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Steven Hewitt

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    St. John's, Canada

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  1. Artistic license? Hey Pot, have you met Kettle? NASA "forgot". Man what you won't imagine to keep your delusion going. NASA perpetrated the biggest hoax in the world, but "forgot" what voice recordings were supposed to go with what video. Do you hear yourself? So obvious that that only you can see it, and a handful of Sibrel's and company's followers. There has been no deception. Hard to see what isn't there. So now that the cat is out of the bag, NASA is gonna go back and try to fix up all their little mistakes? It took almost 40 years for someone to find it? What about all the other copies that have been made of the originals up untill now? How will they get rid of those? Oh please, if NASA really had the power to make Apollo Hoax theories websites "dissappear", why is Cosmic Daves site still up? Has been for the better part of FIVE YEARS. Despite the fact that it has been shown to be OH SO WRONG so many times, he continues to leave all is assertions as is. There are lots of hoax sites, and they don't discredit anyone but the authors of the sites.
  2. Duane, I for one cannot wait to hear why you so strongly believe that we didn't land on the moon. I look forward to destroying your arguements and your logic. I've been busy destroying Cosmic Dave on his own site, now I have my sights set on this board! I'd like to first start off by saying how ridiculous it is to think that the US government has the smarts to pull of such a hoax. Bush couldn't even plant a few nukes in Iraq to justify his cause for war, but NASA can make up any evidence they need to keep the hoax alive? And then you think that NASA has hired "paid dis-informationists" to populate these forums to keep people like you at bay? Sure, NASA and the US governements best weapon in keeping the secret is hiring internet trolls! What ever happend to the good old days when they just sent hired goons. It's also interesting to note that every conspiracy or scandel that the governemnt is known to have been involved in has always been with some agency or politician doing something that they DIDN'T want people to know about (ie spending sprees, inappropriate sexual relations, wire tapping). Never is it the case that the government has claimed to have done something incredible, that was eventually proven otherwise. Does anyone here see the difference?
  3. Name: Steven H Hewitt Location: St. John's, NL, Canada Occupation: Currently studying Computer Science / Physics at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Birthyear: 1979 I'm particularly interested in debating Jack White and other believers of the Apollo moon hoax. I have debated others at the Apollo hoax forum and at Cosmic Conspiracies under the alias 'politik'.
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