Fascinating insight into the Foreign Office’s enduring commitment to democracy:
  13. And they're off in the Great Arms Bonanza Stakes…into the lead goes Uncle Sam… http://news.oneindia.in/2008/01/14/high-le...ooperation.html ANI
  14. Another outstanding piece from the Global Research crew: The url address of this article is: www.globalresearch.ca/PrintArticle.php?articleId=7791
  15. Another outstanding piece from the Global Research crew: The url address of this article is: www.globalresearch.ca/PrintArticle.php?articleId=7791
  16. Long-term US plans for Pakistan and Balochistan...Or, how the spooks appear wise: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/article...6,prtpage-1.cms
  17. The bank that refloated Mussolini and fellow gangsters in the mid-1920s. Continuity, you can't beat it.
  18. Oil, sweet oil...and the CIA. http://moinansari.wordpress.com/2008/01/06...he-elephants-d/ Moin Ansari’s Disquisitions & Fulminations: A fresh and independent analysis of events different from the stale cookie cutter news zone CIA connection… BENAZIR BHUTTO’S ASSASSINATION WAS PRE-PLANNED: THE ZIA MODEL WITH A TWIST: The continued CIA involvement in Pakistan. THE GREAT GAME CONTINUES: When the Elephants dance, the grass gets crushed. The continued CIA involvement in Pakistan. Another Pakistani leaders falls to an international game between the USA, and China and Russia, and Pakistanis again pay the price Extract: Plus ca change…
  19. Oil, sweet oil...and the CIA. http://moinansari.wordpress.com/2008/01/06...he-elephants-d/ Moin Ansari’s Disquisitions & Fulminations: A fresh and independent analysis of events different from the stale cookie cutter news zone CIA connection… BENAZIR BHUTTO’S ASSASSINATION WAS PRE-PLANNED: THE ZIA MODEL WITH A TWIST: The continued CIA involvement in Pakistan. THE GREAT GAME CONTINUES: When the Elephants dance, the grass gets crushed. The continued CIA involvement in Pakistan. Another Pakistani leaders falls to an international game between the USA, and China and Russia, and Pakistanis again pay the price Extract: Plus ca change…
  20. Much as I admire the oxymoron, it's the plural bit I love. More make-work schemes for Europe's gladiaters and their international friends. Thanks for the info.
  21. http://www.unobserver.com/index.php?pagina...=4239&blz=1 John Berlin: Why the US Wants the Collapse of Pakistan + UPDATE 2008-01-04 John Berlin U.N. OBSERVER & International Report
  22. http://www.unobserver.com/index.php?pagina...=4239&blz=1 John Berlin: Why the US Wants the Collapse of Pakistan + UPDATE 2008-01-04 John Berlin U.N. OBSERVER & International Report
  23. I've often wondered if that isn't equally true of assassinations, and discreditation, ops, too. Bury your target promising pol, for example, in a list of "serial killings" or somesuch. Avoids all that nasty publicity etc. My problem with all - any - of the prospective Democrat occupants of the White House is this - what will all those neo-cons be doing in opposition? Will they go quietly into the good night? Doubt it. Unless, of course, a series of major trials were to tie them up in legal knots for the duration... Can't see it, can you? Paul
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