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Myra Bronstein

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Posts posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. Myra, if you are willing and in a position to do so, possibly through the networks of libraries and Uni-College library resources, unavailable to non US Citizens, this study can be made. There are databases that one needs to subscribe to that institutions have the resources to do. Including obits and local paper archives. Also visits to cemetery offices may yield results. Over here in west OZ it's only the major publications that are readily available. (Marcello apparently owned Cemetery(ies) in NO). Other private Cemeteries and morgues would have records.

    An understanding of the realities of the southern situation with regards to unknown corpses and their disposal/certification is necessary. It's not a pretty picture in many instances. The coroner often had no interest or training in determining causes of death, instead 'just followed orders'. Yet it's not necessarily particulars that would yield results but rather the pattern that may emeerge that when comparing to an expected or assumed pattern, and thus seeing the anomalies will narrow down the areas to search. This is what Snow did, and contrary to skepticism of colleagues, which led him to undertake the work in private, it did emerge as a significant, if not decicive factor in prosecution of perps.

    Appreciate the tips John.

    I'll do what time permits.

    I was sorta hoping forum members would have some of the info I'm seeking, to make the job smaller.

    I'll check out Penn Jones' book.

  2. I suspect I'll regret this post but what the heck:

    I've been told that this is a true story: A wealthy man who was addicted to nicotine desired to stop smoking, and with the time his wealth allowed him, he went to many people across the globe seeking a 'cure', Nothing seemed to work for him. In the end he went to a famous female Guru in India to see if she, as he had been led to believe, had an answer. The story goes that she said, after listening to his long and convoluted story, there is only one way to stop smoking, and that is to stop smoking.

    Thanks for the parable John.

    The... cigarette is now back on "ignore."


  3. [...]

    I searched on the word "reconcile."

    Apparently it's not a frequently used word.



    You're absolutely right, Myra. I never would have guessed in a thousand years that "reconcile" (or, for that matter, "reconciliation") would actually belong to your so-called "active" vocabulary.

    --ThomASS (as you say)


    Mm-hm, it's very easy to keep taking catty little swipes Thomas.

    How about actually focusing on the point?

    You're the one who wanted to discuss this.

    So it's been discussed.

    And I pointed you to the thread since you didn't recall my words well enough to find it on your own, so you can reconcile your version with the truth. I'm trying to help you through your little crisis.

  4. That is an absolute lie Thomas.

    I don't appreciate the slander.

    And I don't appreciate the fact that Gary locked the thread that the lie was in to prevent me from responding.

    Now Thomas, you claimed I said:

    ""You killed JFK, didn't you?" or words to that effect. LOL"

    If you're going to make a claim like that then back it up with proof instead of giggling and disappearing.

    Find that post or retract your claim.


    Well Myra,

    I was wrong. I plugged in the search term "***ch" and came up with zilch (LOL), but you and I and half of the members of The Forum can definitely remember when "Tosh" called you a "***ch," and I'm sure that you or someone else can find the pertinent thread and post, unless, as you have so adroitly and perhaps paranoiacally (sp?) pointed out, "Tosh" and/or I have managed to erase in order to protect his/our/my "cover" and/or operational usefulness. Remember, "Paranoia Strikes Deep...."



    So you were wrong. Ok Thomas.

    Were you able to find a post where I said "You killed JFK, didn't you?" or words to that effect."?


    No I wasn't wrong, Myra. You're still a ******* *****. (Wonderful person)

    As regards your accusing of "Tosh," of, in so many words, being a witting conspirator in the assassination of JFK, how can I possibly find that thread if, as you say, "Tosh" somehow erased that thread? Of course, maybe someone else who is less technologically-challenged than I can find it on this wonderfully large and informative but rather search-engine-sucking Forum. Maybe I can't find it My-ra, but I sure as hell remember it, and so do half of the other members....

    --ThomASS (as you say)

    P.S. I reiterate-- sue me.


    And you FINALLY get to the point.

    Tosh erased all of his posts (right after calling me a b****).

    Now what legitimate reason could there be for that action?

    When I asked him how he could reconcile his two different statements (that is the language I used),

    he responded by scrubbing all of his posts.

    That made it impossible for anyone to go back and compare the contradictory statements for themself.

    That is not something that someone does if they have nothing to hide and do not fear scrutiny.

    Furthermore, it makes it pointless for you to keep harping on whether or not he was chased from the forum.

    He, not I, removed all evidence of what happened.

    His actions made it impossible to do anything but depend on memory.

    Have you ever asked him why he deleted all of his posts Thomas?

  5. Rather than focus on mysterious deaths, why not generate enough interest to solve the verifiable homicides that the criminal justice system must address?


    I think this can be approached in a couple of ways. 1. As stated, focus on the verifiable. Of course one must id what that may be. Throwing the net wide and then choosing is a credible approach IMO. 2. Another thing which I have attempted~, and if I had the opportunity of living in Dallas area for a year or two would contnue with, is the statastical analysis mentioned before. Therein one may percieve patterns that may be helpful.

    There is a well documented precedent that led to successful prosecution in Argentina*.

    ~This was a look at police deaths and partly on change of personell. Given the resources this far from the scene (west OZ), it proved of little value as the patterns could easily be ascribed to other influences. Nevertheless if done properly, one may have a pattern that contributes to bolstering the claim of conspiracy. ...

    Exactly. Which is why I'm trying to find out the ages of the dead witnesses.

    Clearly, deaths of younger people arouse more suspicion.

    I wonder if Penn Jones gave their ages.

  6. Hello David. Yes, there are very many "strange" possible connections. I however have been prone to maintain that many possible connections have been purposely implanted into this case, by agents of the conspiracy, to muddy up the water. I feel that the continued success of this cover however relates back to the very simplicity of its basics.

    I will agin briefly repeat what I think those basics are / were.

    1) only a handful at the very top who were essential to the COVER (not the shooting) had to be in place. These few did not even know the specifics of the "kill"!

    2) Below them was "the" planner coordinator.

    3) Then degrees of the typical intelligence agency multi layering, that insured that those involved knew no more than "their own" particular role.

    4) Persons with the ability to terminate threats...these persons would have no idea of the "WHY" of their hits.

    This is why I am one of the few who believe that the introduction of Mafia and Anti Castros was only a clever and successful tactic to misdirect thinking and investigation.

    There was nothing that the Mafia or the Anti Castros could provide that couldn't have been better and more surely handled by trusted government assets. The "TONGUES" of the mobsters and Cubans was too hard to control. They were bragging about the hit while not even having anything to do with it. All that they knew is what was purposely trickled down to them to satisfy them that "the thing" was going to happen. The total "brilliance and continued success" of this Coup was a result of its "Simplicity". The research community has self destructed as a result of not believing this pure simplicity ! This of course is just "my speculation"! Charlie Black

    I agree that the massively extensive roster of possible conspirators has significantly contributed to the general ridicule of conspiracy theorists. While I generally agree with the above points numbered 1-4, the exception is the complexity of the sheepdipping performed on Oswald. The representation of Oswald as a disgruntled, sexually-inadequate stock clerk just doesn't hold water. As if the production by the CIA of the misidentified Mexico City Saul photos wasn't enough, how about the invoice, initialed by Hoover ("JEH") while Oswald was in Russia, naming Oswald as the buyer in Florida of a number of trucks on behalf of an anti-Castro organization?



    I'm sorry but I was unable to find your JFK essay on your myspace.

    Could you please point me to it?

    I'd like to read it.



  7. It helps people understand why I've just stood down as a moderator Myra, it wasn't for any other reason. Don't tar all moderators with a brush you should use just on me. I only discussed this openly so my actions thereafter would be more understood.

    My lack of ability in dispute moderation is evidently flawed to such a degree that you're quite right, I didn't know what I was doing wrong and in terms of the duty I was asked to perform on this forum that can only be seen as a fatal flaw.

    As I've just sent to John explaining my decision (more indiscretion), "if my attempts at dispute resolution result in igniting tensions then the work I'm perofming as a moderator is less than useless".

    I can understand why you have resigned as moderator but the problem is that by doing so you allow people like Myra to win. She will not be satisfied until all moderators resign.

    Ah John, always taking the high road.

    You are SO my role model.


    (Thus the problem.)

  8. And when do they do it, if not now?



    P.S. To new member David G., if you want to find the pertinent posts between Tosh and Ms. Bee, I suggest that you simply plug in the search term "b****," because that's what Tosh called her right before he left The Forum. "

    Hi Myra,

    Unfortunately the salary for moderating (£0 - $0) was not paying the bills and my wife and kids were going hungry. So I decided that I would sleep during the night here in Ireland as opposed to performing my moderating duties. This also has the added benefit of allowing me to perform a paid day job, during which time I can moderate and learn from the many great threads with which this forum is replete. :D As well as get vital cash for the family. :)

    On review I agree that the thread in question is unsavoury in places and unbecoming behaviour from such august members as yourself and Thomas. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the information in the post - the enveloping language is unsuitable.

    Whatever the history between you, and I'm not sure who jilted who :), can this not be resolved using PMs, instead of attempting to influence new members and to be honest insult the hard working research of many new members.

    If I haven't gotten a note from home saying this has been amicably sorted, I will have to give you each 1000 lines handwritten - - -> "I really was part of an abort team"

    I'm closing this thread and believe moderators will be doing all in their power to monitor the thread in question.

    Please PM myself or any moderator if any member feels this thread needs reopened. I hope this offends no-one.


    Hi Myra,

    I'm sorry that the above post and my intentions were so badly misguided. I'm sorry that my attempt to diffuse the situation was so poorly administered that it needed 3 PM's from yourself to explain just how OFFENDED you were. Believe me after the first one I got your message loud and clear, all those uppercase letters make reading much easier, after you reporting me to John for scolding you in public and absurdely inferring that I (mis)represented you in my post, that message was magnified, and your 3rd PM ensuring that in case I didn't get the first 2, restating your offence, drove home your message. Yes Myra, I'm fully aware of your offence, however unitended it was.

    And you're right Myra, I should not be a moderator, how dare I even attempt to be. For your information Myra, I wouldn't and coudn't "represent" you if I tried, I don't speak your language.

    Anyways the topic is reopened at your request and I hope everyone finds the entrails contained within as utterly peurile as myself.

    Good luck


    It's now 4 PMs, and I feel quite certain that you have no idea what you did wrong and never will even if I send *5* PMs, all with UPPER CASE letters.

    Clearly though, whatever people send offline will be reported online.

    I didn't realize that the "report" function worked that way Gary. That the mods would have no sense of discretion and would discuss private mail openly on the forum.

    Now I know.

    It helps people understand why I've just stood down as a moderator Myra, it wasn't for any other reason. Don't tar all moderators with a brush you should use just on me. I only discussed this openly so my actions thereafter would be more understood.

    My lack of ability in dispute moderation is evidently flawed to such a degree that you're quite right, I didn't know what I was doing wrong and in terms of the duty I was asked to perform on this forum that can only be seen as a fatal flaw.

    As I've just sent to John explaining my decision (more indiscretion), "if my attempts at dispute resolution result in igniting tensions then the work I'm perofming as a moderator is less than useless".


    Very well said Gary.

    Thank you.

  9. That is an absolute lie Thomas.

    I don't appreciate the slander.

    And I don't appreciate the fact that Gary locked the thread that the lie was in to prevent me from responding.

    Now Thomas, you claimed I said:

    ""You killed JFK, didn't you?" or words to that effect. LOL"

    If you're going to make a claim like that then back it up with proof instead of giggling and disappearing.

    Find that post or retract your claim.


    Well Myra,

    I was wrong. I plugged in the search term "***ch" and came up with zilch (LOL), but you and I and half of the members of The Forum can definitely remember when "Tosh" called you a "***ch," and I'm sure that you or someone else can find the pertinent thread and post, unless, as you have so adroitly and perhaps paranoiacally (sp?) pointed out, "Tosh" and/or I have managed to erase in order to protect his/our/my "cover" and/or operational usefulness. Remember, "Paranoia Strikes Deep...."



    So you were wrong. Ok Thomas.

    Were you able to find a post where I said "You killed JFK, didn't you?" or words to that effect."?

  10. And when do they do it, if not now?



    P.S. To new member David G., if you want to find the pertinent posts between Tosh and Ms. Bee, I suggest that you simply plug in the search term "b****," because that's what Tosh called her right before he left The Forum. "

    Hi Myra,

    Unfortunately the salary for moderating (£0 - $0) was not paying the bills and my wife and kids were going hungry. So I decided that I would sleep during the night here in Ireland as opposed to performing my moderating duties. This also has the added benefit of allowing me to perform a paid day job, during which time I can moderate and learn from the many great threads with which this forum is replete. :D As well as get vital cash for the family. :)

    On review I agree that the thread in question is unsavoury in places and unbecoming behaviour from such august members as yourself and Thomas. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the information in the post - the enveloping language is unsuitable.

    Whatever the history between you, and I'm not sure who jilted who :), can this not be resolved using PMs, instead of attempting to influence new members and to be honest insult the hard working research of many new members.

    If I haven't gotten a note from home saying this has been amicably sorted, I will have to give you each 1000 lines handwritten - - -> "I really was part of an abort team"

    I'm closing this thread and believe moderators will be doing all in their power to monitor the thread in question.

    Please PM myself or any moderator if any member feels this thread needs reopened. I hope this offends no-one.


    Hi Myra,

    I'm sorry that the above post and my intentions were so badly misguided. I'm sorry that my attempt to diffuse the situation was so poorly administered that it needed 3 PM's from yourself to explain just how OFFENDED you were. Believe me after the first one I got your message loud and clear, all those uppercase letters make reading much easier, after you reporting me to John for scolding you in public and absurdely inferring that I (mis)represented you in my post, that message was magnified, and your 3rd PM ensuring that in case I didn't get the first 2, restating your offence, drove home your message. Yes Myra, I'm fully aware of your offence, however unitended it was.

    And you're right Myra, I should not be a moderator, how dare I even attempt to be. For your information Myra, I wouldn't and coudn't "represent" you if I tried, I don't speak your language.

    Anyways the topic is reopened at your request and I hope everyone finds the entrails contained within as utterly peurile as myself.

    Good luck


    It's now 4 PMs, and I feel quite certain that you have no idea what you did wrong and never will even if I send *5* PMs, all with UPPER CASE letters.

    Clearly though, whatever people send offline will be reported online.

    I didn't realize that the "report" function worked that way Gary. That the mods would have no sense of discretion and would discuss private mail openly on the forum.

    Now I know.

  11. Myra, we can not control what every individual member posts. If there are obscenities or flat out insults or other Forum rule violations we will do our best to deal with them as fast as we can.

    From time to time, there may be moments when no moderators are present, like today. Personally, I will edit anything which I deem inappropriate. I will also not hesitate to send a PM to a member who clearly fails to follow Forum rules. It is likely that we will not see every issue that would need attention, therefore members are encouraged to report posts to moderators.

    I have already begun to deal with this issue and the half dozen reports and PM's that I have received from you these past few hours. Sorry for the delay.

    Well maybe, as I've told you all in the past, you mods should get in synch when there is an issue instead of everybody jumping

    in and bumping into each other.

    Because Antti had already handled things, very well I might add, then Gary managed to make things much worse.

    I really resent his actions and words.

    I do not think he should be a moderator.


  12. That is an absolute lie Thomas.

    I don't appreciate the slander.

    And I don't appreciate the fact that Gary locked the thread that the lie was in to prevent me from responding.

    Now Thomas, you claimed I said:

    ""You killed JFK, didn't you?" or words to that effect. LOL"

    If you're going to make a claim like that then back it up with proof instead of giggling and disappearing.

    Find that post or retract your claim.

  13. "To all concerned and especially Ms. Bee,

    I don't know if the pertinent thread/post is still available on The Forum, but the fact of the matter is that William "Tosh" Plumlee did call Myra Bronstein a "***ch" (oh my God please pardon my profanity) after Ms. Bee asked him many loaded questions, like "You killed JFK, didn't you?" or words to that effect. LOL (Once again, I profusely apologize for my uncouth profanity (must be my Ukrainian and/or Choctaw background.)

    Ms. Bee-- It's a pity that you didn't realize the wealth of information that Mr. Plumlee was divulging to us about the South Knoll when you (unfortunately?), decided to start pestering him with potentially self-incriminating, rhetorical questions. Just ask Ron Ecker and John Dolva or take the time to actually look back over Plumlee's posts before you decided to insert your "busy bee" questions....

    Keep up th good work,



    That is an absolute lie Thomas.

    I don't appreciate the slander.

    And I don't appreciate the fact that Gary locked the thread that the lie was in to prevent me from responding.

    Now Thomas, you claimed I said:

    ""You killed JFK, didn't you?" or words to that effect. LOL"

    If you're going to make a claim like that then back it up with proof instead of giggling and disappearing.

    Find that post or retract your claim.

  14. Monday media blitz.

    "Bugliosi's book, which denies all conspiracies, has the ring of truth - scrupulous, irrefutable truth - and I predict it will be the line that historians 100 years from now will take on this story."


    It's "irrefutable." Resistance is futile...

    "The second hit President Kennedy in the upper back, passed through him and struck Texas Gov. John Connally; the third burst open the president's head. It is eminently reasonable to assume that Oswald's errant first shot, which missed everyone and everything in the motorcade, was nonetheless captured on the Z film, too."


    Keep repeating the lies keep repeating the lies...

    "In those days, apparently, it was normal practice for the president's car to be followed in motorcades by another car carrying correspondents from the two great American wire agencies of the day, the Associated Press and United Press International."


    No it was not normal for the press vehicle to be so far back but the moonie times wouldn't know or care.

    Whatever, resistance is futile.

  15. Tosh Plumlee once posted something that I had been totally unaware of, which was that the train tracks in 1963 were on an elevation of about 4 feet above the floor of the overpass. If true, this would also have helped any shooter crouching behind the slanting wall at the south end from being seen by the officer or anyone else at the northwest end, even with no train passing.


    Excellent point, Ron.

    Too bad Ms Bee harassed him to the point of quiting The Forum....



    Ah but TomASS, you fill in so well for your hero, it's almost as though he speaks through you...

    Heckling by proxy.

    Covert even in his absence.

    Skulking around removing his own posts so no one can see for themselves if he contradicted himself every time his fingers touched the keyboard. Then playing the martyr, mean girl kicked e-sand in his e-face and chased him from his e-sandbox...

    Hey! Since you speak for ToSH you can go back into all his scrubbed posts and painstakingly reconstruct them

    (you MUST have them memorized given that you live vicariously through him) so that people can see and judge for

    themselves if he was e-bullied from the forum or if he fled after he repeatedly e-tripping himself up on his own e-words,

    hoisted on his own e-tard as it were, and someone pointed it out.

    How convenient that he scrubbed his posts squeaky clean before his deputy launched CIA Project: Heckle JFK Assassination Researcher, making it impossible for open-minded people to see the truth. How very very like the CIA that is to cover-up

    the facts, and even have a little ongoing propaganda campaign. Ahh, just like old times.

    So TomASS, since yoU now speak for ToSH, you should be able to explain why yoU (i.e., ToSH) felt it necessary to take the time to scrub all youR (i.e., hIS) posts from the site before yOu skulked off into the covert abyss. Why would an upstanding sincere truthful well-intentioned, not to mention martyred, guyS like you'SE need to hide what you'SE said?

    Do tell...


    Excellent work, Ms. Bee!!!,

    Bump a bagel....



    And the world awaits your explanation.

    Instead of just heckling threads, contribute to the discourse.

    Why would an upstanding sincere truthful well-intentioned, not to mention martyred, guyS like you'SE need to delete all posts to hide what you'SE said?


  16. QUOTE(Thomas Graves @ May 14 2007, 01:46 AM) *


    P.S. Do you still think "Tosh" Plumlee was one of the conspirators? (I remember his calling you a #@&!$ in his last or next-to-last post. It made my day!)


    "QUOTE(Thomas Graves @ May 14 2007, 01:46 AM) *

    Sorry, Myra. I just caught the date on that [May 14, 20076].

    Which thread was that on?

    Whoops, on this thread:


    Meant to include that.


    Hi folks,

    Did William "Tosh" Plumlee call Myra a "b****", or did he not?

    Was Mr. Plumlee giving us interesting/important information at the time, or was he not?

    I rest my case....

    Censure me if you will,



    Why don't you find the thread and show the post to people Thomas?

    Prove it.


    The world awaits your proof Thomas.

    Don't tell people; show people.

  17. QUOTE(Thomas Graves @ May 14 2007, 01:46 AM) *


    P.S. Do you still think "Tosh" Plumlee was one of the conspirators? (I remember his calling you a #@&!$ in his last or next-to-last post. It made my day!)


    "QUOTE(Thomas Graves @ May 14 2007, 01:46 AM) *

    Sorry, Myra. I just caught the date on that [May 14, 20076].

    Which thread was that on?

    Whoops, on this thread:


    Meant to include that.


    Hi folks,

    Did William "Tosh" Plumlee call Myra a "b****", or did he not?

    Was Mr. Plumlee giving us interesting/important information at the time, or was he not?

    I rest my case....

    Censure me if you will,



    Why don't you find the thread and show the post to people Thomas?

    Prove it.

  18. QUOTE(Thomas Graves @ May 14 2007, 01:46 AM) *


    P.S. Do you still think "Tosh" Plumlee was one of the conspirators? (I remember his calling you a #@&!$ in his last or next-to-last post. It made my day!)


    "QUOTE(Thomas Graves @ May 14 2007, 01:46 AM) *

    Sorry, Myra. I just caught the date on that [May 14, 20076].

    Which thread was that on?

    Whoops, on this thread:


    Meant to include that.

  19. I would like to thank the moderators for doing a great job on the forum. They seem to have been more successful than I ever was in keeping people from insulting each other.


    Oh abso-friggen-lutely.

    For example, this kind of thing...


    Today, 06:15 AM

    QUOTE(Thomas Graves...

    "P.S. To new member David G., if you want to find the pertinent posts between Tosh and Ms. Bee, I suggest that you simply plug in the search term "b****," because that's what Tosh called her right before he left The Forum."

    ...simply doesn't happen anymore.

    And neither does this...


    "May 14 2007, 06:51 AM

    QUOTE(Thomas Graves @ May 14 2007, 01:46 AM) *


    P.S. Do you still think "Tosh" Plumlee was one of the conspirators? (I remember his calling you a #@&!$ in his last or next-to-last post. It made my day!)"

  20. ___________________

    (We??) thank you, Ms Bee!

    --Thomas (and Tosh?) LOL

    P.S. Keep up the good work....

    P.P.S. "Paranoia Strikes Deep..."


    Tag, you're it ToshASsss

    Just kidding ThomAS, you're a really really smart guy.



    Yeah, Myra, I confess I helped Tosh kill JFK even though I was only 13 years old at the time....



    P.S. To new member David G., if you want to find the pertinent posts between Tosh and Ms. Bee, I suggest that you simply plug in the search term "b****," because that's what Tosh called her right before he left The Forum. Too bad, too, because at that time Tosh was giving us lots of interesting information about his activities and observations on the South Knoll before, during and just after the assassination.... He seemed to think that the fatal shot was fired from the far South end of the underpass/overpass (which makes a lot of sense when one looks at the reports given about JFK's head wound(s) by the doctors/nurses/technicians at Parkland Hospital.) But unfortunately Ms. "Busy Bee," going for "the kill," harassed him to the point of leaving....


    Psss, David G,

    It won't do you any good to search on that term because Tosh scrubbed his posts clean before absconding into the abyss.

    Just FYI.

    ThomAS seems to be losing his oh so contrived kewlllllll and forgetting that niggling little point about his his hero.

  21. Flag set post.


    "Flag set post."

    I've noticed this popping up every so often. What does it stand for?



    It means the update flag wasn't set Terry, so I posted again just to set it.

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