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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Robin's quote: "It has been said more than once that the 3-spectators are SITTING on the wall." If I am Croft and I insert myself into the Towner photo at my camera position, I photograph people in front of the wall, a person behind the wall and then our 3 wall sitters behind them. (Depicted in photograph). In fact, draw a straight line from the person in front of the wall, to the one directly behind it, to the wall sitter's. chris
  2. If I take a photo of people attached to an object (wall) in Croft, shouldn't they be attached in Towner? No matter what angle I'm at. chris
  3. If the sun is from the southwest, what causes the big shadow/mask job within the limo? Why does the wall stop in Towner (runs into the shadow/mask area), and not extend as it does in the Allan photo? The three Croft wall sitter's appear incorrectly oriented in the Towner frame. chris
  4. The Allan photo and Towner film frame composited, creates the animation. I have put a straight red line on the wall and labeled the three wall sitters. These same three wall sitters appear in Croft. If they are sitting on the wall (three in a row) in Croft, why don't they align with the wall angle in Towner? The orientation of these three wall sitters to the photographer, seems like a close match in Towner and Croft. chris
  5. Thanks Jack. Also supplied is the image turned 90 degrees and widened, from how it lays in the original photo. chris
  6. Thanks John, Would another of those oddities be a white antenna that becomes transparent, and allows one to see a human face through the transparent antenna? chris
  7. Michael, How does the distance between stationary objects (tree branch, concrete column edge)(designated people,concrete column edge) change. This is by the same filmer within a 1/2 second. How does the gentleman with the hat, in front of the column, enlarge. Why does the background enlarge. I was waiting for the patented parallax answer. Oops. Same photographer. Not this time chris P.S. Animation speed increased for movement clarity.
  8. This animation is 12 frames apart, or 1/2 second in time, if my information on the Towner camera FPS specs. is correct. I used the concrete column edge as my anchor point. They had just a few problems when they were changing the background on this. Aspect ratio/camera angle Perhaps now we can apply this knowledge to other films and photos. chris
  9. Dulles, corner of fence in July of 1964. Of course, along with the Stemmons sign, maybe this fence was replaced between the time of the assassination and his visit. chris
  10. (And for the record: There is no mystery whatsoever regarding "how" JFK was killed. Our focus rightly should be on the "who" and "why" questions.) Charles Exactly Charles. Let's move on to the who and why already. I think we have been patient enough with the cognitively impaired. I just have one word for you folks: Photobucket Plus a question; anyone seen this document? Peter, After this memo came out, perhaps certain WC members called this meeting. http://s140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123...;current=WC.flv chris
  11. Alan, We need a Bond4 which at LEAST shows the detail and sharpness the Life magazine version shows, otherwise this is going nowhere. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123...BondLifeMag.jpg chris
  12. Hope that black figure is a tree trunk. For it appears to interfere with the reflection. chris
  13. Miles, The flash in Towner appears beyond her right shoulder. (Lady at far right) I'm not sure what that object in Croft is, but it's on the wrong side of her. Also, that object you pointed out is huge, the flash in Towner appears to be alot smaller. Made to look like her hand waving. No waving hand. imo Compare it to other's in the animation. chris
  14. Chris, all of your stabilized gifs are great..but they all run much too fast and I know of no way to control them. The speed of one's internet connection seems to determine the speed and having a fast one they zip past at speeds I can't focus on the details...is there someway you can post them with a speed control or is there some standard software that will? Thanks. Otherwise they are great...magical! Peter, Whenever I want to control the speed of a gif, I drag and drop onto Quicktime. Use the arrow keys to control speed. Hope this helps, chris
  15. Miles, That's mallet man. And to make it a little easier, the red arrow points to signal/flash/spotter/? chris
  16. Larger version of Towner supplied at: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/A.gif The Epipolar Geometric Analysis done by Dale Myers has the Towner film ending approx 10.5 seconds before the 313 headshot. In Z frames that about frame 124, if it existed. Croft photo is taken at Z161, which gives mallet/beermug man approx. 2 seconds to stop waving his arm, reach his mallet/mug and appear as such in Croft's photo. interesting chris
  17. Chris, all of your stabilized gifs are great..but they all run much too fast and I know of no way to control them. The speed of one's internet connection seems to determine the speed and having a fast one they zip past at speeds I can't focus on the details...is there someway you can post them with a speed control or is there some standard software that will? Thanks. Otherwise they are great...magical! Peter, Here it is a little slower. Let me know if this is ok. thanks, chris
  18. Perhaps we can identify another spotter signal or muzzle flash or whatever it may be. (Lady to Hammerman's right) Or, is that just another one of those reflections? Also, hammerman apparently with nothing in hand but a gesture of waving. Towner film with Hammerman stabilized. Let's see, we have Z film damage around 153 and the Croft photo is about 161. Interesting chris
  19. Thanks Bernice. Thought I would try to accentuate it, somewhat. The umbrella is clearly raised and twisted in sync, as JFK emerges from behind the sign. chris
  20. Of course, the trajectory I describe would have to come from the opposite end of the official sniper's nest. More along the lines of the photo on the right. chris
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