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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Miles, Just a guess, but taking the car dimensions in these photo's into consideration, I'd say around 25 ft. The car on Lane's left is perpendicular to the fence, say about 15 ft long. Add a few feet for distance between fence and car. They pass between the last two cars closest to the fence, car width 5 ft. Add a few feet for distance between cars. chris
  2. Trask quote: A man is running in the street, probably Secret Service Agent Lem Johns who had jumped out of his own vehicle and who now physically vaults over the trunk into Camera Car 2, which is beginning to pull out on the left around Camera Car 1. Trask: Page 426 Time to count heads. Cameracar1 starts with 2 men atop the seats as we see earlier. Wiegman joins which makes 3. Craven makes 4. And Atkins is 5. Where is Lem Johns? Wiegman says Lem jumped in his car. Craven says they grabbed at Lem as he jumped in the car. Trask says Lem jumped into cameracar2. chris
  3. Tom Craven quote: I recall Lem Johns running and sort of vaulting from the street over the trunk and us grabbing at him." Trask: page 375 Tom Craven is getting ready to jump on the trunk and into cameracar 1. Tom Atkin's is closing in. chris
  4. James, That's Tom Atkin's closing in. You're about one posting ahead of me. Hold on. thanks chris
  5. Tom Craven and Tom Atkin's follow Wiegman, who are all running after cameracar 1. chris
  6. James, That is Dave Wiegman chasing cameracar 1. Check my previous post. chris
  7. Wiegman is done filming. He now starts chasing cameracar 1. This footage is from Tom Atkin's or Tom Craven. chris
  8. Wiegman quote: When I came back down the hill Lem Johns didn't have a ride and I said, Come on, get in our car. Here it is,' and he jumped in our car. Trask: page 374 When Wiegman gets to the bottom of the hill he starts filming. First the Newman's to his left, then turns toward the street as he films cameracar 1 approaching with those 2 men atop the seats. The same guys we see in Couch from my previous post. Then turns and films toward the Chism's up the knoll, and lastly back down toward the street as his film ends. The following pictures show Wiegman filming and a frame from his film. chris
  9. John, That photo was supplied by Bernice Moore, previously. I believe it was taken by Cecil Stoughton while Johnson was being sworn in, aboard the plane. This next photo is from Couch's movie. Wiegman is near the bottom of the hill. Altgen's is nearby. Cameracar 1 is approaching, with 2 men atop the seats. chris
  10. I'm looking for a picture of ASAIC Lem Johns in Dealy Plaza on 11-22-63. Why he doesn't appear in post-assassination photo's is rather puzzling to me. To start with, his statement regarding his actions on 11-22-63. Thanks Bernice! thanks chris
  11. Bernice, I believe this shows both within the same photo. chris
  12. Hi Kathleen, Can you provide any photos of the area you're describing? Here are a couple that might help. Let us know if my interpretation is wrong. chris
  13. Bernice, Thanks for providing Lem John's personal statement. Quote from Trask's POTP:page 374 I'll start with Wiegman: "When I came back down the hill Lem Johns didn't have a ride and I said, Come on, get in our car. Here it is,' and he jumped in our car." That would be cameracar #1. Provided is Dillard's #25 showing cameracar #1. Lem John's photo above it. Is Lem Johns in this car? chris
  14. Thanks, Don. I was able to download this as an .avi file & view it with non-google media players. Question, please, for Don, Gil Jesus, or for anyone: At about 10.51 (min/sec) in Beyond "JFK" there is a very short black & white clip of a (press) bus & squad car going under the triple underpass as seen from a camera shooting from the south side of Elm. This clip seems to be taken from a longer film, one of the films taken immediately after the assassination. This clip appears during the segment of Robert MacNeil describing his actions at Dealey Plaza. Which film is this clip from? Is there a download source for it on the web? Thanks! Miles, That would be the Jimmy Darnell film. He was a cameraman for WBAP-TV, riding in camera car 3. Was not in the car when he filmed this. There are 2 segments for a total of 8 seconds. chris
  15. If it helps. Mr. Ball. Didn't you, when you went over to the railroad yard, talk to some yardman? Mr. Weitzman. I asked a yardman if he had seen or heard anything during the passing of the President. He said he thought he saw somebody throw something through a bush and that's when I went back over the fence and that's when I found the portion of the skull. I thought it was a firecracker portion; that's what we first were looking for. This was before we knew the President was dead. Mr. Ball. Did the yardman tell you where he thought the noise came from? Mr. Weitzman. Yes, sir; he pointed out the wall section where there was a bunch of shrubbery and I believe that's to the right where I went over the wall where the steampipe was; that would be going north back toward the jail. Mr. Ball. I think that's all. Do you have any desire to read this over and sign it or will you waive signature? Mr. Weitzman. I will waive my signature. I don't think the Government is going to alter my statement any. Source: Warren Commission Hearings, Vol. VII, p. 105. http://karws.gso.uri.edu/jfk/history/wc_pe...t/Weitzman.html chris
  16. John, The left window in question. Is it open or closed? The windows to the right both have a white frame(arrows) from which one would push up/down the window. Where is that white frame in the left window? Whether it's open or closed. Shouldn't we see it? chris
  17. Double post Next one if you will. chris
  18. Charlie, They had the local press controlled fairly early, also. According to Mary Woodward (Reporter), who was on Elm St. and saw Kennedy's head explode. Some of her interview from "TMWKK". chris
  19. Hi Charles, I didn't use it as a timing reference to the headshot/Z film. If that's the indication I gave, I apologize. According to the acoustical evidence I've heard, the last 2 shots were approx. 7/10 second apart. Fired on direct command from close but different positions, quite possible. Shooting position is established by the enhanced photo. imo When/If they fired from THIS position, unsure at this point. chris
  20. That post was made sometime ago, i have had a re-think on the green "blemished area" and i no longer agree with the comment i made regarding it. If you look at the corrolation between the two annotated photo's above it puts the person with two hands raised way over in the top right hand corner of the wiegman frame, and the one you colorised right down the bottom in the middle, even lower than the Dark complected man in the left hand corner. I think it is very important to look at both photo's together. A and E would appear to be O.K. B might be a problem. B body fits E head in Altgen's Inset shows B body below E head in Wiegman. Validated Time Sync Needed. chris
  21. Duncan, From Holland's interview with Lane. I'll leave the analysis to you. What Bernice supplied previously appears to be very accurate in terms of distance. imo I believe there are 3 men in the position you have described. (Moorman Photo Enhanced) At this point, I assume he is just one of the shooters along that fence. Did he take the headshot? Don't know, but at the least, he's prepared to shoot. By the way, the aspect ratio on what I have supplied has not been changed. I believe the animation clearly shows it's a cop's hat. Or is it another coincidence that the hat shapes match quite nicely. chris
  22. Glad to do it. The previous animation showed the white hat is the shape of a police hat. imo Here's one that might be a little more definitive. Duncan, I believe there are 3 people in your hatman area. 1. He is standing behind the shooter #2. His face is partially obscurred by the rifle. But look at his suit and tie just above the wall. 2. The shooter. Sighting through rifle. His face partially obscurs #1. 3. White hatman. Not sure if he is a shooter or a cop cover for the shooter. 4. The rifle appears to be military. Short gunbutt. Flip-up sight. Reminds me of an assault style rifle. I don't know squat about guns, but that would be my best analogy. chris P.S. Added enlarged and more darkened version for viewing. If too bug, stand back from computer 5-10 ft.
  23. Duncan, Maybe there were multiple hatmen. If it helps. chris chris, Could you "outline" any possible figures which you point to with the two red arrows? Thx Miles Hi Miles, I hope the animation gives you a better idea of what I initially saw, in regards to the white hat on the right. On the left is a person with a black hat on. imo At this point, I can only see the hats and partial faces attached, above the fence. Duncan, I believe your theory is very promising. chris
  24. Duncan, Maybe there were multiple hatmen. If it helps. chris
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