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Charles Drago

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Posts posted by Charles Drago

  1. The fellow immediately to Mug Man's right seems to be holding ...

    wait for it ...

    a cannister vacuum cleaner!

    Was it a message from ...

    wait for it ...


    Look, you shouldn't take this the wrong way. There is every sound reason to understand the roles of Umbrella Man and White Windbreaker Man (why his flatulance enters into this discussion is beyond me) as redundant signalers (in the event of radio problems).

    But there are limits.

    Except, of course, to humor.


  2. When reason fails resort to ridicule.

    A typical post by CD. And he says I incorrectly assumed he ignored their rating. Now that is a ridiculous statement on his part. Obviously I meant his POST ignored commenting on their rating.

    Dear Segretti Light,

    You wrote, "And of course CD ignores the high rating given to RR by historians."

    Have you no shame, sir?

    (I thought you'd dig how I identify you with your role model.)

    Careful, kid; you can pull a hamstring when you backpeddle so quickly.

    A thought occurs. Perhaps Segretti Light -- and, for that matter, Purvis and Lamby -- are paid by the number of responses they generate. You know, something along the lines of "there's no such thing as bad press."

    If so, I believe a "thank you" is in order.

    Charles Drago

  3. Ever notice that when people are "caught" they often resort to personal attacks?

    So it is NOW Drago's position that he challenged my statement that he claimed Mailer lied when he stated he thought Castro acted alone. He says he never stated or even implied that at any time.

    Well, how about in his post immediately before mine?

    Here is what Drago said (regarding the possibility of admiring Mailer):

    I would submit that it is not possible for an honorable, informed man or woman who knows that, beyond all doubt, JFK was killed by conspirators to admire/appreciate a person who shares that knowledge yet who wilfully denies it.

    In that sentence, Drago says that Mailer shared the knowledge that JFK was killed by conspirators but willfully denied it.

    Anyone who willfully denies information he knows to be true is by definition a xxxx.

    It is Drago who is playing "dirty tricks" here. I am confident his original post related to my claim that Mailer was a Castro-loving charter member of the FPCC. When I was able to demonstrate that he was, Drago had to back-pedal. But his back-pedaling only demonstrates his sophistry.

    He could have just admitted he erred. I have done that. So has John S. But there are some whose intellectual arrogance is so overwhelming they are constitutionally unable to admit they made a mistake. Drago is in that category. I can think of few people as arrogant as he is, who asserts that anyone who disagrees with his position is either part of the conspiracy or "cognitively impaired". It is amazing to me that with all that self-righteous arrogance boiling inside the fellow does not simply implode.

    Dear Segretti Light,

    Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in the case of JFK's assassination who does not conclude conspiracy is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.


    To which factor(s) may we attribute Mailer's endorsement of the LN lie?

    Was his access to the evidence unreasonable?

    Was he cognitively impaired?

    Was he complicit in the crime (and thus lying)?

    I have at least part of the answer. But I have yet to share it with anyone.

    Beyond "I pledge allegiance ... " Segretti Light is clueless.

    Charles Drago

    P.S. "Castro acted alone" ???!!!

    Baby, your Freudian slip is showing.

  4. A totally nonsensical post.

    And of course CD ignores the high rating given to RR by historians.

    Your inability to make sense of anything more challenging than "I pledge allegiance ... " has been amply demonstrated within these cyberpages and elsewhere. No need to remind us.

    And thanks for your latest contribution to the TGUA -- the Tim Gratz Unwarranted Assumption -- Archive. For not only do I NOT ignore the rating given to Reagan by your historians of choice, I accept their judgments as fortification of my own, contrary, sensible, demonstrably accurate appreciation of the 21st Death Valley mule.

    Segretti Light, you never let me down.


  5. A Day In The Life of a Conspiracy Theorist - Part III

    It's unbelievable! Today, I awoke unexpectedly .and felt just fine. I am happy and content. My government works hard for me and I appreciate them. I have nothing else to say. Amazing!

    Since you seem to know one of the residents, would you share the postal code for Stepford?



    Sorry, but you lost me on that one, Charles.

    The Stepford Wives -- a novel, film, and film remake -- is the story of Stepford, Connecticut, a near-utopian American upper-middle class community where all the ladies are just so happy and content as they work hard for their appreciative husbands. Bombshells one and all, by the way, impeccably and arousingly attired and made-up at all times. Never a complaint. Always a smile. Spectacular under the sheets, over the table, next to the couch, in the shower, out of doors ...

    Just one problem: They're literally robots.

    Hope this helps.


  6. Back to John's initiating query:

    When Purvis wrote, "The first function of government is control of the populace," he could not have been more correct.

    (Being all too familiar with his despicable flag worship and general political amorality, we logically infer that he would insert "properly" between "government" and "is." In other words, he approves. Where do we find such men?)

    Government is the artifice contrived and operated by the powerful few to control the disempowered many, who in turn are given no choice but to pledge eternal allegiance to the mechanism of their economic, social, political, and spiritual enslavement.

    Purvis, then, reminds us that "control of the populace" is the sine qua non for the survival of the controlling class.

    Here's the sad part: We vastly outnumber the bastards, who trump our numerical superiority by keeping us scared of and fighting with each other and convinced that in all respects we are dependent upon them for our very physical survival.

    Purvis and his ilk are their bought-and-paid-for muscle. Gratz and his ilk are their bought-and-paid-for tricksters.

    Such men and women are, alas, in endless supply.


    Are we doomed to an eternal Manichean struggle? If, through some miracle, tomorrow at noon GMT the controllers were to disappear and a new age of enlightened, democratic global society were to arise, would it be only a matter of time before the next generation of controllers evolved?

    Or is there an endpoint to our struggle?


  7. We have had the usual political illiterate postings from Tim Gratz and Tom Purvis. We have also had some perceptive comments from Mark Knight, Pat Speer, Cliff Varnell and Charles Drago. This is very encouraging as we rarely see this American point of view in the UK media. What percentage of the American population share your views? How does it compare with the percentage that share the views of people like Tim Gratz? I know it is an impossible question but I am interested in your impression of current political views in the US.

    Thank you, John.

    I'm afraid that I can't offer more than anecdotal evidence -- well-informed, but not quite "scientific" -- in response to your apt query.

    If I may rephrase and likely narrow the question: What percentage of the American population understand the Cold War to have been a con?

    My math may be wrong, but I'd venture the answer of fewer than one-one thousandeth of one percent. Or, fewer than 3,000 out of a population of 300,000,000.

    Howard Zinn, George Michael Evica, Peter Dale Scott, Gore Vidal, and non-Americans Harold Pinter And David Cornwell (John Le Carre) get it. Amy Goodman, Norman Mailer, and Noam Chomsky probably don't.

    Dick Russell came close to acknowledgment in The Man Who Knew Too Much. Evica stated it for the record in A Certain Arrogance.

    Smedley Butler led us all.

    If any of this helps, I'd be surprised.


  8. Norman Mailer was a leftist, Castro-admiring member of the FPCC.

    But according to Charles Drago, he LIED when he stated he thought Oswald acted alone.

    No, Tim. There is no evidence to support such a claim.

    Based upon your statement above, you are either a mistaken or an idiot.

    Charles Drago


    As always, your limited intellect and its ham-handed control over your misdirection and dirty tricks efforts does you in.

    Your "claim" that was and remains unsupported is that I ever wrote -- or said, or implied, anywhere, at any time -- that Norman Mailer "LIED when he stated he thought Oswald acted alone."

    So, make your choice, Segretti Light. Are you mistake-prone or intellectually challenged?

    Or is it all part of your brief?

    As I've noted in regard to Purvis, whatever your masters are paying you, it's too much.

    Charles Drago

  9. A prediction: just as Reagan won the Cold War, George Bush will win the war in Iraq and he will end his presidency with his reputation greatly enhanced.

    The Cold War, like all wars, was a racket.

    There was never a conflict to "win" or "lose." Just a brilliantly stage-managed con to play until, for a complex amalgam of reasons, it became unsustainable and had to be replaced.

    The War on Terror, like all wars, is a racket.

    There is no conflict to "win" or "lose." Just a brilliantly stage-managed con to play until, for a complex amalgam of reasons, it becomes unsustainable and will be replaced after the next Pearl Harbor.

    Ronald Reagan and George Bush were/are the sock puppets of their respective moments, cheap pitchmen selling lies, taking lives, fronting the brainwashings of the likes of Tom Purvis and Tim Gratz (lots of suds left over, I'd venture) to promote the great lie.

    The likes of Purvis and Gratz -- poor souls who have been sufficiently twisted to believe that they and their families will be protected by a ruling class whose very existence is predicated upon the expendability of their first victims: patriots.

    Small solace: They shall get precisely what they deserve.

    Charles Drago

  10. October Revolution Red yet again is my -- Charles Drago -- color of choice!


    So, in addition to foreign extremists who for whatever reason seek to punish America, we are now cultivating our own "home grown" varieties such as McVeigh and his group.

    Additionally, the American Government is fully aware that talk shows such as this one and all of the other "blogs" where dis-satisfied americans such as the Drago's and the Gray's can spew their vitriolic

    garbage, will attract others of the same class of understanding who will actually believe much of what they say.

    So! Ashton and I are to be conflated with the patsy you believe destroyed the Murrah Bulding. And we are to be made aware that the "American Government" has our respective numbers? OOOH, I'm scared!!!

    Just checking.

    Thusly, the greatest enemy of our freedoms is in fact those who as a result of the freedoms given, spew forth and generate hatered against the same government which ensured those freedoms to criticize it.

    The first function of government is Control of the Populace.

    Heil say!

    When portions of this populace generate uninformed fanaticism, we will all suffer as more and more of our personal freedoms must be curtailed in order to counter this.

    You sorry, Fascist S.O. B.

    Those who have no understandings of much of anything, are also unaware that this is the central problem in Iraq!

    How does one control fanaticism without becoming another Saddam?

    Don't sweat the small stuff, Mein Herr. Just do your thang ...

    There is actually little trouble controlling fanatacism, as death is relatively permanent, and when one knows that if they participate in such activities, that their dog; cat; children; mother; father; grandparants; and most of their cousins will be shot for their participation in such actions, few are willing to participate.

    Put your ordinance where your mouth is, big shot.

    And, those few who are willing, usually will be either eliminated by their own family or at least turned in to the government.

    Wait a minute. Are you funnin' us, Jethro?

    Unfortunately for you, as well as my children, and all other younger generation americans, life in America as it was, can no longer exist.

    Oh fiddle dee dee. What ARE we to do with all these puhfectly good nooses?

    And, as more and more uninformed fanatics are bred, more and more of those freedoms which we took for granted will have to be curtailed in order to counter the fanaticism.

    "Don't you mean 'uniformed fanatics'"??? You're too hard on yourself, soldier boy.

    Those who speak truth to power are to be blamed for power's excesses?

    So unfortunately, it will in all probabililty continue to get worse.

    Purvis, if you're trying to be funny, you should stick to stand-up tragedy.

    If you're serious, you are to be pitied.

    Why don't you go sit on the front porch and wittle yourself a new Constitution.

    In the mean, don't ever forget that you are the laughing stock of this Forum, a figure to be lampooned, pitied and otherwise avoided.

    Ladies and gentleman, this man is in extremis. Let us tred gently with him. I'm ashamed of myself for hitting back with such a vengeance. If Mr. Purvis's children read this, please seek help for your father before it is too late.

    Unless, of course, he is advocating a Fascist agenda. Can this be?

    Mr. Purvis, I pray for your immortal soul and for a quick resolution to your search for peace.

    Charles Drago

  11. Charles, I am no hamburger. You must be thinking of a BK burger!

    I sleep better at night knowing there is a Republican President sleeping with his wife who will be fresh in the morning to deal with the national security problems. Charles, despite our political differences those terrorists want to kill you as much as they want to kill me. President Clinton concentrated on sexual consequences (perhaps Hilary was another Marina?) and our national security suffered as a result. Anfd look how it tore apart our nation. Now you can argue it was a GOP vendetta against Clinton but as RN once put it, he gave them the sword.

    As is the case with the oh-so-revealing purgings of Purvis, these Timescent excretions require no commentary whatsoever.


  12. No, John missed JFK's point.

    But Dawn I wish it were as simple as you say, that the US could simply run around importing democracy. But there are those who do not want democracy since it runs counter to their selfish political or religious interests. Hence they will use terrorism to kill not only Americans but their fellow counterymen. But prevail we not only must but we will. And like it or not, the tide is turning in Iraq.

    America, Dawn, is not the "new Rome". We use our coliseums to play rugby, not to feed the lions.

    The "lions" are the Fascist corporate mermerists who have you clucking like a chicken.

    And you, like me, like all of us, are hamburger.

  13. Excellent post, Charles!

    It's alleged that after Broadway Joe made his famous "guarantee"

    of victory, he murmured off camera -- "As long as they don't

    change their defensive signals."

    Don Shula coached those Colts. Later, as coach of the Miami Dolphins,

    Shula's team led the NFL in the least number of penalties year

    after year.

    Was that due to the discipline he instilled in his Dolphins -- or a form of

    pay-off for throwing SB3?

    When I was 9 years old I used to watch roller derby and pretend it was


    As a 52 year old, I like to attend Oakland Raiders' games and pretend

    it's real. After the blatant corruption of the Pittsburgh-Seattle SB a couple

    of years ago -- that task gets harder and harder.

    And as far as Tom Brady and the Patriots go -- it was a fumble!! :angry:


    And as far as Jack Tatum on Darryl Stingley is concerned -- it was a clean hit.

    And as far as Ben Dreith's roughing the passer call is concerned -- it was a legit penalty.

    But who has time for grudges?

  14. Michael,

    The Smith/Cavett exchange is from memory. I remain confident in that recollection, and I'll search the Internet for confirmation.

    I'll also reach out to Cavett, who is a friend of a friend. And if anyone within range of this Forum has a more direct method, please do chime in.

    But even if I find corroboration for my memory, you likely would argue that Smith couldn't really know.



  15. My Two Good Friends,

    You're both missing the single, critical point here.

    Once the firing started, the conspirators had to ensure that the job was done.

    If JFK survived the attempt -- even in a gravely diminished state -- the conspirators were doomed.


    Every angle had to be covered. Absent the best possible conditions on the ground, the "GO" order would not be forthcoming.

    But once it was given, even under optimal conditions and after clearly visible, likely fatal hits, the deed could not be considered done.

    Parkland had to be covered.

    As far as the conspirators were concerned, the most critical period during the hit and its immediate aftermath would be the time between the infliction of initial wounds and the medically certified death of the target.

    The danger was great. Great risk was warranted.

    JFK's posterior head wound of exit was missed even by some of the attending physicians until the president's body was manipulated into a position that made the massive defect visible.

    How would a killer assigned the task of administering the coup d'grace assess JFK's condition immediately upon arrival at Parkland?

    Why should we assume that he or she had an option?

    The die had been cast. JFK had to die. And unless his head was in a bowling ball bag on the floor next to the gurney, the conspirators had no choice but to inflict one final wound.

    Nothing else makes sense.


    I have no doubt that JFK was struck by at least one round fired from the front of his limo. There is nothing inconsistent with holding this position and accepting the probability of a Parkland insurance policy.



  16. Michael,

    Kudos for not trusting me or anyone else who asks you to.

    But the stats you offer don't address Smith's claim. By "primary receiver" he meant, of course, the number one intended receiver on any given pass play.

    In other words, while talented receivers did catch many balls that day, Smith maintains that not once were they the primary intended recipients of the throws.

    They were the second or third looks (choices, lads).

    No one is disputing the number of receptions.

    What is under discussion is the relative quality of those catches.

    Just 17 receptions on 41 attempts.

    And 4 picks (interceptions, lads)!!!

    And 7 total points -- none of which were scored in the first three quarters.

    So far, you've provided nothing to refute Smith's claim.

    Huddle up, my friend.

    Coach Drago

  17. Gary,

    We're not in total disagreement by any means.

    Let's apply some good old fashioned deep political analysis to this deal.

    Why were the confiscated films destroyed and the Patriots' punishment limited? Perhaps certain of the team's highest echelon representatives made it clear to the National Football League that, should this matter be pursued, evidence of league-wide cheating would be brought forward, thus reducing the NFL to a "sport" that should be taken as seriously as is professional wrestling.

    Even deeper analysis: Place Spygate within the context of the NFL's current multi-billion dollar plans to expand to the European and perhaps even Japanese markets. How better to get ahead of the cheating curve (and make no mistake, the NFL has known about these activities for years) than by staging -- that's right, staging -- an incident in collusion with Patriots ownership? Get it over and done with now. Deflect all future suspicions and inquiries.

    Keep in mind that Patriots owner Robert Kraft has the deepest of pockets, the broadest of shoulders, and arguably the only team in the leage strong enough, in terms of market share and reputation as well as financial resources, to take the hit and move on having sustained relatively minimal damage.

    Deeper still: Patriots quaterback Tom Brady joins Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning as one of the two marquee players in the NFL. For fans of American basketball, you should recall how Larry Bird and Magic Johnson are rightfully credited with restoring their sport's national media viability.

    No Brady and Manning, no Europe and Japan. It's that simple.

    What Spygate does is help set up the ultimate battle: Brady and team as Darth Vader and the Empire v. Manning and team as ... well, whatever the good guys were called in "Star Wars." It's the oldest, surest game in the book: Evil v. Good. And it's the key to drawing and keeping audiences in thrall.

    (Brady dates supermodels and fathers a child out of wedlock with one of them. Manning is the golden boy/family man who gets all the commercial endorsements. Oooh!)

    Is all of this beyond reason?

    For American football fans: Recall the Superbowl between the "unbeatable" Baltimore Colts of the old NFL and the Joe Namath-led, upstart New York Jets of the now vanished American Football League. The merger of the leagues was set for the next year, but the NFL had it all over the AFL in terms of quality teams and players.

    The only way for the merger to be marketable as a truly competitive uber-League would be if the Jets upset the Colts.

    Namath -- the Tom Brady of his swinging, bachelor pad time -- did just that.

    But was the victory clean?

    I believe it was Bubba Smith, the all-star defensive player for the Colts, who claimed that the game was thrown by his team. "I can prove it," he told chat show host Dick Cavett in later years.

    "Not once in the entire game -- not once -- did our quarterback throw to a primary receiver. End of story."

    For those of you not familiar with the game: Trust me, the ONLY explanation for this is that the Baltimore quarterback was bagging the game.

    "I don't care how good the Jets' defense was," said Bubba. "It wasn't that good."

    Take THAT, all who would believe that our forays into deep politics have no greater applications!


  18. I keep getting told "we are at war." Frankly, I disagree. But fine if you want to believe that way. I am not going to call you names or say you're paranoid. That's your prerogative.

    Dear Courtney,

    How exactly would you prefer to describe the events in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63?

    I describe what happened as a battle. I describe the relevant actions of noble people like Harold Weisberg, Mary Ferrell, Peter Dale Scott, Sylvia Meagher, George Michael Evica as returning the fire.

    John Kennedy was not paranoid in the last seconds of his life -- although he was, for the briefest of moments, beside himself.

    Education equals liberation -- from ignorance, invalid preconceived notions, and political and spiritual enslavement.

    Again, what is it that you'd like us to believe happened in D.P.? Were forces aligned against each other? Was an attack made upon the representative of one by representatives of the other? What was/is at stake? What strategies, tactics, and weapons are utilized by these forces?

    Do tell.

    Charles Drago

  19. On the Fox Network's (go figure) football pre-game show last Sunday (November 11), former player and now sports commentator supreme Howie Long was pontificating on what has come to be known as "Spygate."

    For all you U.K. pseudo-football fans: The three-time Super Bowl champion New England Patriots were charged, earlier in the season, for violating league rules which prohibit the video taping of opponents' coaches as they send hand signals to the field. The resulting scandal earned its own "gate" label.

    Now the Patriots are favored to go undefeated through the regular season and the playoffs -- an achievement accomplished just once, in 1972, by the Miami Dolphins.

    The legendary coach of that team, Don Shula, is all over New England like a bad rash, claiming that their achievements this year forever will be tainted by Spygate's illegal taping.

    Which prompted a frustrated Howie Long to opine, "Coach Shula should give all this filming and cheating nonsense a rest. After all, we're not talking about the Magruder Film here."

    "That's the 'Zapruder Film,' Howie," said one of the other hosts.


    Congratulations to all of us for keeping history alive.


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