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Steven Phillips

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Posts posted by Steven Phillips

  1. The documents concerning the law in both cases is highly revealing reguards policy towards Iraq and Egypt in the 1950`s but I think what is even more revealing about this particular mindset is the almost pathelogical lack of concern about creating widespread starvation and despair. During Suiz it was the redirecting of the Nile to achieve widespread hardship and during the present conflict with Iraq it was the Ilisu dam in Turky which would have effectivly dried up the Tigris river which so many people depend on.

    The cyncism with which these policies are implemented just goes to show that we are not dealing with normal people here, we are dealing with murderous thugs who will stop at nothing to see these policies through. I am convinced the Ilisu dam project would have gone ahead if invasion wasnt on the cards.

  2. Exelent work John I think its a really important task making people aware of the insidious nature of these intelligence agencies and the real reasons they are penetrating all aspects of public life. The sad fact is though John, this is an uphill battle that requires hard work to stay on top of with so few people persuing as a purposful activity, the danger is that most people will ignore it or worse accept it as normal. The intelligence licence has now expanded to include the private secter, the police and law enforcement generally, and other more secretive sub divisions of sub divisions to the point where half the population is spying and informing on the other half and with each passing generation being watched, recorded, catalogued, indexed and filed this whole intelligence society thing is set to become a way of life if it hasnt already. Its already difficult to know if events happening at home and around the the world are contrived by this monster to direct the thinking and mood of the people, or are real happenings being reported to inform: its very difficult to tell unless you are knowlegable or skilled in recognizing the hallmarks of the deception machine.

    There is a growing minority of people working hard to expose the workings and machinations of the deception agents, educating and opening peoples eyes, offering sound advise on how to protect oneself and so forth. Some are even penetrating the mainstream, but there is a danger of becoming a target of the destructive forces you are trying to expose as Scott Ritter will no doubt testify.

    As powerful and technologically advanced as they are, the deception agencies do have a weakness. The fact that it has been so easy to spy and decieve has lulled them into a false sense of security and they are becoming more blatant; some of their more recent work has been obvious to the casual observer; the more flagrant and obvious they become, the more people will recognise what they are dealing with and take action to overcome.

    The agencies defend the interests of a tiny minority who get their power from a deeply flawed and corrupt system. In the long run flawed systems break down, agents defect, and ultimately all things in the phenomenal world turn into their opposites as one day the surveylance system will no longer work for a corrupt minority but will turn into a force for good defending the majority. At least this is my hope.

  3. Has anybody been watching the music programs on tv hosted by Howard Goodall; he makes the subject so damn interesting that im convinced that if he was everyones music teacher: the world would be full of musicians. He is the best music teacher we never had. The program about the beetles was particularly interesting as was the one about Wagner, fantastic stuff, it should be compulsary for every music student to watch Howard Goodall.

  4. My name is Steven Phillips, I am 46 years old and I live in Manchester, I went to school a long time ago, I went to Stretford technical college where I studied for a technician qualification, I worked in the automotive trade for a number of years, I have a keen interest in anything philosophical or scientific, I have read many books on politics and history amongst other things, I currently teach guitar and have a few regular students, I also attend a Photoshop course where I help the tutor demonstrate the intricacies of the program to beginers.

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