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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. I noticed you used the background buildings to register your gif. What would it look like if you use the stemmons sign? Jack Jack, Since I'm perspectively challenged, I'll just post it aligning the Stemmon's sign. I know that left pole moves ever so slightly between the two, it's the best I can do without changing the aspect ratio. thanks chris
  2. Closer to frame 255-Altgen's match. Her right hand and thumb are higher than her left. imo chris Chris...how about an animated gif of 246 and 253. I believe Jackie's left hand moves impossibly fast in 7/18 second between frames. Jack Jack, Here you go. Slower or faster, let me know. chris
  3. Was this new Memorial photo taken on the same day? If known. chris
  4. Thomas, Hope this is OK. I took the liberty of layering/registering both photo's for other's to see. What's the next bombshell? thanks chris
  5. In other words, Rate x Time = Distance (Limo) Once one knows the true station locations. chris
  6. Thomas, Why the difference in the(County Records) roofline and the wall below. The picture is a frame from a Robert Hughes movie. thanks chris
  7. Thomas/Jack and others, Could it be that the Limo was proportionately shrunk or am I missing something with this comparison. The Stemmon's sign cuts off each vehicle's wheel well approx. at the same spot, but notice the difference in position/size of the tire/car between each photo. I also think the limo would be longer on the front end than almost any other car. I believe I have everything else pretty much to size except for camera shift, left to right. The animation repeats the first two frames purposely, to show the difference in tire position between the two. thanks chris I also think the limo would be longer on the front end than almost any other car Nope! The front of end of the limo remains the exact same dimensions as either a two-door or 4-door. To make a limo, the vehicle is extended in the rear section of the car. The Distance from front bumper to rear of front seat would remain, for all practical purposes, the same. The Stemmon's sign cuts off each vehicle's wheel well approx. at the same spot, but notice the difference in position/size of the tire/car between each photo. Since the "Memorial Photo" was taken from a position which was slightly left of the Zapruder position, then vehicle wheel and wheel well alignment would not be exact for both photo's. The Zapruder film would show the wheel well/complete tire while a portion of it would still be masked from view of the Memorial Photo by the edge of the road sign, merely due to the line-of-sight. P.S. Hope you did not think that the flag at "Half-Staff" in the Memorial Sign was merely there for decorative purposes. http://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z217.jpg Thanks Thomas, No, The first thing I thought when I saw the flag was as an alignment marker, not even noticing the Half-Staff aspect of it. Glad you're more perspective perceptive than I am. WOW chris That little white object which appears as if it is sitting on the top of the right sign post is neither a coincidence nor an illusion either. And, it also IS NOT a rain gauge listening device. Not to mention other EEI related to this photo. You are talking in riddles. Please come right out and tell us what you are talking about. Jack You are talking in riddles For many, a "riddle" stimulates the mind and opens it to separate and independent thought and examination of issues. Jack, you have been looking at the photographic evidence far longer than have I. Yet, it would appear that you have wasted much of this time in looking at/for badgeman; black dog man; sewer drain man; or God only knows what. So, why not either make an attempt to factually resolve something for yourself and present it here or else just sit back and enjoy either a laugh or the ride. P.S. There are many such "riddles" that you are not aware of, and I for one enjoy how they have continued to decieve as well as misdirect the attention necessary to understand as well as resolve what the riddle is even about. Sign Me: Wasted no time chasing mythological creatures, as the riddles at hand were more than sufficient to occupy one's time and thought. Thomas, At first glance I believed it to be some type of alignment marker for the Stemmon's support poles. But looking closer, it appears to be on the ground across the street. My guess is a mirror for positioning/reverse imaging registration or something along those lines. chris
  8. Thank you, Chris! Wow! That's the best I've ever seen the Towner film. The shirt collar is clearly visible at the back of his neck, and the bowed out "bulge" is also quite visible. No matter if the "bulge" is similar to the one in Jefferies -- the jacket clearly dropped from its position in Jefferies. And how is it the "bulge" didn't pick up any sunshine in Betzner #3. Funny how a 1/2" shirt collar caught sunshine but 6 inches of bunched up shirt and jacket fabric remained in shadow. Chris, do you have access to a good copy of the Nix film? And could you post a frame from the Towner film after the first motorcycle cop passes? TIA... Cliff, Probably the best I have of this request. Don't know what the white lines are in Towner, but I got the best I could without it going across his back. Both enlarged and slightly enhanced for contrast. chris Fantastic! Thanks Chris! One thing Gary Mack is right about -- the Groden copies of these films are crap. New detail in the Nix frame -- the dimpled jacket, and a slight jacket bulge. His shirt collar is not visible in that frame. Also, compare the two Towner frames. In the earlier frame, the "tip" of the jacket bulge pokes above the right shoulder-line. In the later frame, the right shoulder-line is smooth. And, of course, the shirt collar is clearly visible at the back of the neck in Towner. Chris, during a later frame in the Nix film JBC is positioned equally between Jackie and JFK. In that frame the shirt collar is visible. Could you grab that frame? TIA, my friend. Here you go. Didn't touch this one as it becomes more blurry in previous/successive frames. Left it in PNG format, so no compression. If you can't open it let me know and I'll .jpg for you. chris
  9. Thank you, Chris! Wow! That's the best I've ever seen the Towner film. The shirt collar is clearly visible at the back of his neck, and the bowed out "bulge" is also quite visible. No matter if the "bulge" is similar to the one in Jefferies -- the jacket clearly dropped from its position in Jefferies. And how is it the "bulge" didn't pick up any sunshine in Betzner #3. Funny how a 1/2" shirt collar caught sunshine but 6 inches of bunched up shirt and jacket fabric remained in shadow. Chris, do you have access to a good copy of the Nix film? And could you post a frame from the Towner film after the first motorcycle cop passes? TIA... Cliff, Probably the best I have of this request. Don't know what the white lines are in Towner, but I got the best I could without it going across his back. Both enlarged and slightly enhanced for contrast. chris
  10. Closer to frame 255-Altgen's match. Her right hand and thumb are higher than her left. imo chris
  11. Jack, I did not make a mistake. Costella's image within the frames(old+new) are different by 1 %. Bernice's version of the Memorial photo and the one I posted are the exact same size. One just has a watermark, the other doesn't. I also took a new Costella frame and layered it over his panorama, and at 41% it fits. No aspect ratio changes among the Costella versions needed. chris
  12. Cliff, If you know what specific frame from the movie you need, just specify. Here's one from the movie and the photo by Jim Towner. I enlarged them somewhat. If it helps, chris
  13. Thomas/Jack and others, Could it be that the Limo was proportionately shrunk or am I missing something with this comparison. The Stemmon's sign cuts off each vehicle's wheel well approx. at the same spot, but notice the difference in position/size of the tire/car between each photo. I also think the limo would be longer on the front end than almost any other car. I believe I have everything else pretty much to size except for camera shift, left to right. The animation repeats the first two frames purposely, to show the difference in tire position between the two. thanks chris Chris...your animated gif is very useful in showing SOMETHING...I just haven't figured WHAT yet. The two images correspond exactly VERTICALLY, but not horizontally. This is easily seen by placing your cursor arrow on any point while the animation shifts between images. It is clear that background objects between images are on the precise line of sight vertically. Because you have perfectly aligned the Stemmons sign posts, the sign stays motionless. But as the image dissolves, the background shifts horizontally; the tree moves; the holes in the wall move; the windows move. The background displacement is so significant that, given the small area atop the pedestal, it seems unlikely that both images were shot from there. This is very difficult to determine without actual experimentation and calculation. Looking only at the two images overlaid, my expectation would be that both lenses were at the exact same height, but that ONE image was from the pedestal and the OTHER IMAGE WAS NOT. This raises the question of a ladder being used for one of the photos...BUT IT MAKES NO SENSE FOR SOMEONE TO TOTE A LADDER TO THE PLAZA TO TAKE A PHOTO WHEN THEY CAN JUST CLIMB ATOP THE PEDESTAL. Someone needs to plot this on a very large plat to try and locate the two lines of sight. It looks like one is from the pedestal, and the other is from BESIDE the pedestal, but at the same height. Very odd. I have no idea whether this is significant or not. Do you? Jack Jack, I don't know if this will help, but when I did the original animation (first post) with Dr.Costella's frame, the aspect ratio enlargement of the Memorial photo was (239%). In this latest animation, I had to change the aspect ratio to 235%(width)x@215%(height) to get it this close. chris Changing the aspect ratio makes the study invalid for the purpose used. HOWEVER, IT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAD TO CHANGE THE ASPECT RATIO TO ACHIEVE A FIT. Jack Thanks Jack, Before you spend any more time on this, hold on! I might have made a big mistake. Last night, Bernice sent me a copy of the Memorial photo without the "Corbis" watermark. Much appreciated, Bernice! I used this one along with Dr.Costella's newer movie version frame for the latest comparison. Whereas my first comparison was with the "Corbis" version and older Costella frame. I NEVER changed the aspect ratio on the Costella frames. Will repost apples to apples comparison later on this afternoon. Sorry for the slip up, chris
  14. Thomas/Jack and others, Could it be that the Limo was proportionately shrunk or am I missing something with this comparison. The Stemmon's sign cuts off each vehicle's wheel well approx. at the same spot, but notice the difference in position/size of the tire/car between each photo. I also think the limo would be longer on the front end than almost any other car. I believe I have everything else pretty much to size except for camera shift, left to right. The animation repeats the first two frames purposely, to show the difference in tire position between the two. thanks chris I also think the limo would be longer on the front end than almost any other car Nope! The front of end of the limo remains the exact same dimensions as either a two-door or 4-door. To make a limo, the vehicle is extended in the rear section of the car. The Distance from front bumper to rear of front seat would remain, for all practical purposes, the same. The Stemmon's sign cuts off each vehicle's wheel well approx. at the same spot, but notice the difference in position/size of the tire/car between each photo. Since the "Memorial Photo" was taken from a position which was slightly left of the Zapruder position, then vehicle wheel and wheel well alignment would not be exact for both photo's. The Zapruder film would show the wheel well/complete tire while a portion of it would still be masked from view of the Memorial Photo by the edge of the road sign, merely due to the line-of-sight. P.S. Hope you did not think that the flag at "Half-Staff" in the Memorial Sign was merely there for decorative purposes. http://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z217.jpg Thanks Thomas, No, The first thing I thought when I saw the flag was as an alignment marker, not even noticing the Half-Staff aspect of it. Glad you're more perspective perceptive than I am. WOW chris
  15. Thomas/Jack and others, Could it be that the Limo was proportionately shrunk or am I missing something with this comparison. The Stemmon's sign cuts off each vehicle's wheel well approx. at the same spot, but notice the difference in position/size of the tire/car between each photo. I also think the limo would be longer on the front end than almost any other car. I believe I have everything else pretty much to size except for camera shift, left to right. The animation repeats the first two frames purposely, to show the difference in tire position between the two. thanks chris Chris...your animated gif is very useful in showing SOMETHING...I just haven't figured WHAT yet. The two images correspond exactly VERTICALLY, but not horizontally. This is easily seen by placing your cursor arrow on any point while the animation shifts between images. It is clear that background objects between images are on the precise line of sight vertically. Because you have perfectly aligned the Stemmons sign posts, the sign stays motionless. But as the image dissolves, the background shifts horizontally; the tree moves; the holes in the wall move; the windows move. The background displacement is so significant that, given the small area atop the pedestal, it seems unlikely that both images were shot from there. This is very difficult to determine without actual experimentation and calculation. Looking only at the two images overlaid, my expectation would be that both lenses were at the exact same height, but that ONE image was from the pedestal and the OTHER IMAGE WAS NOT. This raises the question of a ladder being used for one of the photos...BUT IT MAKES NO SENSE FOR SOMEONE TO TOTE A LADDER TO THE PLAZA TO TAKE A PHOTO WHEN THEY CAN JUST CLIMB ATOP THE PEDESTAL. Someone needs to plot this on a very large plat to try and locate the two lines of sight. It looks like one is from the pedestal, and the other is from BESIDE the pedestal, but at the same height. Very odd. I have no idea whether this is significant or not. Do you? Jack Jack, I don't know if this will help, but when I did the original animation (first post) with Dr.Costella's frame, the aspect ratio enlargement of the Memorial photo was (239%). In this latest animation, I had to change the aspect ratio to 235%(width)x@215%(height) to get it this close. chris
  16. Thomas/Jack and others, Could it be that the Limo was proportionately shrunk or am I missing something with this comparison. The Stemmon's sign cuts off each vehicle's wheel well approx. at the same spot, but notice the difference in position/size of the tire/car between each photo. I also think the limo would be longer on the front end than almost any other car. I believe I have everything else pretty much to size except for camera shift, left to right. The animation repeats the first two frames purposely, to show the difference in tire position between the two. thanks chris
  17. Eugene, I agree, her right hand is over/above his left arm Why don't we at least see Jackie's "White Right Thumb" over Jack's dark suit in Altgen's, as we do in Z? chris
  18. Sorry Jack, Just trying to show the difference in position of camera by speeding it up. My question would be: Should the concrete pillar in the background move the same as the Stemmon's sign in the foreground? They are pretty much in line with each other. Also, should the roadsigns attached to the Thornton Sign pole stay in the same location with the different camera position? Lastly, I'd never seen the Stemmon's sign photographed from the pedestal besides the Z film. chris Much better, Chris...but the best way to show it would be a SLOW DISSOLVE between the images, so that one fades in as the other fades out. Thanks. Jack No problem A little slower. chris
  19. Chuck, Can you use either of these 2 enlargements to plot the wound again? I just enlarged what Robin and Eugene supplied earlier, thanks to both of them. Also, Jackie clamps Jack's left arm with both hands. In fact, her Right hand initially presses down on what appears to be Jack's elbow before she forms the clamp. Where is this depicted in Altgen's? chris
  20. Sorry Jack, Just trying to show the difference in position of camera by speeding it up. My question would be: Should the concrete pillar in the background move the same as the Stemmon's sign in the foreground? They are pretty much in line with each other. Also, should the roadsigns attached to the Thornton Sign pole stay in the same location with the different camera position? Lastly, I'd never seen the Stemmon's sign photographed from the pedestal besides the Z film. chris
  21. Earlier I posted this photo and stated it wasn't taken from the pedestal. I believe I was wrong. It appears to be very cose to the Z film, with the full Stemmon's sign in view. The animation shows it layered over Dr.Costella's panorama. (Thank you John). Chris
  22. I believe this coincides with Holland's "last shot" description, also. In Trask, Holland say's he heard 4 shots, the last 2 shots were fired so close together, he thought it was a "doubleshot." The headshot occurs near Altgens, it appears acoustical testing has the last shot about 7/10 second later, I think Holland has it pegged. It also sync's well with the acoustical testing done by D.B. Thomas. Files provided: Holland interview with Mark Lane. Data from D.B.Thomas. I have added what's in red to indicate how this sync's with the gunshot audio. Audio of gunshots. Well done, Thomas chris
  23. Thomas, Be careful when dealing with the ghost images. There are strange things that occur with them. Here's another example when I was in Dealy Plaza filming with my B/H 414: Main frame with the adjacent frames. The ghost image is bleeding into the main frame at the bottom sprocket hole. (Arrows) Then I copied and registered it, at the top of the main frame. (Arrows) Three points I want to bring up: 1. The ghost image is the top of that building. The top of that building is NOT in any of my frames. 2. The angle of the ghost image does not appear to be the same angle as the building. 3. When I registered the ghost image to the top, I did NOT rotate it. hope it makes sense, chris
  24. Here's another one, Not quite from the pedestal, but you get the idea. Photographer unknown. chris
  25. The animation shows a frame from Wiegman's footage shown on T.V. on 11-22-63, layered over the same frame from Groden's version. Groden's version appears to be full framed. Was it customary for television to enlarge and crop film footage for T.V. broadcasting. The same day. As you can see from the animation, the 11-22-63 footage was enlarged approx.(123%W x 118%H) and cropped when comparing to a full frame from Groden. chris
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