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Duane Daman

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  1. I have other names for them Steve, but unfortunately I'm not allowed to post them here..
  2. Boy, did you educate! I misspoke when I said there were more conspiracy debunkers than conspiracy believers on this forum .. The word "debunkers" implies that the majority of the members here actually debunk the conspiracy evidence, instead of just pretend to.. and the world "believers" of course implies that it's just belief, and not facts, that prove certain conspiracies. So I will correct myself and use the word "deniers" and "provers" instead of debunkers and believers. As in: the conspiracy deniers outnumber the conspiracy provers on this forum... The JFK discussions excluded, as I do believe there are more members on this forum who do not agree with the official version of the assassination, than do.
  3. Steve.. You do know that conspiracy debunkers outnumber conspiracy believers on this forum, don't you? "Truthers" has been turned into a dirty word by many of the members here. I'm sure your poll will confirm that fact, if it hasn't already.
  4. "911 In Plane Site What “In Plane Site” accomplishes that no other video expose’ on September 11th has to date, is it exposes the viewer to a barrage of news clips from a majority of the mainstream news outlets. The official story of that day was told on live TV by reporters, policemen, firefighters, and other on-the-scene eyewitnesses, however, that footage was shown only once on live television broadcasts in the first hours of the attacks and then… it was never repeated. The stories changed, information was enigmatically omitted, and what can only be described as officially prescribed propaganda took the place of indisputable reality. If you still believe that terrorists with box cutters carried out 9/11, then you may have nothing to worry about, but the next time you hear on your local news station that the terrorist threat level has just been elevated, remember the words of Dave von Kleist as he closes this video presentation. “Where is your line in the sand?” http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/the-911-files/911-in-plane-site.html
  5. I can't believe you're still posting this type of obvious disinformation when Siverstein opened his despicable mouth and inserted his despicable foot in it.. Pull it means to intentionally demolish the building.. It doesn't mean to pull people ( ncluding frefighers) out of a building. No, the criminal Bush gang did .. Silverstein being one of them. Speaking of the despicable Silverstein, check out why he wasn't at work that day. Can anyone say .. LYING SLIMEBALL ???
  6. Get back to us when you have evidence pull can mean explosive demolition. Do you think the FDNY demolished 7? You are aware that various FDNY personnel has discussed the order to pull firefighters from the vicinity of the building and seeing signs that it was unstable hours before it came down. It doesn't get any clearer than this. Yes, "pull it" means to pull a building, as in; demolish it.. Which is exactly what Silverstein ordered and explained.
  7. The Disclosure Project http://www.ufocasebook.com/disclosureproject.html The text on this site is not in English but the video lectures are and they are well worth listening to. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/disclosure/esp_disclosure_project_8.htm#The_Untold_History_of_The_Disclosure_Project_2004_-_Steven_M._Greer,_M.D.
  8. The truth of UFOs and the alien presense on Earth is just another US government cover up.
  9. "Pull it" means pull the building, not "pull the firefighters out of the building", which was Silverstein's silly excuse after the fact... The firefighters were already out of building when he told them to pull it. Silverstein was not the only 911 conspirator to open his stupid mouth and insert his big foot .. Bush and Rumsfeld also gave the game away with a few of their stupid statements. 911 was an obvious inside job .. I can't believe people like you are still pretending it wasn't.
  10. Does this mean you don't believe the "real" reason NASA hasn't "returned" humans to the Moon in over 40 years is because aliens live there? ..
  11. That sounds like your opinion, and you're entitled to it .. but where is the proof that the Veteran Times has "an agenda and it ain't the truth"? .. Do they perhaps disagree with your opinion about 911 also? Videos can be paraded out by the CIA long after someone is dead, with the pretense that they were recently made.. There's also a strong possibility that boogeyman bin Laden had about as many decoys and body doubles as Michael Jackson.
  12. No matter what might have been corrected, the Chinook continues to be one of the most dangerous means of transportation. "The Army Chinook helicopter, like the one shot down Aug. 6 in Afghanistan killing all 38 onboard, is the U.S. chopper most susceptible to Taliban ground fire, according to statistics compiled by a former aviator. Experts say the crash rate shows two principal facts: The lumbering CH-47 Chinook is not designed to fly into the teeth of a firefight to deliver troops and supplies, and the Taliban is somewhat skilled in using crude weapons to hit a big target like the 50,000-pound chopper." "No one in their right mind sends a Chinook, or any other helicopter, into a place where they know they're going to get shot at," the Army pilot said. Getting back to what matters, before the distractions of Private Colby... Navy Seal Team 6 – The Cover-up Continues "The chances of this story being true is almost nil. The chances of this being a staged cover-up is over 80%. We believe these people were murdered to silence them. This is why. Some Possibly Killed in Abbottabad Helicopter Crash Months Before By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor – Veteran Times We have solid information on two areas: 1.Osama bin Laden died in 2001 as an active CIA employee and his body was recovered in Afghanistan and taken to “the sand box.” We were told it was frozen. We have so much verification from this, CIA, ISI, US military and top officials. I have a direct confirmation from Bin Laden’s CIA handler who I grilled mercilessly on this. 2.The Abbottabad operation involved numerous American deaths, witnessed, bodies all over, a helicopter crash. (suppressed translated TV interview below) These bodies were recovered by land vehicle from Islamabad and there was NO “successful” bin Laden operation of any kind. There was and has been a CIA safe house in Abbotabad where terror suspects were stored for years. This gave the US several areas of severe vulnerability. Generally, Navy Seals are the best people in the world at keeping their mouths shut, these are real team players, as the term “Seal Team” belies. We at VT were informed that the bin Laden operation was staged at this time, a theatrical farce, to cover the exit of Secretary Gates, the move by former CIA Director Leon Panetta into the DOD as Secretary of Defense and to stem any heroic claims by new CIA Director Petraeus of killing the long dead Osama bin Laden, the long frozen CIA operative." http://askmarion.wordpress.com/2011/08/10/navy-seal-team-6-the-cover-up-continues/
  13. That's Col. Daman, Private Colby! Chinook computer was 'positively dangerous' say newly-disclosed MoD documents Tony Collins Monday 04 January 2010 07:56 A computer flaw in the type of Chinook helicopter that crashed on the Mull of Kintyre, killing all 29 on board, was known to be "positively dangerous", according to military documents that have not been published until today. The RAF blamed the two pilots, Flight Lieutenants Rick Cook and Jonathan Tapper, for the crash of Chinook ZD576 on 2 June 1994, which killed 25 senior police and intelligence officers. But an RAF Board of Inquiry was unable to establish why the crash happened. It did not rule out problems with the Chinook Mk2's innovative, software-controlled "Fadec" fuel control system as a contributory factor in the crash. Now internal Ministry of Defence documents, which have been seen by the BBC and Computer Weekly, show that the RAF hierarchy approved the Chinook Mk2 as airworthy while knowing - and without remedying - a dangerous flaw in the helicopter's "Fadec" fuel control system. Computer Weekly has already reported on problems with the Fadec system in a 140-page report which we published in 1999. But the internal MoD documents that are now disclosed contain the most serious internal criticism yet of the Fadec. The criticism is contained in a memo written in September 1993 - nine months before the crash on the Mull of Kintyre - by the Superintendent of Engineering Systems at an MoD establishment at Boscombe Down, Salisbury. IT experts at Boscombe Down were tasked with checking the Chinook's Mk2's Fadec software as part of the tests to see whether the helicopter was airworthy. After an assessment of the Fadec software the Superintendent of Engineering Systems said that the density of deficiencies was so high that the software was unintelligible. He said of the anomalies in both the software code and documentation: "One of these, the reliance on an undocumented and unproved feature of the processor, is considered positively dangerous". He added that the software "falls significantly short of the standard required and expected for a safety-critical system No assurance can be given concerning the fidelity of the software and hence the pilot's control of the engine (s) through Fadec cannot be assured". The Superintendent's memo also said that a hazard analysis by Boeing, the Chinook's manufacturer, had categorised the Fadec software as "safety-critical" because "any malfunctions or design errors could have catastrophic effects". More here. http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2010/01/04/239793/Chinook-computer-was-39positively-dangerous39-say-newly-disclosed-MoD.htm The Army Chinook helicopter, like the one shot down Aug. 6 in Afghanistan killing all 38 onboard, is the U.S. chopper most susceptible to Taliban ground fire, according to statistics compiled by a former aviator. Experts say the crash rate shows two principal facts: The lumbering CH-47 Chinook is not designed to fly into the teeth of a firefight to deliver troops and supplies, and the Taliban is somewhat skilled in using crude weapons to hit a big target like the 50,000-pound chopper. People associated with special operations and Army aviation are making those points as the U.S. command in Kabul begins an investigation into the mission that killed 30 Americans, 17 of them elite Navy SEALs, when a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) hit the CH-47 in Warnak province. "It's a big aircraft," said retired Army Brig. Gen. Sam Cockerham, who flew helicopters in Vietnam. "It's a cargo aircraft. It's not an attack aircraft. It's not a scout aircraft. It's a cargo aircraft, so that means when it goes into a risky area, it's got to have some protection with it. It's got to have scouts on the ground and also something in the air flying along with it." The U.S. command in Kabul has yet to release full mission details. Marine Gen. John Allen, the top NATO commander in Afghanistan, declined at a recent press conference to discuss the air assets at his disposal. He has ordered an investigation that will officially determine the crash's cause, as well at look at the mission itself. An Army pilot told The Washington Times: "Escorts are always preferred for lift aircraft. Sometimes they go in pairs, sometimes with other utility aircraft, sometimes with attack or recon aircraft. There are hundreds of specific missions a day, and only so many aircraft to cover them. When it is possible, yes, they get an escort." Military officials first said the hastily dispatched Chinook was sent to rescue pinned down Army Rangers in a firefight with a dozen or so Taliban militants. But Gen. Allen later provided a different reason, saying the Rangers requested more forces to kill or capture fleeing Taliban. "One thing that has been lost in all the stories I have read is that CH-47s were designed only for noncombat support missions," said a special operations soldier who has served in Afghanistan. "Even the MH-47s rely on stealth to survive." The MH model is a specialized CH-47 flown by the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, based at Fort Campbell, Ky. For the doomed SEAL mission, commanders chose the conventional CH-47 with a regular crew, not a special operations pilots and crew. The special operations source said the twin-engine Chinook's ability to fly at relatively high altitudes "has caused planners to use them in ways for which they were not designed, landing in or near hot landing zones. It is an amazing aircraft but has very poor survivability when under fire — This disaster was of our own making and completely avoidable. It was simply uncalled for unless Rangers were being overrun and the ground situation required this much operational risk." Statistics compiled by the website ArmyAirCrews.com underscore that point. The site, run by Kevin Allen, a former crew chief on Army helicopters, reports that there have been 11 fatal Chinook crashes in Afghanistan since 2001. Of the seven brought down by enemy ground fire, six were by the relatively crude RPG. In contrast, the Army's other workhorse, troop-carrying chopper — the 20,000-pound UH-60 Black Hawk — has suffered only four fatal crashes in Afghanistan. None involved RPGs. "The Black Hawk has had some advances as far as crash worthiness, as compared to the Chinook," Mr. Allen said. "Obviously, the Chinook is a lot older aircraft than the Black Hawk. I just think it's the advances in safety that Black Hawk has because it is more modern than the Chinook is a main factor in that." Of course, the Black Hawk is not immune to the RPG. In one of the most famous post-Cold War battles, known as "Black Hawk Down," two special operations versions were felled by Somali fighters in Mogadishu in 1993. "No one in their right mind sends a Chinook, or any other helicopter, into a place where they know they're going to get shot at," the Army pilot said. "Everywhere is a potential danger area. You could get shot at any time. An AK-47 and a RPG are basically in the same category. On the fly, pull up and take a shot, duck out of sight, hide the weapon, blend in. It's a difficult formula to defend against. There isn't a helicopter out there that can withstand ground fire. There are well-placed armor panels, but if we fortified them to withstand ground fire, they would never get off the ground." Boeing is still producing new Chinooks nearly 50 years after it first entered the Army inventory. "The Chinook is a true multirole, vertical-lift platform," Boeing says. "The primary Chinook mission is transport of artillery, troops, ammunition, fuel and supplies within military theaters of operation." http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/aug/25/chinook-helicopter-most-susceptible-ground-fire/print/
  14. Continued... Tip from Afghanistan Posted by Ann Barnhardt – August 7, AD 2011 6:57 AM MST I received a tip from a soldier stationed with an aviation brigade out of Jalalabad overnight. “Almost immediately, after news of the crash began to spread, we were placed in an internet and phone blackout. This means communication with family, friends and “others” back home, in real time, is prevented until further notice. However, there are also chinook pilots, crews and mechanics assigned here who were privy to the details of the crash almost immediately. One of confirmed details they have been discussing is that the chinook shot down belonged to a National Guard unit. Which is causing people to whisper in astonishment, “why were some of the most elite of America’s military, in such large numbers, tooling around on a National Guard aircraft?” Also, those around me are wondering why such a large number(extremely unconventional for Seals, Green Berets, etc) of them riding in a single aircraft instead of being spread out into numerous aircraft. Without question, I mean no disrespect to the pilots and crew of the National Guard aircraft, but the fact is that it’s very “strange” that Seals would be conducting an actual mission, with such large numbers, in such a basic aircraft. Especially, given the fact, that there were special operation chinooks easily available, and sitting idle, when this tragedy took place.” I am not a journalist. I have no means of checking this. But SOMEONE needs to investigate if in fact the SEALS were on a National Guard helo, if there were SPECOPS Chinooks available and idle, and what the difference in armament is between Guard Chinooks and SPECOPS Chinooks. This potential difference in armament is HUGE and could account for the possibility of the Chinook being shot down by an RPG, if that is what happened. Hello? Journalists? Anyone out there? UPDATE: The SPECOPS Chinook is a very different beast that is heavily upgraded with enhanced survivability features. It is the Boeing MH-47E/G. Boeing’s Homepage for the SPECOPS chinook here. The soldier quoted above contends that the SEALS were NOT in one of these units, but rather in a standard Chinook while these SPECOPS Chinooks were available and sitting idle. Again, a JOURNALIST needs to confirm this. UPDATE 2: From a reader: Ann, You are on to something here. I was in the 160th 1982- 1985 and I can tell you that the reason the aviation wing was created was so special ops would never again have to fly missions with anyone other than their own pilots and birds. UPDATE 3: From a reader: Ann, I’m sure you’re getting a lot of notes on the Chinook debacle. I’m retired USAF familiar with how the system works when it comes to the questions asked by your Jalalabad contact. First, look to the Command Authority. Dispersion protocols are almost never broken except on direct order up the chain high enough that nobody could question or refuse the order without jeopardizing their career.Second, ‘who benefits’? Follow the trail of beneficiaries to the incident. Tactically, intell had to be passed to the shooters as to the timetable. I’m willing to bet that there were several RPG’s (if not Stinger’s – remember, we provided quite a few and never kept a record during the Soviet incursion into Afghanistan) involved. Then, once fired, the shooters had to egress unseen to fight another day. Many people I know, including some recently back from that area say this stinks to high Heaven, as you do. Updated August 8, 2011 3:30pm ET Today 31 NATO troops, 20 of them Navy Seals from the Osama bin Laden operation died in what is reported as a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. The chances of this story being true is almost nil. The chances of this being a staged cover-up is over 80%. We believe these people were murdered to silence them. This is why. Some Possibly Killed in Abbottabad Helicopter Crash Months Before By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor – Veteran Times We have solid information on two areas: 1.Osama bin Laden died in 2001 as an active CIA employee and his body was recovered in Afghanistan and taken to “the sand box.” We were told it was frozen. We have so much verification from this, CIA, ISI, US military and top officials. I have a direct confirmation from Bin Laden’s CIA handler who I grilled mercilessly on this. 2.The Abbottabad operation involved numerous American deaths, witnessed, bodies all over, a helicopter crash. (suppressed translated TV interview below) These bodies were recovered by land vehicle from Islamabad and there was NO “successful” bin Laden operation of any kind. There was and has been a CIA safe house in Abbotabad where terror suspects were stored for years. This gave the US several areas of severe vulnerability. Generally, Navy Seals are the best people in the world at keeping their mouths shut, these are real team players, as the term “Seal Team” belies. We at VT were informed that the bin Laden operation was staged at this time, a theatrical farce, to cover the exit of Secretary Gates, the move by former CIA Director Leon Panetta into the DOD as Secretary of Defense and to stem any heroic claims by new CIA Director Petraeus of killing the long dead Osama bin Laden, the long frozen CIA operative. Petraeus is a possible presidential contender and had to be denied this “gift from heaven,” a fast track to the oval office for sure. Will We Ever Know What Happened? Again, I remind you, I went over specific meetings on bin Laden with his handlers, getting every last detail. I have watched what has gone on, the continuing need to vilify a long dead top CIA operative to provide residual cover for the Bush administration…. The reason? Bush and his cronies are all facing charges of war crimes, not just in minor jurisdictions but heading for the ICC, putting them on the dock with Gaddafi ( a far less harmful character). As for the timing of this incident? This we will work on. What we can easily surmise is that some of the dead have been dead since their bodies were taken away from the helicopter crash site in Abbotabad. Who would order such a thing? We are going to have to wait but we are going to find out. However, we expected this, the timing is exactly as predicted. HOW VT TRIED TO SAVE THEM When the phony Abbotbad operation came out, I immediately understood what happened. I also saw much potential good from it other than the tragedy of the dead Americans from the crash. I wrote of this and see their deaths as more heroic than many recognize. They died to erase for all time remnants of the Bush era fairly tale of badguy and evildoer Osama bin Laden. Enough good men had died chasing a ghost who lived only in phony video and audio tapes by “Bin Laden Studios” in Tel Aviv and in the continual “boogeyman” rhetoric of professional fearmongers. Not long afterward, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, another able public servant announced the near defeat of Al Qaeda, another Bush fairly tale. Al Qaeda has never existed, there are no magic worldwide terror conspiracies other than those run by governments. There are several of those and I have written extensively on these. Google will help you with this if you are curious. When VT saw why the government staged this, we saw we could accomplish two things: 1.We could simply report the truth for those willing to believe it, something we believe is the right thing to do. 2.We could also support the United States in a very real way, knowing Pakistan would weather this crisis, timed, in some ways, as a face saving move in response to the embarrassing Raymond Davis affair. I believed if the truth came out, clear enough for insiders, intel and miliary for sure, to understand that we knew and other insiders knew, there would be no reason to “clean house” afterward, to stage a coverup and get rid of any involved. Abbotabad – How Many Died Here? I had felt that we had provided cover for the Seal Team, we hadn’t trashed them, we acknowledged the dead at Abbotabad where no one else bothered, this is our job as fellow members of America’s military forces (current and former). More importantly, we got out word, I certainly did enough radio and TV on this, enough that, for anyone who care, the “truth was out there.” This is all we could do but I hoped it would stem a need for covering tracks. After all, anyone leaking real information on the operation would only seem like they had gotten it from me and I put it out there in such a manner that I allowed room to be “debunked.” I do this to protect myself but I really was thinking of them. These are great guys, Seals are among the best people on earth. The Seal and Special Forces communities are, of the military groups in the US, some of the finest people I know. They also help cover my “behind,” which I appreciate. This is just too obvious, too brazen. I can’t imagine it started at the White House or even cabinet level but maybe I am deluding myself. Bin Laden was all about the election. After the bond collapse and credit disaster yesterday, anything threatening President Obama’s reelection is seen, by some, as a threat to America’s financial survival. This debt crisis is a bigger threat to the US than a Japanese invasion in 1942 would have been. You may not see it that way and you certainly cant get out your hunting rifle to fix it. (Don’t be a sap, kill a Jap!) Osama in Better Days Someone had gotten to someone. My best guess and this is a guess…an expose’ by the mainstream media, perhaps Murdoch, another guess, conjecture I admit, regarding the farce at Abbottabad, information possibly gotten through spying, bribery and blackmail, threatened to take down Obama. With Murdoch’s good friend and “monkeyboy,” Netanyahu ‘on the ropes,” with crowds marching in Israel’s streets demanding his ouster, we have more timing to factor in. The bin Laden killing, the third rate drama of capturing an unarmed frozen dead guy and throwing him into the ocean had probably become an albatross around certain high ranking necks. Norway was no accident, it was a warning too. It has been containerized, just as the Murdoch espionage issue is now “poor Rupert and the pie thrower.” These Americans are casualties in a game, one like 9/11, sacrificial pawns, like Britain’s 7/7, all lies, all theatre, all evil. This is not for public consumption. There are those who know exactly who I am talking to. There are many of us here who still keep our mouths shut about so many things. There are too many who don’t even care, most of us at VT do. Yes, I am aware I can be jailed, I am aware my passport can be pulled, I already see the damned surveillance. Amateurs. We aren’t anti-American. I am simply sick of seeing solutions that go one direction, stealing everything that isn’t nailed down. I am also sick of the fact that Washington can’t visit the “head’ without Israel’s permission. This…today, this is too much. It is unforgivable. We are not going to allow this to stand. We have a long standing history of “cleaning house” after operations of this kind. Usually its dead senators in plane crashes, heart attacks, car wrecks, like the Minot Barksdale or 9/11 incidents. I could name a dozen more. Does the name Wheeler meaning anything to you? Anyone remember Pat Tillman? But this many? http://askmarion.wordpress.com/2011/08/10/navy-seal-team-6-the-cover-up-continues/
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