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Myra Bronstein

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Posts posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. I caught a snippett of something called MEGAPHONE technology that allows groups to know where oppositional rhetoric is being typed on the internet. I read it was being used by Israel against opponents of the Zionazis. Has anyone heard of this MEGAPHONE technology?

    Might this in some way be related to the topic of this thread?

    By this you mean where the post is origininating from physically? Or other? Doesn't sound like a progam one is going to easily get one's hands on...and where is not the problem...it is the post itself that is....perhaps Charles and Myra are closest to the right answer...ignore...there is only one problem with ignore. For example I post a piece on Guernica being a false-flag op. Colby fires back a 'prove it' post [even though reading the original post would have provided the answer]. A newbee or visitor from the internet will likely go to the last [most recent] post first and seeing Colby's post assume the prior post contained NO information about about it being a false-flag operation and move on without reading the whole thread.....the hatchet-job done and my post much diminished. ...

    That's very true.

    Ideally the reader will have the attention span and capacity for critical thought to read further and judge for themselves.


    "I further object that the same person has posted on my biography and would ask that his post on my biography be removed or moved. He is not entitled [nor as far as I'm concerned welcome] to add, subtract or try to discredit my biography."

    I agree, Peter, that attacking someone's bio is over the line.

    I consider it harassment.

    Do the mods agree?

    And from what I've seen Len's posts fall into one of two categories:

    1) Demanding citation on every word no matter how casual or irrelevant.

    2) Rejecting the citation as insufficiently authoritative.

    He could automate his posts to accomplish the same thing.

    Once "authoritative" citations are provided he goes invisible. I see no evolution of perspective or incorporation of new information into his framework of beliefs or attempt at meeting of minds or processing of new information.

    I just see hectoring, with absolutely no positive contribution to the discussion or research on the given topic.

  3. Friends -- and Others,

    They're winning.

    Unless ...

    If we don't engage in a direct exchange, they huff and puff and choke on their own venom.

    Their sounds and furies are performed to empty seats.

    We have the most serious business imaginable to conduct. All of this is an immense waste of resources.

    Unless ... Let us use them as the enemy attempts to use us: Listen carefully (not respectfully) and attempt to gauge by their behaviors the larger perceptions and fears and goals (of their masters).

    Why not create what in political campaigns is called an "opposition research" file on these characters? Copy their posts to a thread so named -- and from which they are banned -- and invite informed analyses of the portions of the larger picture they inadvertently reveal.

    For us, it's win/win.

    Can we do this? Should we?

    Charles Drago

    Do it; take the initiative.

    And I appreciate the fact that you're focused on solutions.

  4. ...

    Oh for gods sakes, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Your posts are some of the most vile on this forum and you are calling others out? I can't even begin to count the number of your posts calling members facists, nazis etc, Herr whomever.

    I know you can't count them Craig, but can you give at least one example to back up your assertion?

  5. Myra,



    I know we're concerned about the same subjects, but really ...

    Let's not allow Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to pit us against each other.

    If we do, they win.

    If we won't, they're dead.

    Prince Charles

    Let's dump the title Charles.

    You're a far better person that the actual Prince Charles so it doesn't do you justice.

  6. Forum rule,

    (iv) Members should not make personal attacks on other members. Nor should references be made to their abilities as researchers. Most importantly, the motivations of the poster should not be questioned. At all times members should concentrate on what is being said, rather than who is saying it. It is up to the reader to look at the biography submitted by the poster, to judge whether they are telling the truth or not. The word “xxxx” is banned from use on the forum.

    I don't think it is appropriate to start a thread questioning the motivations of a forum member. The forum rule states that we must concentrate on what is being said, not the personality of the poster. I think that this is mainly a guideline for keeping the level of debate above personal disagreements and keeping it on topic.


    How does this apply to the thread John S. started about Tim Gratz John?


  7. I'm not comfortable with the efforts to silence Messrs. Colby and Gratz.

    Charles, who is trying to do that?

    I assume he's talking about this post of mine Mike, #81:


    I said:

    "I don't understand why someone who is only here to heckle is allowed to remain on the forum.

    He seems to be the only forum member who is not expected to comply with the rules."

    I think it's reasonable and accurate to describe what I said as an attempt to silence someone.

    And it's because I think Gratz makes every thread about him instead of about the topic, and I think it's absurd and disruptive, and I don't think he's here in good faith to advance the research.

    But I've said my piece so I'm done with the subject.

  8. ...

    They do us no harm.


    Yeah yeah you're a prince I get it.

    But you should say "they do ME no harm."

    IMO non-stop aggravation is harm.

    I don't particularly care because I use my "ignore" option for anyone like that.

    But it is tiresome nonetheless, and this is a moderated forum, and I think it's reasonable to wonder out loud why some people get away with so much.

  9. Greetings also Charles:

    Well I am one of those, that think if the person is available, such as he is

    and he has and is willing to reply to questions posted....on his Forum...

    Then any suppositions or questions asked on another forum are really fruitless, and it seems to me unfair..

    If you do not ask the source then you may never access the information, that you seek.

    Instead many end up just reading others thinkies and or snide personal remarks.....and come away

    with the impression that they wish them to have, to me that is allowing someone else to think for you,

    and is a no no.

    And also as a member you have yourself never asked him, but that is your perogative, of course..



    Good point Bernice.

    And I'll add that Rich is an extremely accessible individual, and his forum is accessible, so both can easily be judged first hand.

  10. Len Colby said...

    "As for DellaRosa I know nothing about except for his reputation for not allowing dissent on his forum, this suggests a narrow minded person locked into his beliefs to me. It's not a leap to image that such a person could be "a victim of creative memory"."

    I take it then you have never been a member..?...But believe gossip..?..Passed along by those who have a grudge to settle...

    Keep it up, this attitude will take you far in life...


    I have found that I cannot benefit from discussions with Len, and his remarks on this thread display so many of the qualities that led me to that conclusion.

    By contrast I can and do benefit from discussions with Rich.

  11. http://www.theage.com.au/news/world/cuban-...7462495675.html

    "Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque today said President Fidel Castro was still recovering from his operation last year and was keeping busy, having personally instructed him on his visit to Brazil.

    While attending the Forum for East Asia Latin American Co-operation (FEALAC), Roque, in an interview with AFP, dispelled rumours about Castro's health taking a turn for the worse since his 81st birthday on August 13."


    When he does die I think we can expect yet another wave of anti-JFK propaganda.

  12. If you were aware of the history here you'd know he was already banned at least once after extreme provocation.

    Past behavior is an indicator of future behavior.

    yes, I'm aware.....but i'm sorry, i don't agree with banning Mr.Gratz...

    have you taken a look at the Churchill/Hess/Sikorski thread lately?

    while I tend to sympathise with Prof. Simkins premise, the questions arising present an oppurtunity.

    to make your case.

    or not.

    we, as a group, are labeled "dissenters", or worse.....when the oppurtunity arises to successfully refute one of the "other side", why would we reject it?

    I'm not talking Miller vs. White and or Healy...

    but the opportunity to to show that the cover story concealing the memory/rabbit hole isn't perfect....obviously, there are flaws....and if someone with Mr.Gratz's resume wants to hang it out in the breeze....and be so very opinionated about it...why censor him?

    it's just ammo......probably not 6mm ammo, but a glimpse of what you're/we're up against....you can either flip out, shine it on, or try to understand.

    and just so you know where I stand, Ms. Bronstein.....Myra, if I may....

    Dave Morales....Rip and Buddies......Papa Bush....Fascism sucks.

    If the world's most powerful nation was only run the way it was meant to be.....

    There's no case to make Tom, Mr. Kutzer if I may.

    John and Andy and the mods have already made the rules and now it's up to them to apply them as they deem appropriate.

    I think Gratz's actions constitute harassment so I consider this case an appropriate one to apply the rules to.

    A matter of opinion, to which I'm entitled.

    If you object to the rules then you may want to debate them with the mods.

    I already debated the proposed rules back when the subject was open to debate.

  13. Not that it's my job to defend Tim, but I feel compelled to point out that he is not as stuck in his ways as some might believe. A few years ago he was leaning towards Cuba or the KGB. Now he considers the mob a likely suspect. In another few years--who knows--maybe he'll conclude it was the CIA, and then we can all do a little jig.

    I met Tim while on vacation in Key West and would be thoroughly surprised if he was involved in any deliberate disinformation campaign. He's just a little--shall we say--enthusiastic.

    It was because of your request that I reinstated Tim.


    Thannnnnnks Pat.

    It wasn't as simple as my asking for his reinstatement. John had written something about Tim, to which Tim had been trying to respond. Tim complained about this to me and I brought it to John's attention. If Tim's ability to comment had been limited to threads about Tim himself, I'd have had no problem.

    I'm sorry Pat. It's not like you owe any explanation. And you're certainly not responsible for anyone else's behavior.

    I was out of line giving you attitude.

  14. "Do you always offer opinions and advice before you take the time to look into the situation, and learn the history and facts?

    If so I'll give your input the consideration it's due."

    do you?....if you're gonna call me kettle, you might take a look at the pot, no?

    I've been reading this forum almost since Day 1...and read 5-6 times daily....though it did take me some time to register, granted.

    I'm well aware of Mr.Gratz's history here....and fairly aware of his possibly former(?) career.

    it's my opinion that most boards should have doubters....maybe you recognize the name vonPein?

    why be afraid of someone that "calls us out" on our theories?...they tend to make people work harder....though that can be time consuming, I suppose.

    and while I understand some people's annoyance at Mr. Gratz's "style", or lame threats, banning him seems to me to be just a bit hypocritical, and quite possibly counter productive.

    cheers, and happy researching!

    If you were aware of the history here you'd know he was already banned at least once after extreme provocation.

    Past behavior is an indicator of future behavior.

  15. Hi Bernice,


    As for what Jack said he sees that shadow consisting of, I just wish I had some of what he's on.


    I'm glad I'm not partaking of whatever you're on Alan 'cause I can see a form that could be a person with a camera and tripod. It definitely warrants further scrutiny. Especially given the fact that some have stated they've seen a second film of the assassination.

    Jack, I don't know cameras. Is it likely that an average person would have a 16mm in 1963, or is that a camera that a pro was more likely to have?


    did you clik the thumbnail in my post to see a superior frame from Nix that shows nothing there?

    Maybe there is another Nix film too?

    One shows a camerman the other does not.

    As for the shadow itself, to me it's a old man wearing a beret with a long white beard on a skateboard.

    How can he be filming if he's on a skateboard?

    No I didn't notice that Alan.

    I'll check it out.

    So, you think ZZ Top may have been there?

  16. Not that it's my job to defend Tim, but I feel compelled to point out that he is not as stuck in his ways as some might believe. A few years ago he was leaning towards Cuba or the KGB. Now he considers the mob a likely suspect. In another few years--who knows--maybe he'll conclude it was the CIA, and then we can all do a little jig.

    I met Tim while on vacation in Key West and would be thoroughly surprised if he was involved in any deliberate disinformation campaign. He's just a little--shall we say--enthusiastic.

    It was because of your request that I reinstated Tim.


    Thannnnnnks Pat.

  17. well....what exactly do you think is happening?

    TG is a disinfo plant?

    if that's the case, let him ride....

    friends close, enemies closer.

    Do you always offer opinions and advice before you take the time to look into the situation, and learn the history and facts?

    If so I'll give your input the consideration it's due.

  18. Hi Bernice,


    As for what Jack said he sees that shadow consisting of, I just wish I had some of what he's on.


    I'm glad I'm not partaking of whatever you're on Alan 'cause I can see a form that could be a person with a camera and tripod. It definitely warrants further scrutiny. Especially given the fact that some have stated they've seen a second film of the assassination.

    Jack, I don't know cameras. Is it likely that an average person would have a 16mm in 1963, or is that a camera that a pro was more likely to have?

  19. ...

    Even if you totally disagree with everything Tim posts, surely you can take solace in the fact that his presence allows you to reinforce your own views, which many seem to do anyway.


    Your assurance is misplaced. I take no solace in his presence or antics. Furthermore I don't need a perpetual devil's advocate to bolster my views.

    And don't call me "Shirley."


  20. In the doorway directly behind Zapruder, Bernice lightened Nix frames and

    found a man with what appears to be a tripod and a large 16mm movie camera!

    More to come.

    Bernice will post my study of her find below.

    Great work, Bernice!!!!!!!!!!!


    A select few have long said they had been shown portions of a film that seemed to have been filmed from very near the Z position, but showing things different than in the Z film.....could this be the cameraman [i'd guess MI]. Can't wait to see this image......great work!

    Can you elaborate on what different things the other film (x-film?) showed Peter?

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