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Charles Drago

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Posts posted by Charles Drago

  1. B. Was the JFK murder a "security liaison arrangements" between CIA, KGB and the MI? Means: between the US and some foreign governments? If so those files are never ever available for researchers. And the question is no longer: Sowjets, or US, but, US with whom, killed the president.


    You are very close to the truth.

    To get closer, I humbly suggest that you examine and redefine/expand your current definitions of "governments."

    Good work.


  2. It has been alleged that one or more of Ward's stablemates -- Maria Novotny, for example -- charted a course to JFK's boudoir.

    (Another eventually married legendary American songwriter Jule Styne. I met and socialized with the couple twice at Songwriters' Hall of Fame celebrations.)

    That Ward's was a honeypot operation is, I submit, beyond doubt. But for whom did he work? The East/West division was then and is now meaningless. The key is recognizing subsets.

    Example: It is just as likely that Profumo was targeted by domestic forces as by foreign antagonists -- speaking in terms of geography and superficial politics, of course.

    One of the great unsolved mysteries: How did JFK maintain his immunity from sexual blackmail?

    Or did he?

  3. And Charles, I don't understand all of the associations that you made re (presumably) Patrick Kennedy's being "THE only Kennedy to have identified publicly a candidate for sponsor of the JFK murder."

    What does that mean?

    A few years ago, Patrick Kennedy, in an interview published in the Providence Journal, opined that Fidel Castro was responsible for the death of JFK.

  4. Specter and Rodham-Clinton want to investigate assassinations -- desires which they announce within a week of each other.

    A Kennedy is with Specter awaiting Bhutto's arrival for dinner -- one of the three Kennedys who were on stage with Obama during THE family's endorsement ritual.

    THE only Kennedy to have identified publicly a candidate for sponsor of the JFK murder.

    We are chin-deep in the game again.

  5. John,

    There's discussion, and then there's discussion.

    Of course the B/C/B/C succession is the topic of intense interest outside the mainstream of political discourse. When it does become the focus of major media "attention," it is exclusively within the context of so-called voter "fatigue," and otherwise absent a scintilla of deep political analysis.


  6. Drago's comments in May Day red --


    Thank you for a well-reasoned and provocative post. My thoughts follow.

    I do not disagree when some point out that the catalyst (traditionally) for martial law is some version of active rebellious, aggressive behavior by some group or other, or a more generally chaotic disruptive situation (the events generally surrounding the events at KSU).

    What we have been experiencing is, and it's been stated elsewhere by better than me, is a creeping fascism and progressively greater social control following the pattern of 30's Germany and other rises of dictatorship.... Naomi Wolfe speaks about this pattern very eloquently - watch her on YouTube.

    I read and greatly respect Ms. Wolfe, and I agree with her assessments as you report them above.

    The concern many have about the implementation of martial law resolves from events believed to reflect a coherent evolution and pattern that both reflects increased statism and that provide the framework for effective implementation of martial law legally and logistically.

    As noted by others, the actual event of martial law (however one might define that moment) could happen as a result of the events Peter discussed. I'm one of those wackos who believes there are folks in existence who plan to remove active dissent from the American scene. And they encompass both republicans and democrats.

    And I'm one of those full-blown wack-a-loons who shares your belief, but who also understands that those who would "remove active dissent from the American scene" are not controllers, but rather their pawns among the controlled.

    There's too much at stake to alter a system that is working so very, very well.

    Among many other heinous examples, the notorious 'thought crimes bill' in the senate is surely a harbinger. Also, why else build the camps?........ Rather an ominous development. Roosevelt once stated, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." IF you expand the definition of 'politics' a bit, it is not so hard to recognize that the events that have been transpiring since before 9/11, including it and all that has subsequently followed, have hardly been 'accidental'.

    I submit that the goal here is to reinforce false senses of functioning democracy and, for lack of a more ready term, people power by setting up "straw men" -- hate laws, detention centers, etc. and those pawns who promote them -- that will fall before the onslaught of "free men" who in fact are anything but.

    It is true that the 'elites' would prefer a continuation of the imperceptible (by the mass of folks) accomplishment of de facto martial law over time. Problem is that events also move of their own accord, the 'unexpected consequences' thing, and acts may be performed that catalyze the populace (or portions of) to more actively resist. (the attack on Iran - still progressing in planning and geopolitical movement - possibly imminent confrontation with Russia over Kosovo.... also the nuclear weapons to be installed and aimed at Russia from Poland and CZ .... I know, I know.... they are 'defensive' missil systems against rockets from Iran... yep. Anyway, I'm sure that with imagination more scenarios could be imagined such as the utter collapse of the economy with resultant extreme turmoil and dissent. And this would as likely be ushered in by a dem or a republican president. Actually this last, is the vehicle I currently deem more likely. But who knows?

    Agreed that the law of unintended consequences must be taken into account. So too must we acknowledge that novel threats to the controllers posed by global communications technologies (Internet, etc.) must be dealt with in novel fashions.

    But in the final analysis this is all about maintining power and profits, and I have yet to read your explanation of how martial law possibly could enhance the current, long-standing, only marginally threatened ultra-profitable status quo.

    The camps exists, the laws drastically reducing ... no, eliminating Constitutional rights exists, the psychological operation of 9/11 exists, hegemonic war exists, torture, tragically exists, control of the vast bulk of media exists (very important from Bernays-ian and CIA Mockingbird-ish perspectives) and the list goes on and on.

    And the controllers' control exists. So where's the need for drastic, self-threatening change?

    So, regarding the issue of whether or not an actual definable implementation of martial law occurs, with, I suppose, Blackwater goons in the streets, the immediate control on freedoms etc. .... well, that's already happening insidiously. Blackwater trains members of police departments all over the country (e.g., my personal weapons course was taught by a county detective who received some of his training at Blackwater in NC) and Blackwater troops are increasingly being utilized at airports and elsewhere. The police departments have become more like military establishments - at least in the sense of the power/force they can now project as well as their 'misbehaviors' being recorded across the country. Even the august Homeland Security (I think Hitler used that term along with 'Fatherland') has employed fairly high level experts (and authoritarians, I presume) from the Stasi and from the KGB .... 'advise and consult' I always say.... ["Why would Homeland Security hire former Stasi chief Markus Wolfe and former head of the KGB General Yevgeni Primakov" from: http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Jan05/Whitney0121.htm ]

    In any case, the argument has many many pieces. These are but a few.

    One of the purposes of creating what I've judged to be straw men threats is to inflate our egos -- to make us think that we pose serious threats to the controllers.

    Show me how we've threatened them to date? Show me how we will threaten them in the near-term. Long-term. Ever.

    Until and unless we are prepared to abandon the patriotic impulse and embrace the truth that tribalism is the problem and not the solution, the controllers will continue to control.

  7. Since martial law would be expected to be imposed upon a significant percentage of a domestic population in revolt -- that is, an informed, impassioned, ethical, astute, committed population -- I see no chance whatsoever that the ruling class would attempt to fix what is not broken, and in the process actually rile up the sheep.

    The "threat" of martial law keeps folk like us huffing and puffing -- which is why it continues to be fostered.

    I've got news for you: The key to enslavement of the many by the few is the illusion of freedom.


  8. WARNING: In my personal opinion: "American football" is owned, managed, coached, and played by agent provocateurs, breeders of false hopes and broken promises. It is likely that this "sport" is in fact a grift, a shuck, a fiction created to attack and enslave all-too-willing populations of fans and the well-intentioned but misplaced devotion they offer. But even if the "sport" exists as advertised, it yet serves the agendas of the assassins of John F. Kennedy. Informed, cynical readings of the mind-control methodologies of this "sport" and the xenophobic, tribal loyalties and animosities engendered by this "sport" will lead to deeper understandings of our enemies, their methods, and their goals.

    Go Red Sox!

    To hell with patriots.


    Oh. Sorry.


  9. I have no doubt that the Z-film was altered by the killers of JFK.

    Not primarily in an effort to excise visual proof of conspiracy, but rather to promote arguments for same.

    The most obvious alterations -- the splices and missing frames -- were designed to be detected and subsequently to engender confusion, false mystery, and antagonisms within the research community that the conspirators knew would form in the wake of their unmistakably conspiratorial deed.

    I would argue that, on balance, honorable alterationists inadvertantly have done severe damage to our cause.


    I can't speak for "honourable alterationists" - good grief, what a Miltonian burden that imposes upon the poor souls* - but only for myself, a thoroughly dishonourable one. And, unsurprisingly, I couldn't disagree with you more. Would you have us cohere round a politico-literary fiction? Of course not. So why so around a series of mutually reinforcing celluloid ones?

    As for the alteration of the Z-film not being undertaken "to excise visual proof of conspiracy," I can only say "phooey." That was precisely why it was undertaken. In inverting that truth, you leave the field wide open to every limited hang-out the CIA and associated drones can dream up. The anti-alterationists have effectively held the field since at least 1975, and have taken us nowhere, precisely as intended. Some of us want to see a very outcome long before another three decades have elapsed.


    *"Those who would be free must first be wise and good." Hell, that means eternal tyranny for the overwhelming majority of humanity!


    It's so refreshing to disagree with a brother-in-arms. It restores my faith in the postive power of diversity.

    I won't take umbrage at your implication that I am not among those whom you describe as desiring truth and justice in this case. Nor shall I take you to task for missing/ignoring the nuances of my initial post.

    We have bigger fish to fry.

    I neither wrote nor otherwise claim that "alteration of the Z-film [was] not ... undertaken 'to excise visual proof of conspiracy.'"

    I DID write "not primarily" to accomplish that task.

    Therein lies a tale, my friend.

    Sufficient proof exists separate and distinct from the Z-film to prove conspiracy.

    Alteration of the Z-film goes to the identities of the conspirators.

    A subtle distinction? Perhaps. You miss or ignore it at the perils of truth and justice.

    Think about it and get back to me.

  10. I have no doubt that the Z-film was altered by the killers of JFK.

    Not primarily in an effort to excise visual proof of conspiracy, but rather to promote arguments for same.

    The most obvious alterations -- the splices and missing frames -- were designed to be detected and subsequently to engender confusion, false mystery, and antagonisms within the research community that the conspirators knew would form in the wake of their unmistakably conspiratorial deed.

    I would argue that, on balance, honorable alterationists inadvertantly have done severe damage to our cause.

  11. Towards the end it was claimed that:

    a) an engine was found 7 miles from the Shanksville crash site – all reliable reports I’ve seen said a turbofan (i.e. an engine part) was found about 1000 feet from the rest of the plane. The debris that was scattered miles away was paper and seat covers.

    I put the word truth in quotes when refering to the "truth" movement beacuse ... [t]hey seem far more interested in forcing the evidence to fit their view that actually discovering the truth.


    Whatever they're paying this "guy," it's too much.

    The game is given away with the repeated uses by "Colby" of "all" and "reliable" within the context of implicit encyclopedic knowledge and honest, unimpaired judgment.



    The accurate translation of "all" and "reliable": "only those" that "conform" to "Colby's" assigned view of things.

    But perhaps there's hope. Whatever "Colby" is, "his" subconscious may have confessed when "he" succinctly described "his" own game: "['truthers'] seem far more interested in forcing the evidence to fit their view that [sic] actually discovering the truth."

    WARNING: In my personal opinion: "Len Colby" is an agent provocateur, a breeder of disinformation. It is likely that "he" is in fact a composite character, a fiction created to attack the truth and those who speak it. But even if "Colby" exists as advertised, "he" yet serves the agendas of the assassins of John F. Kennedy. Informed, cynical readings of "his" posts will lead to deeper understandings of our enemies, their methods, and their goals.

  12. Indeed.

    A deep political analysis of the so-called Spygate scandal leads to suspicions regarding a pre-emptive strike by the NFL against a looming problem rivaling in its destructive implications baseball's steroid mess. The league's wealthiest and most powerfu (on and off the gridiron) team may have been chosen, with its acquiescence, to take a hit in the effort to make it all go away.

    That, or the Patriots sent word to the league that New England could blow the whistle on similar "cheating" by numerous other teams, and thus forced the NFL to destroy evidence and end the matter quickly.

    Earlier this week, during a CNBC cable news documentary on Robert Kraft, owner of the Patriots, we heard the billionaire respond cryptically and without follow-up to a Spygate question: "You don't have all the facts," he said to the reporter, and left it at that.


    None of what transpired in game one of the 2007 season has any bearing on the Patriots' perfect record to date.

    It's just the Single Bulls**t Theory.

    Pats cover against the Giants.

  13. Charles. Do you have or know anything about these persons or useing these names or known as " J. Haynes" "Juan Carbello", "Bill Pearson" "Joe Westbrook" "Peppe Roman", "Capt. Gilbert Cook"... "Billy Joe Keesy" "Charles Nolette" "Gary Dean Bearing", "Chubby Winer", Blank Pouto (the Snake)", "Justo Carrellio". "Juan (Cecil) Farnandez", and, blank Andras? ? Chrispin. (personal confidentual Research )

    Any information on any of these names or background you might know of would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Hey Tosh,

    I'm swinging and missing here, sorry to say.

    I can pull out Pepe San Roman from your list, but whatever I bring to the table on that name is hardly earth-shattering.

    But I think I take your larger point. And I'll run this rogue's gallery of names through a private archive to which I have access.

    Wish I could be more helpful. In the meantime, what have you got on Roland "Bud" Culligan, "Planner" Kelly, and "Pro" Lerner, if anything?

    Where do we come up with these guys?

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