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Charles Drago

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Posts posted by Charles Drago

  1. Ladies and gentile men, put your hands together and give a warm Tel Aviv welcome to ...

    Aunti Semite!

    Let all who peruse these cyberpages take note that the alleged Mr. Lamson is playing the oldest, tiredest, most transparent trick in the book.

    To wit: Scream ANTI-SEMITE! whenever truth, logic, common sense, and common decency cannot be found on your side of the playground.

    Is this the best that the enemies of justice have to offer?

    Folks, we're in better shape than we think.

    So in the spirit of fair play I'll ask you to join me in leveling the playing field by singing one of Mel Brook's greatest hits ...

    Pick up some rags

    and stuff them in your shoes,

    it's the anti-Semitic Polka

    Carlos the Joker

  2. We are not talking about a rational thought in Iran, but rather one driven by religious extremists. Extremists with a stated desire for world domination. Not even in your wildest anti American dreams coud you say the same about us or any of the rest of the nuke club.

    They're not like us. They're not human. Sub-human, really.

    I say we nuke the Godless Commie bas ... What? No more Commies? Sorry. Please insert the names of current bogeymen in appropriate places.

    The Christian and Muslim extremists who allegedly "drive" Western and Middle Eastern combatants respectively are necessary diversions. Characters in a drama. An old drama with updated locations and accents. They are controlled. Totally.

    We agree, however, that certain nuclear powers, including America, do not desire world domination.

    Why yearn for something you already have?

  3. [set up an unresolvable dichotomy of diametrically opposing "scenarios"

    You could not be more precisely on target.

    Pun intended.

    Such is the sine qua non for the perpetuation of needless uncertainty, debate, and internecine conflict -- the guarantors of security for the killers.

    Argue though we might about frontal shots, we remain in profound agreement on the origins and purposes of the by-design cognitive dissonance that befuddles the vast majority of well-meaning researchers.


  4. Blah blah blah.

    You wrote it:

    "I think they are just the products of the over active imaginations of paranoid delusionals."

    Not couched as opinion.

    You "think"?

    In your dreams.

    You ask, "Shall I ask you for references every time you express your opinion?"

    Turnabout is fair play.

    You are transparent, scared, helpless. Your masters must have abysmally low standards.

    Good luck with your hand cream search.

    You, Lamson, and Purvis deserve each other. Only one question: Which one is Moe?

    Bye bye.

  5. ....the truthers were a wet dream come true for the likes of Bush, Rove and Chenney. (sic)
    Some with in the "'truth' movement" suspect intentional disinformation from the CIA/ZOG/MICC/PTB/MIBH/ASPCA/PTA etc etc. I think they are just the products of the over active imaginations of paranoid delusionals.

    The total lack of logic is inescapable.

    And, in an odd way, reassuring.

  6. John, et al,

    I would submit that the only way to understand this report is to base analysis on the rejection of monolithic appreciations of "KGB," "CIA," and other commonly over-simplified entities -- including governments.

    We are a species predisposed to factionalizing.

    Were there not, within the Cuban government c. 1963, proponents of the Soviet line aligned against Maoists?

    Were there not, within the KGB and the Politburo c. 1963, deep fractures (Khrushchev's moderates v. Andropov's hardliners)?

    Were there not, within the CIA c. 1963, "Yankees" and "Cowboys"?

    How might JFK had educated MM (sorry, too confusing; Mary Meyer, not [for the purposes of this thread only] Marilyn Monroe) about this deep political complexity?


  7. Imagine ...

    Every civilized country in the world follows suit, thus keeping the war criminals bottled up within their befouled borders.

    Then we move, state by state, tightening the noose: Grand juries are convened to consider charges relating to the illegal deployment and, where applicable, murders of their respective National Guard members.

    Citizens' Arrest Committees are formed to stalk the killers.

    And this is just for starters.

    Imagine ...

  8. Charles, I can't get your image to download. I get the top of the picture only. I've tried two different browsers in case it was one of those playing up. Does it need reposting? Or I am cocking something up perhaps?



    I'll try it here one more time. If no luck, we'll go the PM or private e-mail route.


  9. Not to mention the fact that he also has not done much in the way of actual research of the subject matter.

    The "he" in the above quote is me.


    Mr. Purvis: Given your definitive tone, surely you must be able to cite, with specificity and in its totality, the history of my work on this case.

    Or shall we appreciate your ill-informed, rhapsodically sophistic, typically petulant portrayal of my contributions to truth and justice as a fair exemplar of the quality of the balance of your posts hereon?

    Charles Drago

  10. Oh John,

    I have a very clear copy of the photo as published in Architectural Digest.

    The cover of the book is unmistakeable.

    I own a copy of the book.

    The photo is a full-face shot of JFK within an oval framing graphic.

    Sinatra's heel is centered on JFK's face.

    No guesswork. No theory. No doubt.

    Absolute fact.

    As for "protecting the wood"???

    Citation, please. Precedent, if you don't mind.

    "Use a coaster, pally, or I'll ring-a-ding-ding your neck!" doesn't cut it.


  11. My apologies to every thinking person on the forum.

    It seems that our resident city planner is obsessing over me to the point that he's doubling his efforts to flood these pages with endless examples of sophistic constructs.

    Most addressed to me.

    My own private bobby soxer ... whudda thunk it?

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