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Charles Drago

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Posts posted by Charles Drago

  1. Another interesting thing to note is in each of those pictures with persistent contrails that Jack posted there are also high cirrus clouds. If the conditions are such that high cirrus clouds exist, then it is highly likely that contrails will be persitent at similar altitudes.

    The "high cirrus clouds" were the result of the spreading of the chemtrails.



    That is HIGHLY debatable in either of the images, so much so I would say you are very wrong. Although I have had meteorological training, and am a trained met observer, I would discount my own opinion and ask that you show the images to a meteorologist and seek their opinion. I am sure there are many around your area. If they agree with you and disagree with me, please post their reply here.

    You might want to read this, or Google "clouds cirrus".

    While I have no way whatsoever to determine the origin of the aformentioned "high cirrus clouds," I can report from repeated personal observations that con/chemtrails had indeed spread to resemble in all superficially visible aspects the formations under scrutiny.

    I'm talking about what I can describe in my limited meteorological vocabulary as massive "cloud" formations unambiguously originating as con/chemtrails.

    By "massive" I mean to indicate an estimated width one hundred times (100 X) greather than that of the source con/chemtrail.

    Further, I have observed the con/chemtrails produce a billowing (again, most certainly an imprecise, non-scientific term) effect as the wide clouds form.


  2. Myra,

    You're well advised to pay a hefty premium for a paperback edition (the hc is commonly offered for 2-3 times the cost of the pb).

    I know of no more succinct and encompassing description of the bad v. worse guys who haunt our lives than Oglesby's title. You've inspired me to reread TYCW, which I last reviewed more than 10 years ago.

    The Bush family as connective tissue between the factions? It's a concept that has been discussed -- at least privately -- for a while, and I think we should devote a new thread to it.

    Of course the Rockefeller family also connects the two worlds.

    Off to what in RI is referred to as the "lie-berry."


  3. I will try to keep an open mind on this subject due to the past occurrence of atmospheric experiments and the tendencies of past "less-than-scrupulous" military-governmental types to deal in WMD including aerosols (the Russian theatre attack comes to mind).

    Also, it wouldn't surprise me if there wasn't some sort of urban pacification strategy which employed gas, but I am showing my paranoia. Likely the CT concerning "chemtrails" is only that, a theory. But, I also find the philosophy of questioning the weird contrail patterns to be a healthy form of paranoia; as it is only paranoia if it isn't true, and sooner or later it will be.


  4. It is incorrect to assume that contrails will disappear in minutes. This could occur but would be atypical.

    Thanks, Peter.

    I'm most curious about the spread of the so-called chemtrails. I have observed them occluding significant portions (in this layman's terms, at least 50%) of the visible sky.

    "Visible," that is, from the outskirts of a mid-size American city -- as opposed to, say, open prairie in Kansas.

    I seems that the trails propagate and thicken rather than spread themselves ever thinner.

    Can you account for this?

    Thanks in advance.

  5. I have not reached any conclusions regarding the chemtrail issue.

    In terms of persistent contrails: Should they be expected either to adhere to their original configuration or to expand slightly?

    Could expansion of persistent contrials be expected to increase and thicken to the size and apparent depth of significant cloud cover?

    I have observed con/chemtrails do just that.


  6. It's impossible for me to watch the Pakistani government's assassination of Bhutto without noting the similarities to the US government's assassination of President Kennedy:

    -The quickly changing accounts of her wounds--first bullet holes, then they ultimately claim she bumped her nogin on the SUV.

    -The immediate cleanup of the crime scene--literally hosing down the rally site just like the SS washing up the limo and the clothes.

    -Obviously the lack of a legitimate autopsy.

    That was at her husband's insisitence, do you think he was involved?

    Criminal naïveté personified as "Colby."

    But for what purpose?

    To treat his posts with even a modicum of respect is to play the enemy's game.

    "Colby's" masters treat us with contempt. Does "he" represent their best efforts?

    Or do they know something about us we dare not confront?


  7. Charles - Sorry for the late reply. I've been away. I also find the doppelganger idea very interesting in relation to Oswald and Morales. Bradley Ayers has long felt there was a second Morales because alleged photos of DSM in Vietnam shown to him by John Markley (aka Col. Crest in Fonzi's book) bore no relation to the DSM he knew.

    For the record: Until I read the responses to my original Morales doppelganger posts on this Forum, I hadn't the slightest notion that anyone else was thinking along similar lines. Side-by-side comparisons of conflicting images would be of great interest. Can you provide same?

    Having said that, I am loath to get into a second Morales given the problems I've had with the first! Do bear in mind, though, that according to his ex-lawyer Robert Walton, Morales was a master of disguise who could make himself appear several inches taller or shorter and change facial features or hair color, where necessary.

    I feel your pain. Morales is, for my money, one of the rarest of commodities: a key to the kingdom. Your investigation is long overdue. But I submit that the Morales story cannot be told in full absent the most thorough investigation of this phenomenon.



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